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I dunno about you guys, but I wanna see this movie when it comes out April 2nd. It looks amazing. In a way, it's X-Men, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and other mutant-like movies where they kick butt. The deal is, though, is it's somehow different. The storyline I'm too sure I've gotten right, but the theatrical trailers seemed to portray it right so it works for me.

Plus, I like that dude with the metal mask and swords that come out of his wrists. Wicked awesome XD

And I do believe it's an old series too. I found some comics of Hellboy so meh... possible. Here's some gifts real quick... er... well, [i]a[/i] gift:

[URL=http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/hellboy/]Click for Official Site[/URL][/center]

Bytheway, is that John Malcovich (sp?) playing Hellboy? For some reason, I feel that is him XD
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Welll, it's obvious you'll find Hellboy comics considering that's what the movie is based on lol. The series has been around for awhile. Recently a lot of stuff seems to be getting extra prints and stuff thanks to the movie.

I'm really looking forward to this. I love Hellboy and this looks like a decent comic book movie. Action, lame one liners, weird creatures, etc. I'm not going in expecting the best story ever told, but I am expecting a good comic book film.

Ron Perlman is playing Hellboy, by the way. He played Dieter Reinhardt in Blade II and does random cartoon voices (Slade in Teen Titans, for example).
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Sometimes I see previews for this movie and I think "this is the most awesome thing ever!!!" And other times I see the previews and I think "This is the cheesiest thing ever." Definately want to see the film. Anything involving supernatural creatures kicking the snot out of each other gets my vote ;) .
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[quote name='StarShine']...I just think it looks weird. Can anybody tell me what it's exactly gonna be about? And what is that thing...I don't think he can really pass as human.[/quote]

That thing is Hellboy... and I don't think he's human. He's either a mutant or something from another planet. Regardless, it's a comic hero, they aren't exactly supposed to look human. Unless they want to be boring like Punisher or Daredevil lol.
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[quote name='Transtic Nerve']That thing is Hellboy... and I don't think he's human. He's either a mutant or something from another planet. Regardless, it's a comic hero, they aren't exactly supposed to look human. Unless they want to be boring like Punisher or Daredevil lol.[/quote]

Hellboy comes from hell and is actually more like a demon. He was summoned here by Rasputin to aid the Third Reich. After the war was over he starts work for the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense and protects humanity against the evil forces. You can read more about him in the reissued Hellboy: Seed of Destruction and Hellboy: Wake the Devil.

I'm not really a Dark Horse comics expert but I do like Hellboy. Mike Mignola's Hellboy is actually the only Dark Horse comic I can half way read other then Buffy The Vampire Slayer or the occasional Star Wars. The rest like Alien and GI Joe should just discontinued.

The movie looks pretty good and like it is going to follow the basic plot of the comic book series. They even gave the character his trademark "Right Hand of Doom". The previews make it look awesome, but I don't think its going to be all that great. The Hulk and Hellboy are pretty much the same type of character(other then him being red and the Hulk green) and will probably do just as well as the Hulk did in the theater.

I kind of like Punisher, and hopefully it won't suck like Daredevil. They do have alot in common and basically the same vigilante out for revenge plot. The comics are different though and Daredevil is now more like Law and Order with a twist of Batman while Punisher and Deadpool are more rip out your guts for the fun of it.
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But you miss one key point: The Hulk had horrible, horrible, trailers. The Superbowl trailer, which featured a half-completed cgi Hulk moving spastically was what turned many people off. Hellboy has excellent trailers. However, it lacks the name recognition that Hulk had. So I wouldn't make any concrete box office predictions yet.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Well, I assume that Hellboy will be a far better film than Hulk, and will have more "staying power." Personally I'm looking forward to it, because it's been almost a year since I've seen a fun, cool superhero film. Hellboy himself reminds me of a random demon from something like Buffy or Angel, just because of the costume and makeup. Mostly the makeup I'm betting.
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For those that are interested... the Hell Boy one shot comic known as Corpses, I believe, is only 25 cents at comic stores right now. My local one got tons of copies in too.

Worth checking out if you're curious about the movie. You only need a quarter... there's no extra tax charge with comics.
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[QUOTE] The Hulk and Hellboy are pretty much the same type of character(other then him being red and the Hulk green) and will probably do just as well as the Hulk did in the theater. [/QUOTE]

No way! Hellboy is nothing like the hulk except that he's big and colored. He's actually pretty funny in the comics. he reminds me of a tough, crotchety old man and is super honest and straightforward. I liked the Hulk movie but basically he's just good for smashing stuff (even though in the comics he talked and I think was even a security guard).

I'm going to see this movie because I love the comics so much, but I'm definitely skeptical about it being any good. I don't think it will do very well in the theatres, but I hope it does.
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Considering all the stuff Hells Fire wrote about Hell Boy, I don't even know how you could compare them... Totally different origins, personalities, strengths...What is comparable between them other than perhaps their size? Certainly the stories contained in the comics are not very similar.

I am not sure how well this movie will do. Hellboy is pretty acclaimed overall, but obviously nowhere near as recognizable as something like X-Men, Spider-Man or even the Hulk. However, it has been advertised like crazy over here... I cannot think of a single film in recent memory that I've seen as many commercials for as there has been for Hellboy.

I hope it does well. I'm seeing it, at least.
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Okay, so he's a demon who can be compared to the Hulk, but is nothing like the Hulk...

Alright that clears up my first question, but nobody said what it's suppose to really be about. I was thinking a basic plot line maybe? Or is it just that nobody has any idea what's supposse to happen...
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[QUOTE=StarShine]Okay, so he's a demon who can be compared to the Hulk, but is nothing like the Hulk...

Alright that clears up my first question, but nobody said what it's suppose to really be about. I was thinking a basic plot line maybe? Or is it just that nobody has any idea what's supposse to happen...[/QUOTE]

Well, you could go and see the movie and find out. :p

Or if you want, you can check out a trailer here: [url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/[/url]
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For some reason, when I look at [i]Hell Boy [/i]trailers, I experience terrible LXG flashbacks. There's not much I can say about the film and I can't reference the comic books, so I'll have to take a wait-and-see approach with this one. Hopefully the plot--even if it's not spectacular--will come together cohesively much unlike the aforementioned LXG's.

As of this moment, I don't find myself necessarily captivated by the character designs. They look like generic [i]X-men[/i] base types. Hmm. Time will tell.
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[QUOTE=Charles]For some reason, when I look at [i]Hell Boy [/i]trailers, I experience terrible LXG flashbacks. There's not much I can say about the film and I can't reference the comic books, so I'll have to take a wait-and-see approach with this one. Hopefully the plot--even if it's not spectacular--will come together cohesively much unlike the aforementioned LXG's.

As of this moment, I don't find myself necessarily captivated by the character designs. They look like generic [i]X-men[/i] base types. Hmm. Time will tell.[/QUOTE]

I think that all comic-book fans have been horribly scarred by LXG. The seemingly random casting, the overall feeling of a rushed project... You know what I'm talking about.

Hellboy, however, seems to have much more going for it. A somewhat more identifiable story (LXG was about world domination in the past- we already knew that the bad guy would lose), and definitely cooler characters. What isn't there to like about a demon fighting for the good guys? And best of all (my brother will love this part), the Nazis get their leather-clad butts handed to them (and what a large, red, scaly hand it is!), with Hellboy taking names, apparently.

The action looks superb, as well, and then there's Hellboy's humor. It's the same kind of appeal that Spidey has: no matter what the situation, there's always a handy wisecrack. Also, Hellboy just looks cool.

I'm definitely looking forward to this one, but after LXG, I've lost my confidence somewhat. I hope that this isn't an LXG clone...
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Guest Ichise
Yes I agree with the very first post on this thread this movie does look very interesting.. My girlfriend, and I were talking about it just this morning. She was asking me when it came out. I wasn't for sure untill I read this thread. Our intentions were to go see it tonight, but it isn't out yet.. So I'm sure we will be going to see it, but if not keep us all informed of its worthyness..
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[size=1]It looks OK, but I won't go see it. I'm sorry, but when I see a completely red devil dude with two large corks poping out of his fore head... I just lose all hope with the movie. From the previews I saw, it looks really corny.

Anyways, I know nothing about the comic books and I don't really know much about the movie either, all I know is that it looks kind of like a X-men rip-off kind of thing. I may go see it sometime during the month it comes out, but I'll have to get an approval from one of my friends first (who has seen it). It just really doesn't spark my interest... Though, I probably will end up seeing it when it comes out on video.[/size]
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The X-Men comparisons seem strange to me... but then again I read and enjoy comic books. When you have people who don't know much beyond the basics of the more popular superhero movies out there, I can't expect them to know much about something like Hellboy. So I can't say I'm surprised by most reactions to this movie lol.

The "corks" on his head are where his horns used to be. They were removed. It's shown in the new commercials.

As for the corny-ness... I think it's intentional. It's a comic book movie. I expect a certain amount of dorkyness and lame one liners, especially when the comic contains that in the first place.
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[SIZE=1]The difference between the [i]Hulk[/i] and [i]Hellboy[/i] movie.

The Hulk was long and boring, with a few good action scences.
Hellboy was long, funny at times, with good action from the very beginning.

What do they have in common? Some of the worse endings I've ever seen. For the Hulk, you are [b]waiting[/b] for it to end. For Hellboy you [b]expect[/b] more in the end. So heres a tip when you go watch a movie next time. Have low expectations, but sometimes thats not enough. So have low expectations and have a plan on how to sneak into the next room to watch something else.

Its still a good movie to waste 10 bucks on.[/SIZE]
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I origionally posted this in MyOtaku, hopefully it will reinvigorate this thread...

Let me start by saying that Hellboy is the best looking superhero picture ever. The costumes are strangely realistic and believable. I thought the red body suit that Ron Perlman wore would look hokey. In actuality, Hellboy looks quite cool. Liz's pyrokinetic powers are shown through simply masterful special effects. They managed capture the essence of flame with a CGI effect. If someone could really create and control fire, that is what it would look like. Guillermo del Toro makes special effects into an art. In so many films, you feel as if the director simply said 'and here we insert a special effect', and assumed that since it was expensive and involved computers, the audience would be wowed. Not so with del Toro (love that name). He gets each effect from exactly the right angle, for the perfect length of time. The CGI and the live action blend seamlessly. Here is a man who takes pride in his work.

There's a lot of good humor in this film. The ending features a delightful reversal on what has become a bit of a genre flick cliché. The girlfriend is presumed dead. The hero walks up to her, and speaks in her ear. She stirs. The music swells. She is alive! Just like how it happened in Superman, two of the Matrix movies, X-men, etc. etc. I breathed an inner sigh of disgust. "When I was on the other side, I heard your voice. What did you say?" I won't give away Hellboy's response, you'll have to see the film yourself. But it isn't what you would expect.

The whole thing has such an entertaining pulp, comic book feel to it. For instance, the Nazis are creatures of pure evil, bent on the destruction of the world through black magic. The demonic monsters look like Cthulthu. The heroes work for a top-secret government organization.

There are some deeper themes in this movie as well. Hellboy is a demon, summoned forth by the Nazis. He is taken in by a devout catholic who works for the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation. This is his 'father'. Hellboy struggles with his heritage, with what he was born as, and what he could choose to be. This is a classic example of the 'monster as fallen human' analogy. We too are born as corrupted evil beings, yet are given a chance to be something more. It's interesting that although the choice is Hellboy's, he is given it because of the love of his 'father', and apparent whims of destiny. Both predestination and free will co-exist in this film. It will leave you with something to think about.

The script and the actors really bring each of the characters to life. This movie did a much better job of making me care about these people than any of the X-Men or Matrix movies did. Ron Perlman gave a brilliant performance as the lead character. Selma Blair really makes you feel for poor Liz. The evil Nazi's are great. Kudos all around.

The score to Hellboy is pretty good, too. Unlike so many genre films that use an intense, dark theme throughout, the composer varies the style of music. It's light and fun when it needs to be, atmospheric at times. When it does become intense and dark, it has a far greater impact than it would have if the music were like that the whole way through. I was going to buy the score at Wal-Mart, but it turns out it will not be released for another few days. Oh, well.

Hellboy isn't a perfect movie. The villains could have used a little depth. Some of the fight scenes dragged. But over all, it was a highly entertaining film. If you like comic book movies, funny one-liners, action or horror, you will enjoy Hellboy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[font=bookantique][i]I liked this film. I tend to like films no one else does or well very limited people do because I see beyond what most do. I find this film to be great both story wise and action wise. Perfect for those who enjoy the comic to watch just sort of what the comic stood for. I am not a huge comic book fan (I do read manga though) but I enjoy adaption of comics. I read some Hell Boy before out of pure interest. It is pretty interesting and entertaining.[/font][/i]
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