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Chicago Area Hazing incident


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I saw a special about this on Dateline otnight, and I was disgusted.... Search google news "chicago hazing" if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I was disgusted.. The Juniors payed 40 bucks each to have fish guts and dirt shoved in their mouths, and to have garbage and possibly crap thrown on them... One girl broke her ankle, an d one had to get 10 stitches in her head because a bucket was chucked at her... I saw the video and was disgusted....

I think hazing is really stupid and if it hurts people this much, then there's no point to it and no good can come from it.

And to think the people aound them were egging it on.....
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Guest Matt
[color=red][b]If you're dumb enough to agree to the hazing, then you should face the consequences.[/b][/color]
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This has been on our local news for the past week. Dateline seemed to show more of the video than our news channels have been.

Northbrook isn't that far from my house actually. I've seen worse hazing (not in person), but generally by people out of highschool... so it's rather surprising.

I was rather annoyed by the general attitude that Northbrook is an "affluent" community and this would never be expected. Someone needs to wake parents and officials up to the fact that damn crap happens everywhere.

Anyway, this is a tradition there. The hazing was always light from what I know, but obviously it got very out of control. I was bothered mostly by the fact that anyone that tried to help wound up getting hit too.

There was a pretty bad hazing incident at a Catholic grade school 2 blocks from my house a couple years ago too. Nothing new sadly.
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Yeah, there's definitely a difference between fun hazing, where people get one another drunk and streak across a dorm and hazing rituals that are potentially self damaging.

I suppose that people kind of throw logic out the window when they're looking for peer acceptance. This incident, in particular, reminds me of something off Fear Factor.
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I personally think Fear Factor, Survivor, and like things may be a reason for the increase in this kind of malicious and indefensible cruelty.

Sadly, many of us in American society have grown to see human life as cheap and other people as merely something to be tormented for fun and profit.

I personally believe that "reality TV" at least in the American sense is a curious mixture of voyeurism and sadomasochism presented for viewing audiences who are as bloodthirsty as the Colosseum audience in ancient Rome. Will we only stop this madness when someone dies from it or from an event influenced by it like this hazing?
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[color=#808080]Bah, I saw this on Fox News. This hazing stuff is the most ridiculous, immature stuff I've seen in a long time.

If students just want to act silly for a day, then that's alright by me. But this? It's insane.

On the one hand, I feel that the girls who agreed to get involved are either highly ignorant or they have some sort of desire to be hurt. Even though they couldn't predict what would happen, they were certainly willing to go through something like this initially. I would never submit myself to something so degrading - and I don't care whether it's some sort of idiotic high school tradition or not. My dignity is more important than any juvenile tradition.

Having said that though, the girls who were submitted to the punishment obviously didn't know that it'd go this far. And the girls who attacked them deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is something that needs to cling to them on their public record forever - assault of fellow students. And I hope that they regret doing this for a very long time to come.

In addition, what about those people who were standing around cheering? In my opinion, they are just as guilty as the ones carrying out the act. How can [i]anyone[/i], drunk or not, stand around and watch people be beaten? And then make [i]fun[/i] and light of it? That just totally escapes me. It's cruel and horrible.

I know that the school has totally washed its hands of this (it's out of our juristiction, etc etc). But these people need to be suspended - and the ones who carried out the acts need to be expelled. If this had happened with high school students at my old school, you can be sure that the purpetrators would be expelled by now. And rightfully so.[/color]
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[color=indigo]After reading this thread and hearing about this incident on the news I have come up with a wonderful business idea. I am going to go from school to school and charge students to allow me to kick them in their face and then urinate on them. It is a win win situation. I get to be mean and sadistic and they get to be harmed and humilitated.[/color]
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Yea, urination and best of all... a vegetarian getting a pig intestine shuved down her throat...

If you as me, that sort of stuff is battery.

If the victims did not consent specifically to those actions and did not knkow those actions would take place, then the students who performed those actions should have consequences placed on them.

I also think hazing is just about as stupid as you can get.

Also, I would never think of taking part in this sort of stuff, so I cant have that much pity for the victims...

but when you cross the line like the sadistic jerks that pulled these stunts... well, I think you deserve the worst punishments you can get.

I also just found out that a girl had her head split open...

Assualt and battery all the way.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#808080]Bah, I saw this on Fox News. This hazing stuff is the most ridiculous, immature stuff I've seen in a long time.

If students just want to act silly for a day, then that's alright by me. But this? It's insane.

On the one hand, I feel that the girls who agreed to get involved are either highly ignorant or they have some sort of desire to be hurt. Even though they couldn't predict what would happen, they were certainly willing to go through something like this initially. I would never submit myself to something so degrading - and I don't care whether it's some sort of idiotic high school tradition or not. My dignity is more important than any juvenile tradition.

Having said that though, the girls who were submitted to the punishment obviously didn't know that it'd go this far. And the girls who attacked them deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is something that needs to cling to them on their public record forever - assault of fellow students. And I hope that they regret doing this for a very long time to come.

In addition, what about those people who were standing around cheering? In my opinion, they are just as guilty as the ones carrying out the act. How can [i]anyone[/i], drunk or not, stand around and watch people be beaten? And then make [i]fun[/i] and light of it? That just totally escapes me. It's cruel and horrible.

I know that the school has totally washed its hands of this (it's out of our juristiction, etc etc). But these people need to be suspended - and the ones who carried out the acts need to be expelled. If this had happened with high school students at my old school, you can be sure that the purpetrators would be expelled by now. And rightfully so.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

The hazing stuff is sickening, and you're absolutely right. Such people need to not only be expelled, but to be forced to obtain mental health care and to pay restitution. I agree with GoKents that this is assault and battery, but IMHO it's more than that: it's a sign that these people doing the hazing and cheering it on are SERIOUSLY disturbed. These are the future's murderers.
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[color=darkblue]I cannot believe the attitude of some of the people in this thread!

First of all, I think many of us underestimate the power of peer pressure on high school students. That's no excuse, but whatever.

I watch a lot of news & I've been seeing this story over and over since last night. A girl from the high school was interviewed and on camera stated that she didn't see what the big deal was. It happens every year. Quote: "So one girl got her head split open. It's not like anybody died."

I did not hear one report of anybody being paid to participate, out of all the footage I've seen, including the "Today" show and the local news. According to the reports, it was during a powder puff football game, teams consisting of juniors versus seniors. It's kind of a ritual for the junior girls to get hazed after the game, to initate them as seniors. So, yeah, the junior girls did submit to it.

But all of the girls were severely beaten. They were forced to eat animal guts & had animal & human feces smeared in their faces and shoved in their mouths. You can see from the footage that they were bludgeoned with blunt objects & subjected to various forms of humiliation. It was a complete riot, with no chance of escape.

Most disturbing to me was the footage of somebody yelling "Somebody stop her!" (meaning, somebody stop this) and the blond girl screaming in agony "Please, somebody help me!" This was the girl who was stomped until her ankle was broken.

I don't know how many of you have been beaten and couldn't defend themselves, but for anybody who thinks that the victims should just deal with it because they agreed to being hazed, disgusts me. Obviously, the victims did not agree to this. I am so disturbed by this, I can't even describe it. I can't believe things like this are going one among teenage kids. You hear about it, but every time you see it, it's still a shock.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i]
[B]These are the future's murderers. [/B][/QUOTE]

Correction: These are the future's society. I can assure you that they're probably in no worse mental health than any of us, and they all know what they're doing, and they know it is wrong. What they lack is the want to not do such a thing.

I wish it were an uncommon thing, but I'm afraid not. The sad thing is that when most of the people involved in this were younger, they wouldn't have understood why anyone would do such a thing. I mean, I know a huge amount of kids I grew up with who swore they'd never smoke, get involved in fights, do drugs, and then they ended up doing all three. The fact that those three things aren't good ideas (in fact they're all pretty stupid ideas) hasn't changed, but only their attitude towards them. Rather than thinking "those're bad ideas" they think "so what? I do what the hell I want". Unfortunately this incident is no different other than the magnitude and type of harm done to others of the stupid idea in question.

Of course, I'm not comparing the shock of this kind of thing to something as little as smoking a cigarette after saying you wouldn't, but rather I'm saying that the thoughts behind each of those things are essentially the same, whether the acts are different or not. It's all down to peer pressure.
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One person filming said " I think this is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen...................

Well, apparently in t it's normally been mostly footblal, and the hazing was normally being thrown in mud.... The girls obvioulsy didn't know this would happen.

The thing is, the school can't do much because it was off campus. But according to dateline the police are "poring over the tapes to find as many crimes commited as they can and to identify people.............

!0 kids were hospitalized, apparently 34 of them were trying to help the others... -_-
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]People honestly think that everyday life is like Jackass? [/B][/QUOTE]
That wastn' like jackass at all. What you have to realize is that those girls were asking for it. They paid 40 dollars each so the collective money could buy the beer. Most likely these were the ultra popular girls that did it so they could remain in their "status." They deserved what they got. Nothing else.
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I was repsonding to the person above me. I was joking, but whatever.

Anyway, it was treated as a fundraiser by the Seniors, when it obviously wasn't. I don't think the Juniors knew any of it was going to beer (and if they did, certainly not the other stuff that happened), and nothing on the news has even given that impression. Besides, there were two kegs and that's it. It doesn't take that much money to buy those.

People are failing to understand that this powderpuff football game has been a tradition there for decades. As far as I know this is the first time it ever got this out of control. The hazing was expected, but it has never been like that either. It was always stupid piddly crap, not ripping out piercings, kicking people and stomping legs until they break.

So no, I think the opinion that they got what they deserved is total crap.

Remind me to point and laugh whenever anyone here gets into a stupid situation that was taken beyond their control.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]Anyway, it was treated as a fundraiser by the Seniors, when it obviously wasn't. I don't think the Juniors knew any of it was going to beer (and if they did, certainly not the other stuff that happened), and nothing on the news has even given that impression. Besides, there were two kegs and that's it. It doesn't take that much money to buy those.[/b][/quote]
A fundraiser for what? The hazing has been a tradition there, they knew what would happen. Sure they were expecting to have ribs and ankles broken, but besides that I'm sure they saw it coming.

[quote][b]emind me to point and laugh whenever anyone here gets into a stupid situation that was taken beyond their control. [/B][/QUOTE] I wouldn't expect anything less.
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None of the stuff that happened was something I think anyone would see coming. There is no history of that there, even just stuffing fish guts in their faces and wiping human feces on them. Many, many schools and clubs have some sort of hazing... and it can be extremely lax (which it is most of the time), or extremely bad (as in this case).

Did you just watch the news once and come to these conclusions or what?
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[color=darkblue]Harry, I am so far beyond sick of you. I can't believe you are saying this stuff. I understand that you like to create "controversy" to get "attention" but at some point there is a line you don't cross. You obviously have no compassion for others, and it is the people without compassion that make the world the sick place it is. It's people like [i]you[/i] who carried out the events on the tape. So, congratulations, your more of a conformist than you thought. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'd say more, but I don't want to violate the rules of the boards.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
[B]A fundraiser for what? The hazing has been a tradition there, they knew what would happen. Sure they were expecting to have ribs and ankles broken, but besides that I'm sure they saw it coming.

I wouldn't expect anything less. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#808080]The first comment is just ridiculous. [i]Obviously[/i] they didn't expect to come out with broken ribs and ankles. If you've watched any of the news reports at all (which have gone over the history of the "event" to an extent), you'll be aware of the situation.

And when the whole thing actually began, I think it's fair to say that most of them couldn't get away even if they wanted to. They were surrounded by a frenzied crowd and were being actively chased down by those involved.

And what's with the second comment? Everything Tony has said in this thread has been 100% accurate. And he's certainly not had some malicious message about this situation - I think you need to take note of some of the sarcasm. ~_^[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]Harry, I am so far beyond sick of you. I can't believe you are saying this stuff. I understand that you like to create "controversy" to get "attention" but at some point there is a line you don't cross. You obviously have no compassion for others, and it is the people without compassion that make the world the sick place it is. It's people like [i]you[/i] who carried out the events on the tape. So, congratulations, your more of a conformist than you thought. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'd say more, but I don't want to violate the rules of the boards.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I want to express my agreement with this post. If anyone thinks that the victims "brought it on themselves" or "deserved it," that person *cough cough Harry* is sick beyond belief.

How can anyone's mind operate like that? Eek. I don't want to be accused of flaming so I'll stop here. :worried: :eek:
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