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Trinity Blood


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I don't know much about Trinity blood (other than the art is super pretty and I wanna learn about it just so i can cosplay cause those outfits are realy cool)

I remember reading somewhere Buck Tick is doing the opening, so that should be great XD


that's where I got all the info I know about it from though ^_^

I've only read bits of it ^^;; so I can't say much
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  • 4 months later...
[quote name='Aerain']Man, this anime looks awesome, I really hope it lives to my expectations. Anyway, it sure looks dark. I haven't read the manga but I hope it's about vampires.[/quote]

[QUOTE]I really liked the first episode; it was pretty stylish and had just the right amount of action. Subsequent episodes bored me, though--the writers continued mucking around with (annoying and cliched) side stories instead of plunging straight into the main plot.

The art bothers me because I love the character designs, but they aren't always executed quite as well as they could be.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't think the writers were mucking around. The very first episode alone tells you most of this anime is going to be heavily involved with politics. The way they portrayed Peter Pan & Neverland in one of the episodes was nothing short of brilliance. Trinity Blood is a deep sci-fi-political vampire romp. To the Otaku, the word "cliched" doesn't exist because everything after the Holy Bible is cliched.

With all the film classes I've taken, the analytical part of my brain never turns off. Essentially, Trinity Blood is certainly the thinking man's anime. This isn't Hellsing or Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, this is something purely politically based with a lot of Holy Bible influence.

Like all Gonzo titles the animation goes to a straight 11. The art style is dark & realistic and fits the show perfectly. I don't watch Trinity Blood for the action, I watch it for the supernatural-politically based story.

Highly recommended![/COLOR]
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I really liked the first episode; it was pretty stylish and had just the right amount of action. Subsequent episodes bored me, though--the writers continued mucking around with (annoying and cliched) side stories instead of plunging straight into the main plot.

The art bothers me because I love the character designs, but they aren't always executed quite as well as they could be. I might give the show another look when FUNimation brings it out on DVD; for now, however, I can't say I feel as though I'm missing much. Especially when there's much better GONZO fare to sample, like Basilisk (also licensed by Funi).

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[QUOTE=Dagger]I really liked the first episode; it was pretty stylish and had just the right amount of action. Subsequent episodes bored me, though--the writers continued mucking around with (annoying and cliched) side stories instead of plunging straight into the main plot.

The art bothers me because I love the character designs, but they aren't always executed quite as well as they could be. I might give the show another look when FUNimation brings it out on DVD; for now, however, I can't say I feel as though I'm missing much. Especially when there's much better GONZO fare to sample, like Basilisk (also licensed by Funi).

Funi licensed Basilisk!!?? Another anime butchered. Basilisk is a syck-ninja anime and it's now licensed by Funi, the studio responsible for releasing edited versions of DBZ? Where's Geneon when you need em?[/COLOR] :animecry:
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What a coincidence. Currently watching both Basilisk and Trinity Blood in my Anime club this semester.

Anyway seen the first 4 eps of Trinity Blood and I love it. According to a friend Abel is kind of a mix Vash and the main character from Hellsing. I also can see how he is similar to Vash but never seen Hellsing.
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[QUOTE=Otaku America][COLOR=Navy]
Funi licensed Basilisk!!?? Another anime butchered. Basilisk is a syck-ninja anime and it's now licensed by Funi, the studio responsible for releasing edited versions of DBZ? Where's Geneon when you need em?[/COLOR] :animecry:[/QUOTE]
There's no need to live in the past. All of FUNimation's recent (and many of their not-so-recent) releases have been on par with Geneon's in virtually every regard. They tend to have more/better on-disc extras than Geneon, too. I couldn't be happier with their plans for other GONZO anime like Samurai 7 (they're mirroring the R2 release in all respects other than price and disc count), and I'm confident that they'll treat their latest acquisitions with equal care.

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unfortunately or fortunately for some, Trinity Blood is now Licensed. I was up to ep. 10 and showed it to my sis. Now that it's Licensed, she won't forgive me for showing her an anime that she won't be able to finish until it comes out in the states or she watches them in Raw form.

Tis a great anime though. Abel's a lot like Vash, makes me curious if Vash was the first character like this or if there was an anime before that Vash got based off of. I like the introduction of different members of AX with Episodes dedicated or sorta dedicated to them. The mix of different personalities and abilities is great, and the great mystery of what Abel really is would be great to find out.

From what I've read it'll be released in summer of 2006, I can't wait already...
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Now for whatever reason I had to reactivate my account for Otakuboards, but as for Trinity Blood...

I was honestly expecting this anime to quite simply "suck". Really I was! I mean how many Hellsing-Devil May Cry clones have we seen in the last few years in both the anime and gaming industries alike =P?

But ten episodes into the series the series seems to be picking up, we are given more information on Rozen Kreuze (spelling? I spelled it on sound so I know it's wrong...) and we're introduced to some bad guys who are more than just \killing fodder for Abel and co.

I'd normally be dissapointed at the fact that the anime series seems to reuse a lot of the same music tracks but they're usually timed just right so i'm actually pretty fond of them.

While Trinity Blood isn't exactly mind-blowing the "Crusnik" idea has me bought and i'm eager to find out more about many of the character's pasts and true intentions.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest psyconorikan
Hello there ^^. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this series yet? I LOVE it. The animation, the story, the characters. They're all so awesome! Abel reminds me alot of Vash from Trigun. Anyways, what do you all think of the series?
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I've really *really* wanted to see it. But I can't find any direct downloads (I'm not real internet savvy, so bt's kinda out of the question for me). It looks like a great series from what I see and hear. Suppose I'll have to wait until it comes out on dvd ^_^
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Guest psyconorikan
[quote name='Lindus']I've really *really* wanted to see it. But I can't find any direct downloads (I'm not real internet savvy, so bt's kinda out of the question for me). It looks like a great series from what I see and hear. Suppose I'll have to wait until it comes out on dvd ^_^[/quote]

[color=red][i]link (and excessive discussion of an illegal method of acquiring anime) removed[/i][/color] and yes, it's a really awesome series. I think I shall do some fanart *nod nod*
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  • 8 months later...
Guest PhoenixRave
Has anyone heard of its releasing? Its supposed to have been released on May 5, but I haven't seen in it at any theaters. Was it a one day thing? *shrugs*

[INDENT][COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]PhoenixRave[/B]

I am moving your thread to the existing Trinity Blood thread for the following reason: To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create another thread. Please go ahead and post in the current one no matter how old it is. Before you post any thread, please check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Sienna][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if there is already a thread on that topic. It is also a good idea to perform a forum search on that subject to make sure another thread does not already exist.

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[SIZE=1]I first heard about Trinity Blood via Newtype Magazine, and I'm lead to believe that it will be released this fall with Bleach, Blood+, and a couple of others. In fact the [URL=http://trinityblood.tv/][u] Official Website[/u][/URL] even says that.

If you want info, I believe that the Anime News Network is a good source. Otherwise, PM me if you want directions to some fansubs.[/SIZE]
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eh...we watched Trinity Blood in my Anime Club this past semester, and I must say I wasn't impressed with it.
Its got nice animation and character designs and all...but the story wasn't very original. It was pretty much just a re-hasing of Trigun, only with Vampires.

But thats just my opinion. I only bothered watching the first half of the series...so maybe it made up for everything in the end.
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[SIZE=1]Nah, WW2, your worries are definently carried through all the way to the end. I'm just a junkie for the goth-horror genre, and for vampires, so I enjoyed it. But it was only for the eye-candy for me--the story was incredibly slow, little character development, and a little too much with the fluffy comedy at times.

One thing I would fix in the series would be more development of Gunslinger. He was manlier than Abel, and he was an android. I think that the description 'Trigun meets Hellsing' fits this series best, but they could have done so much more with it.[/SIZE]
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  • 2 months later...
[url=http://www.animationinsider.net/article.php?articleID=1079][u]And now it's getting a CN premiere[/u][/url].

Despite its middling reputation, I think Trinity Blood will go over rather well with the Adult Swim crowd--probably more so than thoughtful fare like Witch Hunter Robin or Wolf's Rain. So although I'm not that enthused about the show itself, at least it seems like a smart choice on the part of their programming director. I'll probably watch it casually, since it's going to air right after Bleach, and because the dub will in all likelihood be excellent.

The fact that it's getting the 12 AM timeslot does make me wonder where Eureka Seven will go, though.

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I haven't heard much about TB, but i read something about it a while ago that made me interested. So i'm excited about it coming to AS. Saturdays are looking great with Bleach and TB being added, i wish they would move FMA though instead of replacing it with Bleach. They should really put in a new 1:30 slot too, i love cowboy bebop but it's been shown quite a lot on AS.
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Tokyo Pop picked up the TB manga, which (in my opinion) both makes more sense and is generally better than the anime (I never finished the anime though ^^;; so I don't know if it actually gets better later on or not).

And, while Abel is still a bit of a doof, he's not quite as goofy in the manga as in the anime ^^; (though he does no cross dressing in either one T_T like he did in the novel... which is a bit sad, in a way, because I found it amusing)
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  • 2 months later...
You liked Chrono Crusade, you loved Trigun, you know Vampire Huntur D, but have you ever combined anime, have you ever wondered what a good anime is,well let me introduce you to a little anime I like to call TrinityBlood.Heh, yeah thats right Trinity Blood, blood,gore the vatican, gun action, and vampires?!If you havent even heard of this anime I got three words for ya Check It Out. More addicting than The Getbackers, more thrilling than hellsing, more daring than full metal panic, Trinity Blood.

If youve checked this anime out read an article about it or somthing whatcha think?






To be or not to be, is that the question?

[color=#007520][size=1][indent]Takanutsu, use the [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/URL] for Anime-specific threads or fear the wrath of my threadkinesis~! -r2[/indent][/size][/color]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Trinity Blood has become one of the best action animes Ive ever seen. I mean in the first epsisode someone gets [spoiler] their heart ripped out and then crushed[/spoiler]. Now thats what I call intense. Allthough Nightroad is cool in his true form his human pacifistic side is annoying. Very much reminds me of Vash from Trigun. Gunslinger is another character I adore .A homicidial android with a genocide mode whats not to love? Trinity Blood has some great action and the plot isn't terrible. I definetly want to follow this series to the end not for the story but for the intense action thats only goiing to increase as the war gets closer and closer[/COLOR]
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I hear ya Kenshin,you Know Abel from Trinity Blood is much like Vash from Trigun, i mean the glasses,personality.........kinda wierd

[COLOR=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Did you have to quote his entire post? Especially because it's so much longer than yours and it's the post right before yours, it makes the thread really... really messy. I removed it for you. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Hittokiri Zero] ...we are given more information on Rozen Kreuze (spelling? I spelled it on sound so I know it's wrong...)
While Trinity Blood isn't exactly mind-blowing the "Crusnik" idea has me bought and i'm eager to find out more about many of the character's pasts and true intentions.[/QUOTE]

Wikipedia has it listed as the Rosenkreuz Orden, and references the [I]Rosicrucian[/I] . The site also goes into great detail about all the history the series is based on. I read a good portion of it and was piqued about the series before I even started watching the anime. There's a lot of symbolism there that exists outside of the political.

And I was struck by the Abel/Vash bit as well, although Abel seems to act much more incompetent than the Stampede; where Vash adroitly avoids anything and everything early in his series, Abel just lets himself get beat up, stabbed, and knocked out. Ah, well. It seems to be working for him. Besides, Vash can't absorb vampire blood through [I]his[/I] boot.
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