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Lupin III


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[COLOR=teal]This series is going to start tonigh on CN and I'm wondering about it!!! What eactly is this going to be about...Is it good? Okay? Just give me a little bit of the basics!!!!

P.S. How many are going to enjoy the Weekday Adult Swim???

I know I am!!! :wigout: :D [/COLOR]
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This sounds like a really good series, juding by the reviews I've heard on it. I may check it out, but more likely than not, I'll probably skip out. Not that I don't want to see it, but I really don't have the time to watch that, and get up early in the morning.

I suppose that also answers your second question. I'm not a fan of the weekday adult swim, but it does seem to restrict a younger audience from watching more mature shows. Just wait -- parents are going to be complaining now that Adult Swim is [i]making[/i] their child stay up on weekdays.
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I saw the series from time to time in Locomotion; they used to show it before [I]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/I]. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it, since it was very old. However, after watching the two movies released in the U.S., I wish I had paid more attention to it.[/color][/font]
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Lupin III is considered by many of top anime fans to be an anime classic, what it lacks in animation style, and flashyness it makes up for in plot, and comedy.

It's a great anime, that's been around for years it spawned various anime movies each one top the Japanese box office in it's own run and the video sales for Lupin III in Japan are still at high demand.

I suggest watching it since ADV and other anime companies have been trying years to bring this series over to america and failed each time.

I doubt they will re-air a series of this quaility more then two times.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i]
[B][color=red]The releases of Trigun and Reign have yet to be announced by CN.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Correction. Reign has already been announced to be released on CN on February 10th(as stated on CN.com. It'll be on at Midnight while Lupin III will be moved to 12:30 and InuYasha will not be on anymore.). Here is the schedule for February 10th so you can see for yourself. [url]http://schedule.cartoonnetwork.com/servlet/ScheduleServlet?action=GO&theDate=2/10/03&timeZone=EST[/url]

Your welcome. ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i]
[B][color=red]Waitaminute. Will Inu Yasha be AWOL temporarily, or is it the end of the series?

--J.C.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

That I dont know. I do know that the last ep that they'll be showing on CN will be "Seekers of the Sacred Jewel" which will air on February 6th. So who knows. I thought InuYasha was supposed to be ALOT longer then that(because wasnt there like 4 different opening themes and closing themes?). I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Edit: Man, I forgot to give my thoughts on Lupin's episode last night. I thought it was pretty friggen good. The plot was nice, I LOVED the music, and the animation was pretty decent. The animation of it somewhat reminded me of Voltron. The only thing about the animation that I dont like is that everyone has them long friggen legs. They all look like they're on stilts or somethin. And then on the Adult Swim opening of it, when it showed Lupin and the guys running into the plane, it looked like they were bowlegged(sp?)

But other then the legs thing, the rest of it was pretty hot. I cant wait to see how the rest of the series is. Oh yeah, the voices were pretty good to. But I thought Funimation was supposed to be doin the dubbing for this(since the Lupin website is somewhat in affiliation to Dragonballz.com) I guess they're just doin like Funimation is doin with Yu-Gi-Oh! and distributing the tapes, while Pioneer(or should I say the Ocean Group)is dubbing it. Oh well. ^_^
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Not to offend Bebop fans, but couldn't they just take Cowboy Bebop out of their line-up for a while? It's been on every incarnation of Adult Swim, including the original Sunday night line-up. I think the world can live without seeing Faye, Ein, and Ed get re-introduced another 15 times in a row.

Anyway, I like Lupin (or is it Lupan?) III. I downloaded the Super Famicom videogame a while back and I'm glad to see what the anime is really like. It's pretty funny and I liked it once I got over how old it was... which only took about 5 minutes.

"Disgust rises from deep within me."
"I will reunite you with your ancestors!"
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Guest Imsirion
Like I've expressed before, The new AS plan sucks but oh well, my vcr is going to get a good workout. Lupin III is pretty cool, I liked the first epp alot. I hear the manga is good so I'll try to get it from my local comic shop.
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I watched this show after it started airing. I caught it last night.

It seemed cool, and didnt have anything bad going on. But damn, could they have drawn that lady just a little more proportional. I mean, not that I dont like "well endowed" ladies, but come on. This junk was just about worse than faye.

All in all, it looks cool. I guess I just need to give it some more time before I can give it a rating. so for now I will hold out on my 1 to 10 rating.

Be back tomorrow to give the rating.
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Yeah i watched it last night and i taught it was alright had some humor and action i will continue watching it.:)But this scedual really sucks now i have to stay up until 2am since i record all the anime in the adult swim block.The things i do for my anime.:D Does anyone know what will happine with saturday night's adult swim??Is it gonna be zoids and gi joe??
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Lupin III seemed like what cowboy bebop would've been, if it was made 30 years ago anyway. Then again I don't really like cowboy bebop, so it was a little hard to like the first episode last night, and it really sux that they're going to be booting inuyasha so that bastard lupin can have his stupid show. They better at least keep translating Inuyasha eps and show new ones later on, I think there's around 90 eps in all, no clue how many they've shown so far. Bah they changed yu yu hakusho's intro to just clips also, what a ripoff. I like having inuyasha and yu yu hakushy 4x a week, but then their Sat. lineup is really disappointing w/ zoids and GI Joe smushed, and then they even took off the old batman/superman and replaced it w/ their phony batman beyond yuck. I actually like GI Joe, but not on Sat. when there's a bajillion zoids episodes before it, meh.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i]
[B]Was that hitler i saw on a episode i couldn't catch it!:( But it said nazi sumering in tha title and there was a guy who looked like hitler! [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was supposed to be Hitler in it. Thus is the reason they named the episode Nazi-somethin. The actual name of the episode was "Hitler's Legacy", but unfortunatly, that episode was canned(and from the previews I saw, it was supposed to be pretty funny.)

It has this on the actual Otaku website which you can find at [url]http://www.theotaku.com/anime_news/complete/56868.shtml[/url]

This gives me the feeling that since they did can this episode, I'm wonderin if they'll show DBZ Movie 12 here since Hitler is in that to. But that doesnt really make no sense to me though. I mean goodness, wasnt Hitler in South Park and a few other cartoons? Why cant they show him in anime(on TV OR Video). It doesnt make no friggen sense to me. Oh well, thats them Soccer moms(no offense intended IF someone would take offense to that...which I doubt anyone would, but just incase.)for ya.

Also, is it me or did the guy in last nights episode of Lupin look(and somewhat sound) like Bin Laden with glasses. :eek:
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Thanks for the detail and I saw a bit of it last night. It was pretty good. But I must agree with you Jinzouningen17. The legs are just a little too long...and skinny. All I could do is laugh at that!! But as for the news about Inuyasha all I can say is...NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want it to go off. I just love it so much and I'll just be disappointed!!!

Now its time for me to go and sob in my tub for countless hours!!!:bawl::bawl: :bawl:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i]
[B]Yeah, that was supposed to be Hitler in it. Thus is the reason they named the episode Nazi-somethin. The actual name of the episode was "Hitler's Legacy", but unfortunatly, that episode was canned(and from the previews I saw, it was supposed to be pretty funny.)

It has this on the actual Otaku website which you can find at [url]http://www.theotaku.com/anime_news/complete/56868.shtml[/url]

This gives me the feeling that since they did can this episode, I'm wonderin if they'll show DBZ Movie 12 here since Hitler is in that to.[/b][/quote]

So they didnt show that episode of lupid? And they better show movie 12 i have it on my computer and i dont see why they shouldn't show it i mean gotenks beatz his *** and he's army!:D
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[size=1]Damn, this new Adult Swim is cool. But school is a ***** now. o_o I usually watch Futurama, than get on the computer for an hour or so. Than get off to see Inu-Yasha. But on thursday I watched Lupin III, I was impressed. It was better than I thought it would be. If someone could PM me what happened before those episodes I would [b]really[/b] appreciate it.[/size]
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  • 3 months later...
Ah yes, the perverted, grand theft ways of Lupin the III, In m yopenion, one of the funniest animes of its time. Filled with plenty of women, Hentia in the movies, and alot of swear words. What do you guys think of the show?
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