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Here's some cat-boy sketches I did.


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Well, since I'm pretty good at ink and colored pencil, I was a little disappointed that most of my drawings were too big to post up (byte-wise), cuz I had a REALLY, really good pic of Gohan I did that was part of a DBZ poster collage (it was big, as in physical size, and I only managed to scan a quarter of it.)

Well, here some ink and pencil drawings I did the other month. Not much,but they're original.

I wanna be a character designer some day ;) I've got lots other cool-looking characters I made up.

Speaking of, how many drawings can I post up??
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I like both pics. Keep up the good work.

I don't know why, but the second sketch you did reminds me of a character from the Jak and Daxter video game. I think it was Jax's girlfriend. :therock:
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Heads seem disproportinate to bodies. I didn't care too much for the first one. The second I like.

I would like to see both with a little more cleanup and some color. Betcha they would kick! ^_^

1st: 7/1o.
2nd: 8.8/1o.
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I like it.

Some of the lines could be cleaner (particularly around the calves and feet), but it's pretty good. I'd really like to see some of your colored pencil work. It's possible to pull out some great shading with that medium.

Oh, and there's no limit on how many pictures you can put up. Just don't double post or create a multitude of threads simultaneously. If you want to show a lot of your work at once, it might be best to host it somewhere like 250free.com.
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Thank you muchly! The reason why they're not "cleaned up" is cuz they are justa buncha random dudes I threw up onto the paper. I kinda like the "sketchy" look. \

But beware!!!!
I'm gonna post up an insanely detailed female elven warrior soon!!!!! But it's in ink, as is most of my artwork.
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