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Armoured Core: Angels of Chaos


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[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Aeon walk into the snack bar...a machine is working midnight shift. They pay the fee and they get their trays.[/i]

Chole: My computer...it's got a mind of it's own...

Aeon: I see...

Chole: I've been trying to upgrade and register this new part...won't accept it.

Aeon: Well...you're AC's fine ain't it?

Chole: Yeah...but when there's a problem, I wanna fix it...

Aeon: If it isn't broken, then don't fix it right?

Chole: I don't work that way...[/COLOR]
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*Aeon eagerly scarfs down his food while Chole eats a little slower*

Aeon: Whew am i glad to be out of that mess.....So what should we do now...?

Rico: proubably begin to find our way to the nearest Revolt base...

*ken walks in about this time but Aeon dosn't notices him

Aeon:hmmm......why don't we head out into space.....hopefully we can escape the Zodiac forces their....

Chole:sure why not....

*ken walks up behind them*

Ken: Hey

Aeon: *turns* oh hey...how your wounds doing?

Ken: better....
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[color=crimson]- - { Z o d i a c } - -
Data for Next Mission:
8x Siege Frigates are Going to Assult a Non Revolt Base That is holding Revolt Pilots That Are Suspected in The H eavy Cruiser Blowing up Yesterday

The Siege Will Occur in 1 Week.

Ken: Wehave a week till all hell breaks loose[/color]
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Anti:......siren you plan is simple...but what are 3 ac's going to do against a base!?!?........and Ken we can't stay to fight...I say we evac asap then me and chole are going to start making our way to Revolt Hq.....you two can do what you want.....hopefully Zodiac-9 will decide to put it's resources into chasing us down instead of attacking more civilian bases....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i]
[B]Hey you guys, I made some rockin' Banners for the Factions in this RPG... You wanna see, or shall I not bother uploadin' em? [/B][/QUOTE]

I want to see em!! specially the revolt banner!!
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[color=crimson][i]Ken looks at the computer and grows wide eyed[/i]

Ken: This base recovered the remains of my AC and are repairing them!

[i]Ken runs out and goes to the dock and finds the remains of his AC and runs to the person overseeing the repairs[/i]

Ken: This is my AC how much are the repairs...

[i]The man whispers a number and Ken's mouth drops open[/i]

Ken: *sigh* ok....

[i]Ken pays the man... [/i][/color]
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*Aeon watches ken run out of the room then walks over to the revolt comp and logs in and begins looking up the news.....*

Aeon:......Chole........bad news......


Aeon:......3 Revolt bases were hit simotainusly..........including ours

Chole: WHAT!?

Aeon:.....2 were evaced and the 3rd was destroyed.....few survivors......says here all reolvt forces escept the minumen crews to randevous at HQ then to move all operations to a hidden base before we can be wiped out.....

Chole:....makes sense.....what are the casulty numbers....?

Aeon:........300 AC's and piliots KIA, 200 MIA. Revolt.....civilian casultys are nearly doubled.......

Siren:!?!? doubled......

Aeon: revolt operates with elite and small crews performing small tactical operations often hitting then pulling out before the enemy relizes what is going on....at the bases most of the population are civilians passing through or make their homes their as merchants etc.....so when a base is destroyed more civilians are killed then revolt forces........

Chole:.........we must evacuate this base before more civilians die because of us then head for HQ......
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[color=crimson][i]Ken runs back into the cafeteria and logs onto another computer and reads...

[b]Everyone Related To Renegade Officer Ken Was Exacuated Today... The People That Were Killed Were:

2x Sisters
3x Brothers
1x GirlFriend

This will Teach The People Not To Rebel.

Ken stands up silently and quietly walks out....[/i][/color]
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*aeon looks up and notices Ken walking out. He looks at the screen ken was looking at...*

Aeon: you two go talk with the leader of this base and get the evacuation under way....I am going to go talk to Ken....I will join you guys as soon as i am done.....

*aeon runs after ken*

Aeon: Ken wait up!!
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