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The Drinking Thread


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This thread was inspired by Vicky's post in The Valentine's Thread! Okay, I've got no experience in this because I'm underaged (though I don't ever plan on drinking), but what are some or all of weirdest things you've done drunk? How much have you had to drink in one sitting? What are your favorite drinks? Least favorite? Anything to do with alcohol, put it here!
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[quote name='chibi-master']I've got no experience in this because I'm underaged[/QUOTE]
[font=Arial]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 19, but I still get lost in the sauce on weekends.

[QUOTE]How much have you had to drink in one sitting? What are your favorite drinks?[/QUOTE]
Maximum in one sitting I think was 13 shots. Never again.

As for favorite drink, a gin & tonic with a lime slice is on the top of my list.[/font]
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[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 19, but I still get lost in the sauce on weekends.[/font][/QUOTE]

[FONT="Garamond"]Hear hear ;D

18 is the drinking age in Edmonton where I used to live, and I got to enjoy it before I moved to Vancouver so that was pretty sweet, though I too drank as an underager on more than a few occasions.

Vancouver's drinking age is 19, so I'm [I]thiiiis[/I] close!

Hmm... Favourite drinks include Porn Stars (yeah I said it, don't go there =P), some of the darker beers like Sapporo or Canadian, rum and Coke or Dr Pepper, Baileys in milk or coffee and Vodka Slimes. I'm usually up for trying any new shots I haven't had before. Except anything involving tequila or gin. Yuck yuck yuck. And the Superman is a really gross shot D:

One night at my friend's party I had 8 mixed drinks and various shots/sips of other people's drinks over the course of not enough hours for my body to handle. Oddly enough, I didn't get puke, but I kind of wish I had because then I wouldn't have had to feel sick for so long xD I learned my lesson after that one =P I don't drink very much at all any more, just a beer or two when I go to the bar (back home, of course =P)

Many stupid things have been done - drunk rockband, drunk karaoke, drunk walks, drunk taking care of other really drunk people... Good times.

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[size=1]I'm an inspiration! To a [i]drinking[/i] thread! Only I could be proud of that.

Errm favourite drinks? Jack Daniels and coke (or just JD straight), Southern Comfort and lemonade (or just straight) and, when drinking pints, Fosters. Oooh yeah. I also like Sambuca and Tequila Sunrise...

I could come up with a list of silly things I've done when drunk:
[*]Pole dancing on the Beacon of Hope (HIV awareness statue lol)
[*]My friend bumping down the stairs on her arse because she was in a cast and me joining in so she didn't 'look silly'
[*]PJ Party >_<;;
[*]Dancing home with a traffic cone on my head
[*]Chilling out in a skip of cardboard
[*]Dancing with drag queens
[*]Sticking a carpet to my face as a beard as 'drag'
[*]Eating a chip off the floor for a fiver
[*]Crying because I thought my throwing a vodka bottle had killed someone but it just knocked over a stick with a cap on
[*]Sexy dancing with someone and pulling their trousers down but accidently catching their underwear too
[*]Numerous silly conversation regarding sex that no one really wanted to know about/scaring strangers
[*]Getting stuck in a tree
[*]Havnig shaving foam fights
[*]Decorating the room with noodles

I've done some really weird things but I can't recall right now. The sad thing is I did all the above whilst I was 'drinking', but not drunk =p.

I should so get some of my drunk-adventure videos up...[/size]
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[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 19, but I still get lost in the sauce on weekends.[/font][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 18, and I have never taken a drink in my life. [spoiler]and chibi-master is only 13, IIRC.[/spoiler]

I never intend on drinking, either. I don't see the appeal. But, to each their own.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Most in one sitting: 3 beers, 4 shots of vodka, half a shot of whiskey, some kind of mixed drink.
Or an entire bottle of wine. I'm not sure which has more alcohol in it.

Favorite to drink: Wine <3

Memorable drunken experiences:

? Jumping over someone's feet & hitting my head on air vent, causing me to immediately fall to the floor & ensue laughing.
? Crazy dancing by myself in public.
? Singing, loudly, in the Taco Bell drive thru.
? Calling everyone I possibly can on my phone.
? Trying to walk back to my dorm. Impossible.
? At a pool, running over with my friend (both of us holding a can of beer) to ask some guys we didn't know if they wanted to join us in the hot tub.
? Giving my best friend a bath/clothing her/putting her to bed... while I was drunk, too.
There are plenty more, I'm sure.

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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][quote name='chibi-master']what are some or all of weirdest things you've done drunk? How much have you had to drink in one sitting? What are your favorite drinks? Least favorite? Anything to do with alcohol, put it here![/quote]None since my system doesn't tolerate alcohol very well. So with that in mind, my favorite drink is water. Because then you are sober for things like this:[QUOTE=Vicky][size=1]I could come up with a list of silly things I've done when drunk:
[LIST][*]Pole dancing on the Beacon of Hope (HIV awareness statue lol)
[*]My friend bumping down the stairs on her arse because she was in a cast and me joining in so she didn't 'look silly'
[*]PJ Party >_<;;
[*]Dancing home with a traffic cone on my head
[*]Chilling out in a skip of cardboard
[*]Dancing with drag queens
[*]Sticking a carpet to my face as a beard as 'drag'
[*]Eating a chip off the floor for a fiver
[*]Crying because I thought my throwing a vodka bottle had killed someone but it just knocked over a stick with a cap on
[*]Sexy dancing with someone and pulling their trousers down but accidently catching their underwear too
[*]Numerous silly conversation regarding sex that no one really wanted to know about/scaring strangers
[*]Getting stuck in a tree
[*]Havnig shaving foam fights
[*]Decorating the room with noodles[/LIST][/size][/QUOTE]And this:[QUOTE=taperson][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Memorable drunken experiences:

? Jumping over someone's feet & hitting my head on air vent, causing me to immediately fall to the floor & ensue laughing.
? Crazy dancing by myself in public.
? Singing, loudly, in the Taco Bell drive thru.
? Calling everyone I possibly can on my phone.
? Trying to walk back to my dorm. Impossible.
? At a pool, running over with my friend (both of us holding a can of beer) to ask some guys we didn't know if they wanted to join us in the hot tub.
? Giving my best friend a bath/clothing her/putting her to bed... while I was drunk, too.
There are plenty more, I'm sure.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Which are usually very entertaining (or annoying, depends on the drunk) to watch. =P[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Indi'][COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"]So with that in mind, my favorite drink is water. Because then you are sober for things like this:[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[font=Arial]Well played. Very well played.

PS: I'm pretty sure a bottle of wine doesn't hold a candle to 3 beers and 4.5 shots in terms of alcohol content.[/font]
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[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 19, but I still get lost in the sauce on weekends.

[font=trebuchet ms] HOLLA

The most I've ever had was 9 shots within one hour. Ohh god, I don't even remember that night well.

I don't actually do anything particularly crazy when I'm drunk, I just become louder/funnier become more... affectionate. Although one good memory was having a rap battle with my roommate while in the car.

Favorite drinks: white russian, rum & coke, strawberry-melon Fuze drink + OJ + vodka, blue mother ****er. I still want to try a midori sour.

Drinks that sucks: beer. lol[/font]
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[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]This sentence makes no sense. :p I'm only 19, but I still get lost in the sauce on weekends.[/font][/QUOTE]

Hmm. Sorry about that, you delinquent you, but I'm 14 and sober. And I plan to stay that way. Alcohol's smell is enough for me to never even try it.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Retribution][font=Arial]Well played. Very well played.

PS: I'm pretty sure a bottle of wine doesn't hold a candle to 3 beers and 4.5 shots in terms of alcohol content.[/font][/QUOTE][I]*bows*[/I]

All kidding aside I'm pretty sure I know the difference in alcohol content when it comes to something like wine vs beer or vodka. It might sound like I'm poking fun (though I am since I laugh at all drunken antics equally) but I really do seem to have no tolerance for alcohol.

I tried wine when I became legal and was wasted by one glass. It was not a pleasant experience. The next time was someone spiking the drink at a party. Harder stuff that time and I didn't notice it because what it was mixed in was too damn sweet.

I got the same reaction and it made me sick too. So net result, I stay sober and get my kicks from laughing at the crazy things others do when they are drunk. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Just recently turning 21 I'm not really sure what my fav drink is due to the fact that up til now I was only able to have what other people let me try, not the best trade off... but I like some beers just fine. I like red wine as well, it relaxes me and puts me to sleep if I've had a rough day. The nastiest things I've tried, Bloody Mary, tastes like pure cocktail sauce, its horrible unless you like chugging cocktail sauce, and Dirty Martini, I found out why they put the olives in with the drink...to get the taste out of your mouth. I've never been actually drunk, so as weird stuff I've done while drunk that would be none, and I don't intend to get that far either, having two kids a few drinks here and there is fine but I need to be able to think straight to take care of them. But I only have a few things I like to drink at the moment, beer, wine, and whiskey sours if its a weekend and my kids are in bed. So yeah, I'm a responsible drinker in more ways than one. lol. The kids jinx on drinking.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[color=deeppink]I don't drink, but since I'm in college most of the people around me are drinking 90% of the time. When they're not drinking, they're complaining about how they don't have anything to drink.

And I find this strangely irritating.[/color]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='chibi-master']This thread was inspired by Vicky's post in The Valentine's Thread! Okay, I've got no experience in this because I'm underaged (though I don't ever plan on drinking), but what are some or all of weirdest things you've done drunk? How much have you had to drink in one sitting? What are your favorite drinks? Least favorite? Anything to do with alcohol, put it here![/quote]That's okay, I'm old enough and I have no experience either. XD I grew up in a family that doesn't drink (for religious reasons) and I've been advised, for heath reasons, to avoid alcohol.

So I don't have any funny stories. o_O I'm always the designated driver the few times it comes up. It's not a lot though since most of my friends don't drink either.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm a big fan of Jack Daniels (straight), though I don't drink much, period. I've also found that Scotch is pretty good, but my preference is Jack, which is apparently some sort of crime amongst the people my mom knows. I also like Jose Cuervo Black Medallion. Haven't found a single beer I like yet.

Most I've ever drunk at once: 2 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 2 Buttery Nipples, about a shot and a half of vodka straight (which was nasty as hell), and the rough equivalent of about 7 shots of Jack Daniels (exact count unsure....I kind've just poured it all into a really big mug). Made me sick as a dog, though I've a feeling most of that problem was my very empty stomach. That's also the only time I've ever been drunk.
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Ahh youth, I swore up and down I would NEVER drink, at least not enough to get sloppy drunk. Boy oh boy I wish I'd listened to that side of myself....

The only time I really drink is when I'm away on a temporary duty assignment. Mostly due to my fiancee not being a drinker, and me not feeling the need to do it. It is nice every once in awhile though (plus it keeps me enlisted :animesmil )

I'm not very weird when I drink, I'm usually the responsible drunk. The one who always carries the others home, and then wonders the next day how the heck he made it home.

I did spend two hours watching a friend of mine slither like a snake because he was convinced he could slide right by be me, and somehow open the door I was standing in front of, when I wouldn't let him go run around Osan Air Base at 3 O'clock in the morning WELL after the NCO club closed on base.

As far as the most I've ever had in one sitting...it's a toss up between the time I drank a whole kettle of Soju, 2 OB blues (awesome, awesome beer), and 2 or 3 concoctions in which they miss X amount of Soju and cherry juice in an hour while in S. Korea at a Jui....bar. *Note to anamoly, puking does not always ensure you won't be sick for 2 or 3 days...believe me

The other contending night (which also ends in the closest thing to weird I've done) was when I decided to have an "alcohol war" with a buddy of mine when he was trying to pick up a girl at a bar in Waikiki (we shared a room so I wasn't to keen on the idea). So we kept throwing shots of jack at each other, that turned into double and triple shots, tequilla, and petron (I was hoping I could get him to puke).

Afterwards I followed who I thought was him and a group of people out of the bar and too their hotel, running through sprinklers and a brief swim on the way. Then when we got there somebody FIANLLY asked who the heck I was. I then spent the next 2 hours running barefoot, never did find my sandals, through downtown Waikiki looking for my hotel.

I found it at 5 A.M. (20 minutes before I had to wake up for work that day) and of course ran into my NCOIC(non commisioned Officer in charge) on my way into the hotel.
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I don't really drink too often anymore, but my favorite drinks are patron shots with salt & lime, rasberry smirnoff with cranberry juice, margaritas, buttery nipples, bacardi green apple with sprite, and any wine or beer. I generally can't drink whiskey without feeling barfy, but will have it anyway sometimes.

Some of the silliest things I've done while drinking/ drunk are:
1. Tried to drown myself in a swimming pool
2. Upon being told I couldn't re-enter a club barefoot, I borrowed some strange man's shoes instead and walked in. (I have no recollection of this event...)
3. Dumped a box of froot loops into a river to feed the geese.
4. Pretended to be drugged Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday
5. Gave away $80 for a person to take a cab home :animeangr
6. Played technotronics on the jukebox at a packed bar.

There's probably more where that came from, but I can't think of it right now. None of this has been recently, as I don't really drink that much or that often nowadays.

I'm not sure what the most is I've ever drank in one sitting, but in one night I drank 12 jello shots, 8 shots of jager, & 3 beers because my friend told me I had to match every drink he drank. (he is 6'2, 210 lbs, I'm 5'9, 130 lbs...bad idea.) The only way I remembered what I had was by keeping track on a post-it note with tally marks.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Guh, I always get a little irritated when people start talking alcohol. It [I]should[/I] be illegal considering something else is even though it's not as bad for you as alcy, but I won't go into that.

I enjoy beer and wine the most (not together, of course). I find they provide two very different kinds of drunks. Wine gives me that social drunk where my friends and I just start talking our heads of about anything and everything that comes to mind while Beer provides you with the physical drunk of wanting to go outside and run 50 laps or something. I enjoy both a lot.

As for taste... Beer and Wine again, haha. Beer has that sweet and foamy taste that, in my opinion, tastes much better than any non-alcoholic beverage I've ever had while Wine just makes you feel classy and is the kind of drink you have at a turkey dinner with your fam-jam. :animesmil

Some of the silliest things I've done drunk are talking my friends ears off for an hour, making a "video" with a friend that is actually quite hilarious but not in the way we intended, and... other stuff which I just don't remember. xD

All these bad things seem to happen to people who get drunk and yet when my friends and I get together and just smoke up a bit we end up watching a movie to be amazed by the explosions or have an intellectual debate about a serious topic.

But WEED still remains to be the ILLEGAL (yet completely harmless) substance and ALCOHOL is LEGAL. WTF.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]
But WEED still remains to be the ILLEGAL (yet completely harmless) substance and ALCOHOL is LEGAL. WTF.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]

[FONT="Garamond"]I don't agree or disagree with the weed issue, but a study was just released all of about a week ago that says there's a link between marijuana use and testicular cancer in it's most aggressive form. It's a bit srs business.

But in all honesty they should put more research into it, rather than making laws without the research behind them to start with.

Here you go, have a quick gander. [URL="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2009/02/marijuana-use-a.html"]click me![/URL].[/FONT]
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[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"]I don't agree or disagree with the weed issue, but a study was just released all of about a week ago that says there's a link between marijuana use and testicular cancer in it's most aggressive form. It's a bit srs business.

But in all honesty they should put more research into it, rather than making laws without the research behind them to start with.

Here you go, have a quick gander. [URL="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2009/02/marijuana-use-a.html"]click me![/URL].[/FONT][/QUOTE]

[font=trebuchet ms] Cue indignant potheads calling into question every count of legitimacy on this study.[/font]
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[quote name='Lrb][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Guh, I always get a little irritated when people start talking alcohol. It [I]should[/I] be illegal considering something else is even though it's not as bad for you as alcy, but [U]I won't go into that[/U].[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]O rly? [QUOTE=Lrb][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]But WEED still remains to be the ILLEGAL (yet completely harmless) substance and ALCOHOL is LEGAL. WTF.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]That resolve didn't last long. And since I don't want to see this thread derailed by something that can and should, if people want to get off on it, go in a seperate thread I'll move along.

I don't drink. I was raised in a religion where you don't drink, period. So by the time I got out on my own and quit being a member of said religion, I was already firmly in the habit of not having alcohol. I've had a few roomies who drink and some friends that do. But that's it.

I'm sure my upbringing has something to do with it, but it doesn't appeal. *shrug*
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]You're missing so little Rach and Indi and Sabrina. Although everyone should experience a hangover once. It's a life building sort of event.

The worst I've done while drunk is engage in adult behavior loudly while the window was still wide open. This of course meant everyone at the party heard and a reasonable amount of snickering ensued. Alas.

12 shots of vodka/tequila/assorted mixed drinks in one sitting.

Favorite drink is Jack and Coke, because I'm a big girl.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']O rly? That resolve didn't last long. And since I don't want to see this thread derailed by something that can and should, if people want to get off on it, go in a seperate thread I'll move along.[/QUOTE]
Ironically in writing that last short thought about weed and alcohol I thought of that and I also wondered how long it would be before you commented on it. :p I thought my splurge about alcohol at least made up for my tiny out of context comment. :animecry:

I even considered making another weed thread but I didn't want it to be about the legalization and I figured all the pot-haters would turn it into that, anyway. >_<;

[quote name='Lunox']Cue indignant potheads calling into question every count of legitimacy on this study.[/quote]
Yeah well it [I]is[/I] rather convenient what with the whole phelps thing. :P But I'll shut my mouth now before I get scolded again. :X[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Lrb][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Ironically in writing that last short thought about weed and alcohol I thought of that and I also wondered how long it would be before you commented on it. :p I thought my splurge about alcohol at least made up for my tiny out of context comment. :animecry:

I even considered making another weed thread but I didn't want it to be about the legalization and I figured all the pot-haters would turn it into that, anyway. >_<;[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]Well it is my job... o_O Ironically, I'm not really interested in fighting over it ya know? I think it's reached the point where we know we don't agree so there's no need to discuss it. 'Sides, you're not even in the same country so that kind of makes me objecting to it for Canada silly if you think about it. So go ahead and make it. I'll steer clear of it other than to break up any fighting.

I won't argue that it is an oxymoron that one is legal and is well documented to be harmful and the other is far more iffy in that respects. And I'll end it there since I really don't want to derail this thread too much.

And to semi be on topic, now that I don't follow any religion, my biggest turn off to booze is the smell and expense. It may look like people are having fun getting tipsy, but all I can think is... I don't want to spend my money on it. lol
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']
And to semi be on topic, now that I don't follow any religion, my biggest turn off to booze is the smell and expense. It may look like people are having fun getting tipsy, but all I can think is... I don't want to spend my money on it. lol[/QUOTE]

[size=1]WKD! It tastes like slush puppy, it's cheap and it's not strong enough to get you falling on your backside.[/size]
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