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Favorite Artist (non music)


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I assume more than a few of you got into anime because of the art style and form. Outside of the anime world who is you favorite artist and why ?

I personally like Renoir becaus of the livelyness of his painting and the soft compassion of his portrait's faces
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Guest cloricus
Official [url=http://www.giger.com/]USA[/url] and official [url=hrgiger.com]personal[/url] sites of H.R. Giger.

I like his work because it's so original and varies so much, he doesn't just stick to "weird alien scenes" and goes on to do a lot of tame types of art. Plus I like the realism of some of the works and just his style, don't know why.

Any one else like his work?

Eps - Art...
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Dahli, van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Turner.

There aren't many particular artists I enjoy, since many of them have changed styles dramatically over their time (ie: Dahli and Picasso, both of whom did impressionistic art at the beginning of their career and moved on to other things. Surrealism and Cubism in their case.) but tend to like certain pieces of work. Artists like van Gogh and Monet, who kept a rather steady style of art, tend to appeal to me in a whole. I like all of the van Gogh works I've come across and most of Monet's. I like Dahli's surrealist paintings and Picasso's cubist paintings. I like alot of modern art, both paintings and architecture. There's far to many artists to count. It'd be easier to tell you the ones I don't like lol.

Degas for example I don't like. His style and subject matter simply don't appease me asthetically. Many of the Rococo painters tend not to appeal to me, except that one painting "The Swing" which I really enjoyed. That Spanish Baroque painting called "Las Meninas....." or whatever by Valasquez I didn't really like either. Styles of art that I like include Neo-classical, Romantic, Baroque, Rennaisance-like, Impressionism, Surrealism, Post-Impressionism, Pointilism, Cubism, Color-field (although many people find that incredibly boring, I find it rather intriguing) and several others. Styles that don't appeal to me include early impressionistic art including people in every day life doing boring things. I feel if a painting is gonna have a person or any object it in, it should look a) real, dead and bloody or dying or b) completely unrecognizable as a person. (ie: Cubism) lol I don't paint people for that specific reason. I paint landscapes and abstract art. I don't like people portrayed in art unless they are elegantly dressed in armour or something exotic or well... dead lol. Like on Jeericault's Raft of the Medusa.... lots of dead/dying people. Although exceptions are made, as with everything. Like for van Gogh for example.
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Guest Voodookanaka
Im a fan of the more 'clever' stuff so to speak. some of Dali's do this, some just miss the point completely (he was famous, and self admittedly did crap to sell)
Giger's bit too perverted for me, lol, although some of it is pretty cool.
I like sume of the semli surreal paintings, theirs one artist who name i cant remember, although i remember 1 painting of his that always stuck in my head, was called 'gunslinger'
I like escher, a lot of his stuff is pretty clever and well worked out, ive forgot where i was going with this, i got work to do.
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Dude, Giger looks sway!

My art teacher says I'm leaning toward O'Keefe's style (large close ups of common objects with bright colors .Oo;.), though I also enjoy El Greco for his own use of colors--nothing wild, mind, just a lot more eye pleasing.

If you like blood and gore and stuff, look up Bacon--ugh. I unfortunately stumbled onto one of his stuff in a library one day. >.<;;;

Surrealism's fun. Seriously.
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I admire David Carson, although I'm really not a fan of a lot of his work. A lot of people don't seem to know who he is, but he more or less invented the "grunge" style of type and layout. People might have heard of some of his magazines - Raygun and Beach Culture, among others. At the time he was doing this sort of stuff, it was very non-standard and kind of went against the grain. Especially for the target audience that was involved. Now it's basically influenced every magazine aimed at pop-culture in some form, and no one really thinks anything of it... although stuff like Raygun is still a lot risky and strangely laid out that most anything I can think of that's out today.
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Escher i think is pretty interesting, the hands drawing themselves and whatnot.
Dali is weird, i like how some of his pictures kind of wither at some points.
Monet is weird also, whenever i look at a Monet painting i picture a computer with crappy pixels.
I like Van Gogh the most though, but only his later work. I have Night Stars in a big frame.
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Guest Voodookanaka
Brom! quite possibly the best fantasy artist thats ever lived, ive just found out who he is :D





last two r my favs
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Indeed, he is quite good, though I'd probably plop that into my morbid catergory, instead of fantasy. But then, the idea of fantasy is subjective.

OK, refresh my memory, who did the one of the cafe painting, where the cafe and the street were painted as if it were daylight, yet it was nighttime in the background (or was that vice versa)? Whoever he is, he's one of my fabs for sure!
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O'Keefe is good, I based my GCSE coursework on some of her architectural studies. Chalk was always the medium for me.

Personally though, I love the style of Richard Kane Ferguson. It's very distinctive, you can always spot that it's by him before you see the little R.K.F logo. He's done a lot of work for Wizards Of The Coast and White Wolf. Some of his best stuff is published in the form of RPG book illustrations, and Magic card artwork. Pretty much all of it, in fact.

Oh, and some Escher stuff is just painful to look at - in the best possible way.
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[size=1]I love van Gogh's work. Not necessarily all of his pieces, but his style and use of color are just fantastic.

I've got more than just a passing interest in Dali... Some of his stuff is just messed up, though.[/size]
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This has become a 'Whose your favorite visual artist" thread.

My favorite non music artist is my good buddy Mitch. Yes the one on Ob.
I see him going very far in his writing. Perhaps I"ll pick up a New York Times best seller one day with his name under it.
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I like the paintings of Alex Grey, he hasnt rated a mention here yet and im actually rather surprised at that. It's probably a bit hard to classify his work as in essence it is phsycadelic but draws on many more traditional inspirations including i think some Tibetan styles. But then some of his paintings are art in their own right without precident in my opinion, have a look at the Journey of the Wounded Healer [url]http://www.alexgrey.com/a-gallery/jrny1.html.[/url]

I think that what i like best about his art is the depth of the oils, the longer you gaze, not only do you see things that were hidden but you see things that arent actually there, just things that your mind creates out of the lines and colours.

I would like to hear what you think of his work.
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  • 2 months later...
I have to say that Joe Madureira is my fav artist. I love Battle Chasers. He is alot like me in some ways. I have started on my own manga at the age of 17 I call it "Dual Warriors". It is kinda a cross between .hack//SIGN, yi-gi-oh and dragonball.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Change [/i]
[B]I like Impressionest mostly though (Monet, Renoir) [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I think I like Impressionest the most also. My favorite dead artist would diffenently have to be Monet, I just love all his landscapes. ^-^

But my all time artist would have to Matt Stawicki.
I hadn't even heard of him until year or half a year ago.
But I have been looking at his paintings and I have to say he is just awesome! I sould join Deed in staring at his paintings for hours...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Picaso was my favorite. Now that I looked into I really like Matt Stawicki. As Deedlit said he is a very good artist, and an amazing painter. I wish I could meat him in real life. It would also be cool to meat him on the internet but real life would be cooler.
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