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stun gun Milly banners

stun gun Milly

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I have found new techniques in my evil program (Microsoft Picture it). And I made this banner yesterday, but the pics of Shin from Cowboy Bebop were very limited. I only got a hold of about 4 pics 2 of the pics were horrible, so I had to work with 2 pics ^^. The cropping of the 2 pics was hard, I couldn't make out which part was Shin and the other the background, because the pic was in black and the whole pic was very dark ^^. Please tell me what I can do to make the banner look better, especially the darkness of the banner (I tried making it look lighter, but it looked awful). I have alot better banners after this one ^^. Oh, and I had to fit two quotes in the banner ^^.
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Thank you ^^!! The pics I found were the only ones I was able to find, and I hated the quality of the pics, but I had to use them because they were the only ones ^^. But I love this banner I made, I love Steel Angel Kurumi, it's really great!! I made this banner out of 3 pics, and I made the heart and bascially everything I made, except the pics ^^. I really like this banner, but I had trouble with the right pic, I had to recolor her hair to the correct hair color which is a dark pink, and her eyes as well ^^. I had to also brighten everything, but I think I did a good job ^^.
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[color=gray]Apart from that the picture to the right is a bit low quality and the text a bit pixelated, I must say this banner is good ^_^

It all fits together nicely qua colors and stuff so eh...
Good job and keep up teh good work ^_~[/color]
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[color=chocolate][size=1]#1- For low quality pictures, this banner turned out very nice. I like how it is dark and the different fonts you used make it cool. Good work on that, but it's definitely not one of your best banners.

#2- This banner is so...how should I say this...cute! The pic on the right is a little blurry though, along with the font at the top of the banner. But the pinkness is very nice, and the other two pictures are very good.

Well done stun gun Milly!!![/size][/color]
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[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]I made this banner by a request, and I think it turned out nice, but the middle pic bothers me because of it's quality ^^. But I recolored it and kind of brighted it and it made the pic look alot better than before. Overall I think it's a cute banner, but the middle pic was evil toward me ^^.[/color][/size]
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[size=1]Well Milly a nice good done, I havent seen very good banners around since the summer but these are somwhat decent. Im curious on what program you use. You do a wonderful job cropping out pictures for the pictures always seem to be blury, Witch confuses me. But yeah nice job and dont give up ^^

Hey you still have the avatar I made you, yay![/size]
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[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]The pics are blurry sometimes because I usually add a effect to them, so they won't look borring, but I usually get an opposite outcome ^^. I like this banner I made, but when I made this banner is when I barely found out how to make pics transparent, so it might not look so nice ^^. I hate the text though, I couldn't find a nice suitable text at all for this banner. The same with the text color ^^. I also gave an effect, kind of like a pencil sketch drawing effect ^^. It's cute banner, and the characters are from Fruits Basket ^^.

I still love my avatar ^^. And the program I'm using is Microsoft Picture it, I think it's the 2001 publishing version ^^.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Hm, more banners.
Kitty banner- It is a good simple banner. The font is good for the banner too. I see the middle pic being blurry, and the one on the left (not shaded) is a little blurry too. Overall, it's good, but the 2 pics are not the best.
Fruits Basket- I see really nothing wrong with this banner. The font is good, the pics are good, and the fading you did is wonderful too. I like the black blotches also, nice work.[/size][/color]
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*coughs* Yeah, I really like your banners. The always turn out pretty spiffy (word of the moment).

Shin - Eh, kinda plain, to be honest. Looks as if the text came from MS Paint or something. It's okay. (The images are good though ^^.)

Kurumi - Ah, that's pretty good. The pics and color seem to mix well together, although the image on the right is blurry.

Lord Black Cat - Mow! MY BANNER! I think it turned out awesomely dudeicles. Except the middle pic, you're right, it is evil. ^^ Undeniably cute though. :D

Fruits Basket - *sniffle sniffle* I made you a FB banner...and it's gone! *breaks down in tears*
Ah, anyways, that's a spiffy banner. It's simple, yet good, so it turned out pretty cool.

Also, I'm curious to know what exactly Microsoft Picture It is. I checked online and couldn't find any decent information. >.<
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[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Well, Microsoft Picture it is like a wanna be Photoshop ^^. I doubt it's up to level to Photoshop, but it gets the job done ^^. This banner is a D.N.Angel banner, I've yet to see this Anime, but from what I've heard it's really great. This banner was made before the Fruits Basket banner. I don't think it's very good ^^. But I tried on this banner. I also gave it a effect, so if it looks weird, that's why ^^.[/color][/size]
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wow! Some body else has actually heard of, much less is using, Picture It! I used it before I got Paintshop. I know it is really difficult to work with so I must say your banners are great!

On the first one I would suggest taking the picture to the far right off and lightening it up a bit before you stick it back on. Also I would change font colors. Maybe change the font too?

I really like the pink one! It looks good. I just have a slight beef with the pic on the right. I guess you could say it is pixelly, but it just doesn't go well with the others.

I think your best is by far the Fruits and Baskets one! THe pictures are well blended, and those black splotches add a lot to the banner. Nice job!
On the DN Angel banner you messed up a bit with the transparency. You need to make the picture with the eyes a bit more transparent. And also make the guy in the center less transparent. The other guy looks good. But with those two right on top of each other and on pretty much teh same level of transparency you loose clarity.

Very nice work!!! You have done so much better with banners than I could ever do one Picture It.
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Here's a banner I made like 2 weeks ago ^^. This is my most favorite banner I've made so far. I once again added a pencil sketch effect, but it really affected this banner majorly ^^. I also used three different fonts. I stayed within the red and silver color so it could look nice ^^. I think this banner is really great ^^!!
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Thank you ^^!! I made this banner about a few days ago, but never really had time to finish it. I need a quote, if someone can come up with a cute quote I would be sooo happy ^^. I need to add somemore stuff to it. I need to kind of sharpen it a little more, like focus it. But ideas and opinions are welcome!!
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[color=teal]Mod-approved double post. Threads merged. -Syk3[/color]

I personally don't think it's my best work, but I still like it ^^. I used 2 different texts and one quote is hidden somewhere in the banner ^^. I made the text kind of look messed up, because it suited the way that person is ^^. I also kept the two main colors purple and black. I thought having other different colors would disrupt the banner and it's design. Ideas and opinions are welcome ^^. I also have a avatar coming, I just need to add a quote to it.
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