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one thing I've wondered for a while.. do you guys actually consider "a**" (I assume we all know the word I'm referring to.. if not then just think "butt".. but it's censored so I can't actually write the word) to be a more offensive word than "bastard".. which has been uncensored for a while, but in britain (in my area, at least) is considered more offensive than "sh*t"
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[b][color=003399]Different countries, religions and cultures have different levels of tolerance for different "swear words". When I go over to Ireland it's swear galore in pubs and clubs, but it's okay by most people over there.

I really don't think damn is a swear word.. one of the only alternatives to swearing in my opinion.[/b][/color]
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[COLOR=green]I think that we should leave the censor program the way it is. Damn doesn't seem to compare to the "other poo word". :rolleyes:

As for the synonym for donkey, it has other non offensive uses, so it seems to be harmless for now.

Other boards I have been to have extremely overprotective censor that won't let me write assassin because of the word it contains.

Better the evil you know than the evil you don't...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1]Okay, [i]here's[/i] a question.

Using symbols to bypass the censors is forbidden, yes?

I was simply wondering.. Becuse if it is a rule, it seems to be the least-enforced rule here.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, I think there are times when use of a word that is censored here is OK... and in such times I just bypass the system.
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[color=#507AAC]And if I catch you doing that, I will ban you.

Words that are censored are not appropriate on the site for numerous reasons. You can say the word and allow the software to automatically censor it -- but you [i]can't[/i] use symbols to override the system. It's not for members to decide on their own what is and isn't acceptable in that sense.

Having said that, we could be overzealous and censor words like "butt" and "damn" as well. But we don't. These words aren't offensive to the majority of the members here and as such, they don't need to be censored.[/color]
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[color=#507AAC]Ever since you joined OB, you've always seemed to have something against me...no matter how hard I try to be friendly. I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm giving off "admin rays" or something.

By the way, the word you overrode was "J A P", correct?[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
[B]Yes, that was it. I think there's a post I recently made where I said the butt synonym as well, but I don't remember where it's at. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#507AAC]Okay then. Let's put all the baiting and sarcasm aside for a moment and behave like civil individuals.

The word you overrode was "J A P". But how was that word used? It was used to express a proper noun -- the name of a band. And it wasn't used to offend someone.

Now, I [i]know[/i] I don't have to tell you that this is probably the most likely exception. We have actually had instances in the past where a censored word forms part of a proper noun or part of a larger word -- and people have had problems with the censor.

So of course, it's not ideal. And you know that.

What I don't understand is the tone of your last post. You had chased things up that I'd posted before and responded in a deliberately provocative way. And then, after that, things seemed to go alright. You seemed to have dropped your immediate and irrational hatred of me and favored a reasonable approach.

So what's changed? Is it possible for me to interact with you on a civil level? Or will I frequently receive nothing but sarcasm and rudeness?

I'm genuinely asking you these questions. I don't [i]want[/i] to ban you (which is why I haven't before) and I know that you are intelligent and reasonable enough to have discussions without resorting to immature tactics.

Am I really giving off Admin rays or something? lol. Please, tell me what it is about myself and/or my authority that rubs you up the wrong way. I'm all for sorting these problems out where possible.[/color]
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I wasn't immediately satisfied with your threats to ban me after I said I bypass the swear censors when there is a decent reason... which you generally seem to agree with given by your last post. Meanwhile someone is parading around with "**** you" clearly displayed in his/her banner (in this very thread even) and yet I'm the one who's being told to watch it or be banned.

Of course that's just this case. Usually I don't feel like there's any great injustice being done against me here. I don't know what it is about you, James, but it certainly isn't that you're in a position of power. I'm friends with the admins of a different board, one in which I've risen to the rank of moderator actually. So your position isn't it.

You say things like "I know you're intelligent enough to..." or "you're reasonable enough to not be immature", but maybe I'm not. Have I ever shown you otherwise?
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[color=#507AAC]You have shown me otherwise. In your discussions with others, you've demonstrated that you can really be a very intelligent and worthwhile person.

Additionally, my threat to ban is a warning to [i]anyone[/i] who breaks the rules. I'm not targetting you at all -- the same rules apply to everyone. Of course this is the most difficult rule to enforce, simply because the number of members greatly outweighs the number of Moderators. We can't [i]physically[/i] be everywhere at once.

So I'm sorry if my warning was interpreted as some kind of deliberate targetting of you. It wasn't intended that way.

It's just that you seem to have a constant theme of rebuffing me just about every time I do my job. And I don't appreciate it. I think I'm making efforts to be friendly to you...and I hope that the reverse can be true.[/color]
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So then, we're calling it "truce" for now?

Also, I'm wondering if you realized that "wrist cutter" is one of the many names I've been here with. I've also been zanza, white out and haruka (though that name doesn't seem to show up in the member database). Under every name we seem to have the same hostility.
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[color=#507AAC]I don't know why. I can't think of anything I've done to produce that hostility. We had some firey debates when you were here as Zanza...but should that matter? I never once took that personally. It's fine and interesting to have deep debates and discussions with people.

I don't even know why there is a [i]need[/i] to call a truce. I just feel as though under every circumstance, you've created stumbling blocks for me for no reason. And that's kind of what I'm asking -- [i]why[/i] does that happen?

I'm always happy to call a truce though. It's fine to have disagreements over issues without being personal about it.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B]I don't even know why there is a [i]need[/i] to call a truce. I just feel as though under every circumstance, you've created stumbling blocks for me for no reason. And that's kind of what I'm asking -- [i]why[/i] does that happen?[/B][/QUOTE]

I'm not really sure why. I can't tell you. That's why I suggested you just ban me now... I'm never making your job any easier or doing any good for the board. Maybe we call it truce this time but sooner or later I'll really slip up or you'll just get sick of me.

Transtic Nerve once said you and I were in some ways the same person, just on the opposite side of everything.
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[color=#507AAC]I don't think we are similar. I mean, there have been some cases where I've tried to deal with a situation (by warning a member about spamming) and you've posted something to the affect of "Ohh big bad Admin...blah blah".

That is just totally nonproductive. And I feel certain that you can avoid posting things like that. As long as you avoid [i]that[/i] kind of action, I have absolutely no problem with you at all. You tend to abide by the rules a lot more than some other members on the boards. [/color]
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[color=#507AAC]Please let's try and avoid making situations any worse than they should be.

DeathKnight, you're a [i]staff member[/i]. I rely on you to enforce rules rather than break them! Edit your banner immediately, please.

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