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Digimon- Way of the Worlds [PG]

Solo Tremaine

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"All I can say is this place gives me the creeps!" Tera said looking around the cold damp area. "I wonder what on earth is going on here."

Hawkmon nodded, "Perhaps we arent on earth?"

"Dont even start that pal... Id hate to think We arent in our own dimension anymore!"

Renamon sniffed the air, "Hmm there are others nearby."

Tera turned to Kira and looked at her with a questioning look, "Hey.. .where did that veemon you were with go?"
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kira shook her head. "I'm not sure. Maybe he didn't get transported with us." she said sadly, looking around the hallway they were slowly walking through. Off in the distance, Renamon could hear a faint noise[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]She twitched her ears. "It sounds like...a Digimon. A small one." she said. Kira brightened up. "Maybe it's Veemon!" she exclaimed and quickly led the group down the hall, towards the noises.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Once down the hall, they could hear the noises. Much louder now, they sounded like a Digimon calling out for someone or something but the voice was still too hard to distinguish, this far away. Kira quickly ran around the corner and down another hall.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]She ran straight into Veemon as she rounded a corner. "Veemon!" she exclaimed and picked him up. He hugged her happily. "Kira! I was wondering what had happened to you, I thought I was all alone here!" he said, looking around behind Kira as Tera, Hawkmon, and Renamon caught up with Kira.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"Well, now that we've found Veemon, lets explore this place some more, shall we?" Kira suggested, turning around to face the small group behind her.[/color][/size][/font]
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[color=darkblue]Gatomon had only been walking around for a few minutes, having just woken up in her new surroundings. It reminded her a lot of the caves she used to frequent in the Digital World before the merge.

"Now's not the time for old memories. I need to find out where the hell I am."

She continued walking down the hallway, pausing every now and then to further examine something she thought seemed like a clue or to hop over a pipeline, when she finally saw a small spot of light far off down a tunnel that split from the one she was currently in.

"Well, if anything, I may be able to find something that'll tell me where this place is."

Taking the path, she continued along until she came to what seemed like a small hospital. There were a lot of Digimon milling around tending to things and cleaning. A few were helping other Digimon that appeared to be severely injured. One of those seemed to catch her attention almost immediately.

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[COLOR=#503F86]The senior officer sat in the darkened room, his hands shaking. Next to him was a phone, covered in dusty fingerprints, a cracked reciever half-resting on its cradle.

He knew he'd be going against the General's orders. He knew that the General would find out. But the General had been getting more and more extreme for months.

The first few years were dedicated to establishing a firm military base for humans to protect themselves. Then, he wanted to start taking Digimon prisoner, to question them about their weaknesses. That's when the accident had happened.

Thankfully, a team of advanced bioengineering mechanics had survived the initial cataclysm and managed to construst an artificial body for the General's damaged limbs. That was when he lost his humanity, his morality, the very things he accused of Digimon of lacking.

The next few months were brutal. Any Digimon nearby was killed on the spot; those who survived the attack were taken in for brutal torture and questioning, facing a long and drawn-out execution. The General would watch every moment of their pain, a sick expression of pleasure on his face, as if he was doing them justice. Nothing deserved that.

And the senior officer knew well that it wasn't just digimon who the General would kill. Human who refused to join the military colony were killed too- a hinderance to the divine plans. It had to stop.

Slowly, the officer reached for the phone.

"Commander Branit? This is Imahori. The assignment is to go ahead... but the brief has changed. The plan goes ahead as normal, but agents are to go without reinforcements and are warned [i]not[/i] to engage until the situation is fully investigated and the intentions of the group are known. I understand it's little more than infiltration and reconnaissance, but it is vital that this is followed. Maintain radio silence until you return."

He placed the phone back on the reciever without waiting for the reply. His hands still shaking, Imahori quietly made his way down to the armoury...

* * *

Fladramon swing himself round at the sound of his name being called. He saw Gatomon striding up towards him and he gave a smile.

"Well, fancy seeing you here." he mused, stretching his back muscles. Opossummon shied away from Gatomon, hiding his face behind the bowl of digital medi-cream.

"Can't get rid of me that easily." Gatomon smirked. "How are you holding up?"

Fladramon gently prodded the slowly sealing wound in his side. "Better."

As he spoke, he felt an empty feeling open inside his stomach and a low gurgle escape from his midriff.

"Eheh, I'll recover more quickly if I can eat something, though." he added quickly, scratching his head. He went to stand up, then noticed that something was missing.

Opossummon was walking away when Fladramon caught his eye. "Where's my bag?" he said urgently.

"Oh, it's... oh." Opossummon mumbled anxiously, trying not to drop the bowl. "Oh, I know! Thay have it in the chamber. Follow me."

Gatomon and Fladramon travelled down dark cavernous corridors lit solely by dim lightbulbs and the occasional torch chained to a wall. Cables ran along the ground, leading off from darker tunnels and converging in an area up ahead. The stone floors were lined with metal grates, noisy clanks echoing with every step.

A bright white light lay ahead of them as they ascended a slope. The two traveling digimon exchanged apprehensive looks before following the nervous Opossummon into the huge cave.

When they entered, the sight of the crystal computer dazzled their eyes. Digimon and humans ran about in different directions, carrying electrical equipment, other humans and digimon.

"What is this?" Fladramon gaped in awe.

Opossummon bounded over to a man with youthful looks and long black hair. He smiled.

"Ah, you're awake. I hope we didn't surprise you."

"Surprise?" Gatomon spat. "Please, it'll take more than that."

The human tilted his head, shrugged and continued. "This is where we regulate the structure of the world. Since the cataclysm joined the two together, the land is very unstable. We work constantly to keep the balance and prevent the planet from falling apart."

Fladramon listened, trying to convince himself he could take it all in. Digimon and humans were working together en mass. He never thought he'd see anything like this in hs lifetime. Questions began flooding into his mind. Was the world really in such a critical condition? What did they need to do?

One question pushed itself out in front of all others.

"Where's my stuff?"[/COLOR]
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Branit put his phone away. "Instructions from Imahori: 'The assignment is to go ahead, but the brief has changed. The plan goes ahead as normal, but agents are to go without reinforcements and are warned not to engage until the situation is fully investigated and the intentions of the group are known. I understand it's little more than infiltration and reconnaissance, but it is vital that this is followed. Maintain radio silence until you return.'"

Azufe knew exactly what that meant. "Translation: something's there that we're not supposed to know about, and that will be helpful if we figure out what it is. One of these days that General is going to get it."

"The who?" Bolt asked.

"A religious fanatic who believes that Digimon are the spawn of Satan, or something like that," Azufe explained. "Nobody knows his name, so we call him the General. Imahori works under him, and he knows how to hide messages in what he says so that the General doesn't know what he's told people. We can trust Imahori, but not the General.

"'The brief has changed,' Imahori said. That means that he's going against orders. Bolt, you and I are to go in alone, and we won't be finding enemies. 'Don't engage', remember. Let's get our supplies. Branit, how long will it take that chopper to get here?"

"It should be here by the time you're ready," Branit said. Azufe and Bolt left, heading toward the provisions room as Branit called to confirm the helecopter's need.
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[color=navy]Andromon sat up with a start. He took a look around at the solid grey rock walls around him, and was unplesantly suprised. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs, and used his fingers to pull some real ones off his face.[/color]

[color=#696969]"Where am I?[/color][color=dimgray]"[/color]

[font=Lucida Console][color=lime]Search In Progress...[/color][/font]

[color=navy]Andromon got up and took a couple of shaky steps around. None of his limbs seemed to work the way that they were supposed to. He took a look out of the opening of his room and peered down the hall. Andromon could hear what sounded like a small commotion going on, but he couldn't place where it was coming from. [/color]

[color=dimgray]"Oh well, couldn't hurt. "[/color]

[color=navy]He took a few steps and nearly tripped over Deciperemon.[/color]

[color=#696969]"Hey! Where did you come from?"[/color]

[color=black]"That's not important. The important thing is-"[/color]

[color=indigo]"Lord Garudamon demands that you submit and be placed under arrest, you tresspassing retch!"[/color]

[color=navy]A number of voices issued the command in unison, but their identities were cloaked in the shadows. Deci hung his head in defeat.[/color]

[color=black]"-getting away..."[/color]

[color=navy]The voices revealed themselves to be a group of six WereGarurumon.[/color]
[color=#4b0082]"Such is the will of the Garu Squad!"[/color]
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"Garu Squad? Is that the best you could come up with?" Deciperemon asked disdainfully.

"Deciperemon, do not mock them. They outnumber us six to one." said Andromon.

"Learn to count, there's two of us."

"We're Ultimates, you're not." Andromon replied.

"Let's go." said one of the Weregarurumon gruffly, approaching to take them into custody.

"Catch me if you can, fur-face." said Deciperemon, suddenly vaulting himself into the air.

Three of the Weregarurumon leapt up after him, their limbs every bit as agile as Deciperemon's. The other three remained on the ground and moved in to take Andromon away. The Weregarurumon that had moved just a moment before had been watching as Deciperemon jumped away from him, and in that instant Andromon knocked him down. His chest plate opened up and his two shark missile launched out and blew up against the remaining two Ultimates. Andromon then made a run for it, his bionic legs pumping fast.


Deciperemon, meanwhile, was having a bit of trouble. He hadn't expected the Weregarurumons to be able to follow him to the higher shelves. He was jumping from ledge to ledge as fast as he could, but they were swiftly gaining on him. "Halt!" one of them shouted.

"Yeah right." muttered Deciperemon. He sprang off of one wall, and then off of another, so that he was streaming through the center of the narrow cavern, above their heads. They leapt up after him. They stayed there, suspended for a moment, the four of them. Then Deciperemon spun around in midair and unleashed a volley of Feinted Blasts right into their faces. The three of them fell like stones to the ground far below, and Deciperemon began the same descent.
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The low rumbling of the chopper's blades cut the cool night air and blew the snow around it in all directions, sending wave upon wave of cool snowflakes into the air around it, and clearing a way for some landing purchase. However, a sudden gust of wind blew the helicopter somewhat off balance.

"There's way too much wind here, gotta land somewhere else."
"That's fine, just make sure we reach the drop zone on time."

The chopper's blades cut smoothly through the air as it continued its ascent, casting a cool shadow over the snow below. A small searchlight emerged from underneath and lit up a small hillside, and, satisfied, the helicopter swung slightly to a halt in front of it.

"Ok, here's your landing."
"Thanks, we can handle it from here."

The chopper's bay doors opened to release a motorcycle-sized package from underneath, which appeared to be wrapped in a huge tarpaulin cloak. The helicopter's searchlight retracted, and the chopper soared off in the opposite direction, leaving the black package behind.

"Let's do this."

The small package seemed to unravel slowly from the inside, as the ends seemed to inflate somewhat and unfold like a large plant. Once completed, the covering looked more like a rubber raft on land. Wrapped up inside were Bolt, Azufe, and a small machine that looked like a snowmobile. The packaging seemed to shrink somewhat to a static shape, and what they ended up with was a hovercraft-like snowmobile; a military parahawk. Azufe gunned the machine and it slid cleanly across the snow, leaving almost no traces, and moving with a surprisingly silent quickness across the darkened landscape. Azufe and Bolt were wearing thick green glasses, night vision goggles, for support on their trek, and the LT packs were strung to the back of overly-large cloaks for support which would act as their homes for the next little while. The parahawk was equipped with enough fuel to last them for possibly most of the trip, and the machine, incredibly light, could glide easily downhill with no need of gas except in an emergency. The sient craft purred over the hillside, as Bolt looked up to admire the majesty of the Himalayas...

[i]Pai nosso, que estàs nos céus: santificado seja o teu nome.
Venha o teu reino. Seja feita a tua vontade, assim na terra, como no céu.
O pão nosso de cada dia nos dá hoje.
E perda-nos as nossas dividas, assim como nós perdoamos aos nossos devedores.
E nao induizas à tentação, mas livra-nos do mal. Porque teu é o reino e o poder e a glória para sempre.

"Had enough yet?" The General grinned menacingly, as Wind was now muttering madly to himself, body riddled with holes from the points of the stun gun. His body seemed to be sshutting down on him, as he could no longer feel most of his limbs, and felt his heart racing and slowing down at odd intervals.
"Well?" the voice of a medic came in through the General's com.
"General, he won't survive another shock, switch him for someone else..."
"Silence!" The General roared, and, eyeing Wind, gave him one more stab in the heart, causing him to fall over and writhe and twist madly. Two uniformed medics rushed in and began trying to undo Wind's bindings, while the General turned around, replacing his stun gun on the table. Wind was suffering from cardiac arrest, as he was now being hustled out of the room, now unconcious. The General looked at his com.
"Bring in the first one again." The General said, grinning into the darkness. The door swung open not a moment later, and Crossfire reappeared, looking far less amused than when he first came in. The General glared at him, and picked up the stun gun again, when a voice protested over his com.
"Don't do it, sir, he can't survive much more..." The General flicked off the com, and returned his attention to Crossfire as he was being bound down...

Wind jolted slightly as the electric current passed through him body, and the doctor looked relieved to see his blood pressure seemed to be returning to normal, he was also quite impressed, as he had never heard of anyone with that kind of longevity in his system. The Operating room light went off as the medical technicians walked out in file. Imahori returned inside.
"Awful, just what the General has been reduced to these days..." The doctor put a finger to his lips, and nodded slightly towards a small com in the corner. Leaning Imahori over, he whispered:
"The walls have ears, my friend." Imahori looked at Wind lying on the table, who now appeared to be concious again. He looked, almost serenely as ever, back at Imahori, who stared in return. Wind was completely unboud, ad appreared to be functioning normally, he was wondering why Wind was making no attempt at resistance.
"It's okay, we know your intentions are good, so there's nothing you need to say or worry about." Wind said soothingly, as though Imahori was the one in pain. Imahori looked at the young data hunter with some interest, and returned to the doctor.
"I think we ought to try and get them out of interrogation for now, give them some time for recovery." A loud bang was heard over the com system, and someone moaning in agony, and the General's voice, laughing.
"Yes, if they survive the first round, anyway." The doctor said confidentially. Imahori turned to see Wind trying to get up, but each movement was slow and agonizingly painful, and Imahori turned to look at him. Wind smiled.
"I said not to worry, didn't I?"
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[I][B]THUD.[/B][/I] [I][B]THUD.[/B][/I] [I][B]THUD.[/B][/I]


Deciperemon had been able to maneuver himself in the air so that he landed on his feet. The resulting impact with the floor still hurt a great deal, however. His legs collapsed from under him, and he lay down, gritting his teeth in pain and breathing deep through his nose. The three Weregarurumon were out cold, knocked unconscious with their more violent contact with the ground that preceded his own. Deciperemon tried standing up. Pain shot through his legs like electricity, and he was forced to sit back down.

"Great. So now I'm stuck." he said aloud.

Deciperemon crawled towards the nearest wall and propped himself up against it. He gingerly lifted his left leg and took a closer look. His ankles were bruised, and swollen to about three times their normal size. His foot was bleeding and had a couple pebbles imbedded into it. He carefully started to pick the pebbles out, wincing with pain as he did so.
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"You need to know this," Azufe said as he piloted the parahawk. "I'm assuming you've noticed that Terriermon doesn't seem to be with us? That's because he's hiding. Because the General was against us going on this mission, it's probable that we'll be meeting some digimon-friendly humans at the destination point, and probably some Digimon as well, but we can't assume that. We can consider all the facts and come up with a theroy that seems to have a 100% chance of being correct, and still not have a clue as to what we'll find. So we always take certain precautions when going into unknown situations.

"You've probably noticed the very large pouch on my pack that yours doesn't have. That's where Terriermon is. Everyone with a Digimon partner is always issued packs with the pouches. They can stretch to a size that fits most Rookie-level Digimon, and are made so that a Digimon can get out in no time at all."

"I was wondering about that," Bolt admitted. "Thanks for clearing that up. Now, where exactly are we headed?"

"There are some very advanced satilites in orbit, ones that can do more than ours-and ours are very advanced-ever could," Azufe explained. "If we had access to them, we could get the location of every Digimon on the planet in about, oh, seven minutes. Unfortunately, no facility has the equipment necessary to connect with them anymore. However, we do have some excellent maps made from information they provided before the equipment wore out and we lost contact, including one of a surprising cavern network in the Himalayas. Surprising because nobody knew about it until the satilites found it. We're heading to a cave entrance that will, if we follow the right path, lead us to the destination point."

When they came to the cave, Azufe stopped the parahawk. "We rest here for the night," Azufe said. "Tomorrow, we go in. There's a pen and some paper in your pack. Write yourself instructions, in case you wake up before me. Don't want you wandering off without your memories. Make sure that listening to your recordings on the tape I gave you-you have been using it, right?-is included."

Azufe got off of the parahawk and took some equipment out of his pack. He reomved additional equipment from Bolts. "Security devices," he explained. "We'll set them up in a perimete around us and the parahawk. They don't really do much for stopping anyone from getting to us, but if anyone, human or Digimon, crosses the perimete, it'll make one hell of a loud noies. We'll be awake before you can say 'alert'. Help me set it up, then we'll get some sleep."
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[COLOR=#503F86]The young man blinked, smiled, then lifted a bag from a desk behind him and handed it to Fladramon, who felt a great sigh of relief flowing through him, but did his best to keep it hidden. Security blanket-esque things didn't make for hardcore warriors.

Gatomon watched Fladramon take the bag- he noticed her and blushed ever-so-slightly. Clearing his throat, he looked back to the human.

"What do you mean by 'unstable'?"

The human took them over to a large computer screen, at which sat a Digmon tapping ferverently at a keyboard. She gave them a quick glance over her shoulder and continued typing.

A large, three-dimensional map of the new world hummed on screen. Although the planet looked normal enough, several glowing red fault lines ripped across the surface of the planet. Light blue dots pulsated slowly at various places around the faultlines, and a few in other parts of the world.

"What are those?" Gatomon asked cautiously.

"They're energy phases. When the two worlds were fused, it trapped a huge amount of energy beneath the surfaces of the two planets. As the outer layers begin to disingegrate, this energy is released in the form of huge natural disasters and dimensional rifts."

Fladramon gazed at the network of red lines screaming across the planet's surface. "But... there are so many."

"Exactly. That is why we have to act quickly to save both planets, otherwise we'll lose everything." the human replied gravely. The creatures around him exchanged worried looks.

"Act quickly? What are you trying to do?"

"Located at the heart of the Digital World was a computer that regulated the balance and processes of the digital creation, and the planet itself. As far as we can tell, it was destroyed at the beginning of the cataclysm. We need to locate ENIAC's power source so that we can rebuild it and bring the world to a balance."

Fladramon pointed at a section of the world map that, instead of green plant land, was completely black. "What's that?"

The human swept some of his hair from his face. "That is the heart of the Digimon's realm. The land around it has been corrupted so badly; there must be something at the heart of it that's causing all that destruction."

"What do you think it is?"

A huge voice echoed throughout the cave- "A digimon." Maildramon's massive presence filled the room as he entered from a large side-tunnel. Fladramon and Gatomon didn't much like the contemptuous look they were getting from him.

"One digimon?" gatomon hissed. "Surely there's nothing that power-"

"Before the cataclysm," Maildramon interjected, his voice a low growl. "There was a digimon called Thanatomon, a corrupted, viral Mega Digimon. Somehow he'd managed to worm his way onto the Digimon Senate and persuaded them to let him take care of the invading human forces. He seemed to be doing the Digital World a great service, but I never trusted him. I was posted with him during the final battle, but in the final moments he disappeared. Before I had a chance to look for him, a massive explosion shook the world. When I awoke, the two planets had been fused together."

"Our scouts have noticed Digimon travelling too and from the centre of that area, carrying things with odd power readings. We suspect it's ENIAC's armour." Digmon continued.

The human commander leant agsinst the rocky wall. "But as soon as we track the armour to the source, the readings disappear. We have no way of knowing what happened to them or what the Digimon are planning. Either way, if Thanatomon's behind it, we have to act quickly. That's why we brought you here."

"Us?" Gatomon and Fladramon chorused.

"We were hoping there would be more of you with human partners... we're not sure how digivices work with only one half of an evolution chain."

"Half of an evolution chain? You mean digimon can't digivolve without humans?" Fladramon spluttered.

The human shook his head. "Only with digivices. If you can touch and read a piece of ENIAC's armour, you can digivolve, perhaps permanently. A digivice allows an intensely powerful digivolution for short spaces of time. But we never perfected them. They need a human vessel to transmit the energy. Together, human and digimon life-force create a huge power that we might be able to use to combat the evil that's stalking the planets. And, we might be able to prevent the world from falling apart."

Fladramon scratched his chin. "It's an interesting idea... but-"

Before he could finish, an explosion shook the caves.

"What was that?" Maildramon roared.

"Sir, there's been a cave-in in the lower tunnels. I'm detecting a strange energy source..."[/COLOR]
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OOC: I'm back. Hope it's okay if Azufe and Bolt cause the explosion (You did leave that one open).


When they woke up, Azufe supplamented what Bolt had on the tape player to make sure he knew what was going on. They packed up the gear, and the two of them hopped onto the parahawk, Terriermon safely in Azufe's pack. Azufe took it into the cave.

Azufe turned the headlights on, and brought up the map on the parahawk's display. He followed the path he had plotted en route to the Himalayas, and encountered no troubles for about a minute. An unexpected stalagmite required him to make a quick and unexpected turn to avoid it. The parahawk wasn't designed to turn so quickly, and ended up doing a complete 360 degree spin. Bolt bumped a strap on Azufe's pack while reaching for a secure hold, and two objects flew out before he could close the pack. One landed on the display and attached itself. It was loose, as the screen was a surface it was not designed to attach to. The other flew into Azufe's head, bounced off, and landed on the front of the parahawk, near the bottom. "****!" Azufe swore.

"What's going on?" Bolt asked.

"There's a bomb on the front of the parahawk," Azufe explained. He wasn't even trying to follow the right path, instead chooseing tunnels at random. "The detonator's on my display. I can't remove the detonator, because that's what detonates the bomb. Problem is, the detonator's loose. It could fly off at any time, and boom! We're dead. I can't stop, because that'll probably cause the detonator to fly off."

"What do we do?"

"Teriermon, out of the pack! I need you to get the bomb!"

"Got it!" Terriermon exited his pouch and made his way to the front of the parahawk as Azufe kept it moving. He knew that he could run into a dead end at any time, but he also knew he couldn't stop until the bomb was reomved.

Terriermon swung over the display, careful not to bump the detonator. He let go, allowing the parahawk to slam into him and push him along. He detached the bomb, then flung himself up, over the display, over Azufe, and into Bolt's face. He threw the bomb onto the cave floor behind the parahawk. Suddenly, the detonator flew off, and the bomb, about two hundred feet behind them, blew up. Azufe stopped the parahawk, and he, Bolt, and Terriermon watched as the explosion caused the tunnel to cave in. "Just in time," Bolt said.

Terriermon crawled back into his pouch as Azufe studied the map, plotting a new route to the target point. When he had one, he hit the gas and followed it.
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[color=darkblue]Gatomon quickly picked herself up off the floor and began dusting herself off, the explosion having caught her off guard and made her lose her balance. Instantly, the area around them became frenzied with Digimon and humans alike checking damage reports and other things on the various monitors around the room.

"I want the source found and isolated! Notify me at once if you find [i]anything![/i]"

"What the hell could've caused something like that?!" Gatomon asked no one in particular.

"I don't know, but I aim to find out. You two are to help with the search." Maildramon replied.

"Hold on a second!" Fladramon said walking up the towering Digimon. "Just why should we be taking orders from you?"

"Because," Maildramon began, taking a menacing step forward, "otherwi--"

"Just please do it as a favor," the human commander interuppted, giving Maildramon a warning look. "We don't have many Digimon here that would be able to navigate down there easily, and we don't have many vehicles properly equipped to go down in the tunnels when they're in that condition. You two are the only ones around that seem strong and agile enough to be of any great help."

Gatomon looked over at Fladramon and rolled her eyes, not at all [i]wanting[/i] to give any type of help to them, but knowing that if they wanted to get out of there any time soon, they would have to be at least a little cooperative. Fladramon caught onto her hint and looked warily over at the commander. After a moment of silence, Fladramon sighed.

"All right. But we have a lot of talking to do afterwards."[/color]
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"Well, maybe you ought to hang back, and I'll see what's happening up front." Azufe said confidentially to Bolt, as the two of them slowed down to a stop, since some of the tunnels became too narrow for the large parahawk any longer. Azufe checked his gear, and the two of them leapt off the large vehicle. Azufe took a few steps forward, then turned back.
"If you see anything, don't kill it unless it tries to kill you first." Azufe warned, and rushed off to try and find the target with Terriermon, whilst Bolt hung back to keep the parahawk, and their equipment, safe. He pulled out a heavy shotgun from underneath the seat of the hawk, and decided to hang around. It was very cold out, but that didn't stop him from feeling very sleepy, since he had only caught a meek few hours of sleep since he fisrt met Azufe at the base.

Bolt sat back and wondered what his life must have been like until that moment when he had lost his memory. Was he really the hero who had worked with Azufe for all this time, or was there something...more? He knew it was wrong to doubt Azufe, who had been good to him and helped him put his life back together again...but that couldn't stop him from wondering...

[i]Everyone's been so weird with me...does this mean that I'm not really who I think?[/i]

Bolt tried hard to remember something from before the supposed "incident" in which his memory had disappeared, but there was really nothing to summon up which he could remember, he was drawing blanks, there was nothing he could remember, nothing...

[i]This can't be happening...whole years of my life, my childhood, everything...gone...[/i]

He thought carefully of Azufe, of what he might have been like before this entire accident...was he really like that? Or was he pretending something different? Bolt tried so hard to remember what the setting was like...a place...a voice...nothing at all.

[i]Is this really who I am....or is there something no one has been telling me?[/i]

Nothing...raindrops...a glimpse of black asphalt and streetlights...somebody was yelling...

[i]I'm just me...but is that all?[/i]

Somebody was yelling very loud...something about...somebody...familliar.

[i]I guess there's not much to question...this is my life now, right?[/i]



A loud bang awoke the sleeping Bolt, and he looked up to realize that he had fallen asleep slighly, sitting on top of the parahawk. The bang was the sound of his shotgun slipping out of his hand and hitting the side of the vehicle. Bolt reached over and picked it up, but became aware of a small noise coming from above, a rustling...and thought he caught a shadow coming from the cave ceiling, dancing shadows...Bolt warily picked up his shotgun, but he began to feel strangely...relaxed rather than unnerved, amused rather than fearful. He let the shotgun slide to his side again, and as he bent to pick it up, he thought he could hear more small steps, and imagined being stalked. Just for the hell of it, he picked up the tiny casette recorder, and began speaking clearly, his voice bouncing off the cavern walls.
"My name is Bolt, and I think I am being stalked right now." The footsteps stopped, and Bolt took notice that the shade appeared to have stopped moving as well. He continued.
"Uh, I'm Bolt, nice to meet you, whoever you are." Bolt said, he almost felt like laughing, either there really was someone there, he was still asleep and dreaming, or he was steadily going insane, imagining shadows and footsteps in the dark.
"Well, uh, I guess someone is out to kill me, or something, I dunno." Bolt thought he spotted movement again, but there was nothing. He continued, trying to keep his eyes open for any sign of movement.
"To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm here, some mission for a big government agency, I think, and I can't even remember who I am." Bolt looked over, he thought he had noticed something, but again there was nothing. He kept talking.
"I work for the army, or so they say, to be honest I'm not sure what to believe anymore, I can't remember anything, not a thing." Bolt heard the sound of a few loose rocks falling to the floor, and was almost certain that he had spotted some movement.
"So, whoever is after me, if you want to kill me...well...you can try, and I don't really care that much." Bolt clicked "stop" just as he heard a footstep directly behind him, and turned around to catch a blur of white and a heavy weight strike him in the face. He collapsed, and an angry red scratch appeared on his face. The culprit looked down curiously at the tape recorder in hand, and then proceeded to drag the body away...
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"This is the way, all right," Azufe said to Terriermon. "Let's go get Bolt."

When they got back to the Parahawk and found Bolt gone, Azufe went right to work. He inspected the area. "Look at this, Terriermon. Someone was dragged off. It has to be Bolt."

Azufe looked at the tunnel the drag marks entered. "Big enough for the parahawk. Good. We'll catch up in no time."

Terriermon hopped on behind Azufe, who started the parahawk and drove it down the tunnel. He went at a good clip, but slow enough that he could be sure that he was following the drag marks. It wasn't long before he saw Bolt, who was still being dragged. There were Digimon in front of Bolt, and one was dragging him. "Stop!" Azufe shouted. "We're not here to harm you! We're not here to fight! We were sent to investigate strange energy readings, sent by a man named Imahori, who knows more about this place than he told us. He knew what we would find here, and he made sure we knew not to engage! Is there anyone willing to speak with me?"
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]An explosion shook the corridor Kira, Tera, Renamon and Hawkmon were walking down. "What, what was that?" Kira asked. Tera shook her head, as did Renamon and Hawkmon. None of them knew what had caused the blast. Renamon twitched her ears and then pointed off to the left. "It came from that way. Lets go and see if anyone got hurt."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The group immediately ran down the corridor towards where the sound of the blast had come from. After a few minutes, they reached the end of the corridor. Another corridor led off to the left and, that being the only way they could go, the group ran off down the corridor. Soon they heard the sound of something being dragged across the floor. Renamon's ears twitched. "It sounds like a...body." she said and the group of four approached the two figures who were nearing them with a limp body being dragged behind them.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Then a large vehicular shape appeared behind the three figures. The man on the vehicle began telling the three figures to stop. Kira, Tera, Renamon and Hawkmon stopped as well, just as who two of three figures of whom they had been walking towards could be distinguished as the Flamedramon and the Gatomon that they had met earlier. The third figure was an unconscious man with a large red scratch on his face.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kira walked closer to the man who was on the peculiar vehicle after hearing him ask if there was anyone who was willing to speak with him. "I'm willing to speak with you, but, I don't know much about what's going on. I still don't know where we are." she said as the man stepped off of the vehicle.[/color][/size][/font]
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Deciperemon collapsed on the ground, drenched in sweat and with his chest heaving. Who would have thought that dragging yourself with your arms would be so very difficult? His legs were still pretty much useless, so he couldn't even scuttle along with them. His ankles were both broken, and the bones of his calves and thighs were still vibrating slightly from the shock. Deciperemon propped himself up on his elbow and took a look over his shoulder. He had moved perhaps seven feet from his original position, with two feet attributed to the shift from sitting erect to lying down.

"This is hopeless." he groaned. More than ever before, Deciperemon wanted the company of another digimon. Hostile, friendly; it didn't matter. Either one would be of help. "HELLO?!" he called out. "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?"

Deciperemon cocked his ear to listen, but all he heard was an echo. The Weregarurumon were still out cold; but they probably would not attack him in their condition and considering his. Deciperemon hunched his shoulders and began to pull himself along again. "Whatever happened to the foul-tempered digimon that would recklessly attack anything they saw?" he asked sourly. Everybody was far too soft these days.


O.O.C. Somebody....help me. O_O'
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"Well, your name and the name of the other human-I recognise the Digimon, and I know which ones they are-would be a good place to start," Azufe said. "I'm Azufe, my Digimon partner is Terriermon, and the unconcious one is Bolt."

"I'm Kira," the girl replied, "and this is Tera."

"Thank you. Now, I assume you're all here because of the explosion?"

"Was that you?" Kira asked.

"Yes. I had to execute a manuver(sp?) that my vehicle wasn't designed for. Is spun out, and a bomb and detonator flew out of my pack. The bomb exploded a couple seconds after Terriermon removed it from the vehicle."


Azufe laughed. "Accidents happen. Now, I'm willing to go with you, because I need to speak with someone who knows what's going on here. I just need Bolt back. Once I've secured him to the vehicle and made sure that the device in his hand is safely in his pack, I'll follow you on the vehicle to wherever I need to go. Agreed?"
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[i]We don't want to die, but if we do, then I guess we are really lucky after all.

What are we doing in this world? Are we hurting people? Do we really have to kill to survive like this?[/i]

Bolt appeared to be writhing slightly on the ground. Azufe looked curiously at him and realized that his face was beading slightly with sweat.
"Is he okay?" Tera asked, worried.
"I...I think so...He hasn't reacted like this before." Azufe replied, then crouched down in an attempt to rouse his fallen friend.

[i]Rain...it's raining...
"I happen to like the rain, you know."
Somebody...on their knees...screaming...
'you....Cross...told...hurting...each other...eating...each other...'
"A real nightmare, huh? I didn't know you cared so much."
Somebody...growing...and more yelling.
'you don't care...don't care.'
"A nightmare unlike anything else, don't worry, I can get you out..."
"It's okay, we'll get you out."
"I'll get you out."[/i]

Azufe reached down to look at his unconcious friend's face, when Bolt suddenly jumped to his feet with surprising agility, and immediately thrust a hand at Azufe's face, as though to punch him. Azufe looked up in shock at his friend's behaviour, but Bolt looked downright terrified, a face completely bleached of colour, only textured with beads of cold sweat, eyes wide and pupils dialated so small they were almost invisible. Even the colour appeared to drain from his hair, and the hand, now stopped directly in front of Azufe's face, was shaking noticeably. Bolt appeared stricken for a moment, then his hand dropped and he began to weave around slightly, as though intoxicated. He fell to one knee and his head fell forwards as thought it were made of lead, his hair covering his face. He looked sick.
"Are you all right?" Azufe asked, wondering what the hell had just happened. Bolt didn't look up, but replied, with an unusually low and pained tone of voice.
"Who is yelling?" Azufe asked, and Kira looked forward.
"Is something wrong with him?"
"He has problems with his memory, but he's never reacted like this before."
"Who was mad, Bolt? Who is yelling?" Bolt's head appeared to lift slightly, and his eyes looked strangely dead, as though he was resurfacing from some awful nightmare.
"...rain...lots of rain...somebody yelling...." Azufe recoiled in shock. Rain? Somebody yelling? Was Bolt somehow remembering what had happened before Gargomon knocked him out? He seemed to be speaking very low, was there something going on with his memory? Was he aware of what was happening?
Bolt got to his feet very slowly, and groaned slightly as his head swung back, and he appared to be moving in a rather disjointed manner, like a marionette on strings. Azufe looked up, and Bolt made a strange gagging noise and looked up, he appared to have returned to normal, and he spat a bit on the ground. He seemed out of breath.
"You okay?" Azufe asked, tenaciously, as though Bolt was going to lunge at Azufe, knowing what had happened.
"Yeah, I'm okay, just a headache, think I must have had some kind of weird dream." Bolt replied, although he did have the air of someone just waking up. Azufe imagined what was going on. Why now? What was Bolt dreaming now? Did he, in fact, regain his memory and was just playing with Azufe, or was this just a random bad dream, which coincidentially involved a lot of rain and someone yelling very loudly. Perhaps he had gone into some kind of shock from being knocked out like that. Azufe wasn't sure. He only knew he had to figure out how to complete the mission, and fast, and get Bolt back to the base medics for further examination.
"Are you okay?" Tera asked, looking at Bolt in wonder. Bolt stared down at her, and then swayed back towards Azufe, still looking a little woozy.
"A partner on our mission, Azufe?"

Crossfire got up from his cross-legged position in his cell, and looked out at the field in front of the base area, searchlights sweeping every inch of the terrain every few seconds. He imagined his best friend, lying there in pain, from what he had just done.
[i]"Did it work?"[/i]
Crossfire looked up at the ceiling, imagining that this voice had come from directly above him, but he remembered his place, and bowed his head slightly to the ground.
[i]"No sir, it did not work."
"If you had held him for another few seconds he might have recovered."
"If I had held him for another few seconds he might have died, or gone insane."[/i]
Crossfire looked up slightly, and saw Wind in the cell directly across from him, eyes closed, sitting cross-legged, looking tense with concentration, beads of sweat appeared to be forming on his head.
[i]"If you three can handle the stress, so can he."
"I don't even know where he is now, it took all three of us a lot of energy to reach him, and we've had practice, he doesn't even know it's inside him."
"Well, I advise you to tell him all about it, so that he may practice once he gets back."
"If he gets back."
"He is a data hunter, he possesses the same marks, and the same gift as you, he will be back."[/i]
The voice stopped abruptly, and Crossfire looked up to see Wind as a bead of sweat dropped from his head, he was out of breath, but doing a great job at masking it, his chest collapsed inwards and inflated again as he strained from oxygen. Crossfire looked at him, and whispered, almost inaudibly:
"Obrigado." Wind smiled, despite the fact that his eyes were still closed. Crossfire looked out over the field of the prison section, as the searchlights blanched the ground over which they passed...
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[i]I can't take the risk that he's remembering things,[/i] Azufe thought. Fortunatly, he had remembered the doctor's warning and had come up with a story ahead of time. A story with a little truth to it.

"They said this might happen," he said. "Bolt, your mind is trying to remember your life. What you're getting probably doesn't make sense right now, so let me give you a little history. You never told me the exact age, but when you were young, your family was killed in a battle between the army, and we're not with them, and we don't like them very much. We don't like the air force or navy, either. They go for the brute force approach, which only shows the Digimon that the bad things they believe about us are true. We prefer to take a stelthier approach, and only strike where we need to.

"ANyways, Bolt, your family was killed durring the battle-they were civilians, by the way-and your house was destroyed. You were found by a group of people called data hunters. Basically, they get any kind of information they can, be it new weapon designs, new technological developments, whatever. They sell this data for money. A group of three found you. You told me their names: Crossfire, Wind, and Chain. They trained you, and they taught you their beliefs.

"Data hunters tend to have a very bad view of us millitary people. You never told me why you left them and came to us a few months ago, but you did. Actually, you went to the Marines, who we also don't like, although they're better than the other main branches. They gave you to us. I was assigned to supplement your skills with what they didn't teach you but you would need.

"With your help, we caught Crossfire, Wind, and Chain. You prooved to be a very valuable field agent. Then, you had the injury that removed your long-term memory. That was just a couple days ago. You should remember the rest."

Azufe stood up. "We need to get going. These people are going to lead us to someone who knows what we're here to learn. We're taking the parahawk, and they're leading us on foot. We need to go now."
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  • 2 months later...
[color=#503f86]Fladramon and Gatomon carefully made their way through the crippled tunnels around the epicentre of the explosion, trying to avoid areas that looked like they could be ready to collapse. Wounded humans and digimon crawled through clouds of dust, covered in blood and carrying anyone else they were able to.

"This looks bad..." Fladramon muttered, stepping over a mass he couldn't quite make out in the darkness. Up ahead, he could hear voices calling for help.

Although Gatomon didn't have much interest in helping the humans, she couldn't help but feel her stomach turning at the sounds of the tose still trapped within the cave's walls or half-buried underneath rubble. She swallowed hard and continued moving, keeping in close proximity to Fladramon.

They passed a human holding a small Koromon in their arms, coughing and spluttering.

"There's no way through- the passages have all fallen in," he gasped, his voice hoarse from dust-caked injuries. The Koromon was breathing erratically.

Fladramon looked at the tiny Digimon, then at the human, who looked ready to collapse any minute.

"Get yourself out of here. We'll get through."

Gatomon looked sceptical that they could actually breach the rocky barricade ahead of them, but did her best to try and find an entrance. She leapt up the landslide of rocks so quickly she almost flew. When she reached the peak she cocked her ears- she could hear air whistling through a gap in the stones, and behind it was another voice calling- this one oddly amiliar, but distorted by the accoustics of the tunnels. She began punching the rocks free, hurling them down in Fladramon's direction.

"Hey, watch it!" he yelled.

"I'm clearing a way through! There's someone in here," she called back, not stopping. Behind her,she heard Fladramon clumsily making his way up the rocks, knocking bigger boulders rolling down the corridor.

"Stop, idiot! You'll send it all-"

Before she could answer, the landslide collapsed further, sending the two of them rolling along the falling rocks into the corridor behind them. Righting herself, Gatomon looked back at the way she'd been clearing. Ironically, it was free enough for even Fladramon to fit through.

"You're lucky you didn't make it worse," she hissed, bounding ahead. Fladramon scowled, picked himself up and chased after her.[/color]

* * *

The metal corridors were enshrouded with an eerie darkness, one that not even the dim light bulbs attached to the ceiling could penetrate. A figure hurried through the pitch blackness, panic ripping out of him with each breath. Ahead, he could see a huge metal blast door- his final destination.

When he reached the keypad on the wall, he punched in the numbers, his hands shaking with apprehension. A siren wailed and the door rumbled open. He crawled inside and looked around. Locked behind a series of metal gates was the key to the salvation of the world.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Imahori took his pistol and shot the locks from the gates. Inside, he saw the crate full of high-density detonation packs. With one final look over his shoulder, he picked up as many as he could and ran into the darkness...
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[color=darkblue]Gatomon quickly made her way up to where she was standing before the small rock slide, still seething slightly form Fladramon's well-meaning mistake. This was why she didn't work with others and did things on her own. Though she didn't look it, she was wise in many subjects that others were not and her methods were best in most situations. Teaming up with other Digimon usually only caused her headaches and more often than not some brutal correction.

Gatomon glanced sideways at Fladramon as he finally managed to climb up beside her and looked through the newly made entrance. Scowling slightly, she muttered something under her breath that he couldn't quite catch as she began carefully scanning the cavern.

Masses of fallen rock were strewn about, creating underground hills that looked treacherous to try and scramble up. As GAtomon looked on, she saw a slowly creeping mass that had to be the source of the yelling she'd heard. Peering even harder, she recognized the shape as Deci.

"It looks like our friend is down there. He's some kind of hurt, too."

"Who do you....?" Fladramon responded, following Gatomon's gaze. Upon realizing it was Deci, he began to shout out for him, but Gatomon promptly gave him a good scratch across the muzzle, causing him to seeth loudly.

"Don't scream in here! Most parts of this place are probably still volatile. The last thing we need is for another chained rock slide to happen."

Fladramon growled audibly, turning slowly to look at Gatomon with eyes blazing.

"If you have something to tell me, just say it, because if you ever do something like that again, you'll regret it."

Though Gatomon would never admit it, the look in his eyes had shaken her to her core, and she believed that every word he spoke was the truth. However, to Fladramon's eyes, she merely cast a submissive look in his direction and began her decent to the cavern floor. Fladramon quickly followed after and both of them reached the bottom in good time.

"I think it'd be in our best interest to hurry. Like I said, some of these tunnels are probably still unstable, so we need to get out of here as soon as possible." Gatomon said as she began walking in Deci's direction. "You'll have to carry him."

Fladramon growled what seemed like an affermative response as he tenderly touched his new claw mark.

"This is going to leave a scar, you know."

"Well, if we survive, at least you'll have a tale to tell about how you got it." Gatomon replied shrugging.[/color]
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OOC: You don't want to give up on this, do you, Solo?


"I'm not quite sure who can tell you anything, to be honest," Kira said. "We only just got here, and we're not sure how we were brought here, or why."

"Well, I know why Bolt and I are here," Azufe said. "Monitering equipment picked up some unusual power readings from this area, and we were sent to investigate. Normally, this would be covert, but a man named Imahori revealed that a not-too-nice man known only as the General didn't want us to come, and that we would be finding friends here. Because of the General's objection, I think that there's something very important to everyone sane going on here, and I need to know what."


OOC: Solo, Azufe's kind of stuck without anything to do. Could you maybehave someone meet with him, or something?
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"Could you give me a hand, here?" snapped Deciperemon.

"She could give you a claw." muttered Fladramon, lightly pawing at his freshly scarred face.

"Oh, just quiet down and grab him."

Fladramon carefully picked his way over and through the rubble over towards the motionless Rookie. Looking down at Deci's bruised and swollen legs, he arched an eyebrow. "Got into a bit of trouble, did you?"

"Do you think you're funny? 'Cause, you're not, really." Fladramon stooped down a bit to pick up Deciperemon. "Hey, hold on a minute. You're not carrying me."

"Why not?"

"I don't like being carried."

"Well, you certainly can't walk."

"I can too, just hit me first."

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to hit you."

"Just do it, I'll be walking around in no time."

"No. I won't."

[I]"Come on."[/I]


"For Jijimon's sake, [I]I'll[/I] hit him!" hissed Gatomon. "Lightning Paw!"

Deciperemon grinned. "Attack Snatcher!" Deciperemon's hands glowed a dark purple, and they instantly snapped up to catch the feline digimon's blow. Her attack completely fizzled, Gatomon stepped back to watch the effects of her handiwork. The purple energy traveled down Deciperemon's body, sealing up scrapes and banishing bruises. When it reached his legs, they shrunk down to normal size and every abrasion disappeared. Deciperemon hopped to his feet.

"Let's get out of here."
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[font=Book Antiqua][color=Gray]"You're not leaving without me, are you?"

[color=Navy]Andromon emerged from a crumbling tunnel beside where Deciperemon had been laying. He had a slight limp, and he was nursing his right arm. There were several scratches on his armor, and a large gash was visibly oozing where his left hand grasped his arm.

"What happened to you?" Gatomon asked him.

[color=Gray]"Interestingly enough, WereGarurumon don't enjoy being shot in the face and being run away from... They gained on me pretty quickly. I took one of them out before they started to overwhelm me. If the cooridor that we were fighting in hadn't fallen in on us, I might not be here."

[color=Navy]Andromon sat down heavily on the floor. Just telling that little story seemed to have exausted him. Flamedramon motioned to pick him up off the ground, but the android digimon waved his hand away.

[color=Gray]"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine in a little bit."

[color=Navy]"Well try to make it quick," Flamedramon told him, "We don't know how stable this place is, and there's plenty more people that need our help."

Andromon nodded and stood up with a bit of effort. He let go of his arm and took a few shaky steps. He still looked bad, but he was alot better then he had been when he walked into the cavern.

[/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/font][color=lime][font=Lucida Console]Repairs in progress

[color=Navy][font=Book Antiqua]As they trudged towards an exit to the room, Deciperemonmuttered to himself under his breath. "Honestly I don't get why he's being such a wimp; I fought three of em, and look at me..."[/font][/color]
[/font][/color][font=Book Antiqua][color=Gray][color=Navy][color=Gray]

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