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Silent Hill 5: Ghost Town [M-LVS]

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[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=blue][b]ooc: REALLY sorry about the delay. I've had a lot going on all of a sudden.[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
Now this is what it's like
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
Now this is what it's like] [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really
That's going on here
You've got your system for total control
Now is there really anybody out there
Now watch us suffer cause we can't go
What is it really that is in your head
What little life that you had just died
I'm gonna be the one that's taking over
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go
Cause I'm ready to go
What you gonna do baby, baby
Are you going with me
Cause I'm going with you
It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really that motivates you
The need to fly or this fear to stop
I'll go along when you realize*
When we get there I say 9 of 10 drop
Now who's the light and who is the devil
You can't decide so I'll be your guide
And one by one they will be hand chosen
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go
Cause I'm ready to go
What you gonna do baby, baby
Are you going with me
Cause I'm going with you
It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][You are a robot][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
Now this is what it's like
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
Now this is what it's like][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really when they're falling over
Everything that you thought is denied
I'm gonna be the one that's taking over
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go
Cause I'm ready to go
What you gonna do baby, baby
Are you going with me
Cause I'm going with you
It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go
Cause I'm ready to go
What you gonna do baby, baby
Are you going with me
Cause I'm going with you
It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready
Cause I'm ready
It's the end of all time
Are you going
Yeah I'm going
It's the end of all time

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]As Zack struck the final note, the crowd cheered. He raised his guitar, and then stepped off the stage, Marcus following behind. Zack and Marcus? band [b]Break the Day[/b] had gotten a gig in a small little town called Silent Hill, close to Ashford. They had been surprised, being called way out of their own state to go. However, the sum of money had been huge. They had decided to go. Zack didn't notice that Silent Hill didn't appear on any maps, couldn't find it anywhere on the internet besides some few odd ends, and that he finally had to ask for directions from the club owner himself.[/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Man, we gotta come here more often! The chicks are wild, and the money...man, don't even get me STARTED on the money." Marcus yelled at Zack, and reached into his gig bag and pulled out a thick wad of cash. Zack nodded, but his mind was on his girlfriend, who was behind the stage. Packing up his guitar, a midnight blue and white Gibson, he went behind the stage.[/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Hey, baby. I'm sorry we had to go all the way out here, but the money..." Zack fell short. She was sitting there, but she was asleep. He smiled, and pushed back part of her hair, kissing her on the forehead. He started packing up the rest, his other band members pitching in to help him every so often. [/size][/font]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]A small hotel stood at the edge of the entrance to Silent Hill, looking as ominous as a forboden manor in an ancient story. However, that was where they had rented a room, so they had no choice. Zack parked the van full of equipment in a special padlocked place he had rented. Never seen a hotel with one of these. Nice." the other car, with everyone else in it, pulled right up to the entrance.[/size][/font]

[center][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Night everyone." Zack handed out everyone's share of the cash, then entered the hotel for the night.[/size][/font][/center]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]~~~[/size][/font]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The band was back on the road within eight hours. Beers were passed around, Zack taking one himself, even though he was the driver. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"AW ****! We forgot the equipment van...." Zack yelled. Everyone groaned. [/size][/font]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"We gotta drive back, unless everyone has enough to pay for the equipment and the van." Everyone began counting their money. Zack groaned, and preformed a dangerous U-Turn. The sign that said "Welcome to Silent Hill" stood in the distance, approaching rapidly. Zack pulled back into the parking lot, and climbed out onto the pavement. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Zack climbed in the van, and Marcus, along with his girlfriend, followed him in. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Though you might need some company."[/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Thanks." Zack shut the front and side doors, and began to follow the car, which was already headed out of the parking lot. He drove, listening and participating in the conversation. The sign that welcomed them from Silent Hill back to the country roads was only about 30 yards ahead. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The van slammed the gate. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"THE ****?" Zack shouted, and climbed out of the van. He got Marcus and his girlfriend out, and looked at the Gate Entrance. Zack banged against it, but nothing happened. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"I'll climb over." Zack began to climb up the gothic styled metal gate, but as soon as he reached the top, his hand went through the air and...disappeared. He pulled it back, and slowly climbed down. "We....the gate...my hand...." He pointed to the top. They had seen it. "The...****? We're stuck..." Zack groaned, and saw the other car, full of his band members and helps. [/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]He ran over to it, and busted out the window, as it and the door was jammed. He began pulling them out, laying them on the ground. A bloody mess covered the passenger seat. A body was nowhere to be found...[/size][/font]
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[SIZE=1]Mike darted acrossed the deserted, fog choked streets of Silent Hill. He'd heard a thunderous crashing noise coming from the gate. He clutched his filth encrusted journal against the shreded remains of his clothes, he had planned to leave it at the gate to warn people off. He didn't want to have to kill other people, but the very nature of this hellish pit of a town left him with little choice.

He ducked into a shadowy alley way, searching thouroghly for any of the...the things that stalked this nightmairsh place, before turning to spy the van. A young man was pulling bodies from the van all unconcious.

"Fuck! there's to many too many, no telling which will turn first! Are they dead or do they live? Better that they stay asleep never to wake!." he looked down at the journal, he could hear Terrance's voice echoing through his shattered mind. Mike closed his eyes, nodding "Yes, that's true, better to leave the journal and warn them of the dangers, get them to leave her much sooner so they don't turn, can't trust them though.

He heard the shambling footsteps and pitiful moans, giving away the foul creature that approached from behind. Mike whirled to face the lumbering, human shaped mass of bloody flesh that cried sorrowfully for contact with living skin...so that it may rend the life from it. Mike stepped back, his hand running acrossed the loose bricks of the crumbling building. He pulled one loose, hurling it at the deranged creature shuffling towards him. The stone smacked into it's head with a sickening thud, and the sucking sound of wet skin tearing free. He jumped at the creature, smashing it's head in the rest of the way with the crowbar he had hidden in his tattered clothes.

He battered it continually, smashing the distorted remains of the thing with inhuman madness and fury. He snapped back to reality, looking around as if nothing unusual had happened. He picked his journal up from the dusty ground, he gave it one last look before hucking it at the van and it's emerging occupants.

he whispered, more to himself than to the new arrivals "Leave before it's to late, leave before it's to late." He turned running into the demonic shadow's of Silent Hill...

OOC: Hope that's a good enough start. Btw, the journal is basically the same as what I used for my characters Bio.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=3]Marty, half dragging his wounded friend, stumbled through the deserted streets.
"Comon, Chris, just a little bit further..." Marty said, tears flowing down his cheeks. Chris was stumbling behind him, clutching his opened chest with what was left of his arm.
"Boots..." Chris managed to say, before his throat filled with blood. His eyes desperatly stared at Marty, tears lineing his face, looking for help.
Marty choaked back his tears. He knew what he had to do. He put Chris down gently, and stood over his dieing body. With a cry of anguish Marty lifted the piece of re-bar he had found, and brought it down heavily into Chris' chest. He leaned over, and closed his eye's gently.
Marty turned, and wordlessly continued to shuffle down the empty streets. He was alone now, and he would make those things pay, if it was the last thing he did.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

OOC: Sorry it's kinda short, I didn't really have that much to do.
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[FONT=Times New Roman]Max was sitting on his taxi's hood, rebar close by, when he heard something slam into Silent Hill's gate. [i]Better find out what that was,[/i] he thought, swinging into the driver's seat.

He drove through the eerily quiet streets of Silent Hill, humming aimlessly. Reaching the square that the gate led into, he coasted to a stop. A car and a van blocked the gate, three figures pulling bodies out of the car. [i]Well, they aren't eating the bodies, so I'm probably not too late. Can I trust them?[/i]

He inched forward to about two car-lengths behind them and got out. He could see the figures more clearly now, two guys and a girl. They were pulling bodies out of the car's broken window, perhaps unconcious, but who could tell in this town? It was a nice car. It saddened Max slightly that they had to break the window. Of course, after being in Silent Hill for several days, Max's taxi wasn't doing so well either.

The guy with a green 'fro looked up at Max. "Oh, hello! I didn't notice you, I'm sorry! Could you help us?"

"Sure," grunted Max, and helped them with the remaining bodies inside.

"I'm Marcus. Marcus De'Silva," the guy said. "This is Zack Sacraments, and that's Cassidy Denver." As he spoke, one of the people pulled out of the car, a girl, coughed and sat up. "Oh, good, Janis is awake. This is Janis Weaver. What's your name?"

"Max Hanua." He crouched over the other two that were in the car. "These two dead?"

Zack crouched too, and took their pulses. "No, it doesn't seem so."

Max eyed the gaping wounds in the two that remained unconcious. "They gonna get better?"

Zack frowned. "I dunno, this looks pretty serious. Is there a hospital in this town?"

Max chuckled at that, then shook his head.

"Do you know first aid?"

Max shook his head again.

"Well then I don't think they'll be okay."

"Then kill 'em," said Max.

Marcus whirled to face him, enraged. "What!? I can't believe you! Those are my friends! Why would you even [i]suggest[/i] that we kill them?"

Max sighed. "So they stay dead. You're new here, aren't you?"

"We're [i]not[/i] killing them," said Marcus, with a tone of finality.

"Fine. Then we should go. This town, it's not wise to stay in the same place for too long." He started for his taxi.

Zack looked incredulous. "And just leave them behind?"

Max turned and shouted. "They get better, they'll catch up!" With that, he slammed the driver door and started the taxi.

OOC: Follow me if you want. There's safety in numbers, after all.[/FONT]
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[size=1]Cassidy stared in disbelief at the guy. ?[b]He?s fucking crazy![/b]? She looked down at the people she had known. ?[b]But?[/b]?

The brunette sighed, and said, ?[b]C?mon, guys. We need all the help we can get. And since there?s no hospital?[/b]? She dropped to her knees, looked at the unconscious boy on the ground, and reached for his head, placing hands firmly on each side.

?[b]Cassidy! We can?t kill them?![/b]?

?[b]There?s no hospital, Marcus! They?ll die anyway! Better they die painlessly, and by the hands of their friends.[/b]?

Before she could be stopped, the girl closed her eyes, and turned her band mate?s head sharply, snapping his neck. Cassidy heard the sickening crap, and let go, tears running down her face. There was silence from the other three near her, and she didn?t move. Her eyes were open, staring at her own hands.

?[b]I did kill him. Oh my god?[/b]?

Cassidy stood, quickly unfolding her long legs to stand at her height of 5?11?. She looked down at the dead boy on the ground, and then looked to the other still unconscious boy. ?[b]Do I have to kill him, too? Or will one of you? Because we need that mans help, and if we lose track of him?[/b]? No one volunteered, and so Cassidy proceeded to break the other boys neck.

Then she got back in the van, and lay down in the back, curled up and sobbing silently to herself.

OOC: :)[/size]
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Lee ducked into the garage where he was working on the Van that he had found in there. He had been able to fix it up well after he found it but there were peices missing from it that were major. "Fuck,Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" He whispered as he Fitted the latest part of the engine and tightening it, He needed to get this done quickly so that he could get out of this Crazy Ass Town. He was bought back to earth when he heard one of the freaks shambling around outside. "OH SHIT" He muttered and kept completly still except for his hand which was edgind towards the lead pipe that he carried in beforehand. When it came around the corner he brought the pole smashing vertically into the jaw, Bringing it clear off of its shoulders. Lee staggered backwards after the hit, He'd never knocked ones head clear off of its shoulders, then shrugged because it was fine as long as it was dead.
He was then aware of a tugging at his leg, So he looked down then blanched with horror as the arms of the corpse closed around his leg and attempted to rip him off of his feet. He tore his leg free and bought his foot crashing into the torso again and again; Breathing Heavily He picked up his pipe,walked over to the head of the corpse and said " Fuck you, You Mother Fucking Freakshow" Then bought the Pipe right through the skull. "Bloody Hell" He growled " Where the hell are the freaky Motherfuckers coming from". He was then aware of more groans and other assorted noises, So he muttered his trademark "FuckShitCrapDamn" then took of through the adjacent door to him. He sprung over the fence and sprinted onto the road. He suffered a near miss from a Taxi. Lee reacted to this in his usual fashion, Swearing and Yelling.

OOC: My guy has veeery Lovely Language so if you use him in your posts then keep to the language i gave him.
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[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Janis couldn?t believe this was happening.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=black][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]?[b]There?s no hospital, Marcus! They?ll die anyway! Better they die painlessly, and by the hands of their friends.[/b]?[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana][/font][/color][color=black][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]She winced and closed her eyes at that sickening sound. It almost seemed like a dream. Her friend?s life was over just like that. Like he had never been alive in the first place. Janis wondered if Cassidy even realized what she had done. Her next remark let her know that she did.[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana][/font][/color][color=black][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]?[b]I did kill him. Oh my god?[/b]?[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana][/font][/color][color=black][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]But there was still one more left?Janis didn?t want to think about it, but she knew it had to be done. But by who? Cassidy spoke up again.[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana][/font][/color][color=black][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]?[b]Do I have to kill him, too? Or will one of you? Because we need that mans help, and if we lose track of him?[/b]?[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana][/font][/color][font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue]Janis should have said something, she wished she would have said something, but she didn?t. She should have at least taken the burden of giving their friends a merciful death from her. Janis always acted like the stronger of the two girls, but right now she wasn?t acting like it. She didn?t speak up, and then Cassidy moved just as quickly as before. Janis closed her eyes once again as she heard that sick crack. She opened her eyes again, to see Cassidy get up and go lay down. Janis lay down next to the girl and hugged her. The sounds of their sobbing soon mixed together.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][b]OOC: Well, short post, but I'm just trying to get into the story right now. I'll have a longer one later.[/b][/color][/size][/font]
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[color=darkred]Zack was pissed, cold, and worried. He heard soft sobs, so he went to investigate. He found Janis, and Cassidy. He walked in, looking at them.

"I'm...sorry. We shouldn't of come the fuck out here." He sat down besides them, Janis still holding into Cassidy. He put his hand on her back, massaging. Zack had managed to find a radio, but it sounded nothing. Not even static.

"We have to get out of this damned town one way. I don't care if I have to take down this whole bloody town, and all of its inhabitants. We lost our friends, and one of them is gone, with nothing but a bloody seat." He was still massaging Janis' back, fingers working into her skin though her shirt.

"Cassidy...I took care another other one for you...made it painless." Zack bit his lip, knowing he had chosen brash and uncareful words. He kissed Janis on the cheek, and went for the door.

"I'm going to see if I can find something to use in the way of a weapon. I don't like this place..."[/color]
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[FONT=Times New Roman]It was nearing dark and they still hadn't moved on. Max worried about this. [i]I hope we can get a move on soon,[/i] he thought. [i]Before...[/i] they...[i] find us...[/i]

He took up his piece of rebar and searched for the others. He heard some sobs emenating from the van, Marcus standing guard. He stiffened with distaste as Max approached.

"You'd better not go in. They're a bit distraught right now," said Marcus. Max nodded in acknowledgement. Marcus leaned in, and spoke to him in harsh, quiet tones.

"Those were our [i]friends,[/i] you bastard. Why did you have to put the girls through that?"

Max drew himself up to his full height. "Look, it's better this way. There's something about this town. When people die here, they don't quite stay dead. They come back as... things. Dunno what they are or why it happens, but they'll kill you if they catch you unawares. Only way to kill 'em for sure is to sever the spine, crush the ribcage, or crush the skull. All three if you can. You wouldn't want to be attacked by your dead friends, would you?"

Marcus stared at him in disbelief. "Shit, man. What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?"

"Exactly what I asked myself when I first got here. Best find a weapon. Rebar, heavy tools... Guns are nice, but rarely finish 'em proper. Anything you can find. I'm gonna go see if the other one's okay."


Max found Zack searching a pile of rubble for a weapon, blissfully unaware of the creature about to pounce on him. Max let out a warning shout, then hit the monster in the back of the head with a flying side kick. Getting between it and Zack, he let fly two roundhouse kicks to its head and a snap kick to its chest, knocking it down. Before it could get up, he smashed its head and chest in with his length of rebar.

Max shouldered his instrument of death. "Lesson one: Don't go out alone!"

Zack gazed at the smashed monstrosity in horror. "What the fuck is [i]that?[/i]"

Max turned to face him. "What your friends might have become, if you hadn't killed them. Found a weapon?"

He snapped back into reality. "Oh! Yeah, I do. I found a good wrench in there."

"Score. Let's go."


It was past dark when they returned to the van. A thick mist had rolled in suddenly, cutting off sight past five feet in places.

"I gotta check on the cab," said Max.

The cab was just as he had left it, unlocked to facilitate quick escapes. Something else was bothering him, however, so instead of going straight back, he checked on where they had put their friends' corpses. The mist cleared for a brief instant. In that moment of clarity he saw several monsters feasting upon their fallen comrades, the sickening crunch of bones emenating from their ravenous maws. Needless to say, Max was in quite a hurry to get back to the van.

"Bad news," he said. "The critters have found your friends."

"Well, they can't be turned into undead, can they?" asked Marcus.

"Turned, no. Eaten, yes. And they'll be done soon. We gotta move. Now."

"Won't they be full?" asked Zack.

Max turned a cynical eye to him. "They're [i]never[/i] full."[/FONT]
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[size=1][color=slategray]Cassiday was sitting in the van, listening. She turned very pale. Getting out, she looked at Max. Her face looked gaunt, extremely pale, and her eyes were red from crying. Against her skin, her hair looked nearly black, and her eyes dark and sunken.

?[b]You?re kidding.[/b]?

Before he answered, she knew he wasn?t. She sighed, and began digging through the van. ?[b]Hey, Zack, do we have any of the corded mics left?[/b]?

Zack looked at her curiously. ?[b]Yeah, I didn?t see why we should throw them out. Why?[/b]?

Cassidy found one in the back underneath the seat, and hefted it by the cord, and climbed out. There she had them move away, and began swinging it. ?[b]Ranged weapon.[/b]? Her smile was grim and pained.

?[b]I want to stay as far away from them as possible. But, if they get past-[/b]? She hefted a crowbar. She dropped her smile, and then got back in the van. She sat in the back, hugging her knees to her chest, staring into the back of the last seat.

OOC: Sorry if it is a little short.[/size][/color]
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