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Christmas Gifts--Given and Received.


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[SIZE=-3]Heh, I opened my gifts already. What about you? I thought it'd be fun to find out what everyone got for Christmas. I got a whole crap load of gifts from my Family! Merry Christmas indeed! No need to go over EVERY gift, but my major ones were a brand new 20GB iPod (Since my old one broke...), a brand new digital camera (Kodak C7430), a brand new SLR Nikon, a most of all, a brand spankin' new car!!!

I am the proud new owner of a 2003 Red Eclipse!

Ahem, now what did you guys get? :D

[I]Note: I know some of us here may not celebrate Christmas, but feel free to share your Holiday experience anyways![/I][/SIZE]
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[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Even though my Chrismas isn't done yet (I have to still go over to my dad's), I have a few funny presents. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Let me start this out with a story from last night. My family travels to my grandparents house every Christmas eve and open some presents over there. Well, I started to open mine, and found three boxes. I'll let the pictures do the talking.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font]
[url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/9674/gift0013pc.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/9674/gift0013pc.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url]
[url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/6308/gift0039to.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/6308/gift0039to.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url]
[url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/7324/gift0044gb.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/7324/gift0044gb.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url]
[url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/4830/gift0053ck.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/4830/gift0053ck.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Enjoy:D[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm only 15[/color][/size][/font]
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I got a lot of good stuff.

A new computer, because this one's around 5 years old and it dies frequently.
A printer that hooks up to my camera, so i don't have to keep borrowing my mom's.
A cell phone! After all my mom's lectures about how teens don't need cell phones (I agree, but I still wanted one) she bought me a verizon picture phone!
Sailor Moon SuperS box set.
Fushigi Yugi dvds.
3 cds, Avril Lavigne and Sarah Mclaughlin.
Socks! I'm so excited! I love socks. *huggles the toe socks*
Undies! Another thing I love to get!
Sketchbooks. A lot of them!

And some other random stuff. I lve Christmas around my house, so many gifts and food and family. ^_^ :love:
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I opened up my presents last night. I don't get as much as I did when I was a little kid though.

I got a scanner, a watch, pajamas, socks, lotion, body wash, and body spray, a sketch book, some drawing pencils, a journal, $170.00 and some other things.

I don't know yet what I'm going to spend all the money on.
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My parents never celebrated the holidays so because they never did my entire life i was deprived of the same thing... Therefor i have never gotten any presents for christmas. No thanksgivving dinner, No birthday parties and such.

The one thing I get each year is the knowledge that i have my friends to return to when school starts back up again.
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Guest Edward1066
I got-

-acoustic guitar
-Berserk 1: War Cry DVD(anime)
-FFIX(my older brother lost it, so he had to make up for it)
-A bunch of anime downloaded onto CD"s (gift from older brother)
-FFIX artbook(guess who..)
-Clothes from my grandparents, and then...
- A lot more anime stuff.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]*looks wide-eyed at everyone else's list*

Well, makes me almost wish my family was more Christmas orientated. I did get some gifts, but none were wrapped nor were they brand new and I think the timing of recieving 'said' gifts was purely coincidental.

I have a second hand computer, which has yet to be reformatted meanwhile my brother has taken advantage and has nicked off with it and is playing Vietnam on it until further notice. :grumble:

I also got some "man-jewellery". I'm not a man :rolleyes:

'tis the season to be jolly.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Lets see here...I got:

[B]4 Mega pixel Samsung digital camera
200 dollars
Another Digital Camera that is 1/4 of an inch think
Blank CD's
A new incense Burner and holder
With the money I got I plan to buy a new sword. It's cost is 208 bucks. And I've had other cash before today so I have enough.[/SIZE]
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-Nintendo DS
-SM 64 DS
-ASphault urban GT
-Spiderman 2 DS
-Spiderman 2 DVD
-Spiderman 2 PS2
-Freedom fighters
-Southpark Seasons 2+3
-Best buy, Gamestop, Spencer's, and blockbuster gift cards
-Random puzzlers
-World record books
-Now 17
-Blue collar comedy tour rides again
-Revenge of the nerds 1/2
-Billy madison/happy gilmore special edition
-Shrek 2
-King Arthur
-61-key keyboard
-Prince of persia:TSOT
-Metal arms
-256mb SD card
-About 100 homemade chocolate chip cookies
Ahhh, life is good.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]For the most part, alot of you seem to be rich. o_O

I got the following:
- The Matrix boxset($60 version)
- Harry Potter soundtrack
- Harry Potter calender (this was an odd gift..)
- Croutons (you know, those edible little breads that go on salad.)
- Two N64 games, Mario Kart 64 and Banjo Tooie

- Fifty dollars
- A can of Manderene oranges
- Small bag of cocoa mix
- Homemade chocolates
- Orange tictacs

I think thats everything from my parents.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[color=darkviolet]I got to open my daughter's presents as well, she got Chicken Dance Elmo, some crib stuff some clothes, and a horse puppet that neighs Camptown Races, Home on the Range, and the first verse of Old MacDonald. The Elmo and the horse are annoying, but it's fun to watch the animals with the Elmo toy.

As for myself...I won $38.00 on lotto tickets, I have two new pairs of PJ's, some long underwear, Bratz slipper socks, an upright cupboard for some more junk in my room, a new Jacket for riding, a new DVD player since my old one was becoming evil and a new pillow. Then I got some more cash ($148.). Lincoln's cousin's mother (I have to type that because she's [i]not[/i] his aunt-long story) gave me a paper weight with a horse on it. Really pretty.

[b]Edit[/b]I almost forgot that Becky got me my favorite gift this year (last year's only got here in September) a purple shirt that says: [b]Always Naughty Never Nice[/b] in white letters. I should poke myself for forgetting that.

I have a new worst gift ever too, my grandma gave me a letter about how to raise children when you're a frazzled parent. It even has stupid things about kids with physical and mental dissabilities. She got it from Focus on the Family if that explains anything.[/color]
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*points up* I agree.

Let's see what Freude got for Christmas, shall we?

$ 140
More books
Even more books (I'll be reading Christmas books 'til May...)
A totally rad pair of pants (dude!)
Two volumes of Gensomaden Saiyuki manga


Tons of kisses!

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[color=darkviolet]I see that we already have a thread about things that we've recieved from other people, but what about what you gave to people? After all, this is the season of giving things, not just the finger either...long story involving a woman who ran a stop sign on Thursday and my short temper. :D I'll go first to get it all started.

[b]Mom[/b]: A nice Sapphire Blue sweater. Black dress pants, black boots with a 3 inch heel so now she's about my height. And an I Love Lucy calandar.

[b]Dad[/b]: Grandpa sweatshirt, Deer hunting sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers.

[b]Brother[/b]: I got it for him before the whole incident Alexander Rodrigus calandar.

[b]Lincoln[/b]: HotTopic gift card, Aria #3 Gunslinger Girl manga, HEavy metal Magazine, A/P. Maxim, Maxim Blender and Bass Guitar Magazine, Kool Aid, hot chocolate and a crap load of edible food.

[b]Abby[/b]: A prett black velvet dress with fabric flowers to go see daddy in in March and some more stockings

[b]Becky[/b]: Becky's my best friend I got her a plum colored turtleneck sweater and a little Barbie doll that's a friend of her little sister Kelly who's name was Becky.

[b]Alicia[/b]: Becky's daughter got some clothes from me. A velvet sweat suit that has Cutie stitched across the jacket, a sweater and some fleece lined jeans.

I got my aunt Marty a bright green pair of PJ's with Bingo boards, my aunt Kathy got a pair of green and blue plaid Pj's from me. I got my Uncle Dave a Barnes and Noble Gift Card, the same for my Mama, and my cousin Michael got a Light blue Sweat shirt from me...XXL since his clothing style is the one with the clothes that can house the homeless. Oh, I bought my papa a Buffalo Bills Fleece blanket.

Oh almost forgot, I bought my mother-in-law a sweater and a bra...not that she [i]needed[/i] a bra.

[b]Megan[/b]; Lincoln's cousin, A shirt, a skirt, some shoes, and a Hello Kitty purse

I got Megan's mom a Husky calandar, her sister Ashley a shirt and her brother two board games.

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[Quote= MyOtaku] Shopping for my family was interesting this year, since the main department store available to me was the Pamida a few blocks away from my dorm room. My Dad's Christmas present was a breeze to buy. He loves "O brother Where Art Thou?", and Pamida was selling a whole bunch of "O Santa, Where Art Thou" CDs. Problem solved.

Next up was my sister. Hmmm. What to get for the girl who's too old for Barbies? That's actually pretty easy. Music. Abby loves playing music and dancing around with her best friend. There was a CD of Christian Alternative Rock from 2003 that I had been eyeing for some time. However, I figured I'd take a few moments and keep looking, in case there was something better I was missing. I came upon some of those awesome new little pillow's that feel like their stuffed with artificial sand. There was a lady there with a little sun who was thrilled about the pillow's. I asked the lady if she thought the pillows would be appropriate for a 14 year old girl. "Oh, I think she'd love this cute heart one! Is it for your girlfriend?" I bought the CD.

Finally, my mom. My mom is nefariously difficult to shop for. A squishy wrist-rest for her to use while typing? Good idea, but it's debatable whether or not she would actually use it, and it's quite expensive for a bunch of gelatin in a soft plastic casing. Maybe a book on needlepoint crafts? I'm sure she'd enjoy it, but it was in the bargain bin of Pamida for a reason. The poor thing looked like it would fall apart if you looked at it the wrong way. What did I get her last year... Decorative Socks! My mom loves socks. Back to the clothing isles I go... Bras, Bras, Bras, Panties... feel..manhood... slipping away... ah, there we go, socks! Yay! ...huh... They're white. In packs of twelve. That's it. Turning around, feeling defeated, I am confronted by what appears to be sexy Christmas lengerie... sized for a three year old. I'm out of that aisle before you can say 'holy women's undergarmets, Batman!'

Silverware? She has plenty of that. Towels? Decorated with hideous pictures of fruit. How tacky is that. A decorative ceramic snowman made tastefully by Jamaicans in sweat-shops? Already got her that a couple years back.

Desperate, I decided to try the pillow displays again. Ooo. A pillow with an elegant picture of horses in the snow. My mom loves horses, and who doesn't like pillows? Sold!!! Pamida, I love you. And my mom loved the gift. Mission accomplished! [/Quote]
Merry Christmas, everyone, and a happy New Year!
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Sounds like everyone's had a good christmas. That's cool. Mine was pretty good. Couldn't say I'm not at the least. So here's what I got:
-New Apple ibook
-Onimusha Blade Warriors
-Onimusha 3
-Final Fantasy 1, 2 Dawn of Souls
-System of a Down, Steal this album
-Pink Floyd, Darkside of the Moon
-Pink Floyd, Animals
-Rob Zombie, Past Present and Future
-Tons of text messages from my stupid friends

Yeah, definetly not a bad day.
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I didn't really ask for much this year so this is what I got:

-A brand new photographer's camera.
-Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories.
-A new Playstation 2.
-Some really fye button up shirts.
-A new Dell Computer with DSL.

I'm so grateful and glad now, that I can type some more...but I won't. :D [/color][/font]
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[SIZE=-3]Well I don't feel like going into really deep details, since my wallet was hurting the entire season, but my list ran a little like:

[B]Two younger brothers[/B]: I gave my two younger brothers their own PS2 and an X-Box (since I took the old ones with me to college, lol). Now they can stop complaining about it!

[B]Sister[/B]: I gave my sister a new Picture Cell-Phone. Forget the brand but it was really, really expensive...which makes me question my right state of mind!

[B]Father[/B]: I bought him a couple PC games...because my dad is an avid gamer of the worst kind, lol. I got him Rome: Total War, Starwars: Battlefront, and World of Warcraft.

[B]Mother[/B]: Bought her a new Home-Theater system, complete with: VCR, DVD, Tape and CD player, Stereo, and a flat screen TV. Along with the StarWars Trilogy DVD's and the Matrix Collectors Edition DVD's. Can't wait to watch them!

[B]My girlfriend[/B]: This really, really, [i]really[/i]...damn big ring, a bunch of music CD's, and bunch of her favorite movies. And I gave her a bunch of pink Roses on Christmas Eve. ^_~

[B]Grandfather[/B]: I refurbished an old watch of his, it meant alot to him.

[B]Grandmother[/B]: I was able to get some special chocolate treats for her on my trip back home to Hawaii. She didn't share...

That about sums the majority of it up. I gave other small things besides those, like clothes and houseware appliances, and other stuff that you really don't care to hear. :D

Happy Holidays![/SIZE]

EDIT: Haha, they merged the threads. Kinda took me by surprise! I thought I posted in the wrong thread!
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Wow. Everyone getting alot of stuff that's worth alot.... or something lol. My family has been having money troubles so this Christmas wasn't anything too special, but I still enjoyed being with my family. I can understand and help with the problems my parents have.

Anyways, I got;

-The original Halo (X-Box, not PC) finally, :D
-The three Halo book set (The Fall of Reach, The Flood & First Strike), I'm only on the first one, about 4th chapter, but it's really enjoyable.
-Donkey Kong Country 2 (Woohoo! Old school! lol)
-CD, Jay-Z & Linkin Park Collision Course (very cool CD, especially since it came with a DVD that had the original "MTV Mash-ups" concert on it.

What my bro got that he shares with me;
-TV Games (you know, those games with the old school joystick and button [Atari-esque] w/ Pac-Man, Galaxian, Dig-Dug etc. on it. It's very fun lol)
-Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes The Neighborhood (much better than the first)
-The Urbz: Sims in the City (also very fun)

That's about it, besides the candy Santa's and whatnot we ate in like 10 minutes :D . I enjoyed this year's Christmas.
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[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]I got KOTOR II, a Yellow Sweatshirt and a date.

Definitely a great day.[/color][/QUOTE][color=#4b4b79]Lucky man, heh.

I'm almost ridiculously happy with everything I received this year (I'd tell you what I got other people, but I've listed it off for my friends so many times already that I might well fall asleep if I did).

The [i]strangest[/i] present I got this year was by far the [b]Edgar A. Poe Action Figure[/b] that my brother got me. Thrilling stuff, I tell you! Thrilling!

I also got [i]The Art of Miyazaki's Spirited Away[/i], which you may be sure I will spend the next few days poring over, heh.

Other nifty things I received from various family:[list]
[*]Giant [b]Wish Bear[/b] pillow/plush toy. It's large, and soft, and I love it.
[*]Winter boots. Ahhh....Warm and soft. And warm. I no longer have to worry about freezing when I walk to and from classes!
[*]Several books on words and phrase origins, as well as a book of "everyday" Latin phrases
[*]Some fun music--Five Iron Frenzy.
[*]A gigantic tin of altoids (three different flavors)
[*]Stickers! Ha ha, you [i]knew[/i] it was coming. ^_^
[*]A power strip, a thermos, some duct tape, and Silly Putty!

And I couldn't be happier with what I got.

nearly like a picture print,
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I can't really complain about my Christmas. Heck, I thought I did pretty well this year.

- Digital Camera Olympus 4.0 Megapixel
- Hero DVD
- MAD Calendar
- Linkin Park Meteora CD
- Janet Jackson Greatest Hits CD (w00t!)
- Bleach Vol. 1 + 3
- Kyo Samurai Deeper Vol. 1 - 3
- Evangelion Vol. 1
- Flame of Recca Vol. 1
- Palm-Organizer thingy. (I got one last year. -_- )
- Chipotle Gift Card
- Pandora's Cube Gift Card (Local Anime store)
- 10$ cash.
- A freakin' sweet Samurai book.
- Mp3 player connector cable (lost my old one)

And I gave some stuff too. Get Backers... Ruroni Kenshi, Gundam Wing, Chobits. Those mangas, poster. Only two people were thankful for their gifts. Sheesh.
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Well, I don't have many, but here it goes:

[b]Mama[/b]- A handbag with the initial of her first name on it, and a lot of Perfume.

[b]Sister[/b]- Some smell good stuff from Bath And Body Works.

[b]Baby Sister[/b]- Some Disney Princess' stuff and a Mickey Mouse DVD.

It feels really good to give, especially during this time of the year.[/color][/font] :cool:
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[color=darkslateblue] What I Gave:

[b]Mom:[/b] a pink long-sleeved sweater sort of thing...:) It was pretty so I got it for her.
[b]Dad:[/b] A warm vest since he lost his old one this year.
[b]Sister:[/b] LoTR:RoTK Extended Edition. She also got a Canon PowerShot 4.0-Megapixel Digital Camera from the family...needless to say, she was very happy.

What I Got:

-Uber-cool watch from Coach...it's very cute and pretty. ^^
-Epson 4180 Perfection Photo Scanner. If I talk anymore I'll start squealing and throw confetti everywhere...
-A pretty hand-knit scarf (it's a mixture of blue, white, gray, and other such colors)
-A nice hat. :) [/color]
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[size=1]I envy rich people.

I got the second books in two series [I'd gotten the first books for those two series for my birthday], 3 pairs of boxx0rs, 3 excellent shirts, binocular/torch set, book-light, Tyrannosaurus Hives by The Hives, Mutter by Rammstein, a hoodie and... something else. Maybe. I'm not sure, lol.

And I'll be getting my computer beefed up some more in January. Basically, I'm taking the HDs and my sound card, and thats it, lol.[/size]
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