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Otakuboards Religious Thread


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[size=1]Well with all this stuff going on with The Passion Of Christ and all this other stuff with anti-semitism(sp?) I thought I should see the variety of religions on OB. I am Catholic, and I am proud to be one. I just saw The Passion tonight as a matter of fact with a Jewish friend and he thought that it wasnt anti-semetic for the record, but hes also thinking of joining the boards. So my question the my fellow Otakus is: what religion are you? I feel that you should express your religion freely to show that you are proud to be a religion or part of one. And I know some of the people on the boards could possibly be non-denominational or atheist but I still would like to know what you think on some religions.

And I want the moderators to moderate this as best they could if possible because I really dont want this thread to get discriminatory, not saying that people would, but if it should become a problem I would appreciate it closed.

Also, if you have any prayers or creeds of some sort that express your religion as well, please post them. I in fact would like to post one and this is one that we say at my school everyday for Lenten praye:

[u][b]The Nicene Creed[/u][/b]
[i]We Believe in one God, the Father the Almighty
Maker of Heaven and Earth
Of all that is, seen and unseen

We Believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, the only son of God
Eternally begotten of the father
God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God
Begotten not made, one in being with the Father
Through him all things were made
For us men, and for our salvation
He came down from heaven
By the Power of the Holy Sprirt
He was born of the Virgin Mary and became man,
For our sake, he was crucified uner Pontius Pilate
Suffered died and was buried
On the 3rd day he rose again
In fufillment of the Scriptures
He Ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father,
He will come again in glory to judge the Living and the Dead,
And his Kingdom will have no end

We Believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord the Giver of Life
Who proceeds with the Father and the Son
With the Father and Son he is worshipped and glorified
He has spoken through the Prophets
We Believe in one holy catholic and epostolic church
We acknowledge one baptism for the Forgiveness of sins,
And the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

So yeah that is recited in mostly all catholic churches as well. So please express your faith here.[/size]
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Guest Athos
Protestant Christian right here. I thought the movie for the most part was right on the nail though. For anyone that thought it was too violent really should get a clue..what time period was it based on and how do you think a crucifixion was? Nice and rosy..--; Uh no.
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Im a Protestant Christian, but go to a Catholic school (mixed up huh?)

I haven't seen the Passion, but I hear its really gruesome and gorey, but there is NO other way to show Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrecction.
I don't know the Nicene Creed, but I do know the Hail Mary, which is a very beautiful prayer.

I'd like to see some non-Christians post in this thread..........................well, I should go do the dishes *drags feet*
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Well, Altron, your wish is granted- sort of. As is posted in my signature, I'm a Christian and a Buddhist. I don't consider myself under any specific Christian denomination, but as for Buddhism... Well, I'd have to consider myself Mahayana, but I'm thinking of going with Zen. It's a tough decision. Then again, so was becoming Buddhist to begin with! ^^x Go figure, eh?
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[QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]I'm in that group that shakes their head at all the other people that are in religions. Whatever that is.

No offense that is to anyone in some organized religion.[/QUOTE]
[size=1]That would probably be if anything atheist, but Im not sure if you believe in a God/Gods or not so. But yea, but just out of curiosity why do you dislike religious beliefs?[/size]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I'm one of those crazy, lost souls who sits there going, "_ _U" while people argue over their beliefs.

However, I'm not a violent athiest--I'm an apathetic one. By this, I mean that I am content in knowing that I have no reason to follow any religion, and that I don't care about any other people's views. So what if some one believes in God/Gods?
That's their issue, and I don't need or want anything to do with it.

I don't really care (about religion in general), but I tend to off-handedly make jokes based on my lack of belief. That's where the whole "misinforminating" thing sprouted from...so, what I'm trying to say is: if I accidentally offend you, it was accidental. I don't see the point or moral in attacking some one based on their beliefs.

And to any one who wonders how us atheists can get by with nothing to cling to in times of need...all I can say is it's a wonderful feeling.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Whoo, what fun.

I'm a Mormon aka Latter-Day Saint. Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of us and all of the "supposed" things we believe in, and I'm VERY happy to be a Mormon. I really don't think I'm going to watch the Passion, just as a personal decision. For one thing, we're counseled not to watch rated R movies, and for another thing I don't need to see a movie about Christ to strengthen my testimony of him. I'm already well aware of his sacrifice, his sufferings, and what it means for me.[/color][/size]
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I have a question about Mormons. PLEASE dont take it offensively. I really dont know anything about Mormons.

I heard somewhere that Mormons believe that every one is a god of their own planet, and when one dies, you get your own planet, and you call the "secret name" of your wives so that they come to you to help propagate the planet again....

If im totally off, please tell me, i dont mean to offend you in any way shape or form. Again. Im sorry if im wrong.

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[QUOTE=Altron]I wonder how the doctrines fit together...

Could you give us some insight on how the two religions would work, on the aspect of salvation?[/QUOTE]

How about... no? Just kidding. I've been asked this question a lot, so I'm kinda used to answering it now. As far as Buddhism and Christianity fitting together, well, I think there's one matter I really have to get out of the way. In Christianity, it's forbidden to worship "false idols", ie other deities. However, in Buddhism, there is no deification of the Buddha, nor is there any worship involved. If you see Buddhists praying in front of a Buddha statue, they are simply saying "Hey, thanks for the whole Four Noble Truths, bodhi tree, etc." It's like when you find yourself talking to a long-dead relative or friend. You're not worshipping them, just... well, you get the idea. As far as salvation, I see very little difference between the two. Both state that through doing good things, you will reach something better than yourself. In Christianity, it's heaven (a place). In Buddhism, it's nirvana (more of a state of existence). Buddhism just goes a bit deeper into how good deeds affect you. That's where karma comes in.

You know how, in physics, each action has an equal and opposite reaction? Well, that's how karma works. Despite popular belief, your personal karma isn't all that affects you. The karma of everyone else does as well. Thus explaining "why bad things happen to good people", I guess. (I'm not as good at explaining it as I'd like. If you want to learn more about Buddhism in general, or each denomination thereof, just visit [url]http://buddhanet.net[/url] I hope this doesn't count as advertising... ^^x)

As for the two blending together, well, Christianity says 'no false idols', and Buddha isn't an idol. And on the other end, Buddhism doesn't tell one whether or not there is a god. That's a decision you can make for yourself. I guess. :rolleyes:
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Guest Crimson Spider
I am a Christian. Which kind escapes me, since I dis-agree with the majority of the groups.

As for the actual history of Christ, it wasn't actually the Jews who persecuted him, rather than the sagicies and pharacies, which were two rival high-ranking Jewish groups. Their actions gave the whole Jewish religion a bad rap for well over a century.
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[quote name='Shinken']As far as salvation, I see very little difference between the two. Both state that through doing good things, you will reach something better than yourself.[/quote]

Actually, Christianity is pretty clear on one thing:

No matter how much good you've done, you will always have done a lot of bad, thus no one can reach something better than themselves (heaven) just by good deeds.

If you could, then there'd be no reason for the cross whatsoever. The actual teaching of the Bible is that you are pretty messed up but Jesus takes the blame for it if you believe it- and thus you reach something better than yourself.

It may well encourage good works in our life in this world- but it certainly doesn't teach that you will go to heaven through your own goodness.


Why would we need to be saved if we could get to heaven just by doing good things? You don't even get into heaven by believing in God (because the Devil knows about him) or praying to him. Only by accepting Jesus- which usually takes the form of a prayer, but it is always centred on the fact that it's God who does the good things, not us.

Buddhists probably have some good values and practices- but the statement that the two beliefs w.r.t. salvation are no different couldn't be farther from the truth.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Christian.
Technically Anglican, but I don't really give much attention to denomination- only the fact that I follow Jesus.
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[color=darkviolet]As for religion I was raised Roman Catholic but am now learning about the Wiccan path. Mostly because some of the beliefs, including homosexuality and the fact that woman aren't allowed to perform the sacraments, really seems out dated to me.

In case any of you are wondering-I don't worship the devil, I don't dance naked on full moons (too damn cold here!), and I can't turn your ex into a toad no matter what you offer me.:laugh:

As for Passion of the Christ. I have one very good reason for not seeing it, I have a very weak stomach so the fact that I'd have to actually look at the screen to understand the words really hurts the fact that I don't want to see any blood in the first place...it also saves the movies theaters time in cleaning the apolstry.

I wonder if Hollywood would ever consider doing a movie about the burning times. They could bring up Pope Innocent( I think it was X, but I could be wrong), The Witches Hammer and the fact that many of the persecuted weren't actual witches, but more of the type of people who were either feared, someone had a grudge against, or who the church wanted to get rid of.

Well, that's all I have to add on this subject. Thank you and Goddess Bless![/color]
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[color=orange][size=1]Well, I've found myself floating from religion to religion. I believe that there is a god, but he only created the universe we know, not that he controls every friggin' aspect of our life. Naturally, living in Arkansas for ten years, this idea was not very well recieved. I floated from Wiccan to Atheist, but am now happily, and permanently, settled in Deism. For those who don't know what deism is, it is almost as if god was a clockmaker; he created the universe as a clockmaker would a clock, but then let it go afterwards, like the sell of a clock to another person. *Evelyn's Fun Fact of the Day* Ben Franklin was deist! ^_^[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Hataki Vash][size=1']That would probably be if anything atheist, but Im not sure if you believe in a God/Gods or not so. But yea, but just out of curiosity why do you dislike religious beliefs?[/size][/quote]

No, I believe in God. Or whatever may be up there... I believe something or somethings are up there. I guess it's really agnostic.

Why do I dislike religious beliefs... because I don't like the idea of a book written by people (regardless if it's God's word or whoever's word) telling other people what they should think, feel, do, etc. It's just another form of slavery to me really. Some would disagree, and that's their deal. I'm not here to debate religion, believe what you want, just don't expect me to believe it to, and you should repsect my decision to do that.
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I wonder if Hollywood would ever consider doing a movie about the burning times. They could bring up Pope Innocent( I think it was X, but I could be wrong), The Witches Hammer and the fact that many of the persecuted weren't actual witches, but more of the type of people who were either feared, someone had a grudge against, or who the church wanted to get rid of.[/color][/quote]

There are tons of movies that have to do with witch hunts... I don't know if they have to do with "burning times" as you put it, but many have the same story structure as you're suggesting here.

I was born and raised Catholic. I went to Catholic schools up until I graduated High School. I was pretty well secured in my faith, I suppose, but somewhere in the early years of High School, things changed. I don't even really recall what they were exactly anymore, but I found myself questioning a lot of my thoughts and what I had been taught for so many years.

I flopped around between different religions and philosophies. I never settled on one, it was just really a search for knowledge on the subject, I guess. Trying to find some sort of place. The OTO, La Vey's Satanism, other Christian denominations, Buddhism, etc. I had a brief time where I was basically atheist, but it passed quickly.

At this point, I just have my own beliefs that I'm very secure in at this point. Whether or not that anyone else agrees with them doesn't matter to me and I don't generally take the time to explain them. At the core if it, though, I'm mostly just against organized religion in general.
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My mother is a pentecostal Christian and for a while there (basically most of elementary) I was too. Eventually though, the strictness of the religion drove me away. I wasn't allowed to cut my hair, wear pants, talk to ppl who were not christians. I sort of came to believe that no matter what I did I was gonna go to hell because I couldn't be perfect, I couldn't keep away from listening to music not about God or avoiding kids that cursed. It was impossible so I sort of gave up on trying to save my soul from eternal damnation and went with the motions. At some point I developed nightmares about the second coming, heh, I was basically breaking down.

And then for some odd reason, I just sort of relaxed about it all. I'm not an atheist, I'm not even sure I'd call myself agnostic. I believe in God or a higher being or whatever you want to call it and I think whatever happens as far as me burning in hell is between me and him, and it excludes outside influences like church and the bible. It's simpler that way, it feels right this way ::nods::
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I don't know what religion I am. Quite frankly I think it is irreleveant. But were I to classify myself it would be Spiritualist. You know... psychic powers, doing good etc. Of course I am utter shite at holding up those ideals, but I try. Truly, I try.

I was Christian until three years ago, at which point I started questioning my faith. What really knocked me offthat particular train o religious thought was Noah's Ark, and after that, realization how old the bible actually is. Very steadily I have come to realize organized religion isn't really what I am looking for at all.
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From what I can gather here, I would be an atheist. Most likely because I got sick of religion being rammed down my throat as a kid.

-I went to a Christian(?) Kindergarten and was Virgin Mary in a play.
-I went to Sunday school from about 5-7yrs old to study from a book which I could read but not understand.
-I was forced to go St Dominic's Primary, a Catholic school and was made to go through hours of torturously boring Mass' and praying to a God, whom once again I didn't understand why he watched over everyone's suffering.
-Scary adults whom mentioned Jesus/God at least once every two sentences.
-I was forced to go to St Dominic's College, another Catholic school where it was compulsory to study R.E(Religious Education) which is essential bible study, to which I failed every test we had in the subject. Still, more long, boring Mass', singing to, praying to...
-Random person knocked at our door and gave us a book of Mormon.
-I said it before but it changed slightly: Scary adults whom mention their 'relgion' at least once in every two sentences.
-I hated it so much, I laid it down with my Dad there was no way that I would worship God, I left the school, hate the school.
-My Dad made me do all those religious acts, he's a great role-model since I have never seen him pray, go to church or do any of those worshipping duties of a Christian.
-My Mum is now buddha and tried to convince me to be vegetarian. She also tricked me into trying to get me into helping them out at a rest home.
-I was also dragged into manual labour for building their temple which has been in the process of being built for the past 10yrs, moving fibre glass sheets. I'm only 154cm and 42Kgs, do you honestly think I can do manual labour???.

As a result extremely cautious around people whom are relgious, especially Christians and Catholics. Funny thing is, they never told us the difference between Christians and Catholics, not that I care to know anymore.

It's not that I don't like people who are relgious, I really don't have anything against the person, it's just that I prefer to avoid certains situations where I'm suppose to deal with religion.

P.S- Scary adults whom mention their 'relgion' at least once in every two sentences.
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I guess I'm the first Muslim to post in this thread. I was born in quote/unquote "muslim community" in the Brooklyn area, but in the 4th grade moved to where I am now, in the sticks of PA, where there is a predominant Christian community. I've had the chance to look at other faiths, compared them to my own, and decided that I am quite happy being a Muslim. As for a creed or something that represents our religion... I'm not sure that there are any, but I did find a Surah, or chapter, of the Quran (Muslim's holy book) that I feel is representitive of my views on other religions. Keep in mind that the Quran is in arabic, so this translation to english may differ slieghtly with others.

Surah Al-Kafeeroon (Those who reject Faith)

1) Say: O you that reject faith!
2) I worship not that which you worship,
3) Nor will you worship that which I worship.
4) And I will not worship that which you are wont to worship.
5) Nor will you worship that which I worship.
6) To you be your way, and to me mine.

Pretty much, I think of this as saying, " that you will do your own thing in religion, and I'll do mine, let's leave each other alone" kind of thing.
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]To the individual who asked what some people have against religious beliefs:

Organized religion is something I have never really condoned. I do not believe in any higher being, and I don't think I ever really have.

Seeing as other people are doing things like this:

-I grew up with my mother telling me that there was a god, and telling me stories about Jesus and whatnot. She was never insistant about it, and far from strict about religious traditions and customs.
-I simply didn't get how any one could believe this, but I was a wee thing. So, I figure, "Well, if Mom says it's what happened, it has to be true."
-I wondered why so many different concepts for the "devine individual" existed. It didn't make sense.
-I woke up one day, when I was five or six years old and thought, "Wait...this isn't working for me."
-Spent the next five years pretending I believed in God because I thought I was in the wrong somehow.

No real story behind it: I guess it's just that I never understood it, and I still don't get how people are able to believe in these things.

So, a question for religious people: why are you so...well, why do you believe in whatever you believe in?

Here's a funny little quote that I don't remembe the origin of:

[I]"But sir, I did read the bible! Every night for a year, until I gave up on it--there was really no plot at all!"[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I'm Roman Catholic, viva la Italia, eh? Well, about The Passion, I haven't seen it yet, I want to though...I, personaly, don't think it's anti-semistic (Sp?). Mel Gibson also said it wasn't meant to be, and he said if it was meant to be, he'd be sinning, because, in the Catholic religion, it's a sin to be descriminatory (sp?) (I think...) I myself, am pretty religious, I go to church every Sunday, you know...I do whatever I'm supposed to do, fast, pray, you know. Err, can't think of anything else to say..so yeah...
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I am Seventh Day Adventist what that is I don't know my grandparents are Southern Bapist I like Baptist better my mother is Adventist, but I haven't learned really anything about the religion the Baptist religion is like Adventist,but they have diffrent views on what day is considered the holy worship day to go to church. Baptist is a branch of Christianity I know that and so is Adventist, but I don't hear anything about Adventist at school or anywhere else and they talk about all the other religions in World History. I've had friends from other religions, but they don't tell me that much about Church. One friend I had in Middle School he explained some of the Muslim religion to me because he was Muslim, and right about know I am trying to find the religion that is right for me I believe in God, but I just have to figure out what Christian or other religion practices the way I believe in.
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[QUOTE=Dan L]Actually, Christianity is pretty clear on one thing:

No matter how much good you've done, you will always have done a lot of bad, thus no one can reach something better than themselves (heaven) just by good deeds.

If you could, then there'd be no reason for the cross whatsoever. The actual teaching of the Bible is that you are pretty messed up but Jesus takes the blame for it if you believe it- and thus you reach something better than yourself.

It may well encourage good works in our life in this world- but it certainly doesn't teach that you will go to heaven through your own goodness.


Why would we need to be saved if we could get to heaven just by doing good things? You don't even get into heaven by believing in God (because the Devil knows about him) or praying to him. Only by accepting Jesus- which usually takes the form of a prayer, but it is always centred on the fact that it's God who does the good things, not us.

Buddhists probably have some good values and practices- but the statement that the two beliefs w.r.t. salvation are no different couldn't be farther from the truth.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Christian.
Technically Anglican, but I don't really give much attention to denomination- only the fact that I follow Jesus.[/QUOTE]

Dan, that's actually a Protestant view of 'Christianity'. If you believe that 'Christianity' is a religion centred around Jesus, then there are plenty of Christians who don't follow what you have said there, or the degree to you which you emphasised the Jesus as Saviour or Acceptance of Jesus angle. You can label them 'non-Christians' if you wish, but they do believe in Christ, that He is the Son of God, and, to my reckoning, believing in Christ means you're a Christian. After all, that's where the word is derived from in the first place.
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