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Most Influential Person in your Life


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My dad: He's always been there for me. Even when he split up with my mom. I live with him now, and I can't explain how lost I'd be without all he's given me. He can be a little weird sometimes, but aren't dads supposed to be? Since he IS weird, I look up to him very much!

My grandma: Right now, my grandpa is in the hospital after a stroke. He's losing his memory and soon he won't know who my grandma is, even though they've been married for 20 years. She is really brave to watch this happening. She keeps a straight face and I've only seen her break down once. She is a very strong woman and I respect her for it. She is one of my role models.
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Aside from the customary mom and dad, I'd say the most influential people in my life have been:

Stanley Kubrick - Because he doesn't give a damn if the public finds his work weird. If he had truly cared about the mass opinion, then he would've never created 2001 or Clockwork Orange (granted the original material was weird to begin with, but he didn't have to adapt the stories). Kubrick's films just give conventional filmography the finger.

Groucho Marx - His comedy and timing is quite exceptional, and his sarcasm and satirical edge in Duck Soup, Animal Crackers, and Horse Feathers are only matched by one today:

Denis Leary. Leary is social commentary and satirical humor at its best. He's not afraid to speak his mind...and that's very commendable. It's amazing watching him do his act, just to see how his mind works. Nothing is off limits for him, nothing is taboo. He talks about what pisses him off and does a damn good job of it.
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[size=1] Myself. :toothy: I have a huge obervser-type personality. I know for a fact that I'm a thinker and not an acter most of the time, and it leads me to beleive that I can be more mature than a lot of people my age. [or maybe it has made me more arrogant]

I guess I'd have to say my parents are a huge influence, no matter how many times they're used in answers to these questions. I have probably given my mother 99% of all her worries, yet she's still there whenever I need her and she loves me.

And all the creators of anime, since anime practically killed most of my social life and grades. :P So I thank my math tutor, who saved me from failing math and actually getting high scores. ^_____^;;;[/size]
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[color=deeppink]My brother changed me in ways that I can't even see; without him I would have turned out to be a much different person. He helped ME help to educate people about persons with special needs because so many people are ignorant and think that it's a subject to laugh about a social gatherings, which makes me quietly ill. Because of him I'll always want to enlighten others to the knowledge that everyone with special needs is amazing in one way or another and that making fun of the issue makes you look incredibly stupid.

Perhaps this will turn into a sermon if I continue, so I'll leave it at that. I love my brother, I'll miss him forever :whoops:[/color]
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Without a single doubt, my mum. My dad doesn't live with us, and is a really, really nasty person sometimes. My mum can be infuriaating. But i love her, and mostly it is all good. She is my light. She gave me morals, food, a (realtively) good life and my ick, warped sense of humour. What more could a kid ask for? Adie from tons of cash? hhhmmm?
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[color=blue]Hmm, Besides memembers of my family, I would have to say it would be: Flynn, Mj and Dave Grolh. Sure I haven't met the last guy, but he is easily one of the coolest people to have ever existed.
Flynn is the person I have known the longest for, outside my family. so obviously he is going to be a big one. And Mj is a new one, I've only known him for about 4 years now, but I swear we are slowly becoming slightly twisted versions of each other, which is fine with me. yeah.[/color]
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i'm gonna go ahead and say i have two. my first would have to be my older sister lucy, she's influenced my taste in music, clothes, man, movies and even started out my love of anime, sure she's not into as much as me, but she snuck in the first tapes past my mom when i was 7 and showed them to me. after that i never looked back ^_^

the other person i haven't known as long, app. 6 months. his name is markus, he's 34 and he lives half a world away from me. i met him on-line and he's become the only person i've ever trusted blindly. he has this sort of inner peace thing going on inside him that makes me really look up to him and think that i would one day like to be like him, because he's reached a point in life where he's satisfied and it's not that he doesn't WANT anything, it's that he can live with out it.

so those are my two, and by the by, i could've sworn i had replied to this already O_o;
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i]
[B]Denis Leary. Leary is social commentary and satirical humor at its best. He's not afraid to speak his mind...and that's very commendable. It's amazing watching him do his act, just to see how his mind works. Nothing is off limits for him, nothing is taboo. He talks about what pisses him off and does a damn good job of it. [/B][/QUOTE]

PoisonTongue, I totally agree with you about Denis Leary. Leary is comedy at its very best. I was very lucky to catch his comedy specials on Comedy Central in the build up towards his roast and I'm glad I watched them. He's just an amazing comedian. He's the kind of guy that would do a show for the Pope and start it off with a thirty-minute bit about Catholic priests; as PT said, no subject is too taboo for Leary. In fact, the more taboo, the better in his case.
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[color=0099FF][size=1]It definitely goes to my mom.

When I was little, she never left my side. And whenever I need a shoulder to cry, there she is. And she went through everything with me, the goods and the bads. So, I don't know if I could live without her.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Celia [/i]
[B][color=0099FF][size=1]It definitely goes to my mom.

When I was little, she never left my side. And whenever I need a shoulder to cry, there she is. And she went through everything with me, the goods and the bads. So, I don't know if I could live without her.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Same here Celia. but I would have to say my grandfather was influential too. Both have been there for me. My grandfather was more of a father figure to me than my biological father was.
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Heh, I'd probably have to go with my mum, too. She's just... always been there, to help me get through the tough times, and by shaking me up in case I did anything wrong so I'd never create a tough time for myself.

She's just... fantastic, really. She's always very supportive of anything I want to do, but will still give me pointers about how to do it right, and ever though at times it feels like nagging, I still really appreciate everything she does for me. I can talk to her about anything and she won't hold it against me, and I feel very lucky to have half of her genes, heh.

Apart from her, I'd probably say those who influence me the most are my friends. From Year 1 to Year 13 (online as well), everyone's had an impact of various different levels.

I don't think it's right to say no-one can change you, because not everything of your personality is innate. Genes determine what characteristics you might have, but experience will help certain ones to come through. And you might make a conscious decision to change. I think this paragraph fits more in the OtakuBoarders thread (where there was a discussion about it a few days ago), but... yeah. They're very similar subjects, anyway.
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Let's see... I have four, five really. ^^\\// First and foremost is Jesus, of course.

The next two sort of go together. See, I'm a writer, and so of course I read a lot. I really look up to [b]Terry Pratchett[/b], probably because he writes a lot of humour/sataire/parody, which I'm not good at. ^^; I usually do dark drama and angst.

The other writer I look up to is [b]Carol Thurston[/b]. Her book, [i]The Eye of Horus[/i], just absolutely blew me away. (If you're a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh I highly recommend it, as it takes place in Egypt) It's my favorite book, and right now I'm rereading through it for the fourth time. ^~ I doubt it'll get bumped from its place as my fav for a long, long time. Or at least until Thurston-sama writes another novel. ;) LOL

The other two people who've had a major impact on my life are more personal heros. *grin* The first is my "neesan", [b]Brood Mayran[/b]. She's not my [i]biological[/i] big sister, but I look up to her anyway. She's encouraged me when I thought I was nothing, erged me to keep writing, and all around been an awesome friend and neesan. *glomp* Not only that, but she's a writer too, and I can only wish that someday I'll be as good as her.

The other one is my "imouto-chan", my best friend [b]Rosie[/b]. Again, she's not my biological sister, but we've stuck together through a lot. This year, our freshmen year in high school, she'll be going to a different school then me, and I don't know what I'm going to do without her around to make me laugh and lighten my day. :,(
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