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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]This new manga made by CLAMP was just released today at Barnes and Noble and I decided to pick up a copy and get it. I mean the cover art just caught my eye. The Japanese gothic art style is so dark and yet so interesting. Also, the cover has a really different feel to it and the first four pages are in color so ^_^

Now onto the story, basically its about a young boy named Watanuki Kimihiro who is haunted by spirits and visions as well. One day he is being hassaled by a rather grotesque spirit, that is until it disappears and he finds himself in front of a rather odd looking house, in which his legs then proceed to haul him into a house where two young twin girls greet him and take him to Yuko who is a wish granter and her house is a shop of wishes. So for him to pay Yuko, Watanuki must work as Yuko's maid, cook, and assistant. The story covers Japan and introduces a lot of things such as fate and destiny.

I won't spoil the rest but I definetly suggest that you pick this and the first volume of Tsubasa which was also released today. These are both great mangas.

Preferably I like this because it's art is so impressive and fascinating.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Here is a pick of Yuko and Watanuki

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I was aware (however vaguely) that the series existed, but I had no idea that it was being liscenced in 'the States'. Perhaps the publishers have finally noticed how popular CLAMP's work is and acquired some taste, voluntarily or not. Speaking of publishers, who exactly is responsible for [B]XXX+Holic[/B]?
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[size=1][color=navy]Funny how that picture is the one I showed you a while back Domon... also funny how it's the exact same manga that I so raved of before you. I guess I had a positive influence on you then.

xXxHolic is, thus far, one of my favorite manga out there. It's not that the story is so intriguing that it dwarfs the other comics, nor is it that the artwork is so incredible that the other mangas look like child's scribble. It's the fact that xXxHolic is being published in coordination with another comic, Reservoir Chronicle Tsubasa, that makes it interesting.

I own xXxHolic 1 ~3, and RCT 1 ~ 4. The idea of running two different storylines based on the fact that they are in different intertwined universes is an interesting idea. Reading the story from the view of one comic, then from the other is also very entertaining.

Definiately give this a read.[/size][/color]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[COLOR=DarkRed]so far I've only read XXXHolic & it was asome I hope I can read the other one soon (I can't remebear how its spelt exept that it starts with a T) all of Clamp's work isusually prety asome![/COLOR]
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Guest mysticshado
I liked XXX+Holic. CLAMP has the easiest reading layout-it doen't hurt your eyes or give you a headache trying to keep up, nor am i reading one page for 10 minutes. :p The new color pages in the beginning are awesome too.
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[quote name='Kashin][COLOR=DarkRed'] (I can't remebear how its spelt exept that it starts with a T) [/COLOR][/quote]

Are you talking about Tsubasa? Yeah,CLAMP has made so many titles,Tsubasa is a spin-off where Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura is the main character,and Sakura is a princess and...isn't he trying to save her from something? I forgot what he's saving her from,but it looks good.
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  • 1 month later...
Haha, I'm such a sucker for cross-overs. I wasn't sold on the first volume of Xxxholic until, while flipping through its pages, I caught a glimpse of several characters from Gohou Drug. With that having been said, Xxxholic is pretty good in its own right... however, the dialogue can get rather circular, and Yuko rambles far too often for my tastes. I think I'll just keep reading this in the hope of finding more Tokyo Babylon and Gohou Drug references. :p

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[color=darkslategray][size=1]xXx-Holic has got to be my second favorite. Yes, I said "second favorite". Why? That will be discussed in a seperate thread. But, going back to this particular manga, I am entranced with the gothic artwork and the storyline. Yuko has to be my favorite out of the book. Maru and Moru are cute, and Watanuki has a dearly meaning to me (~_^), but Yuko just happens to be spunky and very wise.

The relationship between Yuko and Watanuki is hilarious in more than the fact that Yuko torments young Watanuki with housework, but it represents something personal in my life ^_^

What was most appealing to me when I read this manga was most definately the artwork and the "love-hate" relationship. I have the 2 volumes of translated manga (since I cannot read Japanese >.<) sold in America.

My suggestion, if you have not read xXx-Holic, do so. You will not be disappointed.[/color][/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Akyan
I have got xxx holic and I want to get the second one, but I don't have any money at all :( oh well its time to ask my dad for some money :sleep:
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This is one of clamps work that escaped my attention when it was first release, I've resently acquired it and thought it fairly decent, funny how clamps keeps recycling CCS name, this is the second series I've seen from clamp that uses CCS's fame as a catch gimmick, (and like the last time, I got suckered in hook line and sinker by that one single blurb in the back of the first manga... land of clow indeed! ~_~ )
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[color=deeppink][size=1]Well, I read xXxHolic volumes one and two, and the only things that truly appealed to me was CLAMP's ever-gorgeous art work and costume design and the character of Yuko. The whole Tsubasa-crossover idea is interesting, but in this case I don't like it because I dislike CCS and didn't really enjoy Tsubasa volume one, but when I think about just going through xXxHolic and not reading Tsubasa, I feel as if I'm missing parts of the plot.

It's like Tsubasa is taunting me. With a stick.

So for now, I think I'll leave xXxHolic alone in light of other, more appealing mangas such as Gravitation and Hana Yori Dango. But hey, if you dig CCS or are just a big CLAMP fan in general, check it out, yo. ^.~

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  • 2 years later...
[COLOR=DarkOrange]There was a thread about this, but it was 2 years old and I figured a lot more people would have read it by now.

So far I'm just finishing volume 3 of this, and I'm quite impressed. I love the art style, and the story actually holds my attention. I admit it gets preachy, but it's intelligent. It isn't like "freindship pulls you thru!!!!!" like some manga (including some by CLAMP.)

for those who don't know, it's about a guy named watanuki who sees (and is tormented by) spirits. By some magic, he end up at a shop that grants wishes in exchange for their valued possesions. Watanuki ends up working for the shop owner Yuko and her twin doll creations. Yuko is totally crazy and makes for the comedy aspect of the manga and their missions of helping people lay the story's groundwork.

It's also a crossover story with another CLAMP manga, Tsubasa.

Watanuki is a great character. He's whiney, but likable. The way he interacts with Yuko is hilarious. Also, I like the two little girl twin things (although I find it strange that they showed one of their breasts and didn't get a higher rating on the manga. Go CLAMP!)

The crossover with Tsubasa is the one thing that actually don't like about this manga. I hate Tsubasa, I think it's too much like Rave Master, but with worse art and no unique qualities. It's interactions with XXX Holic arent so bad though.[/COLOR][INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Next time please check the directory before creating a new series specific thread. Thanks. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
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[QUOTE=Subaru-sama]and...isn't he trying to save her from something? I forgot what he's saving her from,but it looks good.

[COLOR=Magenta]Actually he's trying to get her memories back that have scattered all over different dimensions. But the only thing is, she falls asleep when she gets one back. I'm collecting XXXHolic and I love it. Yuko is funny towards Watanuki and Watanuki is the best ever. I like how it connects with Tsubasa and everything.

For Tsubasa, I wonder what will happen next for them in the next world. (vol. 13)[/COLOR]
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