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P.D.A (public display of affection)


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[size=1][center][b]P.D.A (public display of affection)[/b][/center]

Alot of stuff has been going around at school concerning P.D.A and how it isnt exceptable for school and it shouldnt be allowed. I see 100 couples at least in my school day in between periods walking down the hall holding hands or making out with one outside of there next class, I do it too with my girlfriend all the time. Ok well anyways, the school handbook has this NO public display of affection rule and it says its not allowed and bla bla bla.

Do you think schools shouldnt allow P.D.A? if no you better have a good reason.[/size]
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I don't really mind people holding hands, because that doesn't really bother me. But when you see people making out everywhere, it gets to be more than a bit annoying, heh.

Really, the last thing I want to see when I walk around anywhere is a gazillion couples making out lol. The worst are the people who just seem to follow you around while making out...like they're trying to drive the point home or something -__- I don't care about one or two couples kissing or something, but around here it's like a domino effect lol. One couple starts and the rest follow, heh.

But I don't see how the school is going to be able to enforce this, anyway. As long as there are a ton of horny teenagers about, there is going to be making out...one of the few things that'll probably never change about life :p
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[color=#707875]I don't think that schools should put restrictions on holding hands. What's next? Creating "Burp Zones" and charging a fine if someone commits the illegal act outside the designated area? Give me a break.

I mean, sure...there should be limits. Telling people not to have sex on campus being one of those limits. ~_^

But as far as kissing/holding hands, I think that's fine. I personally don't see it as something that the school should place a restriction on. But that's just me; I'm sure various parents have a different viewpoint.[/color]
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Im with James, the whole idea just sounds...well...stupid.

I honestly dont see the harm in people hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc, in public. I mean, we have a school uniform which is bad enough but I think that trying to ban public affection is just an intrusion on free will.
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I see a lot of people at school holding hands, and the occasional couple making out. At my school sometimes they get in trouble and sometimes they don't. Sadly, it just depends on who the kids are and who the teachers are that caught them.

One of my friends got caught kissin (a little quick one) her boyfriend goodbye before getting on the bus after school. They both got a saturday school (you sit at school on saturday from 8am to 6pm). I think that was a little harsh. Sometimes after my friends and I give each other hugs we start yellin out, "PDA! PDA!" Just to be stupid.

But I agree with most of what everyone else has said. It's ok to hold hands, give hugs, and even a kiss on the cheek is ok, but much of anything else shouldn't be allowed.
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I don't really mind canoodling, but that doesn't mean it's entirely appropriate for a high school environment. When things go horizontal, I think that an adult should intervene; there's nothing worse than tripping over a pair of writhing bodies in one's quest to reach one's locker.

I've engaged in my share of PDA (and been admonished for it, too), but I've never gone quite that far. Some expressions of affection should be saved for one's bedroom or basement couch, thank you very much.

Middle schools and high schools [i]should[/i] establish a set of guidelines regarding PDA. It can be very distracting, and certain people might even find it offensive. Holding hands and kissing is fine; making out on the floor definitely isn't. A lot of kids just don't know where to draw the line, so there are times when the faculty has to do it for them.

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[size=1][color=blue]Dah. PDA. It doesn't really bug me all that much, unless people do it obsessively. Holding hands and touching each other (i.e. waist, hips, etc.) is fine - just don't make out all the frigging time, okay?!?!!?!

D'oh. Anyways, nah, it shouldn't be restricted. It's like restricting having a boyfriend/girlfriend, and lordy knows I couldn't stand that. Mawhaw.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=green]I really don't care if others are holding hands, kissing or whatnot. It's really none of my business, but I'd appreciate it if they stayed out of my way.

My take on public displays of affection is that these people who are holding hands in the hallway or making out in the stairwell are doing it just as much for those around them as for themselves. It's really a "look at me, I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" type thing.

It definitely not something that I'd do, but as long as the perpetrators stay out of my way, I'm not going to complain...[/COLOR]
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Yeah, Boba Fett is right, IMO. Why bother coming to school if you aren't going for the education? Really, just get a room.

I find it ridiculous that people are going to SCHOOL to do this nonsense. It's S-C-H-O-O-L, not M-O-T-E-L. If that's your reason for going to school, then by all means, you deserve any course of action they give you. It's no different than making out with someone while making a presentation or during a job interview. There's a time and a place for these things, and it's certainly not in front of other people.

I'm fine with the hug or kiss on the cheek before parting, though. Making out, though, that's taking it too far.
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Well, I've had some bad experiences with these.

There's this girl in our grade, let's call her "Amanda". She is really, really "mentally challenged" (she misspelled 'orange' for crying out loud) and really... disgusting to look at. She rarely changes clothes, showers, cleans herself in anyway... and she's huge too. You'd think she'd be unpopular, but surprisingly she has a few disgusting friends and even a repulsive boyfriend.

Like any couple they like to make out and unfortunately, for a year, their spot to do it was my locker. Neither of them had lockers anywhere near mine, but they didn't care. They just picked a spot, leaned up against it, and away they went. It was [i]awful[/i]. No way was I going to touch or speak to that writhing blob of skin and clothing. So for a year I suffered through this scene. Every other day that I went to my locker for lunch I'd see them there, so engrossed (perfect word) in each other to have no regard for anyone else who just might need to use their locker.

So, in short, I'm against PDAs.
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[size=1]My school newspaper had a big section on PDA's for its first issue this year, it went hand-in-hand with homosexual couples. I mean, heterosexual PDA's are nothing big to the average person, but the question we thought we should bring up is if homosexuals would receive a greater penalty for it. Not htat we necessarily have a lot of it going around, but it was an interesting (and especially controversial) point to bring up.

The school said the penalty is equal for any person, regardless of their sexuality. Of course, some students did not agree, others did, and others just did not care - the "I do not care, as long as I do not see it" kind of people.

We did several stories on it, getting the religious perspective on homosexuality on it and everything. The main photo element was a close up on the lower face of a guy kissing another guy (we made sure they had some stubble so people could tell they are guys, heh). It was fun. ^_^ We did not even get a memo for it, which is very surprising.

My personal opinion on PDA's in school is that I do not mind them. I imagine it is a bit more uncomfortable for the people involved in them to have people staring at them than it is for people to see it. Holding hands is fine, hugging is fine, kissing is fine, making out is okay as long as you are not groping each other and such, anything beyond that should probably be kept out of school, but I am sure that is not always the case. ^_~[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#707875]I don't think that schools should put restrictions on holding hands. What's next? Creating "Burp Zones" and charging a fine if someone commits the illegal act outside the designated area? Give me a break.

I mean, sure...there should be limits. Telling people not to have sex on campus being one of those limits. ~_^

But as far as kissing/holding hands, I think that's fine. I personally don't see it as something that the school should place a restriction on. But that's just me; I'm sure various parents have a different viewpoint.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=darkred] well I agree almost 100%
even though more than half of the people at my school do PDA
i can get along with or without it. just some people do it to a point and it gets annoying.. like a couple makeing out in the hallway..and you literally have to shove them for them to move.

but I don't know.
i dont have anyone to do "pda" with.. nor have I really been part of that problem X3 so..meh

and at my school there isnt a rule like that because they understand i guess.
I don't know.
I really dont care [/COLOR]
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I guess holding hands is okay... maybe a quick hug or peck on the cheek... but really... do they need to grope at each other? Yuck! My school's so small that it has less than 100 people, and quite a few of them are... well... NC 17... There are a couple couchs that people sit on during breaks and, well, smart people don't sit on two of them because a few kids...ano...uh... they had... you know... And the girls' bathroom is very well tainted.

So, generally, I'm against major PDA.
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Eh, hugging/holding hands/light kissing...that's all one thing. I find them acceptable.

But making out--too much. And having sex at school...that's generally something I see as the act of stupid, horny freshmen.

Honestly, someone else's horndoggedness is not my business, and I generally try to avoid making it so; but I don't care to see it either.

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My school has a really big problem with PDA, but that's if they manage to catch you. Me and my friends are a very affectionate group, so we'll sit on each other's lap or walk arm and arm down the hall. We've been repremanded before, once a security guard basically accused me of being a slut for sitting on a friend's lap.

On the other hand, I have a friend who basically eats her boyfriend's face while I eat my lunch. It's hilarious and yet gross to see the strings of slobber as they seperate. *shudders* And yet, they've never been told to stop or anything of the like. I wouldn't say I'm against PDA, I just think there's a fine line that gets crossed way too much. It's about respect, don't spit all over your boyfriend while I'm eating, it ruins my apetite!

So yes, hold hands, but don't grope eachother; give kisses here and there, but please try not to involve saliva, it's just common courtesy.
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Guest cloricus
At my school, which is the most attended by Otaku users :p, it doesn't really have this. They have a kind of thing where if the teachers see it and it offends them they beak it up, this goes for hand holding to kissing. The slackness is mainly due to none of the people have sex at school, (*looks at a member here*) at least that they know about.

Other schools in the area have full day light rules and frat rats so I like my schools standing, keep it down and keep your freedom in that area. Seems to work well.
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I am afraid I must take a hardstance approach here. Holding hands is fine, hugging is fine. However, despite the fact that we [i]are[/i] mainly teenagers here I think we must all agree that school is for school. Making out, kissing [I mean more than a 'peck'] is unacceptable and should be discouraged. It is not for school and should not even be an issue. Keep yourself under control until you're off the school grounds. There is a limit to acceptable conduct. Affection is fine... full on making out during school time is not. They should get detention for it, it is not an approporiate thing to do at school.

Restricting PDA is nothing like having a uniform, or restricting having a boyfriend or girlfriend. However, to some extent physical relations shiould be left at the school boundary.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I wouldn't really care about the holding hands thing at all, people at school do it and I'm totally fine with it. Though I would become [i]disturbed[/i] with whenever I go somewhere and some couple is making out. I would get very irritated.

People at my school don't make out, just quick little kisses. I'm fine with that too.
I can understand holding hands, little kisses and all, but making out everywhere I really wouldn't like to see wherever I go at school.[/size][/color]
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[size=1]Wow you all said that the making out was disturbing and people shouldnt have to see that but, would you think so if you were the ones doing it? I never see my girlfriend outside of school, so schools the only place we can do anything.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B][size=1]Wow you all said that the making out was disturbing and people shouldnt have to see that but, would you think so if you were the ones doing it? I never see my girlfriend outside of school, so schools the only place we can do anything.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Interesting... You ever wonder why you never see her outside school, as if this relationship could be serving as only a distraction from school? I'm sorry to sound rude, but "see each other only at school" makes your relationship seem pretty shallow. There's very little reason not to see her after school, or even treat her to a dinner once in a while, if she's really important to you.

If you are making out "only at school," I highly suggest you take a good look at your life and get your goals in order.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i]
[B]Interesting... You ever wonder why you never see her outside school, as if this relationship could be serving as only a distraction from school? I'm sorry to sound rude, but "see each other only at school" makes your relationship seem pretty shallow. There's very little reason not to see her after school, or even treat her to a dinner once in a while, if she's really important to you.

If you are making out "only at school," I highly suggest you take a good look at your life and get your goals in order. [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Umm dude shes grounded, lol.[/size]
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