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Golden Age of the Grotesque Wallpaper (redo....)


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I cannot remember the last time I did a thread in here. People probably forgot I could even do anything heh.

First thing I've bothered to really spend some time on in quite a while. Another wallpaper, like most of the stuff I seem to bother with.

I'm sure most people here don't know this CD, but it comes next month and I'm really looking forward to it. mOBSCENE is the single, and it's out now. If you don't like Marilyn Manson, I don't give a crap. Judge what I did, not what it's based on please.

Anyway... I didn't do that much I guess. I totally repainted Manson's face. It's based on a photo, but none of the photo is actually in this. All of him was done with the paintbrush, smudge and airbrush tools (something, that before today, I have used very little). That took about two hours from beginning to end.

The MM logo I redid in Illustrator so it'd be more clear. The CD cover I did nothing to lol.

Anyway, ideas or whatever else would help. I'm not exactly happy with the mOBSCENE cover being just jammed in the corner... but I ran out of ideas after his face. Any ideas on something to do to the right side instead would be great.

Thanks, and sorry I've wrote so much yet again.

Edit: This is 1024x768... If you have Internet Explorer's image resizer enabled, please turn it off. Will look awful otherwise.

Edit 2 (and 3): I left the face mostly flat on purpose. It makes the gloVes pop out more. Just so people know.
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[size=1]I think this just keeps improving every time you show me a new version. Every time I see Marilyn Manson I get a little freaked out though. I wasn't expecting it the first time, and it took me by surprise. You did a great job.

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[color=#808080]Wow. That is absolutely amazing! It was looking great when you showed me your revisions...but all together, it looks fantastic. I think I've found my new wallpaper. lol

The only issue I'd take with it would be the right-side glove...I guess I'd like it more if it blended into the darkness rather than cropping sharply. But that's just a personal preference. Otherwise, I'm thoroughly impressed.

It's nice to see some really unique and original artwork popping up in this forum lately. ^_^[/color]
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The glove. Well I forgot. I had plans to do something, but by this time I just gave up and posted this.

Anyway, the plans: I am going to be revising this. I'll be doing the whole arm all the way down... I have another image of him in a leather coat, with a heavily spiked wrist thing. I can adapt it to fit I'd think.

Then the wallpaper will be like I wanted in the first place. I'll probably do that tomorrow.
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If it was 3 in the morning and totally dark in my room, that would have scared me. Oh wait... it is 3 int he morning and dark... i'm scared...

Anyway, I like it. Mainly cause Manson reminds me so much of the music I love to listen to. Not his actual music, just his look. That whole wallpaper makes me think Malice Mizer, another MM group lol.

It's very nice. Well I suppose that would be an insult to it, since it probably does pertain to the aethetic values placed upon us in America, or half way round the world, but it's good. Me like, me like very much, and it may not seem like it, but thats saying alot :)
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I agree about the face on the right. It's actually a mask, but yeah. I wound up sticking it there (it's that whole section with the mask and the words) because it takes up space lol. By the time I got to that part, I was sick of this thing and just wanted to finish it.

Anyway, thank you for the comments. I will be fixing this up probably today and posting it later on tonight.
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Guest omanushu
not much of a fan of Manson, but it's tight. You would like the artist Luis Ruyo, or possibly Boris Vallero
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[size=1][color=darkblue] That is a very cool wallpaper. I liked what you did with the airbrush, it doesn't look like you've altered it, that's a good thing. The Marilyn Manson logo is well placed too. Heck, I thought I'd never say that about anything to do with Manson, but you've done real well on it.

btw, I think the video for MOBscene is well done, it has alot of art choreography in it. Oh, I think I am losing my mind, er.... [/size][/color]
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I...I...eh....*points to Sara's post*

Though I do not like Manson, this pic is TIGHT! (I never thought I'd live to see the day when I said that. :bluesweat) The colors are excellent, the layout is done well, and effects are shweet! (The text placement is probably the only thing bothering me, but eh.)

9.8/1o. Be proud, Sem. You helped me to like what I would otherwise avoid completely.
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Yeah... I figured.

Well see, the problem with that is mostly my laziness heh.

The whole mask and the "Manson" and "mOBSCENE" text is part of the CD cover for the single. I just stuffed it in the image to fill in some space. The placement and such really weren't up to me, although I could change them if I really wanted to.
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Holy [i]crap![/i] *has finally read first post through* My gracious, Sem, if I had known...good golly...good gracious...good...*rambles on constantly*

Are you saying you altered the original photo, or you did that based on the photo, or what? Whichever it is, I am...*whistles*...renewing my awe in your ability. DAAAAANG.

Revised: 1o/1o.

(Time for Ginny to start stepping up her own art again. Be proud, Sem, now you've gone and inspired me.)
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I did this based on the original photo. I more or less traced it... leaving in aspects I liked and taking out parts I wanted to.

The end result... The photo isn't in this at all. The layer is completely gone. It's all paintbrush, airbrush, smudge and blur.

Some of it even surprises me too. Some of it wound up looking almost exactly like the photo (gloves mostly).

There are aspects I don't like... the glittery stuff near the bottom is a bit weird. I also had a somewhat hard time doing smooth lines on his face - the cheek area basically. The hair drove me nuts for quite a while.

In fact, you can't see a lot of the stuff I did because I made this all black... But I painted the individual strands of hair on the sides as well. It looked pretty good, but wasn't fitting a wallpaper style well. White and Manson don't go so hot heh.

Anyway, thank you for the comments everyone.

PS - Why do you use o instead of 0 in 10's Ginny? I've noticed that a few times lol.
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(If you really want to know, it's because it makes people notice my ratings. And in your case, it worked. So :p)

Truly, I am in stupified, gaping mouth awe. (And I [i]like[/i] the glittery part.) To me, if something doesn't stand out right away, that means that the mind has accepted the image as true, and that means the image has been done properly for its audience. (Does that make sense?) Therefore, we are impressed. No matter how we express our impressment. (New word, hah.)

It's a good kind of creepy. ;)
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] I wasn't surprised, disturbed, or anything otherwise by seeing Manson like so many others in this thread seem to have.

Tony, this is totally awesome. I can't point out much that could be changed, and that right there's saying a lot. What's also saying a lot is that you're going to revise it again. I can't believe that, that's what I call devotion, or something near it. I can't wait to see more.[/color][/size][/font]
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I don't quite get what is so freaky. I could have picked a much worse picture actually heh.

Anyway... the revision was coming along, but then I decided to move on. I'm going to do another image, from another band. I'll post a thread when it's done.
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