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When should you stop watching anime?


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I've been asking myself this lately, "When should you stop watching anime?" Automatic response - Never!!

But seriously, I imagine myself as a 87 year old blue-haired granny with a wooden leg, preaching to my grandchildren about the "good 'ol days of anime" and watching Bebop re-runs before I head off to the nursing home. :sleep: It's just ....... weird (or sick). Your thoughts?

(I have the strangest thoughts.)
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By then, I think something better than anime would have replaced it. And I dunno about picturing myself that far. I mean, I can picture myself in my mid-thirties and talking to my kids(if i have n e) about anime, but I don't think far enough as the 80s... And yes... i shall NEVER stop watching anime! :devil:
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You shouldn't watch anime and base your whole life around it, it's not healthy. Sorry to sound like parents, but doing that will certainly have worse consequences, and you should learn to control yourself over these things.

EDIT: HOHOHO! ^_^ I think I misunderstood your question! ^o^ Well, to answer THAT question, I think I'll watch anime until the day I die.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i]
You shouldn't watch anime and base your whole life around it, it's not healthy. Sorry to sound like parents, but doing that will certainly have worse consequences, and you should learn to control yourself over these things.


You truely sounded like a parent there, get away!:worried:

Now, i must say, i will rpobably never stop watching anime/reading manga.
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ah,.. i grew up on anime, so doubtful i'll stop watching it, unless nostradamus is correct and in 2006 japan sinks under water.. damn that's the year i graduate, i was gonna go there for my senior trip..

like one comedian said how his grandma plays music from when she was young, and it would be some sweet little 1920's number or new orleans jazz, so when our generation gets old. grand pa says "c'mere sonny, i'm gonna play a song for you from my time.. f*** all you b******, we be keeping it straight gangstah.."
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Well, I remember saying that I would probably still be watching Dragonball Z in fifty years, and look where I am now. o_O From seeing that, I doubt I'll still be watching anime when I'm in my eighties, but I have a feeling I'll be watching it for years to come. There are just so many different animes that I have yet to watch, and there are new ones all the time. I'm sure that I'll stick with this for a while, lol.
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Quite frankly, I'll stop whatching anime when they stop making them... In other words... NEVER! There will always be anime to watch and as long as I have a television, I will be glued to that TV watching anime...
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LOL, who really knows. I've met some of us who are in their 50s and 60s, and one time I even saw a pic of some cosplayers who were definitely close to forty or older.

LOL, I think I'll stop only if I've watched it all and there's nothing else to see or if all new anime becomes mindless, plotless hentai-in which case I'd only stop watching the new all-H stuff and I should by that time have all the best normal anime in my DVD collection, LOL.

Yeah. . .that is kind of an odd sight, and I can just imagine myself now if I'm 80 years old. . . "You think that's anime? Back in my day. . ." hehehehehe.
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[FONT=arial]well, I think I'll keep watching anime until they quit making decent series, which sadly might be the case in the years to come >.>''....but when a person [i]should[/i] stop watching is a different matter. actually, my opinion is somewhat how maladjusted put it. I think someone should stop watching anime when it gets to the point that the person has absolutely no life outside of it. that doesn't mean as in it's your main hobby; I'm talkin' about you literally eat, sleep, and breathe anime to the point that the only books you read are manga, the only thing you [i]ever[/i] talk about is anime/manga/etc., and you refuse to do any activities if they aren't somehow associated with anime. that's friggin' ridiculous. anyone who's gotten that bad about it [i]needs[/i] to have it taken away, at least temporarily. ever heard of being well-rounded? go out on a limb; watch the news, pick up an instrument...heck, read a book without pictures.

.......heh, as an afterthought, in case anyone thought I was saying all this in a mean-mannered way, not the case. I'll even add a smilie to prove it :toothy:.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Hmm....to be honest I don't see my anime watching days lasting over this year. Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits, and with my new career just starting it seems my normal amount of time spent in anime watching will soon come to an end.

I never expected to watch anime till my dying days, I just didn't think it would be as soon as this year coming year that it would end.
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Personally, I enjoy anime. I will watch it until it stops being enjoyable to me, which I can't see happening any time soon. I think that a lot of anime is just timeless. For example, it's like asking people who enjoy drawing if they're going to give a precise age for when they stop drawing. But they can't, because it's instictive, and they enjoy it. So why stop the things you enjoy, just because you get "too old" for it? Does a musician give up his instrument because he's "too old" to play it? Most of the time, no. They play it until they can't hold it to play it anymore -- Or they stop enjoying it...

So in answer to the question, I'll give up anime when I don't enjoy it anymore, age will have nothing to do with it ^_____^
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I think if I am grown up, and don't have the time anymore to watch it...It just will stop automaticly...Because I probably will travel around in Belgium and the country's around it to give performances. And then when you come home...You just go to bed, and next day to work, on the evening again in an theatre, and I dont think that anime will be so important then...I'll just see when times come. XD
But if I could, I'll just stop watching it when I die...XD Hope they have in heaven or hell anime XD
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When do you stop watching anime? When you're dead.

Seriously, as long as you still enjoy something, and do'nt let it control your life, why stop? I'm not going to stop reading comic books for the forseeable future, either.
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I think that I would just watch anime up until I get bored of it (hopefully that will not happen). After all, anime is just like American live action TV shows in the fact that it comes in every genre and for every age.

Oh, and about being in your 80's and preaching to kids, I doubt you would care when you are 80. I have noticed that anyone past their 70's has gained the right to not give a d*** about what others think of them.
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then again the anime we watch could be stuff like you see on oldies stations i mean, m*a*s*h is still incredibly awesome, right?

hehe old people are fun.. my mom used to work at a nursing home, and these two seniors got into a fist fight over who won at bingo..
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[color=darkblue]I just got this frightening vision of us... Our kids will think we're completely insane for going to anime conventions in our forties, & will view us as people view "trekkies" now. rotfl! A few of my friends jokingly call me an anime geek as it is, because I still watch it at my age (I'm 23).

My interest has gone down somewhat, because Dragonball Z has always been my favorite, and it's over now. I have never liked an anime as much as DBZ & I doubt I ever will. I was also totally obsessed with Ninja Scroll, but I've seen it 50 thousand times. So it's kind of anti-climactic for me at this point in my life.

Plus, it's hard to find the time anymore. I've been meaning to rent Akira for the 500th time for about 2 weeks now, but I haven't had the chance. This is what I'm talking about. Being an adult can really suck that way.[/color]
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When should you stop watching anime?
Until your life gets so hectic, you can't get near a TV.
That happens, I can picture myself situating at my neighbor's house making use of their TV or making up stories based on posters.

I truly scare myself sometimes.
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Guest OtakuHobbes
:flaming: Better than Anime!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
YOU SIR, ARE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:demon: :whoops:
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[color=hotpink][size=1]OtakuHobbes, I know that was your first post, but I must ask that you please clean up your post quality and make them more coherent from now on. Posts like that one are unacceptible and will be deleted from this point on.[/color][/size]
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Who knows? There might be something like the 'world' from .hack/sign so I wouldn't say there will never be anything better than anime :p Might be cool if tehre would be animes in which you can make your own character to b in in the future :p
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LOL: has anyone ever been more careful in what they do because they didn't want to miss anime? LOL!

I did that a few weeks ago actually: I was considering whether to run on a wet sidewalk on a rainy day because I needed to get somewhere fast, and then I thought, of all the silly things, "do I really want to miss a week of my favorite series while I'm in the hospital with a broken leg?" I decided that lateness to my destination was a better prospect. Hehehe. :D
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