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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Wow! At first, I thought that second half was from a real picture. o.o;

*hands you cup of coffee*

10/10. ^^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

*smiles*.. *nods*...*drinks the coffee*. hi misses, i missed you :D
&thanks for the 10 outa 10.
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Wow, I agree, that is beautiful artwork! I thought it was a real picture at 1st. What is this flash that you all mention? I wouldn't think it has anything to do with flash macromedia thing, does it? I am totally lost about that. I would love to check it out if only I knew what it is! But yes, 11/10 LOL!! GREAT ARTWORK!
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The chin area threw me at first, but the rest is simply INCREDIBLE. The shade proportions are excellently captured, the colors work well together, and if it weren't for that frelling chin, I would have mistaken your picture for a photograph.

*is in awe* 9.8/1o.
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Okay, I decided to make a post about it instead of editing everyone's post. There are many posts in this thread that are utterly useless and considered spam, were you basically say "good job" and then give a rating. Please be sure to include why you like it and artistic critique if you don't want your posts deleted in the future.
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