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Harry Potter: The Search for Truth


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OOC: EEP, Artemis! I can share the boys, but I'll only do it grudgingly. :)

[color=green] IC: Remus and Hermione helped each other off the ground. "Will you walk with me to the infirmory? I would like to get something for my burns. I don't want to be late, but my fingers sting."

"Well, Hermione Granger, I would be happy to." She smiled at him and they walked together, neither one really sure of the way.

"Remus, you're so quiet all the time. Are you nervous to be here? Not that there's anything wrong with that, I was just wondering."

"Well, when I got on the train to come here, I didn't have any friends, except my owl. She's a wonderful bird, and kept me from being lonely much of the time. I wasn't sure I was going to make any friends. As for being quiet, I don't want to needlessly talk. I don't say much unless I need to." At this point, they reached their destination. The nurse put some nasty smelling gel on Hermione's hand and the burns immediatley went away.

"How did you get these burns in Transfiguration, Miss Granger?"

"Well, ma'am, I didn't get them in class. I received a letter by owl this morning. When I opened it up, there was a black parchment inside. It burst into flames in my hands."

"Hmm, I think the two of you should come with me. i'll write you a pass for your classes. I think you should tell Professor Dumbledore about your letter." [/color]
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OOC: *shruggs* I get it from my friends, they are such idiots but most of the boys can be really sweet, though none of them ask me out, lazy kids... lol


[SIZE=1][B]Remus gulped, hard. He looked at Hermione and looked forward again.

[I]There's always the 'walk the other way' thing.[/I] Remus thought to himself. He also remembered something, from before. When they talked about his owl...

[I]Where is Falco anyway? It normally takes a few hours sometimes. I hope Falco's okay...[/I] Remus said in his head. They both walked down to Dumbledore's office, following the women closely so they didn't get lost.

"Where is she...?" Remus mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Hermione asked in a whisper. Remus shrugged and looked ahead.

"Nothing..." He said.

[I]Oh damn. If I lose my owl I've got another. I should've waited and sent the letter at night so I could see Falco in the morning. Oh well, she's okay, I shouldn't worry. I should worry about how to turn back and walk the other way.[/I] Remus said almost joking inside his head.[/SIZE][/B]
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[COLOR=blue] Karen contiuned to follow Ron and Harry on the way down the corridor and into the dark and almost musty hallway that lead to the Potions chamber.

"We have this class with the Slytherins too." Ron said looking down at his list. "What a Monday."

"Last hour wasn't that bad," Harry said as he contiuned to walk.

Karen stoped in the middle of the hallway and turned around. "Where's Hermione and Remus?"

"They probably got lost." Ron said as he contiuned walking.

"Shouldn't we go find them?" Harry asked.

"I"m sure they can find their way." Ron said as he looked back at Karen. "Come on, or we'll be late."

Karen looked back down the hallway, as if waiting for them to come around the corner. She didn't like the idea of leaving her new friends behind. She looked down at the watch she had gotten for her birthday. The bell was about to ring, and she didn't want to be late.

"Alright," she said as she quietly followed the two boys.

The bell rang right as they entered the classroom. Ron and Harry quickly took two seats next to each other, which seemed to fill up the classroom. Karen looked around for a seat and noticed an empty one next to the boy she had seen earlier with white hair.

She walked over to him. "Is this seat taken?" she asked timidly.

"Um...no...go ahead." the boy replied.

"Thanks." Karen said as she extended her hand. "I'm Karen. Karen Black."[/COLOR]
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Within several minutes, Liz found herself in a small classroom waiting to learn from an odd, skinny man wearing a turban on his head. He smelled strongly of garlic and appeared to be terrified of his own shadow. He had a terrible stutter, but Liz tried to make the first day of class as easy for him as possible by raising her hand to answer every question.
She was enjoying herself immensely until Professor Quirrel turned to write on the chalkboard. A sudden chill washed over her. She shuddered and tried to turn back to her notes.
"Liz? Are you alright?" Alex whispered urgently. "You're white as a sheet!"
Liz tried to smile at her friend, "I'm fine."
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[color=green]Remus muttered on behind Hermione, but she was intent to not lose site of the nurse. The soon came to a large statue of a griffon at the end of a long hallway. The statue started to spin and rise above the flor and a staircase appearred. They were led up the stairs and introduced by the nurse. She then promptly left.

"Hello, Miss Granger. What has happened to you?"

"Well, Professor Dumbldor, Sir... I received a letter this morning. When I opened it after class, there was a black parchment inside and it burst into flames when I removed it from the envelope. It startled me and burned my hands, so Remus walked me to the nurse and she brought us here."

"Do you have any idea where the letter came from?"

"No, sir. I don't. I was hoping, when she said we were coming here, you may be able to tell me something about it."

"Miss Granger, that letter may ha ve been a simple prank. It also could be something much darker, more sinister. As a first year, I don't expect you to have made anyone unhappy or angry, but any thoughts you have would be helpful."

She looked at Remus. "I only just arrived yesterday, sir. I barely know anyone, even in my own house. I hate to point fingers unfoudedly..."

"An admirable trait. I advise you to only open mail that you know the origins of, and any new mystery mail, present to Professor McGonagle."

"Yes, sir. May we go back to class?"

"Of course. You're expected soon."

Hermione and Remus left the office and Remus looked at her with worry. "He didn't know what it was about. What are you going to do?"

"He may know more than he thinks we need to. As for me, I plan to do exactly as he says, only open mail I recognize. Come on, we're late." The two of them quickened their pace and arrived at their second class just in time to hear the homework assignment. The two of them were practically mauled by their new friends. Questions of, "Where were you?" and, "What happened?" rang out from all sides. Hermione relayed the whole story yet again on the way to the next class. Harry and even Ron, the red haired boy seemed very concerned.

From behind her someon said, "You probably deserved it, Know-it-all muggle." TThe Gryffindors turned around to see Draco Malfoy and a group of Slytherins standing there. [/color]
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OOC: Yeah, all the boys are chassing hermione! lol, I was being nice, or was I? Just adding some drama for Vicky, hehe!


Harru acepted his classmate's hand gently and gave it a soft polite shake with a wamr smile.

"Very pleased to meet you Miss Black" he said with a grace that had been imposed upon him repeatedly in his childhood, "My Name is Harru Ashton."

"Nice to meet you Harru" Karen Said with a smile, genuinely surprised to meet a polite slytherin for once.

Before any more words could be exchanged, a black clad figure stalked into the room with an angry scowl to match his shade of choice. By the time he reached the front of the classroom, all talking had stopped. The proffessor observed the class carefully before he spoke.

"There will be no wand waving, or silly incantatons in this class." He spoke slowly before carrying on into a long speach about those gifted in the art of potion making. In this time Harru had missed what the Proffessor was saying, as his attention was dirrected to the same potter boy that was in his first class, could this day get any worse?

"What's the matter?" Came a voice next to him, karen's, that drew him away from the Proffessor's Badgering of Harry.

"N-nothing, I'm fine, really" He answered back quietly before wipping persperation off of his forhead with his sleeve. This would proove to be a long day indeed.
It took me a half hour to write that, stupid people talking to me on messenger.....
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[COLOR=blue] "Are you sure," Karen asked as she looked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Harru replied as the drone in the background stopped.

"Ms. Black," came Prof. Snape's voice. "Do you have something to share with the class?" a snarl came across his face.

"No sir. Just commenting on the weather." Karen said as she looked him straight in the eye.

"Something your father wouldn't know." Snape said as all the Slytherins, except Harru laughed.

Karen clinltched her fist, as she stared hard at him. She knew that her Uncle wouldn't approve of her getting in trouble so early in the year. [I]"I wish i could smack him"[/I] Karen thought.

"What kind of comment is that?" Ron said as he stood up in his seat. "It looks like you could use some sun." The other side of the room laughed at this.

"15 points from Gryiffindor." Snape said with a snarl. "That should teach you, Mr. Weasley to hold your tongue. Class dismissed." he said as the bell rang.

"Good-bye Harru. It was nice to meet you. Do you want to be my partner if we have another class together?"

Harru looked at her as if contemplating.

"I'll let you think about it." she said as she smiled and gathered up her stuff, as Ron and Harry walked by. "I'll see you later!!" she said as she grabbed her bag, and ran after then two.

She came up to Ron and gave him a hug. "Thank you." she said as she finally let go. Ron smiled as Hermione and Remus came out of the classroom.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Very funny Angelus, putting up a drama scene for me... *mumbles* lol, just jokin' around!

IC: [B]Remus walked along besides Hermione mumbling to himself and crusing.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked. Remus shrugged.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that Malfoy has a big mouth for such a little shrimp and likes to call people he doesn't even know, AND the fact we just got homework and that I don't feel like it, AND the fact about the mail, AND-" He continued but Hermione stopped him.

"I told you what I was going to do about the mail, and I can help you with the homework." Hermione replied. Remus walked over to Ron and Karen, then turned back to Hermione.

"And what about snake kid? Malfoy? I wouldn't just let him walk around thinking he can do what he wants, if I where you, I'd have punched him in the nose." Remus said.

"You should've then." Ron laughed.

"I'd like to see him try." A sneering voice said from behind. Remus turned around, and saw Malfoy from before with two kids behind him. "How is that a munch of loser like you lot could even make it passed the train station, let alone make friends." He added. Remus clenched his fist hard, as he really wanted to punch him in the nose. Who does he think he is? The king of the world? King or not, anyone who bad mouths another person gets what the get.[/SIZE][/B]
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Harru walked along the hallways to the great hall for lunch, eyes cast down in thought. He knew it wasn't really right to befriend a gryffindor, but what did houses matter anyway? They were all just kids.

[i]At least I try to be...[/i]

He thought glummly before lifting his eyes again, abruptly stopping. Had he kept walking he would have run into Draco's Backside, and he didn't seem too intent on who was around him at the moment. Harru moved round the sideof him, still not being noticed, because Draco was taunting two other students at the moment. Harru recognised one as the girl he helped out this morning.

"what's going on Draco?" Harru asked slowly by his shoulder, giving Draco a small starttled look on his face, wich was soon replaced by a calm smugness.

"Just telling off these gits Harru, I wouldn't get too close though, we might polute our pure blood" At that he glared over his Shoulder at Hermione and shot an amused glance at Harru, expecting him to join in the fun. Harru wasn't pleased, in fact, he was a bit embarassed for Draco's behavior.

"well whats the matter with you?" Draco said with a sneer, now ignoring teh other students behind him.

"Pure blood or not Draco, I think dignity speaks for itself in these situations." Harru spoke narowing his eyes. Draco, put off by this comment just shrugged arrogantly and motioned to his goonies who were standing nearby.

"Well when you're done playing with the mongrels Ashton, you'll Find us in the Hall." And with that they were gone.

Harru didn't lift his eyes from the floor, he didn't feel proud of himself for standing against the only "friend" he was ever allowed to have.

"Harru? Is that your name?" Hermione asked, Harru looked up at her with a small nod.

"Yes, I appologise for Draco, I mean, I don't think he knows better"
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OOC: Sorry I haven?t posted in a while. I just haven?t been able think lately. Also sorry that it's so short, I'm still having trouble thinking of what to do. I need to read one of the books again to get in to a Harry Potter mood...


Illidas walked down the hallway when he saw Malfoy coming down the hall with Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy was mumbling something about traitors to the Slytherin house. Illidas just kept walking and started whistling Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

[I] ' This has been a rather normal day so far. That is if normal means moving pictures, classes on magic, and hundreds of kids walking around wearing black. I guess it depends on your definition of normal. ' [/I]

Illidas stopped walking.

[I] ' Note to self; Stop talking to yourself like there is another person in your head. ' [/I]

He continued whistling and walking towards the Great Hall.
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[COLOR=blue]"That's for sure," Karen said as she watched Malfoy leave the scene. "I can't believe I'm related to him," she mubbled.

"What did you say?" Hermione asked as she looked at Karen.

"She said we should all get some lunch," Ron said as he too looked at Karen, and ushered Hermione into the the Great Hall. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"

"Good bye Harru," Hermione said as she headed toward the tables.

"I guess we'll see you later." Karen said as she looked at Harry. "It was nice to meet you," she said as she smiled. "Bye for now."

Karen waved as she lead Remus and Harry into the Great Hall, where it seemd lunch had already began. Ron was devouring everything in site, and Hermione was looking at him as if she was ashmed to be sitting next to him.

"Slow down Ron." Karen said as she sat next to him. Remus sat next to Hermione and Harry sat on the other side. Ron contiuned to eat like a pig, as everone else started in on the dinner, trying to stay out of the way of Ron's reaching hands.

Alex and Liz entered the Great Hall, and saw the group, and came over.

"Can we join you?" Alex said as she looked at Ron, with an amuzed face.

"Sure!" Harry said as the two sat next to him.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Molleta, do remember that in Greek mythology, Hermione was the daughter of Helen of Troy, if that tells you anything... ;)

"My name's Elizabeth," Liz said, offering Harry her hand.
"Hi! I'm Harry," he began to point around the table, "and that's Remus, Karen, Ron, and Hermione."
Liz turned to Hermione excited, "I heard you pretty much took the class away first hour! Why aren't you in Ravenclaw? You're brilliant!"
Hermione looked genuinely surprised, "Thanks. I think the hat really wanted to put me there, but ended up with Gryffindor anyway."
Liz shrugged, "It's too bad."
The panic Liz had felt during Defense Against the Dark Arts had passed away, and she felt like her old self again.
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[color=green]Hermione was so taken aback by Liz's greeting, she was silent for a few minutes. She then started to talk to Liz, and discovered that she had found a kindred spirit. They had read many of the same books and learned many of the same spells. Soon, the 2 of them were laughing like they'd known each other all their lives. They were completely involved in their conversation and forgot about the others at the table who were staring at them like they both had 2 heads.

Hermione hadn't had much to eat when the notice to get back to class was sounded. It actually startled her. "I hope to see you again," Hermione said to Liz as she got up. Liz echoed her sentiment. She ran to catch up to Karen and Remus.

"So, almost went to Ravenclaw, you think, huh? I'm glad you didn't," Remus said.

Karen butted in, "Me too! I mean, really, they may be smart, but who's more fun that us?" All three of them laughed as they walked to class.[/color]

OOC:I hope that's a good intro for Hermione and Liz, Artemis!
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Liz and Alex began to head to Transfiguration together.
"Wow! You and Hermione really hit it off!"
Liz grinned, "I'm so happy that I'm making some good friends here, and, by the way, I saw you talking to Ron the Redhead. Don't think I didn't notice."
Alex starting blushing as her hair turned red as well. Liz giggled uncontrollably.
"And you seemed pretty happy to meet Harry!" Alex teased back.
It was now Liz's turn to blush, "He's a nice guy. Ron seems like a troublemaker, though."
Alex raised an eyebrow and grinned mischeiviously.
In a few moments, they reached their next classroom. The sight of Professor McGonogall sobered them quickly.
"Wow, this is going to be an intense class, Liz."
"I bet we'll learn a lot though."
"Class," the professor began, "settle down and find your seats."
Liz and Alex sat down together and exchanged anxious glances.

OOC: Yes, thank you, Molleta! That was perfect!
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"Welcome to Frist Year Transfiragation this well most likely be your hardest class.Be prepared to work,work,WORK"!
When Professer McGonogall said the last work she hit a rulur on Alex's desk it starteled her so much that her hair changed neon green.
"Well,well,well seems like we have a very special person in this school".
The class looked at her and Alex blushed.
"We have here a Metamorphmagus,this kind of people are really rare they are born and you can not make yourself one I'm afraid even if both parents are one it is not certain that they will have a Metamorphmagi".
Every one looked at Alex oddly.
"Metamorphmagi can change any part of their face or skin blah,blah,blah....."Professor McGonogall droned on Alex sank down in her set she did not change her hair back she wouldn't do for the whole day.
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OOC: I don't know what class the Gryffindors are going to... Someone help molly, please!

IC[color=green]Hermione was so relieved to have met Liz. She was beginning to think that she wouldn't find anyone with her passion for reading. She still didn't think that she would in the Gryffendor house.

"What are you thinking about, Hermoine?" Karen asked her.

"Nothing really. Karen, do you think I'm a boring Know-it-all?"

"Don't you pay any attention to that Draco Malfoy! He's such a jerk!"

"But Ron said it too. I don't think I will fit in at Gryffendore very well..."

"Ron never knows what he is talking about, so don't pay him any attention. Really, he's like my brother, and he is always saying stupid things he doesn't mean."

Remus spoke up at this point, "Hermione, you hve a thirst for knowledge, and that's is a great thing. I am glad of it, as you have already offered to help me with my studies Don't let people hold you back because they are jealous."

Hermione gave remus a huge hug. "Thank you so much! That is such a sweet thing to say. The three of us will be great friends, i know it." At this point, Hermiones remembered that she had left her quill and parchment at the table at lunch and felt ashamed of herself. There wasn't time to go back, but she wanted to be prepared on the first day. To not be would make a bad impression. "Karen, I've forgotten my parchment and quill, do you have an extra?"[/color]
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Liz was having a wonderful time in Transfiguration. She didn't stand out as much as Hermione had because there were so many Ravenclaws in the room, but she did answer quite a few of the Professor's questions. About halfway through class, she noticed that Alex had sunk deeply into her seat.
Concerned she scratched a quick note: "Are you alright?"
Alex caught her eye and shrugged unconvincingly and quickly scratched back: "Let's talk about it after class."
Liz failed to noticed that while she was reading the note, Professor McGonogall had called on her. When the professor called her name a second time, she looked up with a start realizing that she'd forgotten the question.
"Um, Professor," Liz asked sheepishly, "could you repeat that?"
"Um, Miss Jones," McGonogall replied in a light mocking tone, "could you pay attention?"
"Yes, ma'am."
Liz turned to her notes and textbook, trying not to look at anyone.
In a moment, she received another quick note from Alex: :D
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OOC: Amy to the rescue!!!
[COLOR=blue]"Yeah, I have an extra one, but we won't be needing it." Karen said to Hermione as she walked next to her and Remus.

"Why not," Hermione asked, afraid of what might not possibly need a quill and parchment.

"That's why" Karen said as she pointed to a sign that was hanging next to the front doors. "It seems that we have flying lessons next. And just our luck it's with the Slytherins."

Hermione felt slightly uneasy as she shifted her backpack on her shoulder. "Flying lessons?!?! We're going to learn how to fly?!?!"

"It sure looks like it," Remus said as he too looked at the sign with some discomfort.

"Ah, don't worry about it," Ron said as he and Harry catched up with the group. "This will be easy." He said as he and Harry led the way outside where Madam Hooch stood waiting.

There was two lines of brooms, each one laying on the grass. They all looked the same, each had a long handle and a bushy end to it. The Slytherins where already lined up on their side, as the Gryiffindors lined up on there's. Karen stood between Ron and Hermione, with Remus on the other side of Hermione and Harry on the other side of Ron. Across from her stood, none other than Malfoy, and next to him stood his two goonies, and Harru.

"Hey Harru!" Karen called across the way, and smiled.

"Ok class," Madam Hooch called. "Step to the side of your broom, and with a forcefull voice say "up!" Come on now, let's see some brooms rise!"

Karen walked over to the side of her broom, and with the single word her broom rushed up to her hand. Ron just stared at her as he himself was having quiet a difficult time getting his broom to rise. Karen smiled at him as she held her broom in her hand. Harry had also gotten his broom to raise, and was quite confused by it. "Whoa" his voice was barely audiable over the shouts of "Up!"

Hermione was also having a difficult time, and was getting quite frustrated with herself. Karen looked across, and saw that both Malfoy and Harry had their brooms in hand, but they seemed the only two on that side. Karen couldn't help feel a slight bit of satisfaction as she looked and saw that there was more on her side that had their brooms in thier hands than the other.[/COLOR]

OOC: sorry everyone but i've been grounded from the computer, so i don't have the time to finish this, but I'll let someone else take over!! :) Hopefully I'll be back on soon!
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OOC: I'm back from the Dead! well sorta, I have to in for an operation soon and that means more time away from the OB *cries* I'll be on untill thursday, untill then you're on your own for two weeks...

Harru looked down at the broom assigned to him, a shabby over used thing that looked as if it would be welcome in the fire not in the sky. Harru placed his hand over it anyway commanding "up" as it flew to his hand obediantly. He had quite a bit of practice at home with his father's old broom, flying about the courtyard when Harris wasn't watching.

[i]"Flying about on broomsticks isn't becomming of a young master"[/i]

He could hear Harris' old raspy voice repeat in his mind. Harru just rolled his eyes and looked down the line. Draco had seemed to forgive him as far as being a "traitor" to the slytherin house and the pureblood name, only giving reason that Harru didn't know any better. Now the blond haired boy looked smuggly about at the other students shouting at their brooms in despair.

"With Feeling!" Madame Hooch quirped fiercely as if the students had only forgotten how to fly.

Harru looked accross the line boredly at the Potter boy who was laughing at his Red haired friend after an encounter with a rebelious broom. For the first time in Harru's life he curled his lip in disgust at someone, glaring with the greatest loathing that one could ever muster. When Harry looked up at Harru the expression dropped, leaving Harru a bit frightened at his own behavior.

[i]Please let me get through one class without this happeneing[/i]

He begged to himself quietly, expecting that eerie hissing voice to speak in his mind again. Yet all was quiet in his head. The other students looked at Madame Hooch expectantly brooms gripped tightly in hands.
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OOC: I thought the flying lessons were for all the first years together, but I may be wrong. *shrugs* I think Alex and Liz are about half an hour or so ahead of everyone else. I don't think much more can happen in our Transfiguration class. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are little harder to work with (no antagonist).

Liz spent the last ten minutes of the class silent from embarassment. When the bell rang, she and Alex scurried out of the class in a hurry.
"What was wrong?" Liz asked Alex, concern lacing her voice.
Alex shrugged, "I guess I just started to feel stupid after awhile. I didn't feel like I knew even half as much as you and the other Ravenclaws."
Liz smiled, "I won't let you fall behind in [i]any[/i] of our classes! If you ever have any trouble, come find me, and I'll help you!"
"Thanks," Alex smiled back, "What class do we have next?"
Liz looked at her schedule and groaned softly.
"We've got Potions. I heard Snape's the toughest teacher in the school!"
Alex laughed and put her arm around Liz, "Don't worry, you've got me!"
The girls laughed softly together as they headed towards the dungeon.

OOC: We need more H & R characters! I'm feeling really detatched from everyone else! We only see you guys at meals! :cross:
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[color=green]As Hermione struggled to get her broom off the ground she heard a yelp. She looked to see Neville rising off the ground. Several students gasped as Neville flew high into the sky, only to plummet down, striking several surfaces on the way down. Hermione and others ran to the boys side. "Neville, are you okay?" She asked him.

Madame Hooch pushed her way thruogh the crowd of students and tried to help Neville up. As she did she noted that his arm was broken and declared that she would be taking him to the imfirmatory. As she left she barked on order to stay on the ground.

The group of Gryffindore friends were standing aroung, very concerned when they heard Malfoy's voice beclaring Neville to be an idiot. "Look, it's Neville's remebral..."[/color]
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[COLOR=blue]Karen watched as Malfoy jumped on his broom and tempted Harry with the ball.

"No Harry, you musn't!" came Hermione's voices next to his side. "You might get expelled."

"It's a price I'll pay for a friend." Harry said as he jumped on his broom and chased after Malfoy. The two chased each other around the courtyard, until Malfoy finally threw the ball. Harry made a tremendous grab to catch it, and came flying slowly back to the earth. Malfoy, slightly dejected, got off his broom, and went straight for his cronies.

"Deserves him right," Karen said to Harru, who was standing next to her as the class watched the commotion. All of a sudden a wave of coldness swept over Karen's body. She shivered as she clutched her arms.

"What's wrong?" Harru asked, as the other Gryfindors were celebrating Harry victory of Malfoy.

"Nothing, really." Karen replied as she looked into the Forbidden Forest. Something was giving off a wierd vibe, and it was coming from the forest. Karen couldn't quite make out what it was she was feeling, but decided to head for the forest to see if anything was wrong. Just at the second, Profesor M. walked out of the school, yelling Harry's name.

"Harry Potter!" she yelled as the group around him seperated to let her through. "Follow me," she said as she led him away. Malfoy got that huge smirk back on his face as he watched Harry walk away, with his head down, still carring his broom.

"Come on Karen," Ron said as he came up, and pulled Karen toward the door.

"See ya later, Harru." Karen called as she followed Ron into the hallway, and then eventually into the Great Hall, where supper was about to be revealed. Karen still couldn't help think what that strange feeling she had was, when Hermione started to question whether he was going to join them for dinner, a frightfull look on her face, as she looked antiously at the door of the Great Hall.

"Don't worry, Hermione. I'm sure Harry's not going to get expelled. I mean, he is famous after all."

"That still doesn't mean anything." Hermione said.[/COLOR]
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OOC: I'll try to post again on saturday, doesn't look like this RPG is going anywhere fast anyway :sweat:

Harru watched Karen walk off with the weasley boy and a few other gryffindors, still a bit worried of what could have frightened her so, yet he smiled just the same. He looked off torwards the forbidden forest for the first time since he had arrived.

It was a tangle of dying trees and twisted branches, as if it were daring those who entered to have clothing and hair snagged in the hooked twigs. The Forest was also unusualy dark, even in the late afternoon sun, all light seemed to be sucked in. The forest existed now as if it were its own living, breathing, presence that would survive as only a beast would, taking innocent lives.

And despite the feeling the Forbidden Forest gave off, Harru had an unexplainable need to be there. Hidding within the misty depths to prey upon teh weak and sacred...

"Oi! what do you think you're doing Ashton?" An irritated Draco snarled from Harru's shoulder. The young wizard started and looked back at his blonde haired room mate, then at where he was standing.

His broom was left about twenty paces behind him, and he was only feet from the edge of the forest itself. Had it now been for Malfoy he would have stepped in unaware. With a slight whimper he shifted back, in fear that the forest would drag him screaming into its darkness. Draco in the meantime watched with a gleefull grin.

"Scared Ashton?" He said, purely enjoying Harru's discomfort.

"You wouldn't go in there..." Harru spoke without removing his eyes from the trees.

"eh, did you see that one gryffindor's face?" He retored quickly, so as not to look frightened himself.

"You mean Karen?" He turned starting back for his broom, voice rising a bit defensively.

"Yeah, that must be here name" Draco followed him, "I think we should throw her in there sometime, get some real action started..."

Harru picked up his broom quickly then spun around to face Malfoy.

"What do you know about it Draco! she could get hurt in there or worse, she could die!" Harru's voice rose to an offensive pitch, as he willed himself not to hit malfoy. Draco grinned at him again, obviously picking up on something Harru hadn't.

"What are your feelings for this Karen, Ashton?" He spoke slowly and smuggly, Harru didn't answer, he turned to leave, broom, gripped tightly in his hand, "Listen Harru, do what you will with gryffindor scum, and remember, your real friends will be here when you get back."

Harru continued on into the castle, a splitting headache starting behind his eyes. He didn't really want to go to the hall, but his rumbling stomach reminded him that he missed lunch. With a shrug and a sigh Harru turned down the corridor to the great hall, yet before he could get there, his legs stopped moving all together.

"what's this?" He asked himself, looking around for a wand waving prankster, expecting to see Malfoy, but he was completely alone.

[i] [COLOR=seagreen]"hello again my little sorcerer, Enjoying your day?" [/COLOR][/i] The Wheezy voice spoke in his mind.

"Wh-what do you want?"

[i][COLOR=seagreen]"I await you in the forest, Come to me and I will grant you the greatest power imaginable"[/COLOR][/i]

"power?" Harru whispered to himself, his legs still rooted to the spot.

[i][COLOR=seagreen]"Yes! A great power that will belong to the both of us!" [/COLOR] [/i]

"I don't wan't power!" Harru shouted, twisting his upper body violently to break himself free, "Leave me alone!"

[i][COLOR=seagreen]"If you want nothing, then perhaps...."[/COLOR][/i] Images of Students he had befriended flashed in his mind, [/i][COLOR=seagreen]"their lives mean nothing to you?"[/COLOR][/i]

"You monster!" Harru shouted, finally breaking himself free as he tumbled to his knees.

[i][COLOR=seagreen]"come to the forest tonight if you want any of them to live!"[/COLOR][/i] The voice boomed in his mind before dissapearing all at once.

Harru was left in the passageway, hunched over on his knees while weeping quietly.


Ok I've written enough for one day, Ne?
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Liz and Alex walked out of the dungeon from their Potions class, eagerly awaiting dinner.
"That man is insane! I don't know how I'm going to manage all of the homework he gave us! It's only the first day of school!"
"We look at it over dinner, Alex. I promised that I'd help you though this, and I will!"
Alex laughed and shook her head, "If you think I'm going to spoil my dinner with homework, you're as crazy as Snape!"
Liz swallowed her own laugh as she watched Professor Snape walk up from behind Alex.
"So, I'm crazy, am I?" Snape snarled irritably. "That'll be five points each from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw!"
Alex turn bright red and her hair quickly changed colors. "Apologies, Professor," she muttered.
The girls stood quietly for a moment while their cantankerous teacher walked off.
"I have to survive an entire year of [i]him[/i]?!" Alex exclaimed increduously.
"No, you'll probably have to survive [i]seven[/i] years of [i]him[/i]."
Alex sighed and the girls continued their trek to the Great Hall.
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"This stinks.Well he is dumb".Alex said.
"What do you mean by that"?Liz asked.
"I'm not in Gryffindor I'm in Hufflepuff.Poor Gryffindors."
"Ya hey thanks for me with the homework.If you need help with potins tell.I'm an expert at that kinda stuff".
"You are.How"?
"My dad works with that stuuf.He's making broomsticks.My dad's trying to make the fastest broomstick ever created and I got help make some of the potions."
"Cool".LIz said as they walked in the Great Hall.
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