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Evangelion-a new genesis


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[I]Zack shoots the thing near the red gem...it turns it's attention on Zack[/I]

Yuriko:Zack whats wrong with Sere?

Zack:hang on...

[I]Zack dodges two blast[/I]

Zack:she isn't responding to me either...she might be out cold...

[I]Zack fires another shot one of the angels blast slams into 01[/I]


[I]Another beam slams into 01[/I]

Yuriko:Ciarnait, Oroko help Zack...distract the Angel with Zack...
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(sephiroth closes in on the angel, but it suddenly extends one of its arms and grabs his eva by the throat)

yuriko: sephiroth, get out, now!

seph: I...cant!!!

(the angel begins to punch his eva with its free arm, and then sens a final deadly punch, sending his eva to the ground, there was silence, and then sephiroths eva got up, opened its mouth and let out an inhuman roar, and then charged at the angel)

yuriko: his eva...has gone berserk!

to be continued....
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[I]Zack stares in horror at the beserk Eva[/I]


[I]Unit 02 and 03 come up behind Zack[/I]

Ciarnait:what's going on Zack....Yuriko just said he went beserk...

Zack:I don't know....you two move unit 01...get her out of the battle zone...make sure she is ok...I am going to move in and help Sephroth...if I can...


[I]Unit 01 begins to move foward...he progresses towards the Angel and unit 00 swiftly but with caution[/I]
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OOC:Bu here are the Eva numbers....Seph is 00, I am 01, Ciarnait is 02, Sere is 04 and you are 03
[I]As the Angel is on it's way to unit 03 ((Oroko)) Zack lunges into it his dagger stapping right next to it's core[/I]

Zack: DIEEE!!!

[I]01 pulls his dagger out again and slams it right into the core...it cracks but dosn't break...The Angel punches 01 into a building[/I]


[I]Zack raises the rifle in his hand and begins unleading all the rounds...The Angels Core finnally shatters and the Angel falls to the ground[/I]

Zack:ughhh.....got him....

[I]Zack in 01 slumb against a building. He is breathing hard and checking everyones signs[/I]

Zack:....I...Got IT....

Yuriko:we see Zack....good job...all evas return to base...
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[suddenly, without warning, the fallen angel rises, damaged, but still alive]

yuriko: dammit, I don't believe it! all eva's, intercept, the target is still alive!

[sephiroth's eva lets out an inhuman scream and jumps high into the air, and lets a knee on the angel's head, exploding it on impact, blood splatters everywhere, unit 00 then grabs the angel and slams it on the floor, unit 00 jumps on top of it and begins to mercilessly slaughter the angel, ripping out its body ligaments and smashing its core, the angel is finally dead, but that is'nt stopping unit 00, it continues its merciless assault]

yuriko: my....god, sephiroth, thats enough, please stop!

[the eva suddenly stops, the angels blood stained all over its body, it gets off of the angel]

yuriko: sephiroth, are you ok?

seph: ......hai

yuriko: very well, all eva's return to base now, we will send out a party to clean up the mess

[all the eva's make their way back to base, after returning his eva into cryo-stasis, sephiroth heads to the locker room, and looks at himself in the mirror]

seph: ......shimatta!!! (japanese for dammit)

[sephiroth punches the mirror, shattering it]

to be continued....
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[I]Zack watches Seph smash the mirrior[/I]

Zack:.....yo Seph


Zack:....don't worry about losing control...


[I]Zack shrugs and changes back into his civilian clothes[/I]

ZAck:I am going to see Sere...you want to come?..


Zack: ok...see you back at the apartment I guess...

[I]Zack walks out of the locker room...a short while later he arrives at the hospital...right as Oroko and Ciarnait leave[/I]



Zack:...we wern't inrtoduced before...I am Zack


Zack:...sorry for not being fast enough against the angel...for not distracting it fast enough...

Sere:it's my fault I should have dodged it...

Zack:it got smarter faster then we expected...I guess we underestimated it at first...


Zack:...well...rest well, I should proubably be going...


[I]Zack walks out of the room and outside. He catches the bus to the aparment.[/I]
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[sephiroth gets changed into his normal clothing and makes his way back to the apartment]

seph: I need to get a grip, I can't believe I let this happen....again

[after a while sephiroth finally arrives home, he heads straight to his room, lies on his bed and stares blankly at the ceiling]

seph: ....I still smell like blood, so many questions I do not know....

[I]Meanwhile, back at NERV HQ....[/I]

yuriko: commander, here are the reports on todays incident

ghala: .....sephiroth went berserk

yuriko: ....yes

ghala: well, as long as it gets the job done, thats ok, he even broke the old synch ratio of 72%, he has gone up to 81%, that's very good

yuriko: the new recruits also did exceptionally well out there in the field, there were a few problems, but nothing serious

ghala: thats good to hear, major yuriko, you should be prepared to wake up early tomorrow, we have a special little "package" being delivered to us by boat, you will meet them half-way by chopper, sephiroth and unit 00 will be sent with you to ensure the package's safety

yuriko: yes commander

to be continued....
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*In Oroko's car*

Oroko:I know this great place down town it's awesome


Oroko:Something troubling you?

Sere:I was just thinking about today...what happened?

Oroko:I'm not sure myself

Sere:anyway about the great place down town what's it like?

Oroko:realy great food and were right here-and it's closed...GREAT!!!

Sere:well maybe...we could go to your place

Oroko:heh heh uh...okay but don't try to see the top...you'll break your neck

Sere::) okay

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[in the apartment, the phone rings, zack answers it]

zack: hello? .....yes, he's here....one moment, hey seph, yuriko's on the phone

[sephiroth walks out of the room and takes the phone]

seph: .....konnichiwa

yuriko: greetings sephiroth, you need to get prepared, we have a mission involving you and unit 00, I will be picking you up in 30 minutes

seph: understood, ja ne

[sephiroth hangs up the phone, ciarnait and zack looking at him curiously]

to be continued....
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[I]Zack looks at Sephiroth[/I]

Zack:so whats going on?...

Sephiroth:....I have a mission

Zack:...ok...We won't do anything to horrible while your gone...

Cianait:yeah just party....

[I]Zack laughs a bit while Sephiroth looks at her[/I]

Seph:just keep the place clean...

Zack:we will...

[I]A car was heard pulling up and Sephiroth walked out to it[/I]


[I]Zack sits down on the couch as Ciarnait turns on the tv[/I]

Zack:wonder what his mission is....
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[sephiroth sits quietly in the car as yuriko drives]

yuriko: so....aren't you going to ask about your mission?

seph: it is not my position to ask questions, I merely carry out missions given to me

yuriko: .....*thinks* he's no different than a doll, poor guy

[a few minutes pass, and yuriko tells him his mission]

yuriko: we will be meeting a battleship in the ocean, we will be guarding them from any danger using your eva, you will pilot

seph: understood

yuriko: there is a vessel pm the ship which we need to get back to HQ, so be careful out there

seph: .....

to be continued....
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Do you have to conform to the basic Evangelion story?(as in using the already created EVA units) If it isn't, then I have a great idea, if it is, then I think its too late for me here...

Thank you, Anti. As for my idea, here goes:
Name: Riobella
Age: 20
Appearance: He has dirty blonde hair, he is often seen in a leather trench coat(ranging from red to black to brown), black leather boots, and either a dress suit, or a utility suit with straps for guns, knifes, supplies, etc. He sometimes grows a go-T.

Background on Mafia: Riobella is an agent of the Mafia. It first formed from a bunch of criminals but soon turned into a great power amongst the humans. Before long, they had come up with a technology to combat both the Angels(who's presence they were also aware of and they were also tracking) and the NERVE organization, whom they hate for some long forgotten incident. It is called, Project:Fallen Angel
Riobella: I'm ready, Boss.
??: Indeed you are, Riobella. You have been far more effective than any previous agents ever have been. Even those with vast amounts of experience. You are, a prodigy.
Riobella: Too kind, my Lord.
??: No, there is more. As you know we have been working on Project: Fallen Angel, for some time now.
Riobella: Yes, what about it?
??:Well, its completed now. Well, so we hope. We want you to be the first to test it.
Riobella: But, I'm an assasin, not a pilot.
??: Heh heh, all in due course my boy, all in due course...
Riobella: Indeed...
??: Come, we must go to the basement laboratory.
Riobella: Alright...
*They make their way, through a long corridor and into a garden*
??: So, Riobella. All this time you have worked for me, yet I know nothing of your home, of your life beyond all of this...
Riobella: Its simple, there is nothing to know. I've been with you ever since I was 9 years old.
??: You have no family, nothing to go home to?
Riobella: This is my home.
??: Well, when this is all over we shall have to remedy that.
*Suddenly, something catches Riobella's attention. In a split second a gun shot fires...and he is standing, gun drawn, facing the bushes*
??: My god, Riobella! That was the fastest draw I have ever seen!
Riobella: That's my job.
??: Who was it.
Riobella: Someone with a gun, that's all I know.
??: Come let us continue.
*They arrive at a small, plain door at the end of the garden. They enter.*
Riobella: Nice...
??: Indeed. Here is your next assignment.
Scientist 1: Here. Press this button and hold on tight.
Riobella: O...k...
*Riobella presses the button and at first, nothing happens. But Then...*
Riobella: What the hell?!
Scientist 2: It the Fallen Angel Suit. It is a bio-suit.
Riobella: Get this thing the hell off of me--
*He is completely consumed by a grey and red mass*
??: Riobella? Are you there?
Riobella: Yes...I feel great! What does this thing do?
S 1: It is a bio-suit, it makes it so that you can do combat with both the Evangelions and the Angels!
Riobella: Indeed...hmm heh heh...

I hope that is suitable

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well justin, the basis of the story was the usual eva pilot by being chosen by nerv, but your intro seems interesting, so you can carry it on....
[a plane carrying an eva is about to land on a battleship]

yuriko: we should be there now, sephiroth, brace yourself for a bumpy landing

seph: .......

[the plane lands, and the doorway opens, yuriko and sephiroth step out and meet with the ships captain]

captain: greetings

yuriko: hi, we are here to escort you back to tokyo 3

captain: yes, I know, I have been given all of the details

yuriko: good, then sephiroth, you can get into your entry plug now, we will be dispatching the eva in 380 seconds

seph: affirmative

[minutes later, sephiroth is in eva unit 00, the umbiblical cord has just been inserted into the eva's back, the eva comes to life]

yuriko: activation successful, begin routine check, keep an eye out for any unusual activities out on the sea

seph: affirmative

to be continued....
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S 1: Now, Riobella...we can't honestly, completely prepare you for what you are getting ready to experience. However, you can tell you a few of the hazards and advantages of the Fallen Angel.
S 2: Firstly, if all is well and good, you should be able to grow to an ENORMOUS size.
Riobella: Equal to that of the Evangelion Units?
S 1: That is the hope.
S 2: Now, with size, of course, comes strength and speed. Those are given. But, the one thing that is brought to mind is--
S 1: The AT field.
Riobella: TThis thing has one?
S 2: No. That is where it falls. But, that is why we picked you.
??: Yes, Riobella. We knew that you could approach an Evangelion with no trouble. Stopping everything else is entirely up to you.
Riobella: I thought I was suppose to combat both the angels and the evangelions.
S 2: Well, the main target is the eva's and the NERVE.
Riobella: I should've known.
??: That is what worries me Riobella. If you don't hate them, how can you fight them?
Riobella: I can follow orders...
S 2: Anyway, its all controlled in your mind. You can make it do something just like you can make yourself walk.
Riobella: I have noticed.
S 1: As we said we don't know exactly what this thing is capable of. We hope it can do much more than just increase size. But, that is up to you to figure out.
Riobella: What about weaponry?
S 2: You must equip yourself before putting on the suit. Then it is simply a matter of allowing whatever weapon you have to raise itself to the surface.
Riobella: But, it that is the case, then my guns won't grow and I won't be able to use them against the eva's or the angels.
S 1: Not entirely true. Focus your mind and raise your firearm to the surface.
Riobella: Ok...*He does so, and a bulge appears at his hip, which soon forms into the shape of a pistol.*
S 2: You see, now grasp it and draw it.
Riobella: It is covered in the bio-suit too.
S 1: Yes, and via the Fallen Angel it is also fused to you, thus making it difficult to be knocked from your hand. You can however, cause the Fallen Angel to retreat from it and it will return to normal so that you may drop it.
Riobella: I see...
S 2: And the system of raising also works in reverse. All you have to do to equip another gun is press it to the Fallen Angel and allow it to fuse.
??: Now, for your first assignment. There is a battleship in the ocean. It seems as though it may be a target for the angels and it also seems as though EVA unit 00 is aboard. We want want you to use this as an opportunity to test Fallen Angel.
Riobella: Indeed, I shall.
??: The best of luck to you.
Riobella: Thanks...
S 2: Try anything you can think of on your way. The [b]possibilities[/b] are nearly endless.
Riobella: heh...we will see how great this...thing is....

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[I]Zack is just finishing his dinner as the phone rings[/I]


???:we need you at nerv hq...testing and you have to be on call at all times...you must be ready to fight...

Zack:ok...me and Ciarnait will be thier soon....

Ciarnait:who was that?

Zack:Nerv...they want us thier...

[I]Just as Sere and Orok are sitting down for dinner they recieve a similier call....Zack and Ciarnait walk out and catch the bus to the Nerv train station[/I]
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Pilot: Watch out for the sharks.
Riobella: Indeed.
*He watches the transport plane that took him to the shore take off, then he turns to face the ocean. He grew very still...the grew to an incredible size*
Riobella: Wow...now...
*A bulge appears at his waist. He grasps it, and draws his gun, which ahs also grown.He then aims it at the ground, and fires.*
Riobella: The bullets have grown as well.Hmm
*He remembers the Pilot saying, "Watch out for the sharks."*
Riobella: Shark...
*He walks into the water, until it is up to his waist, then he grows still. He begins taking a cylinder-like shape, then it sprouts curve triangles on its top, bottom, and on the end, a cresent. He became a giant shark*
Riobella:*thinking* Heh, now for that battleship.
*He begins swimming, amazingly fast, out into the sea*

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