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Breast Feeding


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Man oh man. I'm so tired of seeing my sister breast feed her baby. I agree with the conservatives on this one and say put them up.

In Florida there is a dispute about about some woman feeding her baby in a major meeting. The major expresses some annoance by this action and woman takes offense. So in the next meeting her and some of her friends appear in the meeting and all decide to breast feed in protest. How stupid is this?

They say this breat milk is ten times better then formula. That is is so healthy, and good for the baby. The baby will grow faster, and turn out to be smarter. The people promoting formula say the same thing about there product.

Anyways what do you think is better and do you agree with the Florida moms?
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[color=#503f86]The thing about breast milk is that it contains antibodies essential for developing the babies' immune system. The most important feeding you can give a baby is right after they're born, as that's when it contains the most good stuff.

I don't think women should give up breast feeding by any means. Geez, what's wrong with being nautral? Of course, there is a time and a place to do it (and an executive meeting probably isn't either, really), but it has to be done and you can't exactly delegate times for the baby to be hungry. It doesn't work like that.

EDIT: Obviously if there's a medical reason for someone not being able to breast-feed then there's no case, but generally I believe the natural stuff's far better. There's no way to completely duplicate something like that.

But not only that, feeding a baby from a tube rather than yourself just seems to lose a deeper kind of connection between you and the child. Had I breasts (or kids, for that matter), I'd breast-feed.[/color]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]I agree with Solo, a woman is made with breasts so that she can feed her baby, if it wasn't meant to be and women were somehow mutating themselves to feed their babies with breast milk I'd understand, but this is perfectly natural.

Given, a woman breast-feeding in the middle of a meeting is maybe not what everyone wants to see, but I don't think women should be forced into stopping breast-feeding.

As if technology hasn't corrupted enough natural things already, why stop a perfectly natural and healthier way of life?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Breast feeding is naturally healthier than formula. However, if the mother is in public or the baby is being looked after by a guardian (rather than the mother) Formula should be used at all times simply because Its not the type of thing you want to see in public.

As for the trouble with seeing your sister do it Hells Fire , try to stay out of the same room and if she does it in public, tell her your concerned that she could get in trouble For creating what others view as a public disturbance. Other than that I cant suggest anything else.
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Let's analyze why people don't want to see breastfeeding taking place. People have developed a sexual perception of breasts, and exposing one's breast inappropriately is seen as wrong for this reason. However, when a woman is breast-feeding, I dare-say the exposition is not in the least bit sexual. It's time for you to drop your notions of sexuality just for a moment and realize that not only is breast-feeding in any place at any time appropriate, but you shouldn't consider them sex organs in any way, shape, or form (while breastfeeding).
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[quote name='Adahn']Let's analyze why people don't want to see breastfeeding taking place. People have developed a sexual perception of breasts, and exposing one's breast inappropriately is seen as wrong for this reason. However, when a woman is breast-feeding, I dare-say the exposition is not in the least bit sexual. It's time for you to drop your notions of sexuality just for a moment and realize that not only is breast-feeding in any place at any time appropriate, but you shouldn't consider them sex organs in any way, shape, or form (while breastfeeding).[/quote][COLOR=#503F86]Despite the involvement of breasts, there's nothing I find attractive about breastfeeding. You're making a rather sweeping generalisation here, although doubtless there'd be an element of it involved.

I can understand where the guy in the office meeting was coming from, though- if you're trying to maintain a professional image of yourself you lose a certain amount of credability if you suddenly whip your breast out and attach a child to it. It's distracting enough to a meeting to have a child in there in the first place, let alone to start breastfeeding at a table during what could be an important discussion. I think that's more likely to be the basis of the guy's protest.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Well, I think breastfeeding is much better than formula. But at a meeting is a no-no.

Like everyone else has already said before, a meeting isn't exactly an appropriate place to do this. But formula doesn't have to be used in its stead. Why not just pump it out into a bottle for the baby, and then give it a bottle instead?

I think what Adahn was getting at is that breasts are distracting not because they're sexually attractive, but because they're distracting -- mostly due to our preconcieved notions that breasts are sexual things. I'm sure you'd be a little flustered if a woman just whipped out a breast in front of you to feed her child. It's just ... natural. It's engrained in us.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Retribution][size=1']I think what Adahn was getting at is that breasts are distracting not because they're sexually attractive, but because they're distracting -- mostly due to our preconcieved notions that breasts are sexual things. I'm sure you'd be a little flustered if a woman just whipped out a breast in front of you to feed her child. It's just ... natural. It's engrained in us.[/size][/quote][COLOR=#503F86]T[/COLOR][color=#503f86]hat's true actually, heh. I'm sure a lot of professional executive men probably aren't the sort who are used to seeing women breast-feed, either.[/color]
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[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE]The thing about breast milk is that it contains antibodies essential for developing the babies' immune system. The most important feeding you can give a baby is right after they're born, as that's when it contains the most good stuff.[/QUOTE]Yup, breast milk is good stuff.

As for breastfeeding in public, I think it's okay as long as the woman covers up. All you need is a small blanket or shawl, and no one has to see anything or be distracted. But you still can wait it if the baby is fine at the time.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Tahoma]I agree and know that breast feeding is very healthy for a baby and it's just something that every one needs to understand, but for some reason, I do find it slightly uncomfortable. I don't know why. My boyfriend's mom does it in front of me a lot, and it makes me uncomfortable, maybe thats just me. Natural thing of life, may be, but not everyone wants to see that.[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma]In my opinion, this lady at the meeting was rude in the sense that she did it then. Maybe her baby was being very rousy and [B]needed[/B] to be breast fed then and there [I]or else . .[/I] But I highly doubt it. If it's at your home thats one thing, but in a professional meeting, it is rude and not everybody feels comfortable seeing that. Therefore, if the baby isn't going to die from non breast feeding, then keep your top on ladies =).[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma]Now who knows, maybe every ladies opinion changes when they are the one with the baby . .[/FONT]
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I have no issue with breast feeding, but I don't agree with doing it in public as many have said. Whether they choose to do it or not is their own opinion but doing it in front of either people is imposing their decision on others. I couldn't really care less what they choose to do but when they whip it out in front of me and start feeding their baby then it becomes a problem. No one wants to see your breasts for your baby feeding from them, so do it at home.
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Breast milk is the best for your baby as many have mentioned before. I do feel there is a time and place for everything and the middle of a meeting / public place is not it.

I feel if someone is totally against using formula to feed their baby they should get a breast pump and get enough breast milk at home for a bottle or two for when they are going to be out in public. Many womens' restrooms like at malls and restaurants have a "mother's lounge" for women to breast feed their babies. These lounges have comfy chairs and a more home-like feel. Those I think are great!

If all else fails I think a mother should find a nice quite out of the way place to feed her baby. Covering up with a blanket or shawl...but just pulling a breast out, let's say in the middle of a shopping mall and letting the baby feed, in my opinion, is not appropriate.
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yay, I was waiting for panda to post, its nice to have a sort of motherly opinion on these things, sorry for the analogy if that offends you, but its nice to know that someone who is actually really informed on the opinion has something to say about it, and luckily panda feels the same way I do *hugs* lol
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[color=royalblue]Alrigtht! I can finally put all that junk that I learned in Child Development to good use!

A lot of people reccomend breastfeeding whenever possible. They say that you can bond with your baby, which is always a good thing. Breastfeeding is also cheaper, it's the most complete food, and it contains antibodies. It was also said that children who were breastfed are less likely to have allergies. It's good for the mother because it helps return the uterus to the normal size.

However, there are some reasons why people choose not to breastfeed. HIV can be transferred through breastmilk. Breastmilk doesn't contain iron or flouride and it's very time consuming. Also, the mother has to watch what she eats and if she is under stress it could cause milk shortage.

I don't think there is anything wrong with breastfeeding as long as the person doing it doesn't have a problem with feeding in public and having to watch their diet. Besides, you can always give the baby iron and flouride through other foods.[/color]
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