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BAD hair coloring experiences.


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[color=tomato] [size=1] This afternoon, I decided to dye my hair from the highlighted blonde with really long (dark blonde)roots it was to a light brown.
It turned orange.
Now I like orange, obviously, but I was not going for hair the same shade as my signature. I look like a pumpkin spat me back up. I don't think I can wear black. (That is going to be an issue) Then I would look like halloween threw up all over me.

And that's enough ranting.
Now, can anyone offer comfort in their own horror hair stories?[/size] [/color]
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I dye my hair constantly, so I generally know what brands to stick with and which to avoid... at least in terms of non-standard colors like blue, pink and green.

One day I decided to try these "X-Treme" colors by Loreal. They're readily available at places like Target, unlike Punky, Manic Panic, Special FX and so forth.

Anyway, I tried this on two seperate ocassions. The first was blue. On the box they showed a kid with natural black with blue streaks. Considering I'm blonde, I figured I'd have no problem. I put it in... and it comes out silver. Now, this wasn't so bad, but it sure as hell wasn't what I expected. It wound up debasing itself into more of an old man gray over time, which wasn't fun. I also tried their orange, which made my hair a gross shade of brown.

Needless to say, that wasn't good and I never bought the crap again. That's about the only story I have, as I've never had an issue dying my hair before or after that.
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I've died my hair a number of times, mostly really bright reds or blue black. I have naturally dark brown hair, but I've never really had a problem. I tried doing hi-lights once though, burgundy-ish ones, but my sister messed up, said "**** it," and did my whole head. It wasn't what I wanted, but it looked nice. I'm actually about to dye my hair black now, and then I'll be putting in pink hi-lights. We'll see how that turns up since I'll have to bleach my hair and that in general is really bad for hair.
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I dye my hair every so often, just for fun. It's naturally a sort of mahogany brown. Since I don't want to use bleach, I usually buy dye in shades of either red or black; the longer-lasting the dye, the most noticeable its effects.

Because I choose fairly natural-looking colors and have very dark hair, I'm pretty much safe from any truly disastrous mishaps, although there are times when I have to leave the dye in for a [i]very[/i] long time in order for there to be a noticeable difference. My main complaint is that even permanent dye tends to fade very quickly--which in your case, Carr, might be comforting to know.

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[size=1][color=chocolate]I only had one hair catastrophe. I had gotten my hair dyed a chestnut red brown color, and it was a big mistake when I decided to go bike riding in the sun more.
I went to a friend's house 2 days later, looked in the mirror, and my hair was BLONDE. I didn't want blonde...at all. Last thing on my mind was the have blonde. *Sorry for ranting*

2 months later, the blonde went away and my hair became a goldish yellowish tint color, with my original hair being dark brown. I like it very much though, and I still have it.

P.S. Next time I dye my hair, I think it'd be good if I used Kool Aid.[/size][/color]
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[FONT=arial]about four years ago, my mom told me that blonde highlights would look really good in my hair, and wanted to put them in for me. WELL, she ended up doing my [i]entire[/i] head, and kept it in for about 15 minutes longer than it was supposed to stay in. by the time my hair had completely dried, I had a head full of orange-tinted, bright yellow hair. and then my mom made me go to a New Year's Eve party right after the terror was unleashed. I wanted to dieeeee. some kid at the party called me Vitamin C, even though his hair was the exact color as mine.[/FONT]
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Oi.... hair... I've been dying my hair since I was seven... I think that the worst job was the latest one... I had never, ever let my head be blonde for more than a few minutes between putting in neon greens, violent purples, and various shades of blue... well, for Halloween I decided that I would join the ranks of the Vash cosplay army. And so... I became... blonde! Well, that is to say, I tried to. Let me just tell you, it's real hard to go from raven to blonde in one night. By three times of bleaching my head in less than 12 hours, I had only succeeded to make my roots very, very blonde and my tips pretty blonde, but the rest of my head was red. Friggin' orangey-red! I'd say the hardest part was trying to get shoulder length hair to stand up... I gave up and tied it back.

The next hair adventure should come soon enough, though. After I snap a few pictures of myself in my lovely Halloween costume, I'm going to try my very hardest to dye my locks grey and my bangs black. Hee hee! It should prove to be very fun! (The woman who I was buying all the grey dye from was very confused to as why anyone would go from a different color TO grey. She had heard of people dying their hair from grey to a differnt color, but never the other way around!)
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I've never colored my hair before, so to speak, but I almost did.
Hence the word almost.
Well, I was dressing up as my Trigun character for Halloween. Luckily I had made her outfit simple enough to wear, so that part was easy. Anyways, she has this funky hair that's light blue and spikey...well, I can't spike my hair, even though it's really short, so I went to the dye.
I saw this stuff in the hair dressers. It was a very shocking blue, but light blue, so it would go great with my character. Yep, I shelled out the money to buy it....and went home to test it out.
Eh, reality check, blue, no matter how vibrant, will never show up on brown to black hair.
So I ended up wasting my money. Now that hair gel with blue sits somewhere under the bathroom sink...hmm...
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Katana: next time you wanna cosplay, bleach your hair then dye it the blue. You can always dye it back to your normal color and wait for the bleach to grow out. ^_^

I personally have never dyed my hair. I have a very nice blonde streak in it (totally natural, I swear) which I'm afraid I will lose if I apply any dyes.

However, I've seen friends get into horrible messes. Most of which have been mentioned already. The blonde being too bright, the red turning out pink. A horror story that turned out ok happened a few years back to my friend Jay.

He had just finished bleaching his hair and went to apply dyed tips in the Manic Panic Electric Blue. His hair wasn't dry and the dye ran. Not badly, mind you...the effect was rather cool. His hair went from blonde roots, fading into green which in turn became the blue tips. I personally though he looked pretty damn cool.
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Lol, my cousin once did that, bought some cheap die to make her hair have blond highlights and it turned out orange, so, she had to go to a hair dresser and get it fixed up.

I have my hair highlighted blond about... once every month or two, but it doesn't help to much. My hair grows really fast. It's originally blond, but, like my dad's hair, it turns a really dirty blond over time.

I remember one time in 3rd garde my teacher had a party for all of the 3rd garders because we would be "Graduating". So, she had some of that hair color spray in a can thingummy and we were all afraid to put it on because it was flamable, lol. [/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy [/i]
[B]Katana: next time you wanna cosplay, bleach your hair then dye it the blue. You can always dye it back to your normal color and wait for the bleach to grow out. ^_^

The reason I bought the gel stuff was because my mom would never, ever, ever, ever, ever let me bleach my hair. >.< Dunno why, she used to do it a lot...*goes on mumbling about random stuff*
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My hair color changes every week. Last week me and my friends dyed our hair purple and we all wore matching designs of clothes. I have also dyed my hair pink in honor of Trunks a couple of years back. Right now I'm using my natural brown color with a few red streaks. Next week I'm going white or maybe completely red.
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I once had these great highlights put in my hair....then I went all out and had the majority of it bleached....bad idea considering that I have quite dark features....it lasted for about 3 weeks before I came to my senses and went back to brown...the fake blonde look just ain't me. :p
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Back in September, I got dark red highlights in my brown (slightly red) hair. It really accented the natural color and looks good with my green eyes. The real problem was that my aunt thought she should use a cap even though my hair falls to my upper back...yeah...it was painful...
Other than that, the only coloring I've done has been really temporary. Twice, I've dressed up as Rogue. (White hair spray in the front a bit.) That was only a problem b/c it made my hair really stiff.
Earlier in Sept., I went to an Evanesence concert. Beforehand, I used some pink streaker gel that I picked up really cheap at the mall. I had to use a lot to get much color (it was never as bright as the bottle), but it was fun.
I think the only permanent color I'll ever use is red, possible black. I've vowed to [i]never[/i] be blonde. I'm so sick of bleach blondes I could puke.
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[color=violet]Well, my hair is cherry red at the moment. It was only supossed to be dark red.
I've had my hair turn dark brown instead of red from a brand of hair dye with Hydriance in the name.
Never had any bad high lighting experiances, unless you count the time my husband helped out and declared that he'd rather munch on his-but that's another story all together.

However, if you want a hair dye horror story:
My mom once tried to hilight my brother's dark blond hair with lighter blond streaks. Instead she gave him large orange patches.
but just the same-here's my currant hair color, was this a disastor?[/color]
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Ah yes...bad dye jobs...a wonderfull subject, a few years ago my mom was attempting to get back at someone (can't remember who) by dying her hair. however due to a mix-up at the plant perhaps her hair turned out to be bright neon pink...like in the Outback commercial...good times...good tiems...
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