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Forgotten Land of Angels2:Alkaine(M-VLS)


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cliff just walked out from behind the tree. [B]"They are strong enough to win this fight, but if you insist i will join."[/B] Cliff picked up is sword and held it against his shoulder as he walked toward is friends.[B] "I'm ready whenever you are."[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
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"So when is this battle gonna start? I'm getting bored just standing here," smirked Aeris.

"Well, if you wanna start fighting. Go ahead and attack first," insisted Zaix

"Fine, I will."

Soon Aeris started running toward Zaix and yelled out,[I]" GigaZakarga!" [/I]
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Zaix dodged what ever it was and counter attacked with a spin. But she zoomed out of the way in a second before it hit her.

"C'mon, Zidane" A voice in his head rang out.

Zaix grabbed his head and instantly he turned back into Zidane. He grasped the hilt of the katana and it turned into a Broadsword. Then he remembered the ASGARD sword changes shape depending on the users energy.

"Cliff, let's say we kick their asses like old times?"

"With ya on that one" Cliff replied and heaved up his sword.

Zidane looked at Aeris"I'm not like Zaix, I will kill you," He said.

Lunging he caught Aeris off guard and nicked her in the side. Cliff and Zidane were now back to back.

"Just like old times,eh?" Cliff said.
"Yup" Zidane replied.

Zidane and Cliff turned to face each other and locked their swords together and they started spinning them in circles. After enough energy gathered.

"Dual Spin!"They both yelled.

they both turned around again and slashed at the air sending a shock wave. They all fell except Shirinoka and the others with Zidane who were out of range.

"Just like old times..." Zidane smiled.
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"You bastards! I will get you for this!" shouted Aeris as she called out," Tokijin."
Which a sword appeared out of nowhere. She ran towards Zidane and yelled out the attack,[I]"Dragon Twister."[/I]

A big tornado appeared and hit Zidane really hard. "OUCH!"shouted Zidane as he fell to the ground." I'll get you,bitch if it's the last thing I do."

"Try it and we'll see. But right now you're in luck because I have somewhere to go that no one but me can reach," said Aeris as she vanished into thin air.
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Maira saw both Ares and Zidane fighting and decided to try and settle things between them.Maira took out her jewel and yelled,"[I]Solaris Proleois[/I]."
And she transformed with a staff with many rings around the main ring.Maira then yelled,"Fire![I]Flamious Gradius[/I]."
Then a ball of fire came right between the two and stopped them from fighting.
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Aeris appeared into a place that was unknown to everyone but her. She roamed the area for the door to let her in. She soon found the door and said,[I]"Tera Borealis Prileo!"[/I] And the door opened. She went inside and found that she had another crystal waiting on her bed. She picked it up and she realized that it was the crystal of the heavens. She knew that now she could track Zidane or Zaix anywhere they went and could easily eliminate them with the other crystals that she got over the years.
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Maira had followed Aeris and said,"Well so this the secret place of Aeris is it." As Maira smiled and said it in a cute and kind way.

Aeris said," What are you doing here you shouldn't be here in the first place for no one can ever find this place but me!!"

Maira said," Well it looks like someone has just find your hiding spot.Hehehehe." :D
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Lokin scratched his head at the ensuing events. "is anyone else here confused?" He backed up and turned to Azuroth. "Let's go, these puny little bastards aren't worth are time."

Azuroth nodded. "I agree, they shall die another time"

Lokin flew over the ground as Azuroth ran along side him. "I say we let them figure things out and then kill them when the time is right we kill them"
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Aeris said," Well it looks like you have found me you little bitch. I was going to move to another place anyways. A place that even I couldn't reach until now. So see you later sucker."

She left in a flash that even an angel couldn't see. And Aeris soon arrived in front of Azuroth and Lokin as they were sitting under a tree." Well, well , well. If it isn't Aeris," said Lokin," Did that bitch of an angel find you?"

"Yea, she did. But I found and entrance into the Begotten Land," said Aeris.

"You did? But that was an impossible entrance! Only if you had the power of the heavens crystal can you get in!" said Azuroth in shock.

"If it isn't your lucky day, you son of a bitch because I have the heavens crystal. And I got it when one of my familiars were out searching for treasure. And would it be a coincidence that it would find it out of the blue. Now, let's go before anyone else finds out about this," said Aeris as she was heading off followed by Azuroth and Lokin.
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"Dammit I can't beleive that I she got away again. Man, this sucks I wish that I could track her down. Wait! I can track her since she holds the heavens stone and since I have a handy trinket with me I can use it to locate the heavens stone." said Maira.

She then poofed and found Azuroth, Lokin, and Aeris walking somewhere.

"At last I've found you and this time all three of you for the record. Now hand over the heavens stones that leads to the Beggotten Land." said Maira.

"Well, well, well. So you found us after all you dirty bitch!" said Aeris.

"Fine, then we'll settle this with a battle. If I win you have to hand over the heavens stone and if you win you can anything you like with me. But I get to choose who to battle."

"Whatever just choose!"
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[I]' This bites. We don't have time to fight this bitch. We should just go and leave her in the dust. We have no time before the shift starts.'[/I] thought Aeris to her fellow demons.

[I]' Your right. We don't have time let's just go before she gets suspicious.'[/I] thought Lokin.

[I]' I'll distract her while you two go off.'[/I] thought Azuroth
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"Choose Lokin to a battle and now let's see what've got. Oh and also your fellow freinds and yourself can't leave this spot until I call the duel off so you can't leave no matter what!"

Then Maira transformed and had a golden staff with many rings attached to the main ring and said," [I]BearLevadof[/I]. And now the demon Lokin has vanished from this spot to somewhere you can't find. Good-bye for I have got what I came for."
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" Shit! Now she has Lokin! We can't get in without three people to do the summoning! What are we gonna do?" shouted Aeris as if she was going to kill Azuroth

"Calm down. We can just track her and find where she is hiding," said Azuroth who was trying to calm down Aeris in fear of her killing him.

" Your right, I'll settle down and meditate to find him," said Aeris as she went into a transe to find Lokin.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth calmed down Aeris and she went into a meditative state, he turned and started to sniff the air. Slowly at first, taking deep breathes through his notrils. Then quick erratic breaths, he slowly started moving. Aeris looked at him.
"What are you doing? Sniffing the air won't find him."[/B] She said in an irritated voice.
"Yours might not, but mine can. Thats why I'm a good hunter, now shut up."[/B] Aeris got angrier with the his comment.

[B]"How dare you tell me to shut up, I should..."[/B]

[B]"Shut up! I don't care if you can read the runes on my body. I need to find the scent and focus on it. You keep talking to me then I loss any chance of us finding Lokin and entering the Begotten land. I'll find where they are, you find a way for us to leave. I'm pretty sure the angel wasn't lieing, angels try to stay away from that since they are so noble. But if she was, we can just leave. Now focus on your job."[/B] Aeris went back to meditating and Azuroth continued to sniff the air, looking for that one smell set apart from the rest.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Lokin appeared right next to them brushing the blood off his cape and armor. , catching them both off guard. "She sent me to heaven and they transpported me back. Said I was killing too many angels." He looked at Aries. "Since it seems that you have all the answers what should me and Azuroth do next. Hopefully he willl get to kill, his Daggertail doesn't like being starved alon" He cleaned his sword and sheated it.
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"Right now there is no time to kill. We only need to get back what we started and find a way out of this prisim that the angel set around us," said Aeris in an irritated vioce.

"Prisim? What prisim? I don't see a prisim around us? You must be joking?" said Lokin.

"Do I ever joke in a time like this?"aske Aeris giving him a glare.

"No. I guess not. It's just that I don't see anything around us at this point," replied Lokin.

"If you run to the east then you will notice the prisim," said Aeris.

Azuroth ran to the east and hit something really hard."Ouch!" he said.

"I told you so. Now let me figure out a way to get out of here."And she started chanting saying some weird words that none of them knew. Soon the prisim broke and they were now free to be on with their quest.
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Maira was so confused but at least she now had the heavens stone to the Begotten land and the demons don't. " At that stupid jerk Lokin doesn't know that being in the heavens is critical place to be excepically for a demon who is unpure. At least now I can rest and recover for a while."

Maira went to sleep.

She woke up suddenly to a vibe she felt.[I]It must be those demons. But if I'm here they can't come in without being puified by the purifying barrier. Even if they do pass they will die in a moments notice.[/I]

Maira's wounds were all healed,she transformed and disappeared without leaving a trace.
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As Aeris, Azuroth, and Lokin were wandering the wilderness, Aeris sensed the presence of the demon crystal. She ran away from the group to find that in a small hole was the demon crystal. The crystal that only demons can touch and it burns the hands of an angel. She ran back to the group shouting"Hey! You guys! I found the demon crystal! And I just remembered that it will also allow us to enter the Begotten Land!"

The two looked at her in wonder as they stared at the crystal." This marvalous,"said Lokin.

"A true piece of work and an ancient relic," said Azuroth.

"Indead it is boys. Now we can enter that land and the power that it possesses will be ours," replied Aeris in an evil voice.
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"Fuck this shit! I can sense that that bitch angel Maira is in the Begotten Land! Damnit!" yelled Aeris as she walked ahead of the others. :mad:

" She seems pissed at the fact we aren't at the Begotten Land," whispered Lokin to Azuroth.

"Your right. Do you think we should try to calm her down which might lead to her killing us or she might become calm?" asked Azuroth.

"I don't know. I fear that she might kill us if we try to. But it's a risk we must take."
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"This is so fuckin' gay! We need to get to the place in order to get to the Begotten Land! I can sense that she hasn't gone through all the way but put up a barriar to keep us out!" shouted Aeris as the group walked on.

"You should try and calm down. Don't try and make a scene," said Azuroth.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth groaned as Aeris was starting to calm down, he walked over to Lokin and pulled him farther away from Aeris.
"Can we stop with this bullshit? I'm tired of pretending of being afraid of this child and always calming her down so that she doesn't throw a tantrum. I feel the taint of good everytime I do something kind like that." [/B]Lokin looked at him then to Aeris, then back to Azuroth.
"We need to keep it up for a little longer, she has the stone of the Begotten land and we need to power from there to do any kind of damage to this world."[/B] Azuroth growled then let out a loud huff.
"Fine, we'll continue with this sherad. Can I at least take down this barrier so it doesn't hinder our progress."[/B] Lokin waved his hand.
"Alright, but do it quick."[/B] Azuroth cracked his neck and walked out a few yards, away from Lokin and past Aeris. Her anger was starting to rise again.
"What the fuck are you doing?"[/B] She yelled, Azuroth turned around.
"Doing what you can't."[/B] He turned back around held up his left arm, the daggertail pushed its way through his hand and slither to the ground.
"Now do your part and I'll do mine."[/B] He whispered to his weapon, he closed his eyes and started to whisper unknown words, while his daggertail lifted from the ground and shifted from side to side. As if looking for something in the empty space in front of them. Then suddenly, the tip of the weapon stalled and focused on one point. It then shot out into the space and punctuered a hole into the air.

Azuroths words started to grow faster in pace and the daggertail seemed to go deeper and deeper with each word. Until finally, his words halted and the weapon ceased in its activities. The whole weapon stiffened into a full blade and he grabbed it with his bare hand, a burst of green energy shot through the weapon and spread across the area in front of him.

Making cracks in the air in front of him, he waited for a second to see that the cracks had spread far enough. He then stiffened his grip on the blade and twisted it with a firm grunt, it turned like a key and the area with the green cracks shattered. The pieces fele to the ground then vanished. His weapon retracted back into his arm and he looked at his hand, blood flowed freely.

He smiled and closed his fist. He turned back and walked to Lokin. He stopped right next to him and turned to face him. He looked at him straight in the face.
"The way is open. Now lets get this shit over with."[/B] Lokin smiled in his wicked way.
"That seemed over done a bit."[/B] Azuroth smiled in a twisted manor.
"I could of just slashed it, but had to show the girl why these runes were on my body. That I am not some puppet to be used by a child."[/B] He said as he waited for Aeris to present the stone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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"I don't think so!" Zidane yelled leaping from a tree.

He landed with a swift cut severing Azuroths left arm. Cliff did the exact same thing but on Azuroths right arm. Aeris gasped, Lokin smiled, and Azuroth sighed. ALmost instantly they grew back.

"Very nice, for beginners!" He said wiping the Daggertail across the area where Cliff and Zidane were.

Zidane countered bringing the blade across Azuroth's chest.

"Heh, Now that's the Zidane I remember" He smiled wickedly while holding the wound.
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