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To do it over again...


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What if life had a rewind button? What if you had a special change to change something that happened in your life, would you use it?

Everyone has regrets, some more than others, an event in your past that plauges you, or makes you wince when you think about it.

If you had the opertunity to change one moment in your life to do it over what would it be and why?

I myself would have tried harder in school, senior year is upon me and I now wish I could have done better, but this is something I will have to deal with.

But what would you do?
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[size=1]I cannot say that I would... I am trying to think of all the bad things that happen to me and such, but something good has always come out of them, and I would not want to miss the opportunity to experience that again just to rid myself of a momentary wave of negative emotion.

For example, my last job I hated. I knew I was going to when I took it, but I still did it anyway. Though, because I got this job I was able to get enough money to go to Warped Tour and see some of my favorite bands [i]three[/i] times. Eventually, I was fired from that job. Sure, I no longer have income, but I have a lot more time to hang out with friends. Whereas when I was working, I worked five days a week leaving very little spare time for actual fun.

Despite how much I hated that job, I would not take back the experiences it helped give me.[/size]
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[size=1] I say just let things be the way they are. It's sort of taken that bad things repeat themselves, so in the end you might end up in some paradox of what already happened by changing what you did wrong. And by that, you might even regret changing that venue.

Mistakes are what add up to success. Nobody just magically becomes the best at something, or has the right fix for something. Sometimes you just meet things by mistakes and wrongs. Sometimes things just find you like that.

But in the end it's pointless to try and make yourself perfect. There isn't a such thing as perfect. I do not understand why people so regret what they did wrong, because even if you know now how to fix it, it doesn't matter. Things, I'd like to think, happen for a reason. And by them happening you become a stronger person or a weaker person. Whatever the case being stronger and weaker are both different spectrums, but I don't believe it matters which end you end up on.

As it is said, when the mighty sleep, the lowly prowl. Just because you haven't been able to get yourself up to some amazing benchmark because of some stupid choice doesn't mean you won't be able to get there.

It is pointless to worry about what's already done. You cannot change it in this day and age, so you just have to walk off.

Even being perfect itself still wouldn't be perfect. Do you get me? Reaching an ideal is often the wrong way to think...just simply live life as it is now and hold onto it day by day. It is so much easier that way than to worry endlessly about some far away future ocurrance.[/size]
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me? hmmm... theres alot,but i think i wud gotten to know my real dad better.i mean,i knew him a little but not as much i wud have liked. i keep thinking to myself that if i had made the effort to try and contact him,he might not have committed suicide. now that my mom and stepdad are divorcing i think about more, but im only 15 so i didnt no how to search for him wen i was younger and i never told my mom i wanted to. it hurts to lose something you never had,its hurt more than people think.:(
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I have a very simple reason why I would not wish to change anything. It's irrelevant to change anything, in the first place.
If I were to go back and change a mistake I made, I would never experience the negative effect of that mistake and learn from it. If I never learn from it, it's very likely that I would make the same mistake again. If I was changing the past to erase a mistake, and I never learn from it and probably make the same mistake again, what's really the point? Everything, really is fine the way it is.
Besides, when you're young and you make a mistake, you get off a lot easier than you do when you're older. :p
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like matto said, i wouldn't want to change anything, cause then, how would i learn? but, if there was a reason that i didn't need to learn the lesson, i would go back and change my relationship with my first b/f, i would've tried harder, and not given up on the relationship so easily.
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[COLOR=crimson]I guess if i [B]really[/B] wanted to i would rewind back to when i was 14 and change some things that happened between the years i was 14-15. But if i honestly think about it, i don't know if i'd want to. Because i've learnt so much from what happened. I wont go into details about what [B]did[/B] happen-but believe me when i say i wouldn't wish it on anyone else.

I guess I would change that, but i've grown so much from it..and become a better and more confident person these last few years (im almost 18 now) so yeah..maybe i wouldn't change it. I don't know.[/color]
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[color=b60039]When i did the mistake that I did, i was hanging on the hope that I could go back and change what I did, to rid everyone of their fear and doubt - most of all me. But what it did was teach me that if I hadn't of stopped myself, I might have kept on doing it and thought it was OK. It was GOOD to be caught. It taught me a lesson. If it hadn't, then I might have been in even more trouble now then I was then because it would have mounted on itself and the situation would have been so much larger. Regret is natural, but [cliche] you do learn from your mistakes.[/cliche][/color]
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There's nothing I would change. Or rewind and do over. My life is as good as it's going to get, and there's no way I'm going to change it. I've got alot of things going for me that others don't, and alot of thigns I wish I had but don't, and still, I like my life.
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If you asked me this back when I was a freshman in high school, I would have said eighth grade, because I didn't do things I wanted to do. But now, I realize if I had done what I wanted to do, I wouldn't be with the friends I have today. If anything, I would redo freshman year. I was still trying to accomplish what I wanted in the eighth grade, but they were never accomplished, so bascially I wasted my freshman year doing that.

If I did rewind back to freshman year, I would let what I have now come sooner. Make sense?
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I feel like I posted in this thread last week or something.

I'm happy with my life. It's not the best, it's not the worst. There are things I know I should have done differently in the past, but who is to say how far reaching their effects on the future were? I really don't know. The same with things that I couldn't have affected at all, such as the death of my father.

As such, I don't really live with regrets anymore. What I do is done. It's past. I can't change it, so I don't worry about it. As such, things like this don't really interest me, and I can say, without a doubt, I wouldn't rewind anything.
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There are some things I would do over, but also, if those things hadn't happened my life would be different. Whilst that may not be a bad thing, it may be as well. Plus, if something different had hapened, that could have led to something worse. Oh, I know what I would do. I would go back and tell my mom which numbers to pick for the $20 million draw that was on Lotto a while ago :p
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to be honest i wouldnt really rewind anything. i mean of course i would say that i want to and i have at certain points in my life. yet in the end those decisions i made have really led to some positive effect. i could have done something really stupid, but you know what it taught me a lesson not to do that. so really everything i have done has made a better person because of lessons i have learned from certain experiences in my life.
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I'd go back to 4th grade. It's seems like that's when my life made the biggest changes. If that makes any sense. But I'd only go back if I had my memories of everything up until now. If I didn't have my memories how I would make a difference?

Not like it matters though, it's never gonna happen.
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I would change 12:00 am, April 1st, 2002.

I did something very foolish that night, something that has affected my life in a negative fashion. I still think about it and feel kind of uneasy. Not many of my friends know what happened (Jenn and Charles do), and that's really the way it should stay.

My family and I joke about it sometimes. I remember last night we were going out to dinner with some friends and my dad commented on how safe a Ford Taurus was. I replied, "They're VERY safe."

So, yeah. I would change 12:00 am, April 1st, 2002.
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