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Orlando Bloom Banner!


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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well, here's a little something I whipped up about half an hour ago. ^_^;

These are a few of my favorites. Though, I couldn't really decide whether it looked better grayscale, or half grayscale, half color.

Anyway, here it is! ^_^


(See? I told you I'd make one sooner or later. :p)

[b]Edit:[/b] Here it is in Greyscale.

[img]http://www.imahosting.com/sigs/juuorlibanner.jpg[/img][/color] [/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I've been trying for ages to make a Legolas banner. ><

His hair is always spread out, so it's hard getting the dark/light places out without messing up his hair. ><

...*tries making one anyway*[/color] [/size]
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[size=1]I have a CD Rom full of LOTR pictures Juu. I got it when my newspaper did a review of Two Towers. There are some extremely high quality pictures in there, so those might be of use to you...

Anyway, obsession is a dangerous thing. The banner is funny, but I think that it would look better in grayscale. Everything looks better in grayscale.

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I actually like the first one more...

I don't know if you did this on purpose, or if the pictures are just like this... But if you start from the right, it goes from color to black and white really nicely. I really like that aspect of it.

Edit: I reread... and you did that on purpose lol. I like it.
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I didn't notice the black and white - to - colour thing that was going on in the banner until I read Semjaza's post, lol. I thought it was pretty clever though.
I didn't really like the black-grey spray effect thing in the back. It was kinda distracting.[/b]

OMG! No Legolas, lol..[/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Oh gosh. xx;
I really don't like how my Legolas banner turned out. ><;

Anyway, here it is:


*pokes Shy* Pretty please? :whoops:[/color] [/size]
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*has fallen in love*

*scratches the green text off and keeps Lego, banner* :love: :luv: The collage effect in this banner is BRILLIANT and remarkably seamless. GO JUU! Go you! :D

As for the first one, I guess my bright is on really high, because I can see some random black markings that probably shouldn't be showing up. :bluesweat And I see an edging on the far right piccie. In this banner, he looks more like a Leonardo DeCaprio wannabe. The concept is nifty, though!

Darn you, Juu, now I've been corrupted into thinking Legolas is cyute! (And he is! *happy sigh*) 9.8/1o. *more happy sighing*
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i]
[size=1] ...The banner is funny, but I think that it would look better in grayscale. Everything looks better in grayscale.

-Shy[/size] [/QUOTE]

[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Yes, I like the grayscale one better, too. Anything grayscale I like, hehe. That's the main reason I got rid of my red text; one, I was getting tired of it; two, it just didn't seem worthy of me, the only redeeming factor of it to me was it was the color of blood; and that's all.

Grayscale! Grayscale![/color][/size][/font]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Oh gosh. xx;
I really don't like how my Legolas banner turned out. ><;

Anyway, here it is:

[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=009966]Oh gosh. I really [i]do[/i] like how you're Legolas banner turned out. ^^ :love:

*saves Legolas banner about 10 times*[/color]
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[size=1] The Legolas Banner is alot better! What program are you using, because if your using a graphics program there might be some kool effects you could add to spice it up. But all in all it wasnt bad, 8.5/10....[/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Erm... I'm currently using Adobe Photoshop 4.0. I haven't been able to get my hands on Adobe Photoshop 8.0, or any of the real new versions, but this one seems to work fine for me. ^_^

I think I'll just stick to simpleness for these banners. Besides, I didn't save them before I flattened it, so I can't really go back and edit. xx;[/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]I haven't been able to get my hands on Adobe Photoshop 8.0[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
*faints* There's a Photoshop 8?! *_*

Not a bad banner, considering the person who this is based off of isn't exactly something I'm interested in at all. o_O I'd say try to add a border, change the font, and change the color of the font on both of them. That should make it look a little better. ^_^
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I've heard about PS8, yups. Not much, but I've heard of it. *grumbles* [size=1]Stupid Multimedia Department at College.[/size] It's supposed to show up at the end of the year.

And that's the worst part about PS, Juu--not remembering to save before the final flatten. I do that all the time. V_V And end up kicking myself in the arse afterwards.

[url=http://www.nuklearpower.com/daily.php?date=030121]Corrupting young minds everywhere.[/url]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Juu, I'm not sure if I still have it or not, but back when I started L.O.L. Lovers of Legolas, Lady M sent me this very nice picture of Orlando...shirtless. And let me tell you, it was amazing. Do you have that one? :D[/color][/size]
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