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What tricks do you use to fake being sick?

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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]So really what kind of tricks do you usually use to fake being sick?Do they every work? Is it hard to pull off? Does it suck faking sick sometimes?

What I do to act sick is I eat the jalopeos(sp?) to make my self sweat, then when I have to take my temp. I stick the thermamotor under a light to get hot, or if my mom checks with her hand I take a hot washcloth and let it sit on my forehead.

So how do you fake sickness?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

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I've tried fooling my parents when I didn't want to go to school when I was little, but it never worked. I guess that is why I am not making millions of dollars as a professional actress today!

I could barely get out of school when I really was sick! I can think of 3 times I was told that I was fine and sent on the school bus. Of course those 3 times I got sick on the bus and my mom would have to meet up with the bus on the route and pick me up. I could be on death's doorstep and my parents would say: "Oh you are fine, quit complaining and get ready for school.".

I did have a friend who a) was very good at lying. b) had very easy going parents. c) both. She would just say her tummy hurts and she could get out ot school for a couple of days. She would tell me about the things "that work". She would use the thermometer up to a lightbulb trick and/or lock yourself in the bathroom and pour cups of water in the toilet while making gagging noises. It would sound like she was vomitting. She was oh so very tricky.

Disclaimer: Do not use any of these methods to get out of school, that is bad, go to school or you will end up REALLY sick when you can't get a job! :devil:
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[SIZE=1][B]I just say I've got a headache or something, I can get off school easily. When I get headaches however, they're not normal, they're very painful and can make me think wrong... heh. Though sometimes I'll either run at a wall and bruise my arms and legs, get some weights and almost break my back lifting them, and just whack my leg with a metal pole. Why? Because it's the only other excuses I have. I'm not bothered about pain, in fact I'd rather be in a car crash and come out with broken bones than go to school, it's too depressing and I'm not going into it before someone has a go at me. I'm a very, very, VERY good liar, I do it all the time, lie that is. It's easy, I'll either complain about headaches or back aches, and after my mum goes to work I'll be alone and I end up dancing around.[/SIZE][/B]
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I got out of school alot with headaches and still do.I get really bad headaches like vicky and i get them alot.The throw-up trick stopped working for me because my mom heard the water running.yet i still have my ways.which i shall not tell.cause school is important!!(gag)
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Guest cloricus
I haven't.

My mother never cared if I was sick (with petty things like colds etc) and I think out of my whole primary school time I had seven days off, living with my father he goes to the doctor if he thinks it's serious enough and it has to be serious to miss out on school so so far in high school I've probably missed five or so days.
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[size=1][color=blue]My parents are easy going so when I really just want to stay home they'll let me. I barely miss school so I guess they feel like I can take a personal day now and again. But I have gone to school with fevers of 102 before just because I felt like it was to important to miss and when i got home basically passed out in bed. Sometimes I just feel like I cant miss school work because making it up later would just put me behind and would much rather do it sick. My school also has this policy where if you miss 5 or more days you automatically fail.[/size][/color]
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[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yes...well, If I was truly feeling sick, I would probably end up going to school, cause both of my parents work full time. Or I would get sent to my nanas house...so yeah. But if one of my parents had the day off, and I was feeling a little sick, or even just tired, I would probably be able to get off school. Maybe. But theres normally some lesson on that I don't want to miss, so I normally wont bother.
Cinnamon[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] ;)
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Hmm let's see here... well first of all I clone myself. Then I have a scorpion sting my clone. That puts him in pretty bad shape. Then he pretends to be me and doesn't have to go to school. Then I press a button on his neck and he vaporizes, and I'm home all day just being lazy.

Actually, no. I skip class whenever the heck I want. I don't have to be sick. College rules.
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I never really needed or tried to lie. I didn't exactly have a great time of things at school, and usually telling my mum enough times that I didn't want to go in would get me off the hook. I used to get really wound up on Sunday nights, so by the time Moday-morning came, there was basically no need to lie.

I think I have, upon occaision, either been so stressed I got a tension headache, OR, psychosomatosised (sp) a headache.

I do know someone who tried eating salt to make himself puke.

But most people where I live just get on the bus and then get off in the town, or take the train heading the OTHER way. Once they're out of the doors, thier parents don't have a clue and as long as they can fake a note, they're laughing.

I DON'T recomend trying these, Especially the lasst one, your parents can get in a lot of trouble (in Engalnd they can now be jailed, I believe) :confused: :(
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Hmmm.... Well, I never really needed to try. ^____^ I am veeeery alergic to Sterp THroat, and if anyone recently had it(even a week ago) I would catch it, and have to go home. ^_^ And, last year in sixth grade, I always got migranes in math class because I am a very emotional person, and some of the guys in my class were b*tches. Or I would throw up... I never had to fake it. ^________^
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[color=#9933ff]One of the very few perks of being a goody goody is that if I ever want to stay home for a day, my mom believes whatever I say. Of course, I can't take too many days off because then I'm not a goody goody. ^_~

Most of the time when I'm actually sick, I'll still go to school, and either suck it up, or if I'm really really sick, I will call my mom and go home. She works full time, but in my town's k-8 school district (I'm at the HS), and she's tenured so she can take time off to pick me up and stuff.

Actually, I don't think I've ever "truly" faked it, but like I said, whatever I say, my mom believes me. Two sundays Ago, the 18th, I was at a wedding and the reception and I went to bed at 12:00 and had to get up at 6:30. I can sleep that late school nights (normally I [b]fall[/b] asleep at 11:00) and get up anyways. But, since I went to a wedding I used that as my excuse to stay home. hehe.

The other time was in Spanish class with an evil, arrogant, short French teacher. The day before she had given me detention for forgetting my homework, but that night's homework, I forgot, too. And I didn't want to get in trouble again, so I convinced myself that I was sick, and I really looked it, and I was sent to the nurse. And of course, I made sure I missed that class. I think maybe that's called psychosematic or something?[/color]
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[quote name='vicky][size=1][b]in fact I'd rather be in a car crash and come out with broken bones than go to school[/size'][/b][/quote]
[color=#2f4f4f][size=1]I truely believe you should think before you speak. A car crash is nothing to joke about. I was in one in September of last year. I came out fine, but my mother, who was driving, suffered multiple breaks in her legs.
She was in rehab for several months and has, [i]maybe[/i], 40% of her prior mobility. A few hours in a couple rooms is nothing compared to the pain, both physical and mental, of an auto accident.
I know you're more intelligent than that statement.

As for faking sick, just watch Ferris Buelers(sp?) Day Off. Pure brilliance.[/size][/color]
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more often then not My mom is still yelling at me to get out of bed when I decide to fake sick.

When Still in bed I slur my words a bit to make it appear as if Im feeling very weak. I put my hand over one of my eyes and say I have a headache. This will normally work. If not then I give up and go to school, after all If I stayed home I wouldnt be able to have fries for lunch!

If im already up Ill walk with a hunch and make it sounds like im making a burp stay down.If your wondernig what the hell im talking about, Just think back and remeber what its like to try talking when you feel like your going to vomit. I also make sure i have one hand over my stomach. Another great tip is to only partly open yor eyes or to squint to give the appearance, from a few feet away, that you have massive bags under your eyes

If all else fails, then watch ferris buelers day off and party on!
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What do I do to get out of school? Simple.

1. Say the night before, "I think I'm gonna puke." and make fake puke using oatmeal, and a few ingreadians I won't tell. :P My secret!
2. Get up in the morning and say, "I've got cramps." (This only works if you're a girl and it's the time of the month.) It's belivable for me because, when I get cramps I will drop my school books and fall over in pain.
3. Whack myself with somthing heavy, usually a chair, make it look like and accident.
4. "Get a head-ache." and complain until the parent/house-keeper gives up.
5. Wake up late and refuse to leave bed.
6. Make a big scene about getting up, chuck anything around you at whoever disturbed you, then cry and scream until they leave you alone.
7. Get up, act as if in pain the entire time, then right before you leave complain that you have a _______ (insert somthing there) then say, "I really am sick? Why don't you ever belive me? I HATE YOU!" Then hide in your room until they can't wait any longer to bring you to the bus/school. Usually they'll give up.

Mwahahah, I've been working on perfecting my acts since grade 1. I'm no n00be at getting out of school, if I am at school I just ask the nurse to go home, then she'll say why, aqnd I go, I've got a head-ache or somthing. :P Can't beat me, I've missed about 28 school days not being sick, and 10 being sick, 20 because my dad died, and 1 for mental health.
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If you're up to it you can buy something at a drug store that will make you throw up. You basically just slurp some of it down then 30 minutes later you're puking. If your parents drag you to the doctor you can say it might just be a 24 hour bug or some nonsense. I basically had to go to school unless I was just constantly throwing up. I didn't miss a whole day of school until I got a bad case of the flu in 12th grade.
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I know it sounds wrong but if you really want the day off you have to go all out, I induce vomitting and hence I have the rest of the day to myself (and oral hygenie). If you don't want to restort to that extreme, you could always do what they say on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. :devil:
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I bought some Wheatgrass from the supermarket a few weeks ago, and it works like nothing else. It's supposed to be really good for you, so good that it makes you throw up.. :drunk: I know people that actually buy it and eat it. It's a kind of flour that mixes in with any kind of liquid, so mixing it in with orange juice or something makes it all easier to swallow.

On the warning lable it clearly states "May induce vomitting". I've had atleast a week off school since I bought this magic. It really does make you feel sick.
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When I want to play sick, all I have to do is sit around some dust or smoke and then have an asthma attack. I have pretty bad ones so I can get out of school for a couple of days. But basicly, my parents let me stay home when I want to.

It never sucks when I feign sick or when I stay home because I get extra work done and such though since I left N.Y.C. to this small nowhere town, I`ve been staying out of school alot because everything is making my asthma start up. All this grass and such.
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To tell you the truth I never had tried but I have managed to somehow stay home without going to school, I always tell my parents the truth if I'm lucky they keep me home and I miss school, I have no idea how I do it, it just happens.
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I've only faked being sick a couple of times and only if I'm not feeling good for some reason other than sickness. One thing that works for me is going in the bathroom and gagging and coughing while I let the water run. Also, if I make this certain face and pretend my stomach hurts a lot I can convince my parents to let me stay home. But other than that, I mostly tell them I don't want to go to school and they let me stay home since I'm generally a good student.
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[COLOR=Indigo]I used to try and fake sick when I was in grade school, but soon found it to be a trivial issue.

I'm too much of a social person to even try and fake sick half the time, because peopple will call and next thing you know I'm rambling on the phone. So there is your first clue that I'm not sick.

Second off my parents have figured out that I love to do things with friends. (Well thats hard to figure out) So as a way to make sure that I'm really sick, if I stay home from school for a day I can't do anything with anyone for that day and the day after, so I usually stay away from skipping school.

Really in my own opinion I see no reason to skip school anymore. I mean sure there are days that are absolute hell, but it makes the other days all that more enjoyable. Plus the district policy on make up work here in Kansas sucks. You get no chance to make anything up so unless you are really sick its a death sentence to fake sick.

I guess I'm just unlucky and too practical.

(Wow its been a while since I've posted...stupid baseball and making me busy..)[/COLOR]
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Guest lavalamp
I'd just say my stomach hurt.

It's not a good idea to constantly do it though. Throughout school, by the middle of every year I'd have used up all of my days, and of course I'd get extremely sick near the end of the year and be forced to go to school.

Don't be a moron like me and at least make sure you're stretching your "sick days" out so you can actually use them for when you are [i]actually[/i] sick.
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[COLOR=Teal]Amateurs. What on earth will we do with you?

Please, allow me.

My favourite, or best trick, is to drink [B]a lot[/B] of water before going to bed, so when nature calls I'll wake up naturally in the middle of the night, and tell my mum any old bull (make it good). The trick is to say you're losing sleep over it, but, remember, you have to mention it [I]before[/I] you go to sleep, [I]before[/I]. It'll seem more realistic that way. ;)

Believe me, it's never failed. But, that was for my years at high school, nowadays I just slip into town from college until the time I'm expected home. Easy as pie.[/COLOR]
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Coming from an Asian family, there's all sorts of weird stuff to drink to induce vomitting, such as the Chicken Esscence (my mum made me drink this once and it made me puke because it tasted so awful) and there's this weird gritty and milky stomach ache medicine, just say you have a stomach ache and just the smell of the stuff makes you sick (it was also overdue but my mum isn't picky about these things). Of course, another way to miss something (school) is to make yourself sick. Once I had to do an oral presentation but I wasn't ready yet, so I had heaps of chocolate and chips washed down with plenty of cola, and it gave me a bad cough. I made the excuse that I couldn't go because my voice wasn't good, so I couldn't do the oral presentation, I knew that it would clear up in a couple of hours, but my mum didn't know, so I ended up with an extra weekend to work on the Presentation.
Actually, that is probably the only time I intentionally chucked a sickie to miss school.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I learnt a few tricks over the years some pretty effective and some not but i put them in order of the times i need to use them.

This is quite effective and would use for one day. Try to stay up as long as you can during the night say untill 5 in the morning. Get up at your usall time but you should look really knackered and tired. I tell my mum that i fell real bad and i actual look like a walking corpse. Try the old thermometer trick.

Now this is my ace and this shoulded be abused. Say you have a bad back and it hurts every time you move. All i can say is should put on a damn good act. And try to hardly eva use it. But the beauty of it you can create any kind of story to say how it happened :smirk:

Also if you want to be extreme you can make a mixture of herbs spices and water to make youre self be sick. But be careful with that one because you have to act normal for about 5 mins before beening sick so try to keep it down for as long as possible or it wont long covincing.
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