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Biggest Douche Ever awards

Doc Holliday

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Kind of like the People's Choice awards except not rigged (come on, Adam Sandler as "Favorite funny male star?" Really?). Who do you think takes the cake for biggest douche bag ever?

I cast my vote for Frankie Muniz. Malcolm, from Malcolm in the Middle? Agent Cody Banks? Yeah, who would've thought he'd grow up to be a douche? :rolleyes: He's a professional race car driver nowadays.

Oh, and it looks like he's pioneering a hip, new style: color blind.


Apparently he was trying to go for the hardass look, but forgot the fact that he's 5'4". Honestly, I've never been intimidated by someone as short and as flamboyantly gay as Muniz, so I don't understand why anyone else would be.
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Don't feel so bad about Muniz. At least know that each and every time he's surrounded by gorgeous models, the thought process in his head is telling him that they are there for his money, not his childish demeanor.

Even if Frankie Muniz is of drinking age and a professional racecar driver, I'm not sure that he'll ever be looked upon as a man.
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[size=1]Jeremy Piven from Entourage has always bugged me. Actually, anyone even vaguely associated with that show should probably get a nomination. Ugh.

Malcolm in the Middle holds up really well in reruns, though. It's good times.

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[color=green][size=1]I don't even know his name but Heidi Montel's (or whatever) husband/boyfirend/whatever they are. I think his name starts with an "S" but I don't understand why they get so much exposure when all they're doing is being idiots. No talent, no nothing. Just a bunch of kids who use their parents as banks.[/color][/size]

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[color=#9933ff][B]Senator John Edwards [/B]for the win! I mean the man cheated on his wife while she was in chemo for Breast cancer. You don't get any more Douchier (is that a word? Hmm, well we'll just remove sin and make it one) than that. In the words of a former patient: I wouldn't vote that man for Dog Catcher. And to make matters worse he lied about the whole thing and doesn't think he did anything wrong.

Okay another nominee just so it looks like I'm making some effort in this post would be my very own former govenor of New York [B]Elliot Spitzer[/B]. The man campaigned against prostitution then cheerfully cheated on his wife with a 80k$ call girl. And there's still debate as to whether or not it was tax payer's money.

And just so you all know, I'm not too keen on the current NY govenor [B]David Patterson[/B] because all he wants to do is tax the middle class even more and drive me out of my home state faster than what I was planning on. But I'll have to get back to you on whether or not he's a douche.[/color]
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I think we're all forgetting about the master here, Jack Thompson


When you on a crusade against everything people enjoy, its not surprising that you become on of the biggest douches ever. Good going Jack.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Look at this idiot. Who the hell do you think you are, Flavor Flav? What statement are you trying to make? That clock supposed to remind you when it's hammertime or what? And that ridiculous oversized bling, ugh. You think it makes you look Gangsta? You think you look dope?

No. You look like a moron. Now get off my TV. And tell me who gave you a show so I can slap them with a trout.[/FONT]
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[quote name='Ace'][CENTER][IMG]http://www.aolcdn.com/ch_bv/flavor-flav-newswire-400a111606.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Look at this idiot. Who the hell do you think you are, Flavor Flav? What statement are you trying to make? That clock supposed to remind you when it's hammertime or what? And that ridiculous oversized bling, ugh. You think it makes you look Gangsta? You think you look dope?

No. You look like a moron. Now get off my TV. And tell me who gave you a show so I can slap them with a trout.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]Hey! How dare you threaten to use a Sea kitten to smack someone with?! I'm alerting PETA

That said the reason Flavor Flav has that giant clock is because he's compensating for something.

As for biggest douche ever... who was that actor who was married to that one actress then he got her pregnant and left her? That's a douche right there.[/color]
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[quote name='Ace'][CENTER][IMG]http://www.aolcdn.com/ch_bv/flavor-flav-newswire-400a111606.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Look at this idiot. Who the hell do you think you are, Flavor Flav? What statement are you trying to make? That clock supposed to remind you when it's hammertime or what? And that ridiculous oversized bling, ugh. You think it makes you look Gangsta? You think you look dope?

No. You look like a moron. Now get off my TV. And tell me who gave you a show so I can slap them with a trout.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

[font=franklin gothic medium]Best post ever. I suspect he has a clock that large because he's never learned how to read the time - I notice that numbers are suspiciously absent anyway.

I'm not much of a celebrity-hater really, but if I had to choose, it'd definitely be this guy.

His show even airs on cable in Australia! I feel horrible that we are being bombarded with such rubbish. This guy is an example of how you can do absolutely nothing noteworthy and still be incredibly rich.[/font]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]As for biggest douche ever... who was that actor who was married to that one actress then he got her pregnant and left her? That's a douche right there.[/color][/QUOTE]
That sounds so much like Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.... But you said actor and actress...

My vote still goes to K-Fed. What in the world does he do anyway? He's like Paris Hilton right? Got big off of someone elses name?
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][B]Senator John Edwards [/B]for the win! I mean the man cheated on his wife while she was in chemo for Breast cancer. You don't get any more Douchier (is that a word? Hmm, well we'll just remove sin and make it one) than that. In the words of a former patient: I wouldn't vote that man for Dog Catcher. And to make matters worse he lied about the whole thing and doesn't think he did anything wrong.[/color][/QUOTE]
Couldn't agree more... And it really sucks because that's who I was rooting for back in the primaries before all this stuff came out. And then to find out that Obama was considering him for the VP spot before this all happened, just infuriates me... I wish he wasn't a douche because I think he would have made a good president. I just can't get past my complete disappointment and loathing for the man.

Oh, and yes, Flavor Flave as well...
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]There is no douche in the world like Bill O'Reilly... Has anyone here ever watched his talk show on Fox News? Mann, I'd like to punch that guy in the face for his one-sided views. The other douche, of course, might have to be Bin Laden. I think we all know why. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]There is no douche in the world like Bill O'Reilly... Has anyone here ever watched his talk show on Fox News? Mann, I'd like to punch that guy in the face for his one-sided views. The other douche, of course, might have to be Bin Laden. I think we all know why. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]Yeah, but Bin Laden is such a given... actually for that matter so is Bill O'Reilly.

Hey what about George W.? He's a rather nifty candidate for douchedom. Okay maybe he's another obvious choice. But really look at the guy, the country's in the crapper because he didn't act fast enought.

Okay while I'm on the subject of country leaders I'd like to add Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada to this list. The guy is being a total wanker. He's tried go over parliment in every ruling and even his own party wants him impeached (I think they do that in Canada) Thankfully his days of kissing Bush's butt are over day after tomorrow.[/color]
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Hmm... can't I nominate people I know personally? (*COUGH* Most of my fellow classmates! *COUGHHACK*)

Aaanyway, PARIS HILTON! No talent, but is still rich as it gets, thanks to her parents and the hotel business. WHY is this airhead plastered to my rarely used T.V?! Why is she famous?! WHY?! Have I mentioned that I detest this bubble brained idiot? Truly a douche. Heck, she once dragged a Longhorn onto a red carpet and made it wear a bubblegum pink shawl. Yeah, way to wreck a bull's pride, dips***.:animesigh
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[quote name='chibi-master']Aaanyway, PARIS HILTON! No talent, but is still rich as it gets, thanks to her parents and the hotel business. WHY is this airhead plastered to my rarely used T.V?! Why is she famous?! WHY?! Have I mentioned that I detest this bubble brained idiot? Truly a douche. Heck, she once dragged a Longhorn onto a red carpet and made it wear a bubblegum pink shawl. Yeah, way to wreck a bull's pride, dips***.:animesigh[/QUOTE]

[FONT="Garamond"]I've never done this before, but I'll actually step in on behalf of Ms. Hilton (I wouldn't have about 2 weeks ago.) She was in Repo! The Genetic Opera. That was a really wicked movie. And she can kind of sing (not that computer enhancement has ever hurt anybody =P) I'm shocked she was in something that cool. Effin' Giles was starring in that, man! What a voice! And, if you still hate her, consider it a bonus that you [spoiler]get to see her face fall off =)[/spoiler]

Anyways, someone who I think is very douchey... hmm... Well, because I was reminded of him by the Flavor Flav pics, I'd have to put Lil Wayne close to the top of my list. For God's sakes he is a blatant rip off of the already lame Flav' and is super famous for a song entitled "Lollipop" which not only unsubtly uses the word hump (seriously, is he even trying?) but also utilizes the ever eloquent "lovely lady lumps." This is all ignoring the fact that the song is another not so subtle reference to.. well. Come on. [I]Lollipop[/I]. The opening line is something like "He's so sweet, I want to lick the rapper." Wow. WOW. I'm sure you all get it. And if you don't... well, I'll tell you when you're older. Or maybe never.[/FONT]


[I]This is my "watching any of Lil Wayne's music videos or listening to any of his music" face.[/I]
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[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"]Anyways, someone who I think is very douchey... hmm... Well, because I was reminded of him by the Flavor Flav pics, I'd have to put Lil Wayne close to the top of my list. For God's sakes he is a blatant rip off of the already lame Flav' and is super famous for a song entitled "Lollipop" which not only unsubtly uses the word hump (seriously, is he even trying?) but also utilizes the ever eloquent "lovely lady lumps." This is all ignoring the fact that the song is another not so subtle reference to.. well. Come on. [I]Lollipop[/I]. The opening line is something like "He's so sweet, I want to lick the rapper." Wow. WOW. I'm sure you all get it. And if you don't... well, I'll tell you when you're older. Or maybe never.[/FONT]


[I]This is my "watching any of Lil Wayne's music videos or listening to any of his music" face.[/I][/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]I second the nomination of Lil Wayne because he has cancelled two Rochester concerts and I guess the tickets aren't that cheap. A lot of my co-workers tried to buy tickets and he's made 2 concellatoons and no promises.[/color]
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