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Do you have alot of friends?


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i don't really have any friends.

whenever i start to make freinds with someone, i say something stupid and made up to try and impress the person i'm talking to (there have been a few examples of me doing this here on otakuboards already), but it just shows how pathetic and socially inept i am.

oh well.
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Well, I have a couple friends which I'd tell important things to ... My cousin Laura, my friend Emily, my other friends Alexa and Mercedes, Alexis ...And possibly Leah, andI can't forget Kelli-chan or Heather-chan! But that's about it, I'd say.
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Almost everyone at my school is my friend, but I don't really consider hanging out with them all. Somehow I'm widely known, so I tend to befriend everyone I meet. I don't like calling anyone my "best friend" because that leads to conflict, but there are a select few I'd hang out with over anyone else. I dunno how I became popular, but it's fun because then you can talk to anyone and they can discuss things with you.

Then I brainwash them to join my dark forces. But ye know.
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I have a fairly large pool of friends. In school I got along with everyone no matter what clique they were in. I am always willing to make new friends and I will chat with anyone who wants to visit. Just being my usual friendly self allows me to make friends quickly. :D
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[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I have only one friend really, at least one that I've known in person for a long time, since childhood in fact. I had a lot of friends, and just about all of them used me and stabbed me in the back later down the road kicking me to the curb. I've had a hard time being able to trust people for the longest time now, but my best friend has never turned his back on me yet and I'm grateful for that. So I don't have a lot of friends, and I've always kind of wanted to keep it that way. Straying from the formula only causes problems. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Navy]I only have like a few friends here and only about a small handfull in real life. I'm fine with the video game geek friends that I have and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I tried to be friends with everyone, but I got made fun of and I had headaches almost every night worrying about their problems....

So now I only have a handfull and I'm content with just them.[/COLOR]
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[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]I guess I'm lucky seeing as I have a few really good friends who I can trust, people who've been there for me over the years.

I also get on really well with lots of other people, but I'd consider most of those people acquaintences more than friends . . . Friends would be the people I'd go out of my way to keep in contact with -> 8 people! I have 8 friends! :animesmil yay![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
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My friends are a bunch of bespecticled, young, Asian men who all get really lousy marks in French and borrow Dragon magazine from me and don't return it for months.
And a couple of very cool young ladies, as well.

Outside of school, I only really have one very close friend, and a cousin who I discuss North Koreas plan to take over the world with.

Online, I don't even know, half the time. O_o There are people on my contact lists I don't remember the origins of, or even what their names are. All I know is I've never met them, IRL.
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Nope, because I choose not to. I have maybe 2 close friends outside of family. I'm tired of letting people in and being hurt. Life is full of risks, and I've taken my fair share, and for once in my life, I'm taking a back seat to my sociality. Right or wrong, this works for me for now. I'm tired of being used, and I'm completely fed up with false sincerities. So I'll wait until people around me grow up, and can understand what "trust" is, or what "friendships" REALLY are.
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[size=1][color=slategray]I talk with just about everybody in my grade.... I guess people talk to me because they think I'm funny or something. >>
Other than that, I have about five good friends.. and I am totally fine with that... because no one else I know is cooler than them. *wink*
I actually don't need to have a lot of friends, as long as I have at least one person I can talk to and hang out with, I'm fine.

And over the internet, I have about four good friends, so, at least I have people to talk to while on the internet too. There are so many people you can meet... and I am lucky I met all the people I did.[/color][/size]
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I used to have many friends a few years ago. But now I don't have any. Two of my cousins turned drug addict so I just stayed away from them. I don't know about the others because I haven't heard from them. Either way, I never actually got along with none of them. We used to fight a lot. Whenever we used to go to a restaurant, they always played with their food like if they were little kids. They were embarassing because a lot people were staring at them. I don't ever want to see them or hear them again. Now I just stay here in my room after work alone with no friends. But I think its better to be alone than be with drug addicts.
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Unfortunately, my old group of junior high friends has mostly broken up to be replaced by my theatre friends. It wasn't a concious decision, we just all happened to go our seperate ways. Anyway, I suppose I don't have a best friend, but I do have three people I would prefer over others most of the time, so I suppose that counts.
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[quote name='Godelsensei']Online, I don't even know, half the time. O_o There are people on my contact lists I don't remember the origins of, or even what their names are. All I know is I've never met them, IRL.[/quote]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I like you too Godel, I like you too..

I don't consider someone a friend by going out of my way to keep in touch with them. I feel they're a friend as long as you meet up again sometime and can pick up where you left off as though you've never been apart. How else could I keep my oldest friend? I don't see her for months at a time even though we live within 20mins of each other but hey, somehow it works ^_^

In general I know a lot of people and have many acquaintances however as for real friends I feel I have a generous 5 people I could trust implicitly. I just hope that feeling is mutual :P I really don't know what to make of them.

They're just there.

Online is interesting, I about 3 overseas friends I will actively start a conversation with. I know one of them really well although I still haven't met any IRL. No worries, I'll just spontaneously become rich and buy myself a lot of airplane tickets to visit them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I am kinda like kaisha, I have one real true frind but u do have another friend. She was my real good friend last yr but i guess she found others to hang with. We still talk and hang out sometimes but i'm usually with my best friend. Were not even close to popular ut oh well, i enjoy it being us 2 and my other frined ocassionally. I'm not a people person so i don;t make friends the easiest and i dob;t like change really. well this is what i have to say

If u can realte MSG me!
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[b][size=1]I already covered this in my post on the "relationships" thread, but no, I don't have a lot of friends... and I don't [i]want[/i] to have a lot of friends, either.[/size][/b]

[b][size=1]I'm definitely the lone wolf type of person. I don't let a lot of people in to my world... it's just my nature. Could be the Complex PTSD- I dunno... but I avoid making friends with people. [/size][/b]
[b][size=1]I'm not even sure how I wound up with the friends that I [i]do[/i] have... (except the one- I became friends with him when he moved into my house...it was unavoidable:D)[/size][/b]
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I have one really good friend who I've known since high school. We don't see eachother as much as we'd like due to various circumstances, but the time apart never seems to hurt anything. He's definitely my best friend. Plus there is my girlfriend, who despite all the ups and downs, is still someone that fits in that category very strongly.

I have some other friends, but none are as close. A lot of them have wound up moving away for various reasons and I've lost touch. AIM is the only real means of communication with these people and you know how crappy that can be. A lot of people I meet in school wind up graduating or in completely different classes than I take. I've kept a couple of them around in some form, just because I see them more.

Other than that, most people in my daily life are kind of just filler for me. I have no real interest in having more close friends, so I don't really try to make any.

I like to think I have several friends on here as well. I don't really differentiate between online friends and offline friends. To me, if there's some sort of strong bond there, it doesn't really matter. I'd probably do as much to help some of my friends online as I would offline, if I could.
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] It varies for me. When I was in Elementary School, I knew everyone and was the most popular girl in school. When I went to middle school, I had only one friend. When I went to highschool it went up and down. It's always been that way with me. Currently, yeah I have alot of friends. Not as much as I use to when I went to public school, but I'm alot more socially interactive now (which is why I haven't been on OB in awhile hehe). Mostly doing to some personal problems that I have been going through, I'm trying to break out of the habit of coming home to play wow (world of warcraft) which I kinda got addicted too. Having friends is healthy, and I like making new ones. But no matter how many you have, its good to know who your true friends are. [/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
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This might sound cold, but that's just me I guess ^^'

At school I'm a kinda populair guy, so I have many people I hang out with.
I talk to them, make jokes with them, laugh with them, meet after school with them but there are few whom I'd call my friends.
I just have this feeling that if they were in a situation were I really needed help, they'd turn away from me.
Soo.. I haven't got much friends no.. What I do have is alot of people to hang out with, but nothing more, guess they come closest to being my friends.

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