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Guilmon: Wonder how we did that.

Renamon: We might never know.

Apocomon: At least he is gone.

Bunniemon: Yea and thank goodness.

Veemon: You said it.

Waterbilomon: Yea but we got company.

Blackagumon: Is he good or evil.

Endomon: Well he helped us.

Apocomon walks over to the new digimon.

Apocomon: What is your name? And why did you help us?
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The Digimon shrank down to his first form.
????mon: So weak... I am Gyromon. Thank you for freeing me. I was sealed in that mountain by a dark Digimon eons ago. MetalSeadramon was one of those who helped capture me. That is why I helped you. I'm so weak... haven't Digivolved for ages... Gyromon looked around at the Digimon looking at him.
Gyromon: Who are you? And what are you doing here?
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renamon: we are on a mission.... to stop the darkness to find the scource and stop it we ran away from our village evept for terriermon ..who said good bye to family...but thats ok as long as councile leader wargreymon doestetn find out . .. we are out to stop the problem we all digivolved to rookie the day of the darkness and the darkness has been killing off EVERYTHING in the village so we are off to kill the darkness.

Gyromon: Really......and you plan to acomplish that goal how?

Renamon: it will be tough but we will succed you can conme with us if you like .... but htis group is getting so big i think the group should split up now......one group goes one way the other goes another and we find each other out sometime around there... our first goal is to get to the ocean

Gyromon: then i will join you . .. .i have nothing else to do
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Ardonimon dedigivolves to Fladingomon and sats down catching her breath.

Fladingomon: Obiously you guys have forgotten about lil ol me I'm not from your village

Renamon: Then where are you from anyways?

Fladingomon:I'm from a continant far away from here. I was forced out of my village because the digimon there were very superstitious and they belived that I was the cause of the darkness..... which I'm not, so they drove me away. You guys pretty well know the rest.

Guilmon: That's weird.

Fladingomon: I know. Some digimon thses days are I dunno freaky.
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Renamon: Well, Guilmon and me seem to be the most powerfull digimon of this group. So, thats why I think we sould be the group leaders.

Apocomon: Fine with me.

Renamon: Me and Guilmon need to pick our digimon now. Thats why I think we should camp out here for the night. And I think we will make this funner. Whichever group finds the darkness first and defeats it wins to be the " Ultimate digimon". And live like kings.

Apocomon: Sounds good to me.

Blackagumon: Me too.

Renamon: So good luck on who picks you. Because, he will be your leader.
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Apocomon: But before we'll do that, lets have some food and a goodnight sleep.

Raptormon: Yeah good idea.

Bunniemon: Im hungry.

[I]They sit down to eat and as soon asit begins to turn dark, guilmon makes a fire.[/I]

Guilmon: Lets make some hot marshmallows.

Apocomon: Yeah! And some scary stories. *evil look on his face*

Renamon: If you want that so pleased, you'll begin.

APocomon: Okay. Fine.

Terriermon: Not too scary eh?

Apocomon: Nah!

Blackagumon: Lets begin!

APocomon: It was a dark night like this one.
three little digimon were walking throu a scary forest. They decided to camp there and they sit down to eat some marshmallows. But then..... The bushes began to shake. They ran away, but there he was. Standing right infront of them. Doomon!
The most scary looking digimon there ever was. He has huge teath and just had a meal, because he has blood on his cheek.

[I]No one notices that Apocomon gives a sign too guilmon and they also dont notice he slips away. After that, Apocomon gives a little sign too blackagumon and he dissapears too.
Apocomon continued.[/I]

Apocomon: Two of the three digimon were eaten allive. The other one ran away as fast as he could and he found a deserted town. He looked around and saw another bush shake. It was another Doomon. He was surounded by them! he couldnt go left or right because there were houses and infront of him and in his back were the Doomon. He tried to give it everything he got. His friends were dead allready. Terriermon and Bunniemon were no more. The two Doomon attacked.....

Terriermon: What was that? :nervous:

[I]The bushes were shaking[/I]
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Guilmon: Raaaaaaaaaaaaa....

Everybody start screeming and run to the other side.

Blackagumon: Raaaaaaaaaa..

Terriermon: Ahhhhhhh....help..aaaaaaaaa

Guilmon: Hahahahahahha....You should of seen the look on your faces.

Blackagumon: Yeah....aahahahhahahaha

Terriermon: But, Its not funny.

Renamon: Guilmon. I cannot believed you agreed to something like this.

Guilmon: Lighten up Renamon. We need some fun before we spil up.

Renamon: That was not funny.

Guilmon: Ok.Ok. I admit it it was a bad joke.

Apocomon: Bad but funny. Hahahahahhha.

Renamon: Come on lets go make our final decisions.

Guomon and Renamon go inside a tent to make their final decisions.

Blackagumon: Oh boy. Here go the decisions.

Meenwhile, inside the tent.

Renamon: Ok, lets decide.

And hour later they come out.

Apocomon: Took you long enough.

Guilmon: Ill say.

Renamon: Ok. Here it goes. My group: Blackagumon.

Blackagumon: Yes.

Renamon: Veemon.

Veemon: Cool.

Waterbilmon: Awesome.

Renamon: Raptormon.

Raptormon: Great.

Renamon: Hawkmon.

Hawkmon: Yay.

Renamon: Egnamon.

Egnamon: All right.

Guilmon: My group: Apocomon.

Apocomon: Whoopi.

Guilmon: Terriermon.

Terriermon: Good by me.

Bunniemon: Koool.

Guilmon: Ranamon.

Ranamon: like I have a choice.

Guilmon: Fladingomon.

Fladingomon: Boom.

Guilmon: Ryromon.

Ryromon: Awesome.

Guilmon: There we have our groups.
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Apocomon: Hey Terriermon!

Terriermon: What?

Apocomon: Shall we trade you for Blackagumon?

Terriermon: Hey!

[I]And Apocomon falls on the ground of laughing.[/I]

Apocomon: We're gonnna win right?

[I]No answer....[/I]

Guilmon: Right?!

everybody except for Apocomon: YEAH!

Apocomon: *mumbles*

everybody except for Apocomon: Hooray for Guilmon!

Apocomon: *sarcastic* Hooray! Oh guilmon, be our leader! *mumbles again*

Terriermon: DOnt be such a dork!

APocomon: *looks really angry at Terriermon* What did you say?!

Terriermon: Eh.... Dork?

Apocomon: *normal again* Okay. Im not. Ill quit doing so negative.
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It was night, the fire had burned down, and everyone was asleep.
Guilmon woke up when he heard the yell: Aaaarrgh! He sat up and looked around. Over at the burned out fire sat Gyromon. Guilmon got up and walked over.
Guilmon: Are you ok, Gyromon?
Gyromon had his claws on his head and was muttering.
Gyromon: Why can't I remember? There were 4... or was it 5? And him...
Guilmon: Are you ok?
Gyromon shook his head.
Gyromon: What? Oh, yah. I'm fine... I just... can't remember that well. There were five, I think. Water, Forest, Air, Fire, and Moon... and Him.
Guilmon: What?
Gyromon: Five Digimon. One Water, one Forest, one Air, one Fire, and one Moon. They worked for the Dark Lord... They are the ones that imprisoned me. Metal Seadramon was only one of them, and we didn't even destroy him...
Guilmon: Who are the other four?
Gyromon: That's the problem, I can't remember...
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Guilmon: What did you say?

Apocomon: I think it'll be puppetmon of forest.

Gyromon: I can't remember.

Guilmon: WHy do you think that?

APocomon: He's a forest mega digimon. I heared he allready caused trouble a long time ago.

Gyromon: I can't remember!

Sorry for the short post, but I have to go to bed allmost :D 22:00.
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Gyromon: I'm not sure if it's Puppetmon...
Puppetmon: I'm not. But my master Kuwagumon is...
Apacomon: Waaa...
Gyromon: Grrrrrr...
Guilmon: Let's get him...
Gyromon: We need to get him away from the camp... He'll wake everyone...
Puppetmon: Let's go...
Gyromon: Gyromon Digivolved to... Barrimon! Cross Claw!
Puppetmon flew into the forest.
Barrimon: Let's go.
Apacomon: Apacomon Digivoled to... Demon!
Guilmon: Guilmon Digivolved to... Growlmon!
They walked into the forest.
Puppetmon: Puppet Pummel!
Barrimon: Pulse Blast!
The two attacks hit, but Puppetmon's was stronger. Barrimon flew back.
Growlmon: Exhaust Flame!
Puppetmon jumped into a tree.
Demon: Arrgh!
The Exhaust Flame had hit him.
Demon: Crusher Tackle!
Demon threw himself at the tree.
Puppetmon jumped out and knocked down Growlmon.
Demon: He's to strong... we need to Digivolve! Demon Digivolved to... ArmoredDemon!
Growlmon: Growlmon Digivolved to... MegaloGrowlmon!
ArmoredDemon: Barrimon, Digivolve!
Barrimon: I can't... I'm still to weak...
Puppetmon: Puppet Pummel!
ArmoredDemon: Crystal Power!
MegaloGrowlmon: Atomic Blaster!
Barrimon: Pulse Blast!
Puppetmon: Hahaha! You aren't strong enough to defeat me! Puppet Pummel!
BlackMetalGreymon: Giga Blaster! Thought you could use a little help.
Puppetmon: You'llnever defeat me! Puppet Pummel! Puppet Pummel! Puppet Pummel!
BlackMetalGreymon, ArmoredDemon, and MegaloGrowlmon flew back.
Puppetmon: Puppt Pummel!
Barrimon joined the others. He looked up at Puppetmon.
Barrimon: The moon... it's so bright... Barrimon Digivolved to... CyberBarrimon! Cyber Stride!
Puppetmon: Nooo!
MegaloGrowlmon: Atomic Blaster!
ArmoredDemon: Crystal Power!
BlackMetalGreymon: Giga Blaster!
CyberBarrimon: Cyber Shut Down!
Puppetmon: My master wil get youuuuuuuuuuu!
Puppetmon was gone.
Everyone Deigivolved.
Gyromon: So weak...
Gyromon collapsed.
Guilmon: Let's getsome sleep.
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Fladingomon awoke to the sounds of a fight she quietly crept to the tent door walked outside and watched a trio of digimon emerge from the forest.

Fladingomon:I wonder what they are doing up so late? pissst!! guys! whats going on?

Guilmon: shhh!!! youll wake everybody up!

Blackagumon: what are you doing up so late

Fladingomon: I should be asking you the same question.

Guilemon will everybody shut up!? WE can talk about this in the morning ok?

Fladingomon: Fine with me... Leader!
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Digimon: River of Power!
Digimon: Eagle Claw!
Digimon: Dimension Claws!
Digimon: Inferno Blaze!
Digimon: Shaddow Spectrum!
Gyromon: Nooooooooooo!
Gyromon was running from the five Digimon.
Gyromon: Augh.
Gyromon tripped. A large shaddow appeared behind the five Digimon. The shaddow flew at Gyromon.
Gyromon sat up and held his head.
Gyromon: Uh, my head.
He walked back to the camp and collapsed again.
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Fladingomopn awoke for the second time that night and by then she was starting to get very cranky she walked outside and saw the digimon Gyromon laying on the ground.

Fladingomon: You know something's not right when....

She walked over to Gyromon and shook him tryiing to awaken him but he was knocked out cold.

Fladingomon: hellllooooo????? if youre just gonna lay there then youre bunking up with me

She dragged him back to the tent went back outside sat down and started the fire again.
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Gyomon: Who are you?
Digimon: Don't you know?
Gyromon: Show yourself!
Digimon: Ok.
Gyromon steped out of the darkness.
Gyromon: Waa... you're me!
Gyromon: Who else would I be?
Gyromon: I... I don't understand.
Gyromon: Of course not, you lost your memory, don't you remember? Hehe.
Gyromon: Aaa, what do you want?
Gyromon: To destroy those other Digimon.
Gyromon: No! I wont let you! I'll stop you!
Gyromon: You can't stop me! Your too weak. All that time in the cave left you drained of your power.
Gyromon: I have a strength greater than power.
Gyromon: What can be stronger than power?
Gyromon: Friendship.
Gyromon: How touching...
Gyromon turned into the dragon.
Dragon: HA! Prepare to meet your doom!
Gyromon sat up in a cold sweat. He got up and walked out of the tent. And sat next to Fladingomon.

Later on durring the night:
Gyromon: Did you hear something?
Fladingomon: Huh, no.
Gyromon: I thought I heard something over there.
He pointed to the lake.
Fladingomon: Let's go see.
The got up from the fire and walked to the lake.
Gyromon: What are those?
Gyromon pointed down.
Fladingomon: They're Betamon.
Gyromon: There are at least 20!
Betamon: We are here for the one called Gyromon. Master Seadramon was very clear on it. He said to capture the Gyromon and destroy the rest.
Fladingomon: What can you do?
Betamon: Eletric Shock!
Gyromon and Fladingomon: Arrrrgh!
Betamon: Fin Cutter!
Gyromon and Fladingomon: Uhhhh!
Gyromon: We need to fight back! Gyral Kick!
Four Betamon fell down but got right back up.
Gyromon: Did you hear something?
Fladingomon: Huh, no.
Gyromon: I thought I heard something over there.
He pointed to the lake.
Fladingomon: Let's go see.
The got up from the fire and walked to the lake.
Gyromon: What are those?
Gyromon pointed down.
Fladingomon: They're Betamon.
Gyromon: There are at least 20!
Betamon: We are here for the one called Gyromon. Master Seadramon was very clear on it. He said to capture the Gyromon and destroy the rest.
Fladingomon: What can you do?
Betamon: Eletric Shock!
Gyromon and Fladingomon: Arrrrgh!
Betamon: Fin Cutter!
Gyromon and Fladingomon:
Gyromon: We need to fight back! Gyral Kick!
Four Betamon fell and four six jumped on Gyromon.
Fladingomon: Laser Wing!
The six Betamon on Gyromon were knocked off, but ten attacked Fladingomon.
Gyromon: You need to Digvolve!
Fladingomon: Me! What about you?
Gyromon: I can try!
Fladingomon: Fladingomon Digivolved to... Ardonimon!
Gyromon: Gyromon Digivolved to... Gyromon...
Ardonimon: Try again!
Gyromon: Right! Gyromon Digivolved to... I don't have enough energy...
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Egnamon runs to Gyromon and grabs him...

Egnamon: Your gonna get hurt.

Gyromon turns and sees Ardonimon flying into the air but getting knocked down by the ten Betamon

Gyromon: Help her!

Egnamon turned and droped Gyromon, he ran forward and slide below the Betamon.

Egnamon: Egnamon digivolve to........ Angelicmon!

Angelicmon jumped into the air and sliced five Betamon into halves. He flies down and then looks up.

Angelicmon: I need your help!...
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Gyromon: Look the moon... Gyromon Digivolved to Barrimon!
Ardonimon: About time!
Barrimon: Time to fight! Skull Smasher!
Barrimon destroyed 6 Betamon.
8 Betamon fell from Ardonimo, each vanishing when they hit the ground.
Barrimon: One left.
Angelicmon: What can he do?
Betamon: Betamon Digivolved to... Dragomon!
Dragomon: Tentacle Claw!
Barrimon DeDigivolved from the hit.
Angelicmon: Gyromon!
Gyromon: The moon... so bright... Gyromon Warp Digivolved to... Imperialmon!
Everyone: Awwwh!
Imperialmon: Dragomon, could you give MetalSeadramon a message for me?
Imperialmon began to glow white.
Imperiamon: Imperial Cannon!
Imperialmon shrank.
Dragomon dissinagrated.
Gyromon: So weak...
Gyromon began to glow again.
Gyromon: DeDigivolved to Chaquitamon.
Angelicmon: What the...
Chaquitamon: Need rest...
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The claw from Dragomon grabed Angelicmon, chaquitamon, and Ardonimon.....and threw them against a near-by cliff. Rocks falling to the ground, covering the three "herioc" digimen.

An Inferno of fire spread across the battlefield, covering the pile of rocks, the pile not moving....

Rest of group: What the?
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Two hours after the attack Fladingomon awoke feeling like she was gonna fall over and holding her rookie form just barely, she looked down at the two other digimon and saw that the rock pile was going to collapse on them all if they didn't get out! She picked Chaquitamon up and tried to wake Angelicmon up.

Fladingomon: Guys wake up....... please!!!!! we are going to be killed deleted you name it! if we dont get out of here now!!

Angelicmon: wha?..... I'm up I'm up

Fladingomon: so? can you break the wall can you? can you break it? Theres not much time!

Angelicmon: Stand back
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Chaqutamon and fladingomon ran back as Angelicmon stood infront of the wall, he swords out aimed at it.

Angelicmon: Power SLICE!!!!!

The swords sliced through the wall the group running through. But Angelicmon stood in silence.....

Fladingomon: Cmon, we gotta go!

Angelicmon fell down in a cloud of smoke. Chaqutamon and Fladingomon ran over to the cloud the put there arms out and picked up an unconcious Egnamon......
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Renamon had left her group who seems to (NEVER POST WITH HER IN IT SO SHES LOST)Dislike her or something...she alone now walking in the forest

Renamon: why did i come along....why *kicks a small rock that doesent move*

????rock????: HAY THAT HURT

Renamon: what?...a talking rock

Rock: NO you fool i am gotsumon...a rock type...

Renamon: oh hi gotsumon...nice to meet you

Gotsumon: well you should alredy know me......



Renamon: GOTSUMON? I .............GOLEMON

Gotsumon: thats right....i had to de-digivolve to stay on the cliff then i slowly climbed down..

Renamon: i am sorry but you attack for no reson....i had to do something

Gotsumon: yeah i know...devimon told me to stop anyone and my original digivolution form just wasent good enough so somehow the ideot made me digivolve to golemon....i got my original forms back though..thats renamon

Renamon: your welcom i guess........so many people running into devimon it makes me think...maybe devimon isent the real problem when it comes to digivolution....

Gotsumon: ....maybe your right....

Renamon: do you mind comeing along? with me

Gotsumon: i will come with you
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[COLOR=royalblue]Apocomon: I have no Idea where i am. This is kinda frustrating.


Renamon: Wait here. Ill go find some of my friends.

[I]Right after she runs off Apocomon trips over a rock.[/I]

Apocomon: ouch!

rock: You can say that again.

APocomon: DO you know where I am?

rock: here.

Apocomon: Yeah b.... What am I talking to? A rock?!

rock: Not a rock! the name's Gotsumon! Someone else thought it too. She was here right before you came. She'll return in a minute.

Apocomon: WHo was it?

Gotsumon: Renamon.

Apocomon: Yay! Lets go wait for her![/color]
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renamon returns with noone

Renamon: i couldent find anyone

Apocomon: nice you could join us

Renamon: APOCOMON what are you doing her

Apocomon: got lost....and well triped over gotsumon

Gotsumon: and he called me a rock

Apocomon: sorry

Renamon: NOW WHAT..................
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Chaquitamon: I'll get someone... Chaquitamon Digivolved to... Shogamon.
Shogamon: I still can't do anything useful... Shogamon Digivolved to... Gyromon.
Gyromon: We need to signal the others... Gyromon Digivolved to Barrimon.
Barrimon picked up a giant rock and threw it up in the air.
Barrimon: Pulse Blast!
The rock exploded like fireworks, light from the blast lit the sky.
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