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Digimon: Original Digidestined


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ooc: No time so this will be short and to the point.

Tera glanced at her digivice, "Heh First you wanted to find the crests and we wanted to find rad... now you want to find rand And i want to search for the Mega gene BD told us about... Rad hasnt been around and we will be ready for him if he decideds to attack... But we need to prepare for something else to attack. Galfmon may have been a bit easy but i doubt the next guy will be as easy."


Tera looks around, "Gosh i wish i could have asked BD which mega we are looking for... Anyone up for getting to the highest level?"

Biyomon nodded, "We can handle rad... He doesnt have a tag or a crest so hes stuck with zero at champion... and there are more of us than him and we have the upper hand. He can wait."

ooc: the reason i say this is because the dude playing rad has not posted and Id rather continue instead of searching for a character who isnt even active anymore.
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"BD never said we had to find certain Mega-level Digimon," Siire pointed out. 'He said we have to find the Warp Genes from those Digimon. He said nothing about finding the actual Digimon. the Warp Genes could be seperate, or you might be right, and we might have to look for the actual Digimon. If that's the case, then I think I have a guess as to which Digimon we're looking for."

"What's your guess?" Cassie asked.

"We need these Warp Genes to get the Digimon to Mega level. it makes sense that the Warp Gene a certain Digimon needs is from that Digimon's Mega-level form. Of course, that doesn't narrow the search much, because we have no idea what the Mega-level forms are. So, either we split up and go in different directions to speed up the search, which I don't recommend, seeing as how the attacks are becoming more and more dangerous, or we pick a direction and all go that way. I hope BD shows up again soon and tells us where to look-and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he knows. But until that happenes, if it does, we need to pick a direction. So, which way should we go?"
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[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I don't want this to die. Lets breath life back into this RP.

Rena looked around. She seemed attracted to the north for some odd reason. Rio looked at her and nudged her.

"Wh-up sis," Rio asked as him and Impmon stared at Rena. Rena shook her head as Wizardmon floated next to her. She was determined to head north. She decided to speak up.

"Why don't we head north," Rena suggested. Everyone looked at her. Siire looked around at the group. They all didn't seem to have anything to say. Siire grinned and crossed his arms.

"Looks like no one as an objections," Siire said as he started walking north. Rena grinned and quickly took the lead. Wizardmon held on to his hat and quickly floated after Rena.

A liitle later, the group stummbled into a huge dark looking field. There was a huge castle at the other end. Wizardmon shivered a little. Rena looked over at him.

"Why are you scared," Rena asked as she hugged Wizardmon, "You should feel right at home." Wizardmon danggled his arm over Rena's and let out a sigh. The group looked a little creeped out too.

"Leave it to Rena to chose area like this," Tera said as she rubbed her arms. Rena grinned slightly. Wizardmon shook his head and let out a sigh. He suddenly looked around. The group lost thier balance and fell to ground. A earthquake was making the whole area shake.

"Hey now," Rio said as he rubbed his backside, "what's going on?" All of the Digimon got into fighting postition as they saw a pair of black and red wings appearing over the horizon. Rena looked horrified as a huge Digimon was coming into view.

"What's that," Rena said as she stummbled to her feet. Wizardmon started to back up. The other Digimon followed. Rena could see the fear in thier eyes.

"It's VenomMyotismon," Biyomon said as she cringed. A looked of horror struck across both Rena's and Wizardmon's faces. Rena couldn't believe the name of the Digimon.

"Are you the Digidestined," VenomMyotismon asked as he stopped in front of the group. Rena took a deep breath and took a step foward. Wizardmon looked at his partner and put his staff out. Rena didn't bother to pat attention to Wizardmon's staff.

"Yes we are," Rena said as she glared at VenomMyotismon. "and what are you going to do about it?" Wizardmon's eyes started to flicker. Rena was going to get herself killed. VenomMyotismon grinned and snatched her up. Wizardmon reached for her.

"Rena," Wizardmon yelled as tears dripped from his eyes, "Let her go you monster." VemonMyotismon grinned. He started to squeeze Rena a little harder. Her Crest suddenly activated. Wizardmon started glowing with a bright turquoise light. VenomMyotismon looked pleased with this. He lossened his grip on Rena and trapped the others in an energy cage so they couldn't interfer.

"You guys stay there until I'm done here," VenomMyotismon said with an evil smirk, "Now go ahead and Digivolve Wizardmon. It's not going to help you." Wizardmon was still glowing, but he was starting to grow in size.

"Wizardmon Digivolve too.......................," Wizardmon said as his voice started to slip into Myotismon's, "Myotismon." VenomMyotismon grinned happily. A smart comment was right on his lips.

"I'm a monster huh," VenomMyotismon said with a grin, "Have you looked in the mirorr lately? Whoops, I forgot you're a vampire. You can't see your reflection. I'm not the only monster here." Myotismon uncrossed his arms and his serious exspression disappeared from his face. Something was running through his head.


"You know," Rena said as DemiDevimon looked at her, "where I come from, vampires are usually evil." DemiDevimon looked a little startled by what Rena said. He knew his Ultimate form was a vampire type monster. He huffed and crossed his wings.

"What's that supposed to mean," DemiDevimon demanded. Rena started to sweat. She didn't mean to offend her Digimon.

"I'm sorry bud," Rena said with a smile, "I didn't mean anything by it. I think you rule as Myotismon or any form your in. You rock!" DemiDevimon smiled back at Rena. Rena let out a sigh of relieve.

[CENTER]~End of Flashback~[/CENTER]

Myotismon looked stressed out as the conversation ran through his mind. Maybe VenomMyotismon was right. Maybe he was nothing but a monster. Rena, herself, even said vampires are evil. A feeling of dispair fell upon Myotismon. He put his hand halfway through his blonde hair.

"You understand what I mean," VenomMyotismon asked with a grin, "don't you? You were meant to live in the shadows and not as some little girl's partner. Someone made a mistake because you're a monster just like me." Rena started to wiggle around and cry all at the same time. Myotismon spotted the glare of one of her tears and snapped out of his dispair.

"Don't listen to him Myotismon," Rena pleaded as she continued to cry, "You're not a monster and you're the best partner anyone could ask for. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the Real World or this one. Remember, you're the mon." Myotismon smiled slightly at what Rena said. His fighting spirit suddenly returned. He got into a fighting stance.

"Shut up you intensifying brat," VenomMyotismon said as he started to squeeze Rena harder again. Rena looked like he was actually hurting her this time. Myotismon looked horrified. He quickly held his hand like he was holding a whip.

"CRIMSON LIGHTNING," Myotismon yelled as his whip appeared in his hand and he whip VenomMyotismon. To Myotismon's horror, the attack didn't even work. VenomMyotismon just started laughing and swated Myotismon, like a fly, with his free hand. He De-Digivolved in DemiDevimon as he hit the ground. Rena looked on in horror.

"NOOOOO........," Rena yelled as tear streamed down her face, "DEMIDEVIMON!!!" VenomMyotismon winced in pain as Rena's Digivice started to glow. A strange DNA suddenly appeared from him and disappeared into Rena's Digivice.

"No," VenomMyotismon said as horror struck across his face, "The Warp Gene!" DemiDevimon picked himself out of the crater he made. He started glowing with a turquoise light again and Rena's Digivice got a matallic look to it.

"DemiDevimon Warp Digivolve too............," DemiDevimon said as the turquoise light bursted into a tornado around him, "VenomMyotismon." The evil VenomMyotismon took a step backward as VenomMyotismon grabbed his wrist. He squeezed his wrist so much that he dropped Rena. VenomMyotismon quickly grabbed her and put her on his shoulder.

"Amazing," Rena said as looked at VenomMyotismon, "you're smaller then him, but your stronger then him. You're amazeing! You're the best." VenomMyotismon smiled slightly and started making a dark purple ball with his hand.

"Cover your nose mouth Rena," VenomMyotismon said as the ball started to grow. Rena nodded quickly.

"Alright," Rena said as she placed her hand over her nose and mouth. The evil VenomMyotismon looked horrified. He was going to be digitized and he knew it.

"Good," VenomMyotismon glared at the evil VenomMyotismon, "VENOM INFUSION!" The huge ball hit the evil VenomMyotismon and digitized him. Rena took her hand off her nose and mouth as VenomMyotismon touched down on the ground. The other Digidestined and Digimon, now free, looked at VenomMyotismon. He wasn't as big as the evil one.

"Myotismon fulled Digivolved," Siire said with shock, "Way to go!" Everyone started cheering as Rena slid off VenomMyotismon. VenomMyotismon De-Digivolved all the way back into DemiMeramon. Rena looked at him and smiled.

"Good job bud," Rena said with a bright, "Now I suggest we take a break." Everyone agreed and plopped down. They were tired out because of all the excitement. DemiMermon placed himself next to Rena and started to doze off. Rena started wonder if everyone would have to follow thier heart to find thier Warp Genes.

OOC: That took a long long time. BTW, my VenomMyotismon is only as big as Graymon. He's nowhere near as big as the one from the show. LOL :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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OOC: Well, Blanko's going to be gone for a while, so it's up to someone else to take charge of this RPG. I'm willing to do it, but only if everyone else agrees to let me.


"We should get moving," Siire said after about fifteen minutes. "We might be able to find some more Warp Genes nearby."

It wasn't long before they came to a cave. Inside, there was an image of a Digimon carved on the wall in great detail. Beside it was some writing. "I can't read this language," Siire said. "Hawkmon, can you?"

"Of course. That's the written language of our world."

Siire nodded. "I thought so. That's why I asked you. So, what does it say?"

"'AncientIrismon, warrior of times past,'" Hawkmon read. "'A fragment of her being is preserved within the carving.'"

"I've heard of her," Betamon put in. "She's supposed to be very powerful. Until now, I thought she was only in stories, but this seems to proove that she's real, or at least that she [i]was[/i] real."

"I don't think she's gone yet," DemiMeramon said. "In the stories I've heard, her Rookie form was Hawkmon."

Siire looked at Hawkmon. "A gender change? Male to female? Well, actually, compared to some of what I've seen in this world, it's not that strange." He took out his Digivice, and held it up to the carving. "A fragment of her being. I think it's the Warp Gene."

As soon as Siire said that, the Warp Gene went from the carving to his Digivice. "That was easy. Unfortunatly, I'll probably need to almost die again before it activates. Well, no use staying here. Let's get a move on, shall we?"
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