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I didn't know any other name to put so I hope that was good enough...

Do you have a certain family member that you have been close to for a very long time? A certain member of the family you know you culd ALWAYS trust, and who is always there whenever you need help??

I have a cousin who is one year younger than me but has been there for me ever since the age of 3. When she was 2, I would go to my aunts house with my mom and my cousin would be so happy. When I was 5, my mom bought me a Toy Motorized jeep for christmas(you drive it around). every day me and my cousin would go in it and we'd have a blast. Now that we are both teens, we have more life problems that hit us in the face.
No matter what happens though, she knows that i'm always there for her.... and vica versa. Shes my absolute favorite cousin and nothin can change the family bond that we have

So does anyone have someone that relates to this??
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My close family member isn't really family, but he is like family to me. He is a janitor at school who is there for everybody. When ever someone gets in trouble he bails them out and just have you sweep the floor instead and then he would buy you a popsicle afterward and say "you stay out of trouble now". Everyone at school calls him grandpa and to many he really was one. He would give you lunch money if you lost yours. To bad he died I will really miss my grandfather
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I'm sorry, Hells Fire. That must have been terrible.
When I was younger, was really close to my two cousins....We spent a lot of time together and got along really well. When their parents divorced, I saw them less and less. I still see them now and we get along, but we're not nearly as close as we were. Additionally, their mother (not related to me) has been a terrible influence on both of them. They're really not the people they used to be or could have been.
Instead, I've got a friend who's pretty much family that I'm pretty close to. (Her parents are my bro's god-parents, and we've known each other practically since birth.) Even though we got o different schools and only see each other at church events, we get along great. I can always go to her with a problem and know she'll listen.
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I would have to say that my second youngest cousin would have to be my favorite cousin. She is almost eigth or so years younger than me, but we've always been close. Altough she's can't really understand the situations i get into, she always listens, and is there to learn from my mistakes. I'm always able to help her in any problems she has. She's like the little sister i never had. I'm really close to her family too, her mom is like my second mother. I don't know what i'd do if something happened to her.
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Yea i know what you mean durocks. Shes the best cuzin i have and if somethin happened to her, I dont know what I would do. Her mother(my aunt) is my 2nd mother. I go there when i can and its amazin there!
But if somethin every happened to them i would go crazy and probably blame myself for it...
Lol im my cousins big bodyguard because shes in her teen years and all the guys are around and my aunts tellin me to come over when guys are over to make sure they dont do nethin funny with my cousin lol. They are the best family I have... other than mty mother of course:)
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Guest Magical Girl
[color=blue][font=comic sans ms]just two people i've been close to for a long time.. my oldest (but still younger than me) cousin and my mom.. i only see my cousin about once a week but we're more like siblings than cousins ^^ and my mom is more like a crazy older sister unless i'm in trouble for something ^^;;

and now my younger sister.. we used to not really get along well but now she's one of my best friends..[/font][/color]
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[FONT=arial]I'm probably closest to my older sister. I've shared a room with her since I was probably two or three, which back then pretty much sucked, considering we couldn't stand each other. it got so bad that one day my parents pulled us into their room and (*snickers*) pulled out this picture of us together and said something like "Now why can't you both be like this, how you used to be?" might I add that Anna didn't like me from the minute I was born (she told me so in casual conversation a couple of years ago, meh), so it wouldn't have made much of a difference, lol.

so yeah, what was I talking about? we eventually grew out of that *rair!* stage, and got to know each other as inividuals, instead of "that kid who puked on me when she was a baby,'' or ''that mean, big.....snotty-head, doo-doo face!''. once she hit middle school and I was in third grade, we started to actually talk about stuff, ranging from 'b0yz' to mean parents and music (!Hanson! *flowery hearts*). real philosophical stuff.

things continued in an upward trend, with regulatory fighting in between. then I became a freshman and she was a senior, and we ended up fighting a heck of a lot. well, at least more than what we usually did. difference was we actually talked through it most of the time instead of just leaving things hanging. and of course, the scope for conversation broadened quite a bit, or at very least got a lot more detailed.

now she's off at college *sniff*. I get to talk to her about once a week, and we email about that often, too. it's all coolies and stuff. I actually have my own room, for the first time in my life.

my younger sister is in high school now. it's quite...... different. we'll have to see where that goes, lol.[/FONT]
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*cries* nope...it's sad,...my closest cousin left to washington seattle..barely ever see her.. my family, now that i look at it seems torn apart.. and i really don't like most of them,..sorry to say..well, i have friends at school that are really close (not like that) hehe, we're sort of like our own little family, it's great..but i don't know how it happened, we're all so different, but we share alot of similarities...
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I don't really attach to my family. I'm usually out of stuff unless family reunions or special birthdays, so I don't attach to family.
Like Hells Fire, this person is like family but isn't.
I would have to say my best friend. Sleepovers, parties, etc. etc. But this kind of goes for everyone, your best friend is like a part of your family. And I relate to my other friend because we have the same ideas usually, we both can agree on things, and we make each other crack up.
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The person I'm absolutely closest to is my aunt. She has always been like my mother, when my real mom was too caught up in her own problems to realize that she had children too. And yet, since she's not my mother, I feel a lot more free to talk about certain things around her, and we're like best buddies. So the relationship is really awesome. I go out to visit her in California every summer, which really rocks.

I'm also really close to my brother. Sure, we have loads of 'sibling rivalry' but we always end up in hysterics on the floor afterwards. And he's the only person I can just look at and start smiling. Even though I'll never tell him to his face, he's absolutely adorable.

I pretty much hate the rest of my family except my grandmother and the rest of my aunt's immediate family. C'est la vie.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i]
[B][FONT=arial]my younger sister is in high school now. it's quite...... different. we'll have to see where that goes, lol.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=009966]Yes, we shall....:cross::p:shifty:

Anyway, I can't really say I'm closest to any of my siblings. They all seem to gang up on me, especially my little brother....Hmm. But out of all of them, I'd say I am closest to Stephanie. Ever since I started attending high school and started hanging out with her alot more, she's actually starting to talk to me OUTSIDE OF CONFRONTATION. That's a nice change. [/color]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]The closest person to me in my family is my mom. She is my best friend, there's no way around it, she just is. I can talk to her about anything and she will always give me advice. She is always there for me. We always hang out and talk. I just love spending time with her, she is great. I love her so much, she is somone I can always count on. Sure, she can get on my nervs... and I'm sure I get on hers, but I think she will always be my best friend. No matter what I do, she will always love me and she will always be there for me. She may not approve of somethings, but she allows them, if it isn't bad. But... dosn't every parent?
So, I would have to say my mom. She will always be cool in my eyes. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Wow, well, I'd have to say that I'm pretty close to almost all of my family members, so I guess I'll just do it in this way:

[b]My Aunt Kim and Uncle Ace.[/b] When I was kid growing up, I used to practically live with them. They were my role models. I wanted to be just like Aunt Kim and I wanted to marry someone just like Uncle Ace. They don't have any kids and they influenced me in a lot of positive ways. About two years ago they moved to Oregon. I was so devastated. They flew me out there at the end of July, though, and I got to spend an amazing two weeks with them.

[b]My Mommy.[/b] I really love my mommy. Now that I'm away at college, I don't have the luxury of talking to her everyday when I want to. But me and her can talk about anything. She tells me all about when she was in high school, how things were for her, and how things are going to be for me. She's so fun and great. I love her.

[b]My Nanna and Mema.[/b] One is my mom's mother, one is my daddy's mother. I used to not be too fond of Mema, but now me and her get along great. I guess she's making up for lost time since she didn't spend any time with me and my sisters when we were kids, only being with my cousins because "we had Nanna and they had Mema." My nanna is Scottish and she is awesome. Her and Pop are always looking out for me, especially now that I'm in college. I know that they all love me and it's just so amazing.

[b]My sisters: Aprill, Brittney, and Franki[/b] I have a younger sister, Ashley, but she's 12...so it's hard to talk to her except to tell her how proud of her that I am. Aprill is the oldest and Brittney is the next oldest. Even though I don't approve of alot of the choices they've made, they're still my sisters and I still love them. We can talk about any and everything. Me and Brittney used to be inseparable. It sucks that we all went our own ways.

With Franki, she's grown up alot and I'm just so proud of her. We used to not get along at all and I seriously used to wonder to myself if I loved her or not. But now I can definitely say that I do. I miss her now that I'm away. *Sighs*

I LOVE MY DADDY, TOO! I just don't talk to him all that much. ^_^[/color][/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]My mommy's like a best friend to me. We can talk about anything, and I'm never, ever embarrised to be with her. I always miss her tons, since she lives about 1200 miles away. But we call each other at least twice a day, and it's always great talking to her. ^_^

My daddy's really understanding. There are times when he just blows up, but otherwise, we can talk about anything. He's always letting me rant and vent if some issue comes up at school, and listens really well. He's a bit less protective than my mom, and that can be good. However, since they separated, he's been a teeny bit more worried, since he doesn't want my mom getting worried 1200 miles away.

My cousin Emerson's really awesome. He's been one of my best friends since I was like, three or four. Since the first day, he's been like my role model, and has had a huge influence in my interests. He's smart, funny, and just really fun to be around. I love it when I go over to his house, or even get an e-mail from him. He lives pretty closeby, now, but now that my parents are divorced, it's a bit more complicated to see him. = /[/color] [/size]
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[color=silver] I'm [b] [i] really [/i] [/b] close to me mum and my sister...

I just have more fun with this particular sister and I can talk to her about things I cannot tell my other sisters...

And mi madre! I can tell her anything and not be too embarrased or anything. I tell and ask her anything...even somethings that I should probably keep to myself...[/color] :wave:
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My cousin and I used to hang out a lot and talk anime but over the past few months we havent spoke much because hes on the varsity football team and always has games. I know i can count on my tittle brother though me and him are 2 peas in a pod, best buds and he looks up to me like mad. My mom and dad are also extremely cool but i dunno...
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I am also extremely close to my sister. When we were younger she lived with us and I was always a showoff:P We had good times but we usually fought. When she moved out, everythin changed. i started to miss her and now when we see eachother we hang out and all. Shes into my music, my games, everythin! shes 9 years older than me too:P
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My aunt is eight years older than me, but she is my best friend. I hang out with her all of the time and we have the same interests. Her friends are my friends and my friends are hers. I'm close with all of my family members, but I think that she is the only one that I'm really really close with. I can talk to her about anything and if I tell her a secret, she will never tell it to anyone unless I say its ok. I always go to her for advice in everything. I don't know what I'd do if anything were to ever happen to her.
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