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A few questions...


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To answer your question about Goku: Well, he no 'sides'. He is 100% saiya-jin. He was just raised on Earth, that's all. He wasn't raised around other saiya-jin, so he wasn't raised around people who have that kind of mentality. Thus, he grew up like any normal human in his position would have.

To answer your question about Krillen: I guess he is just attractive in some odd way.


[size=1][color=indigo]I hope you didn't mind my intrusion on your post here Justin, just making this thread a bit cleaner by merging the threads and putting your two different posts into so it didnt appear you double posted. Thank you.[/size][/color]

[size=1][color=red]Not all all Piro. Not at all. :)

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Guest RacerX1017
1.) He was raised as a human and grew into a mentality that he was different but human

2.)He's a little person and girls wonder um how to put this...how...well um ask someone else cause I don't wanna get modded on my first day.
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Please be more clear about the "saiyan side." Of you mean rage, then it is because Goku hit his head when he fell into a ravine and he lost all memory of his mission to destroy earth. From then on, he was a happy, loving, boy.
If you mean turning into an ape, it is because Goku's tail was permenetly removed after he transforms in db. It is regrown, however, in dbgt when a kia pulls it out, causing Goku to go ssj4.

No, Krillin does not get every girl that comes around. This has only happened with 2. With Marron, she liked all guys, so naturaly, she wud lik Krillin, who was also single. With 18, HE was the one hitting on HER, not the other way around. Whether or not u think these two hot girls just come along and start liking him, the fact remains that they wern't really hitting on HIM exactly.
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[size=3][color=red]Goku denies his Saiyan heritage because of the pain they have caused others. Plus, he trained so long as a human, he just doesn't feel right calling himself anything but an Earthling.

As for the Krillin...I, too, once had a shaved head, and that's what it is. Women love bald guys.[/color][/size]
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Actually, I think Goku shows his Saiyan side all the time. He's not as bloodthirsty and malicious as Vegeta, but he has a constant desire for battle, and rises to meet every challenge presented before him. Those are both Saiyan traits. He was raised as an earthling though,by a nice old man, which is why he isn't a savage killer.

Make no mistake, though, his Saiyan traits are prevalent...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i]
[B][size=4][color=red]We never said he didn't, but not to the extent anyone else does. He usually keeps that side of himself hidden. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I don't think he keeps tha side of himself hidden at all... Vegeta being a vile, murderous animal was just a condition of his upbringing. Vegeta eventually becomes sorta good. But his Saiyan instincts to fight are just as strong as Goku's later on, even though he's softened.

Goku's fighting instincts and just lust for fighting are always there, but he was raised on earth, meaning he never became ruthless like vegeta. But he doesn't hide his Saiyan fighting instincts at all. He charges into battle just like a "stupid monkey", as Freiza would say.
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[SIZE=1]Does everyone here forget that Goku bumped his head when he landed on Earth, then was found by Gohan... he forgot what he was on Earth for and he forgot what he was. He was on Earth to destroy all the humans, I think, and he was later told by Kaioshin ( I think it's that), he was training before he went back against Vegeta and Nappa, and Kaioshin told him that he was a Saiyan... I THINK that is it.

I [i]THINK[/i]..[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]
[B][SIZE=1]Does everyone here forget that Goku bumped his head when he landed on Earth, then was found by Gohan... he forgot what he was on Earth for and he forgot what he was. He was on Earth to destroy all the humans, I think, and he was later told by Kaioshin ( I think it's that), he was training before he went back against Vegeta and Nappa, and Kaioshin told him that he was a Saiyan... I THINK that is it. I [i]THINK[/i]..[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]That's [b]King Kai[/b] that you're thinking of. Gokou was raised a human, he wasn't raised Saiyan. And he thought himself as human for SG's above reason.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]
[B][SIZE=1][color=indigo]That's [b]King Kai[/b] that you're thinking of. Gokou was raised a human, he wasn't raised Saiyan. And he thought himself as human for SG's above reason.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

actually Raditz told Goku that he was a saiya-jin when he came to earth. But anyway, QUSTION!!!!!!!

How exactly did Buu die, was it when Vegeta and Goku unfused indise him, and blew him up from the inside?? or was it a different way.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i]
[B]How exactly did Buu die, was it when Vegeta and Goku unfused indise him, and blew him up from the inside?? or was it a different way.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=4][color=indigo][b]WARNING: This post is a fairly big spoiler to the rest of the Buu Saga most have not seen yet.[/b][/color][/size]

[SIZE=1][color=indigo]Super Buu fights a bunch of people [Gotenks, Gohan, Vegeta] Super Buu absorbs Gotenks splitting them apart into Goten and Trunks. Gohan then fights Super Buu but ends up absorbed as well. Gokou and Vegeta use the Potera to fuse into Vegetto. Vegetto fights Super Buu and ends up turned into a milkball [I think that's what it is] and then Vegetto fights Super Buu as a milkball for a bit then gets abosrbed by Buu. They separate inside Buu's body and at one point fight a vision of Buu. Vegeta ends up tearing out the absorption pods the Buu uses to hold Goten and Gohan and them people. They escape to a canyon with the rescued fighters. From here Super Buu disevolves into Kid Buu. Gokou and Vegeta come back and decides who will fight Kid Buu. Gokou fights Kid Buu at SSJ3 and is eventually knocked down. Vegeta fights Kid Buu and gets thrashed. Somewhere in here Kid Buu spits out Majin Buu (the happy go lucky one). So Majin Buu fights Kid Buu while Porunga is summoned to bring Earth back to life. With all the people of Earth back, they riase their has and give up energy to create a genki dama (spirit bomb). Majin Buu continues to fight Kid Buu to keep his attention from Gokou and Gokou eventually nails Kid Buu with the Genki Dama and destroys him. Vegeta wants to kill Majin Buu but Mr. Satan stops him somehow since Majin Buu is friendly. This is [b]generally[/b] the end of DragonBall Z, there's a bit that goes on after this but you didnt ask for this info so I won't spoil anything else :D[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i]
[B]ok, thanks, i just needed to know how it would be easiest to destroy him on my rpg. thanks munkie!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]


ok back to topic..

goku has always shown his saiyan side...he luvs fighting and a challenge.. hes stronger than normal humans... he has a tail and is able to go oozaru..his hair always stays the same... also he didnt know he was a saiyan untill raditz n vegeta told him but he still considered himself an earthling...

vegeta is ruthless and cold hearted because he was raised to be that way... he was ruled by the coldhearted frieza.. other than that..he has shown the same traits as goku i named above...when he becomes absolutly good(after the buu saga) he then starts to act more of a normal earthling and less of a saiyan..

krillen only gets 2 girls..marron is explained in the other threads and # 18..well krillen was the only guy she knew that liked her and cared about her... the others never were interested in her and she knew that..thats why she got with krillen..
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