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Social clashes--online vs offline


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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Reading people's posts and considering what they have replied to, and how so, I've been thinking: what section of the standard "social higharchey" would you consider yourselves to be part of?

I guess it's sort of a weird (if not outright dumb_ _U) question to ask, but hey. Even if you honestly don't care (none of us should, really), we all pretty much "fit in" somewhere.

I also have noticed a social higharchey online. At the top, of course, are the oldest and most active members and mod.s. Then you go all the way down, through the less interesting/respected/jaded members, right down to the snivveling newbies. Heh.

How does your "real life" label diffrentiate from your online one?

I, myself, am a complete geek and a slacker/loser when it comes to school and life beyond the computer in general. I don't know where I would fit in online, but I am sure there are many people who would find me irritating._ _U[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Guest Midnight Rush
Hahaha... this is an interesting topic, maybe- well nevermind. As for me, on the internet I am a newbie (look above to read: NEW MEMBER). I have trouble keeping up with AIM, and message boards tax the limits of my internet tolerance. The OB is the only message board I have ever been on for more than a week hahaha! If I ever get Junior Member I'll throw a party for myself in real life.

In real life (for those of you who don't know thats school, work, ect.) I'm about the complete opposite hahaha! Lots of friends, a few close ones, although most only like me because other people do (go figure...). I have tremendous skill (well no...luck really.... joss would even be stretching it...dam fine its all luck ::CRIES:: ) at finding and keeping girls. I am at the parties, play in the football/basketball games, ect.

I suppose to keep in short and somewhat less egotistical, I'm the opposite of a nerd... ::thinks:: why am I on the internet!!??? ACKKKK! Well, I'm not on so much, so it doesn't hurt (insert-bwa)hahahahahahahahaha!
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[font=Verdana][size=2][color=slategray]This is an interesting topic. Very often do I think about my place in society. Not so much on the internet, but I feel comfortable with my setting. Really, there's not much to say about my place. I'm a supporting role in society. [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2][color=#708090]On these boards, I feel respected by some and I have my close friends. On the other board I go to right now (wow, only two? That's a record for me lol), I'm pretty popular. I'm one of the only graphic designers left and I unleash my real humor over there (you guys would shun me). [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2][color=#708090]The second "society ranking," or whatever you want to call it, is pretty much how I am in real life. I'm pretty popular, with lots of people that like me, and a few really close friends. [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2][color=#708090]Honestly, I don't get out enough. I'm home all day unless I'm out playing football with the kids on my street, but I don't like them much, so I stay inside. I have about 5 or 6 websites that I visit and most of them don't update often (like Penny Arcade and others).[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2][color=#708090]Life is boring *sigh*[/color][/size][/font]
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well, in real life, I am popular one day and then unpopular the next...in my own crowd. I am mostly unpopular when I am without my crowd because I am not ditzy like other girls my age. I am also very shy, so that is another major factor.

When I am online, it is a different story. I enjoy talking to many people and I am very open and talkative. I am also out going as well. I know that online, people don't care for about how I look, my social status in real life, and that only my thoughts and words count. I don't feel shy online because I know that I wouldn't be teased at all by my appearence or my physical state. I just feel that people online would accept me as a person easier than people would in real life.
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*nods* Good topic indeed.

Offline I'm a nerd. o.0 Except with out the one inch think glasses. I have a few friends, only four which I think are nice (wow, that's specific! :rolleyes: ): Eli, Naomi, Megan (Who I currenlty am fighting with, we have a little problem with somthing.) and Katie. I stay at home all day.Online. *sigh* Stupid addictive websites! *cough* OB *cough*

Online I have alot of good friends: DDG, T-man, Ruby, My real life friends, and a few other's who's usernames currently slipped my mind. But, I don't know what you would call me.... Maybe, weirdo, or control freak. Offline I'm lazy and don't control anything. Here, I am a major control freak, it's not my fault!

I have to agree with Kinetic, Life [I][B]Is[/B][/I] Boring.
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[QUOTE=Kinetic][font=Verdana][size=2][color=slategray] I'm one of the only graphic designers left and I unleash my real humor over there (you guys would shun me).


[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Heh. I *highly* doubt that. *maniacal laughter*


Well, I wasn't really expecting these kinds of responses, to be quite honest. So far, two people have said that they are un-nerds, and that this topic is "very interesting". I read the first line of the second response and thought, "I've seen [I]this[/I] before..."

I am a traditional geek, bar the striving-academically bit. I am perfectly content to wear away my days (and the condition of my back and eyes) in front of the computer screen. I am happy to do nothing but tell my campaigners off for various things, while pitting various man-eating fungi (you don't know the fun of it until you've DMed *muah*) against 'em for all hours of the night.


The only un-geek thing about me is that I have a talent for lay-ups. Go figure.
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I don't really think about that when I'm on the computer... hum, well anyway when I'm at school I'm pretty shy and mostly try to be nice to people. I know just about every one in my school and not many people have problems with me. When I get on the computer though its mostly when I'm in a bad mood so I probably some times come off as a B.I. if you know what I mean. But I mostly try to be nice to every one here too. I like to hang out with my boy friends (meaning in boy as a FRIEND) more than my girl friends mostly because they talk to much. I don't go out much I consider my self over protected by my mother.I'm basicly the person that every one knows but can't remeber her name...sad isn't it.
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Yeah, I've thought about my place in society repeatedly, but this doesn't mean I really care. Or maybe I do. I basically fall into the 'Absolute Freak' catagory, meaning I'm just that guy that sits in the back seat, flicks things at people and says random things. I am what has been 'misunderstood', 'rejected' and 'just plain creepy'. I have only 2 friends but, as annoying as I may be, I have some good acquaintances. About the random things thing, here's one.
"Get off my stairmaster!"
Now, as opposed to online, online I have what I like to call 'Slight respect', not just here but other places online, like RPG chats and such. So, 'Absolute Freak' fits, doesn't it?
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I'm diffrent, yet the same online and off. :p

In real life I'm shy, especially around new people. I consider myself a dork. I'm in very small classes so everyone knows me, with the exception of maybe two people. I'm usually known as the Matrix freak, the artist, or the good/quiet girl. I have alot of guy friends, but I've gained alot of girl friends this year who enjoy anime. ^_^

Online I'm alot more outgoing and talkitive. I'm not that popular here on OB but I have been here for awhile so I'm known by many. I think alot of people know me as the Matrix freak here aswell. ^_^;
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[COLOR=Blue]Woot! something I know a little about. It seems to be human nature to classify and place. i'd love to be able to say I'm non descript and dont fit in any particular place but I guess that would be pretty far from the truth As much as i would like to claim to be an indvidual and unique I always manage to find someone who is similliar to me or would at least like to think they are. however things have changed from the 18th century typical mindset of upper and lower class (which to some small extent still exist) We get into a idea of where do you hang out for fun whether your a "gamer", "otaku" , "academic" etc.. everyone more or less has the abillity to be whatever they want. We all have a need to belong somewhere or to try and figure out who we are.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, now. I don't really think that social hierarchy part is necessary, so I'll just do the social niche.

I guess you can say I'm the gentlemanly musician of my school. I'm the one walking around in dress/casual shoes and a suede jacket, just minding his own business. In his cd player Mistlav Rostropovich might be playing. Or Jacquelin du Pre, so he can listen to his cello solo for regionals competition.

Yes, the cello. A smart little instrument neatly near the middle of the octaves. Neutral enough that he can double between two things. That's my personality too. I can be crazy, or subdued. I prefer subdued. But the only thing I would like to do is give a certain little lady my jacket when she's cold.

That's me in the 'real world'. Here I'm somewhat the same. Only, no jacket for the little lady.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I'd think I'm fairly popular on here. I mostly judge that by the fact that people I've never even heard of know me on a first name basis. It's rather odd, but whatever. Honestly, my popularity here doesn't concern me. I'm here to do my job and voice my opinions, and if they don't side with the better half... too bad. Anyone I happen to become friends with just happens gradually because we're like minded people on some level, no matter how small it might be.

In high school, I was rather popular. I would say I was on the top rung there and was friends with pretty much everyone in the building. Of course, it helped that we only had like 500 students total and that everyone was very accepting. I'm still pretty much a loner at heart and that's where I currently stand in college. I don't even attempt to make friends with people unless we need to do a project together. I wear, say and do what I feel is right for me... if that puts me on the lower end of the spectrum, so be it. I have more important things to worry about than designer clothes and perfect hair and acting cool, whatever that really entails.
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I suppose I'm popular here for whatever reason...I wasn't even aware that people knew me outside of the gaming forums for the longest time, heh. I think people only know me because I'm in chats all the time lol. The gaming forum is really the only place that I post frequently and there are people who know me that just about never go in there...it's definitely the chats that have gotten me known. I don't know whether or not that's a good thing but oh well.

Right now, in high school, I guess I hold an average amount of popularity. I have a lot of acquaintences but not many people that I would actually call friends. I talk to most of the people in my classes but I only go out of my way to start up conversations with a few people, heh. In all honesty, there aren't many people in my school that I'd care to talk with, anyway.

I'm guessing it will be the same for me in college (though, I probably won't know everyone in my classes since I'm guessing I'll be in rather large classes). I won't go out of my way to make friends but there will probably be a couple people with whom I'll be comfortable making conversation with.

As for the whole social hierarchy thing...I've never given much thought to it and I doubt I ever will. All that categorizing and worrying about what's popular and what's not just gets on my nerves lol. It's too much to pay attention to.
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Offline I'm a pyscho. I run around hyperly, trying to get people to like me. Some do, for a while at least. Most find something they don't like about me and we bicker endlessly about it. I'm a freak, bordering on geek.

Online I feel this huge worry that no one knows me, lol. But I hope to think that most everyone here has at least talked to me once on the boards, and hey, this may be stretching it, but even liked me. On the net, I'm just who ever I want to be at the time.

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Guest lavalamp
I'm just such a freak offline. I have no friends and I sit in the corner since there are obviously corners everywhere and try my best to persuade people I'm being natural. I say random things and try desperately to appear as unique as humanly possible despite the fact that nothing is further from the truth.

Online I just can't say.
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Guest Kaszokun
Hmm, offline I am not really noticed much. I'm kind of a nerd but one that plays sports alot, I'm more of a ghost someone that blends into the crowd and is hard to find.

Online, I talk more but after I just observe for a while. Unless It's in games or when I'm used to things then I talk alot more.

Yay my first post! :)
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[color=#707875]In terms of online, I don't know how I'd "rate" myself. For the most part, I notice the complaints and the negatives far more than the positives -- so that probably gives me a view that I constantly have to do something better to make everyone happy. At the same time, I do occasionally have to step away from that and realize that there's only so much one person can do. lol

There are a few people online who know me to an extent and I guess that I'm liked among those people. But I don't know what I'd say about the popularity in terms of my position on the site -- anyone in this position probably has an element of popularity attached to them. I don't think it really matters what kind of person I am, it's just something that comes with the territory by default. So in that sense, I don't take a lot of notice of it -- though I do know that people are genuinely appreciative of the work that I do, so that's a nice thing to know.

In real life...it's really weird. I know that at school, there are usually "groups" of people and you can often tell who fits in where.

I was always a person who was popular with everyone, in the sense that I could really walk into any group and mix in. I could sit there and talk to a bunch of people who would be considered incredibly nerdy...and then I could go and sit with the "popular" people and blend in fine.

So, I don't know what that means. In real life, I'm relatively quiet...but I'm also a really approachable person with a dark sense of humor. So I think that probably just puts people at ease with me.

On the one hand I definitely have a lot of nerdy interests (ie: games, certain Matrix-related movies and stuff like that), but I guess I don't [i]look [/i]like a nerd or something. I don't know. Sometimes people seem surprised when they hear that I have an interest in politics, and I think to myself "Why? Do they think I'm only interested in swimsuit calendars and fast cars, or what?"

So I can't explain the way people perceive me really; I can only guess. And I don't know how accurate those guesses are. I'm probably the worst judge of myself anyway, so I have no idea how people view me.

I can only say that I've never really had any problems in school with other people (although other kids used to pick on me for being short, in primary school). But that was never a huge issue I guess. And most of those kids ended up becoming my friends as we got older. So, eh.

Generally I just don't think about it at all. I don't walk into a situation and think "how do I look?" or "how will they react to me?" I'm mostly confident that it doesn't matter anyway.

So, that's a pretty disjointed post. But it probably reflects the fact that I have no idea at all how I'd classify myself. I'm just ...me, whatever that is. :-P[/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, outside of the internet, I'm the crazy girl who loves to make people laugh and makes absurb comments to see how people will react. I'm never afraid to voice my opinion and I hate to be a follower...I always try to take the reigns in everything that I do. I'm very passionate and well, I think it bleeds over into my online life as well. I don't think people really see that same crazy girl, but I know that she's here inside me and sometimes it's hard to express yourself through words only.

In high school, I was sort of "middle grounds." I wasn't "popular" but everyone knew who I was. I was the captain of the dance team for crying out loud. I was friends with so many different types of people and I enjoyed having a variety of friends. Of course I had my little "group," but I think just about everyone does, really.

On here, well, I can't deny what I perceive. I'm the Queen for crying out loud. I guess people respect me because I'm a mod and a generally nice person, but when I joined the OB I was accepted immediately by lots of people and became known as the "Queen," long before ever gaining my position.

I wonder how others perceive me? It's always a curious thought.[/color][/size]
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i don't think i am very popular here, most of the people who know me befriended me when i was a newbie. That was when OB was in full swing for me. Up until i made Otaku status. The diffrent changes have thrown me off a bit so i have been gone from OB for weeks at a time. So i am not as social.

I guess my status falls right in the middle.

In college, im a bit of a geek. I am in Video Production and most of my friends are in Graphic Design and Animation. So my status isn't very high. All my quarter knows me, but then again there is only like 12 of us. You have to be kind of close when you see someone drop every quarter.

So long story short;

status here: slightly higher than middle
status in life: slightly lower than middle
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As far as offline goes, I'd say I'm something of an inbetweener. A lot of people know who I am, actually. People come to me, for advice, sometimes just to tell me things I really don't wanna hear, but they come to me anyway. I can't really say I hang out with a specific group of people because I phase in and out of the company of others. I'm approachable and I'm really funny so people like me. It's also a relatively small school so there really isn't a popular group, they just differentiate by music taste and I listen to everything so yea...

As for on-line, I have no idea where I stand. I really, I don't know.
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Offline? Well, offline I am a self-confessed computer geek with violence issues. I'm rather sarcastic and get bored easily. Despite that I have a large friends list, that is almost matched by people who have a problem with me for no reason. Out of those friends I'd only consider a few REAL friends though. Like... Aaron, Chris, Toby, Mitch and John. *realizes his friends have such boring names* Somehow I seem to attract the social misfits and smart peeples.

Online, I really can't say. As it is in life, it depends where I am. In large chats I'm different to when I'm in a one-on-one. At my other forum I'm different to I am at OB. It's all very odd. I also know that when chatting to Charles its unthinkable to chat the same way to Mimmi.
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Well on here I guess I have a few good buddies and those I hang around with in the Adventure Forum other than that I don't think I'm noticed all that much. Though I did get birthday wishes from Solo and Arcadia..I'm quite chuffed about that.

In real life I kind of blend in everywhere, all different groups other than the trendies (which is like the high class, cheer leadery type people). I have some good friends and loads of people who know me, though I'm nowhere near the most popular by a long shot.
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IRL I am a well liked person. In school I got along with everyone, never got picked on. That could also be because I knew most of my classmates from kindergarden AND they all knew I was a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do! I guess I would just be that person who didn't stick out in a crowd. Middle of the road is where I travel.

Online. I think I am pretty much the same. I don't act any differently online than I do in real life. I know there are people who will put on a front when online because of the "safety" of being infront of a computer versus infront of a human being. I wouldn't say anything to hurt someone just to be mean. I am not that kind of person.

I am in the same lot in my real life as my online life. Middle of the road, just one of the guys, part of the herd, yaada, yaada, yaada....you get the idea.

My goal in life, on or offline, is to have fun, hang out with people who like the same things I do, and be myself. Whatever clique that puts me in, I will be happy since I am with people who are the same as me. Some people take things to seriously....who wants to hang with them? :p
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[color=indigo]My superiority complex transcends all boundries, so regardless of how others percieve my social status I always believe that I am better than you.

In all honesty I don't really know what my social status is in real life or online, I haven't been concerned about it since high school...I guess I just find too much comfort in anonimnity.[/color]
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[size=1][color=navy]Online... I basically believe that the whole internet system is a network of lies, deceit, exaggerations, and everything but the solid truth, so it's hard to pinpoint my social standing simply because I don't really trust the statement people make about themselves online (more so when they begin pushing the boundary of common sense). These days, I find myself wondering alot about the validity of the actions that are listed in the online blogs of online 'friends'. Thus, little friends (if, indeed they can be called 'friends') and I'm in a closed circle. I just talk to whoever has the audacity to IM me and interest me...

Offline, on the other hand... there's more room to validate whatever claim people make about themselves. There's the facial expression, tone of voice, body language, etc. I do have a fair number of friends offline, but I'm not flexible at all. I'd rather stick with one group rather than traverse through the different social classes and adapt to each one in turn. Besides, I've always had some dislike for the 'populars'. Best to stick with the outcasts. [/size][/color]
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