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Demonic Damnation

Kayin Cloud

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Jim saw the others walking and showing what weapons each of them have, the only thing Jim would be good at in battle is his powers over the Earth. But he didn't have any fancy weapons to rely upon...in fact in a realt life or death situation Jim would probably choke. Thinking this made him fel down and really bad that he couldn't help any of his allies. while the others were taking Jim decided to go n a wak around the area, though it was dark the moon light made things a bit visible.

"I wonder what are next move is gonna be, and where we're going to now" Jim tought as he picked up some twigs and sticks to make the fire again, while he was doing so something was in the woods with him. As Jim started to walk back where the others had been the omnipresent force made a sound that startled Jim a little and made him worry. He looked all around him but didn't find a thing until he found a lage shadow off in the distance just standing there along side of a large oak tree. Once he noticed this Jimmstarted to focus his powers to scare the thing that was stlking him.

"Ok now....go away or back to your home now please" Jim stuttered as he dropped the peices of wood, before he could thing the creatre had lunged at him and pinning him on the ground and holding his arms down so he couldn't use his powers. Jim struggled to get up but was this creature was stonger than him.

"Dont worry, little one, you and your friends will die soon enough once my allies attack your camp site. You will al pay for what you did to my bretherin back at the village" the creature said, once the moon shinned its light again it turned out to be a demon. Jim was about to yell before he grabbed his throat preventing him from doing so, the the demond picked him up by his neck and he him scwerm there in the air. As much as he tried, Jim's hits didn't effect the monster at all, and the others were soon about to be ambushed.
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"Where'd Jim go? Did anybody notice?" Kayin asked the group.

"He was just here not long ago." Sara answered.

"He may be in trouble...we should look for him." Rio said.

"I suggest we find him before some demons do. Let's move." Karanlik stated.

"I can find him." Tanji said. "I can handle it so don't worry you two." she said looking at Sara and Kayin.

"Alright let's find him before something happens." Kayin replied.

Tanji began searching for Jim, and since she can recognize his element she found him easily. "He's in the woods, but something is wrong." Tanji said. "This way."

"Not so fast humans! The Overlord wishes to see you...dead!" a voice from the forest yelled. A demon stepped out and was followed by several others. "I wouldn't suggest that, human...we have one of your friends." the demon showed that he was holding Jim hostage when Kayin began reaching for his sword. "If you don't want to see the boy die, you'll come with us."

"Yeah right..." Kayin said under his breath. Kayin seemingly disappeared and appeared behind the leader. He pulled Jim away from the demon and resumed his position with the others. "Did that sample of speed help with your analysis of my physical ability, Karanlik?"
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OOC: Um, it was daytime, Mage15.


"You won't be able to do that in affected areas," Karanlik said. "It's obvious that you had to use your powers to do that, and that won't work in affected areas. It'll work well now, though."

The demon that had held Jim steps forward. "I thought you worked alone, Kralkshran."

"I normally do," Karanlik replied, "but these people are also against you, and they all have powers of their own. Your count of worst enemies has increased. Of course, you timed the attack well. I can't do as much during the day."

Karanlik charges the demon with poles drawn. The demon draws his sword. Karanlik uses his poles to vault himself over the demon, then plants one on the ground. He kicks off a tree, spinning himself around no the pole. He uses his powers to energize the other pole, which he thrusts into the demon's back, killing it.

"Just because I can't do as much during the day doesn't mean that I'm helpless, though," Karanlik said. "And a pole energized with dark energy kills demons quite nicely. Now, let's deal with the rest of these demons."
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"I never noticed I was using my powers to do that. I always though it was my natural speed. I guess we'll see how fast I really am after we take care of business here." Kayin said to Karanlik as he drove his sword through a demon and rushed lightning into its body. "Sara, let's try the ice shatter combo again."

"Right!" Sara replied. Sara began to freeze a small group of demons solid. "You're up Kayin!"

"On it!" Kayin gathered a mass of lightning into his hand and released several bolts shattering the demons. "We shouldn't try this against these guys anymore. They'll probably expect it from now on..."

Tanji concentrated, and a high-pitched sound flew from her mind to the minds of the demons. It was very high-picthed, and very painful to the demons alone.

"Thanks for the help." Karanlik said driving his poles through another demon.

Sara drove her twin blades into another's back and froze him internally.

OOC sorry so short
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OOC: Sorry 'bout that Takuya :D

There was fighting everywhere in the campsite, apparently they had brought a lot of their demond fighters to get rid of all of them at once. But everyone did their part to either stay alive or help out a firend near by. Tanji did something to the demons that made them get a pain in their heads, Sara and Karanlik were fighting back to back basically as they completed some combos together using their own powers and such. Kayin was taking on about two demons with his sword while Cur helped him out, Jim saw one of them about to attack Sara so he jumped rolled on the ground tripping the demon. Once he got back up he looked at Jim with death in his eyes.

"You'll be the first to go" He stated as he took out his sword and slowly approched the boy. Jim backed up a bit with his fists up, but he didn't know what to do now, so he rushed the demon and started to punch his abdomand as fast as he could hitting only one spot. When he got tired the demond juststood there looking at him wondering if that was all he got, so Jim decided to kick him a bit on the same spot not missing the target. Once he was worn out, the demond took some qings at him with his sword but missed, Jim moved out of the way before the sword came to him. He did a back flip and was cornered by a tree, Jim then used his powers the make the gorund above him rise so he would fall. Before the demond could get up Jim put that earth over him so he would be pinned to the ground.

"I may not be much into killing you monsters, but your lucky. If you were fighting any of the others they would have surly killed you, I'll let you live to see what they'll do with you. Bye" Jim said as he ran over towards where Sara and Karanlik .
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When the demons were all dead, Karanlik walked over to the one Jim had trapped. "I have some questions," he said. "Answer them, and you will live. Refuse, and you will die."

"Why should I?" the demon responded. "How do I know that you won't kill me anyways?"

"Because you're not worth it. Now, where is the EP?"

"I'll never tell you that!"

"Then I'll just have to kill you."

"Fine. It's in the desert, point 34xe-127yl."

"You're lucky that I know your coordinate system," Karanlik said. "Thank you. Is the Overlord here or in your world?"

"I don't know. He passes through the portal often. He could be in either."

"One more thing. What does Kralkshran mean?"

"It was the name of the first Grashtrandrome. You are like he was, a ruthless warrior willing to do anthing to destroy his enemies and devoted 100% to the task."

"I'm flattered." Karanlik returns to the others. "I know the location of the Emergence Pointt, or EP. It is the place where the demons first arrived in our world. To get in, we'll need an entry card to open the door. There's no way we'll be able to break through the walls or doors there. Heavily fortified, and because it has a portal, we can't have Rue get us in. Entry cards can be found in demon strongholds, and the best one to attack is a former Air Force base that the demons have only recently taken over. It's a long way from here, near the now demon-controlled city of Tucson. Rue can get us there. we'll arrive in the city and clear the demons out, then we'll attack the base. Any objections?"
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Rue snorts. "I do."

"you have no choice in the matter."

Rue smiles, its scary. "Don't i?"

Rue fades awaym disappearing into a void. "Damn it...." Karanlik mutters, and attempts to summon him.

"CUR!" he shouts, when unable to. "where is he???"

Cur shrugs. "He's obviuosly in another dimention, that power only works when he is here, in this realm."

Karanlik is angered, he can't beleive that Rue knew a way to get around his commands, at least some.

Rue appears behind Karanlik, seemingly emerging from the ground in a spiral motion.

"I' could have killed you just now....... and you'd have had no say in the matter......"

Karanlik draws his breath, and smacks Rue into a tree. "You will obey all of my commands, from now on! And you won't ever do that with out permission!

Rue snorts. "we shall see."

Cur laughs. "don't egg him, it only encourages him. He's doing it to get in your nerves. "

Karanlik breathes deep again. "Yeah.. and he does a damn good job of it, too." Karanlik sees that cur is already off in his own thoughts. "And you too....." he mutters.

Cur looks up into the sky. "I wonder....... who made me.?" Why did they make me, and what did they make me for???"
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OOC: Huh. I am really confused, but I will try.

IC: Tanji watched, and rolled her eyes at Cur. "Okay, now he starts quoting anime. OWnderful.." She turned to Sara and Kayin. "Kayin, how exactly does he expect us to find him?"

Kayin shrugged. Tanji cast a glance all the way around the circle of people, and said, "I'll be back." She walked away, and disappeared into the forest.

The girl looked around, and smiled. She felt comfertabel in the forest - more so than in they city. She made sure she wasn't close to the group, and bird called. She was answered by a bird call.

Tanji threw her arm up as a flurry of wings came down from the sky. A large peregrine falcon lighted on her arm. She smiled. [i]:Good day, Tanyandra.:

:Good day, Tanji.:[/i]

OOC: I have to go, its thundering.
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[i]Did he forget about my previous orders?[/i] Karanlik thought. [i]Rue can't kill me. He will find himself immoble if he tries.[/i]

"Rue, can you go to the demon's world?" he asked. "And if so, can you take us with you?"

"Of course."

"Good. We may need to go there before this is over. For now, we'll proceed with the previous plan. Taking out their HQ is the worst thing we can do to them besides killing the Overlord. So here's the plan. Rue, you'll drop us in the middle of Tucson. We'll clear out the demons, and drive them back to the old Air Force base. We'll follow them back, take it out, and get an access card to the HQ. Then we'll attack the HQ. If the OVerlord is there, we'll take him out, but if not, then Rue, you'll take us over to the demon's world. The Overlord will be on the other side at the EP, as that is where his palace is. Any objections? No? Good. Rue, take us to Tucson."
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"I'll go get Tanji. Wait up for me." Kayin said as he headed for the forest. "We have to see if she has an objection or not. I won't force any one to go or to stay behind." Kayin added.

"Fine. However, don't take too long we still need to plan an assault." Karanlik replied.

"Right...I'll be back in time." Kayin said as he faded into the background. Kayin had reached the forest where he saw Tanji head to. "Tanji! Tanji! Where is she? Huh?" Kayin stopped calling for her. [I]What is that sound? Where is it coming from.[/I] Kayin faced the direction of the sound and slowly approached it. "Is that you...Tanji?" Kayin whispered. He looked straight ahead of him and saw her holding a large bird. Kayin concentrated hard, "[I]Tanji?[/I]" He thought loud enough for Tanji to hear without startling the bird.

"[I]Kayin, what is it?[/I]" Tanji answered, "[I]Is it time for us to go?[/I]" Kayin nodded. Tanji looked to the bird and it flew off. "Well, let's go then." Tanji smiled and walked toward Kayin.

"Right. It might be faster if I carry you." Kayin lifted her on his back and began dashing back to the meeting area.
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"Will you two be ready by sunset?" Karanlik asked as Kayin and Tanji got back. They nodded, and Karanlik turned to Rue. "Drop us in the middle of the city. You'll go south, but do not enter the affected area without the rest of us. Cur, you go north. Tanji and Sara, you two take the east, and Kayin, you'll go west. I'll stay at the arrival point and take the many demons sure to be there. They always rule from the middle of an area. In an hour, return to the center of the city and meet me. I'll reveal the next step then. Any objections?"

There were none, aside from Rue, who Karanlik didn't worry about, because he had ordered Rue to obey him. "Good," Karanlik said. "We go right after the sun sets. Until then, I recommend that we practice, because what follows the city will not be easy."
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