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OMFG IT'S CANDY!! nom nom nom


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Candy is one of the coolest things on this earth. There are so many and candy is so delicious! Do you think it brings cultures together? What are your favorite candy of all time and why?

My favorite candy of all time is flying saucers. It is a foam disc and inside this foam disc, there's sour sugar in there. It just melts in my mouth and oh man I love it. Too bad I can only get them in England...which is very...far...away D:

[SIZE="1"]DISCLAIMER: I blame Boo for the creation of this thread ^_^[/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Navy"]Yes.......it is one of the greatest things on this earth. I most certainly love candy like it's my own flesh and blood. I think it does bring cultures together. I have recently favorited Mexican candy. It's so yummy!!!! I'd have to say that basically, my favorite candies are gummy bears and gummy worms. Although on many ocassions gummy bears attempted to choke me, I still love them with all my heart. :catgirl:[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Candy is just downright amazing. Living in the Netherlands, I basically live on black liquorice, which is important to mention. Aside from liquorice my favourites are probably Autodrop Cadillacs, which... I think is pretty Dutch too. Ehm, from Germany I love saure Johannisbären, which are completely awesome [i]and[/i] not completely unhealthy either! And currently I require lollypops to survive. Any lollypop will do really, but liquorice lollypops are taking the lead in consumption.[/size]
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[SIZE="1"]One word [or two, depending on how you roll]: Sweetarts.

Oh my GAWSH I love the things. They're so addicting! I can eat them all the time. But if I eat too many my teeth hurt for an entire weekend. It sucks. ._.

As for others, Resees and Kit-Kats. Nummy. <33 Oh, and Sour Patch Kids. And Runts. And Nerds Ropes.

...who here remembers Wonder Balls? >_> *ducks from perverted jokes*[/SIZE]
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I absolutely ADORE lollipops! They're delicious! Oh, you guys are mocking me, right?!:animeangr Did CHW tell you I gave up unnecessary unhealthy foods for Lent?! Did she?! I bet she did! ...You guys take great pleasure in my agony, don't you? Sorry if I seem a little nutsy. I swear it's the sugar withdrawl.
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[FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Oh candy is truly a marvel. Giving candy and sharing it has to be one of the greatest acts of kindness anyone could do.

It?s snowing a lot right now, and I still plan on going to the store and getting some later on today. I?m willing to try any new candy or novelty one I can come across, but my favorites would have to be caramel, peach rings, Hawaiian Punch jelly beans, and my most favorite the original tropical Starbursts. I think the pina colada ones are ok, but couldn?t hold a candle to the tropical punch ones they replaced.

Well I still love candy, but I promised myself after high school that I would ease up on it to keep my future health in mind, and overall I feel a little better since, but I can still find myself with a jumbo pack of whatever not far from my side.

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[FONT="Garamond"]There are so many different kinds of candy I enjoy ... it's hard to pick favorites. It's like asking someone to choose their favorite child.

... good thing I don't have any children. My favorite candy would probably have to be Ferrero Rocher, those little chocolate balls filled with nuts and more chocolatey goodness. [SIZE="1"](That's what she said.)[/SIZE]

My second favorite candy of all-time is probably Nerds. Pretty much anything to do with Nerds, Nerds rope, Nerds boxes, Nerds coffee. Oh, wait, what? No such thing as Nerds coffee? Try it. The rush will be enormous.[/FONT]
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I've kind of gotten tired of candy lately. I tend to be more interested in cakes or cookies. Though from time to time I do enjoy peanut m&m's. Seriously though, the last year has seen me buying stuff like that less and less.

I do remember really loving stuff that has a sharp tangy taste to it, like some taffy does. Oh and peppermints seem to always be good. =P
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[quote name='chibi-master']I absolutely ADORE lollipops! They're delicious! Oh, you guys are mocking me, right?!:animeangr Did CHW tell you I gave up unnecessary unhealthy foods for Lent?! Did she?! I bet she did! ...You guys take great pleasure in my agony, don't you? Sorry if I seem a little nutsy. I swear it's the sugar withdrawl.[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]:animeangr I did nothing of the sort. I just told everyone about that thing you think you inherited from your father and the fact that you like to listen to your stomach rumble. And if you think this is bad two of my co-workers were eatting steak subs in the break room last night! And last night was Friday and it's Lent and I'm Catholic so do the math.:animecry:

As for the nomness of candy I love those cinnamon sticks you get at the [B]Cracker Barrel [/B]10 for 2$ they're nomilicious (which is now a word since I typed it) I also have a love for frozen Snicker bars and KitKat bars. I especially love the ones at Halloween with the orange chocolate.So far I haven't acquired the love of anything I have to order from another country or beg someone online for.[/color][/font][/size]\
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Jesus, my favorite candy is probably [I]Airhead Extremes: Sweetly Sour Belts[/I]... They're just amazing, even though when you don't chew them up well enough, and they go down your throat... you'll be in discomfort for nearly a full minute and the reoccurring thought of death lingers in your mind..

... but definitely tickles my taste buds... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I never was a big candy eater, my holloween candy would last till about close to when holloween came back around. I do love gummi candy and when I was a kid the big thing was those warheads which everyonce in a while I see them. Mist recent was I think at a gas station last year and at Kings Island in 2006.
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[COLOR="Magenta"]SKITTLES!!! there so OISHII!!! expesually the sour ones!!! YUMMY SKITTLES!!!

[quote name='Jax Rhapsody']I never was a big candy eater, my holloween candy would last till about close to when holloween came back around. I do love gummi candy and when I was a kid the big thing was those warheads which everyonce in a while I see them. Mist recent was I think at a gas station last year and at Kings Island in 2006.[/QUOTE]
i love those! after you eat a bunch of them they start to make your tong and the roof of your mouth and your cheeks and teeth hurl lol they do rock though!!! :catgirl:
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