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My gf loves Bakura more than me!?!?!

Guest Rabjonic2

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Guest Rabjonic2
omfg I don't beleive this. My life is ruined, I hate you anime, I hate you so much. I just found that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as she loves some stupid Bakura character, I hate you so much anime. Please people, I need some advice. I love her, but I'm only her second choice.

[color=DarkRed][quote name='Rabjonic2']omfg i dont beleive this. my life is ruiend, i hate u abime, i hate you so much. i just found that my gf doesnt love me as much as she loves some stupid bakura charecter, i h8 u so much anime,. Plz pepl i need sum advice, i love her, but im only her second choice[/quote]

Welcome to theOtakuBoards Rabjonic2. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu.

Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. I have edited your post to make it easier to read. I will leave this thread open under the condition that your posts improve.

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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Drix D'Zanth']Well, make sure she's on the pill. You don't want her pregnant with another man's child, that would merit some explaining.[/quote]

XD Funny Drix.... And Rabjonic, Your girlfriend is suffering from either two disorders which are "[B]Obsessive Fangirl [/B]" Disorder and "[B]Can't Get a Grip on Reality[/B]" Disorder. Not to be making fun of your girlfriend or anything but those are the two disorders I can come up with from the Symptoms you have supplied me with. As in hating Anime? No. You just hate Yu-Gi-Oh from which I'm assuming Bakura is from. And Well All I can tell you to tell her is that He's just a character... NOTHING MORE.

---From Your User-Friendly Otaku Nurse,Trigun11[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Rabjonic2']omfg I don't beleive this. My life is ruined, I hate you anime, I hate you so much. I just found that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as she loves some stupid Bakura character, I hate you so much anime. Please people, I need some advice. I love her, but I'm only her second choice.[/quote][color=#4b4b79]I think your only choice here is to prove to your girl that you truly love her more than any anime character would be able to. In order to communicate with someone suffering from [b]Obsessive Fangirl Disorder[/b], however, you must first sneak your way into her consciousness by appearing as the object of her obsession.

Step One: Dye your hair white-blue and acquire an accent.
Step Two: Act shy and cute, interspersed with random moments of evil laughter and bloodlust.

Okay. Now, the key here is to realistically portray the character she loves, so you may want to do some research. If you're unfamiliar with Bakura, you should watch YuGiOh. You could even watch it [i]with[/i] your girlfriend--this would be a great chance to really pcik her brain, finding out [i]what[/i] she loves about Bakura.

Once you've got this information, you're ready to start. Take on Bakura's persona. You'd do anything for this girl, right? Well, good. From this point on, you [i]are[/i] Bakura.

Now, you can go two directions from here. You can stay Bakura for the duration of your relationship with this girl, [i]or[/i] you can begin to subtly plant hints of discontent in her mind. Is Bakura [i] really[/i] everything she'd ever dreamed? It's possible he isn't...and if you want a chance with this girl on your own merits, you'd better convince her of it!

Slowly start to do things wrong. (Remember, she has to believe you are Bakura at this point.) Forget her name. Don't call the next day. Help her realize that a documented case of multiple-personality schizophrenia maybe isn't the best person to go out with.

But while you're doing this, you need to be able to remind her that there are [i]alternatives[/i]. "Sure, I might have bit your lip off and sucked your blood for a few minutes while we were making out....but if you really love me, that wouldn't be a problem. If you want someone [i]normal[/i], why don't you just go out with [insert your real name here.]"

Now, this may take a few years, but eventually,she will see the light, and you'll be with the girl of your dreams. It will be worth it. Cheers for the happy couple!

Just pray she never sees another bishounen in her life, or you're really gonna rake up some high costs in dye and hair spray.

dear abby,
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Lol. I swear, you are the coolest Sara. I just have to say that over and over again.

Yes, take heed. There are a lot more bishounens out there. She might even love them all at the same time. Now [I]that[/I] would be real problem.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Ah, you sound like my ex. Reason why he's my ex? He said the same things you have.

Girls know that anime boys [I]are not real[/I].

So get a grip and don't be so stupid, falling in real love with an anime character is outside of any [I]sane[/I] girl's boundaries.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Sara, you are my hero(ine). ^_^

I'd say she's suffering from bad taste more than anything else. Of all the bishounen out there, she had to pick [i]Bakura[/i]? If she truly is hopelessly obsessed with this character, then you need to drop her like a sack of bricks.

Alternatively, just take a gander at [url=http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html][u]this[/u][/url], and be glad her that fictional-character-fetish isn't nearly as bad. That guy's site is freaking scary.

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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE]My life is ruined, I hate you anime, I hate you so much. I just found that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as she loves some stupid Bakura character, I hate you so much anime.[/QUOTE]

Okay,[B] number one[/B], this is not the anime [B]Yu-Gi-Oh![/B]'s fault. So anime is obviously not the problem here. So as long as we've got that straight, you're okay.

But, I have to agree with Dagger IX1 in saying that you should just drop her. Let her be, wasting away with her [I][B]Obsessive Fangirl Disorder[/B][/I], don't let her drag you down with her.

If you really love her that much, then do as Sara said and [I]be[/I] Bakura. And there is a chance that you will be happy.

[QUOTE]Your girlfriend is suffering from either two disorders which are "Obsessive Fangirl " Disorder and "Can't Get a Grip on Reality" Disorder.[/QUOTE]

Ever consider the fact that she's suffering from [B]both[/B]?

And Dagger, you're right, that guy's site is REALLY friggin scary...it sends shivers up my spine seeing that...[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=-3]Wow, wow, and uh...wow. Okay, I'll try to keep this as civil as possible as I'm about to bust out laughing here and fall out of my chair. First off, I never thought I'd see the day where I would hear of the [B]Obsessive FanGirl Disorder[/B], nor see it actually diagnosed before my eyes. Well, should have seen it coming with all the Inuyasha fangirls and what not. I was ROFL'ing at the whole"[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=34488&][u]Dating Anime Characters: Would You?[/u][/url]" thread awhile back, how could you [i]not[/i] laugh at that?! :D

Okay time for a little honesty here, hell even I've [I]almost[/I] been attracted to an anime chick once (Who doesn't matter, and damn the artist to hell!), and I snapped out of it. So don't give up so easily, but it could quite possibly be a lost cause...

With that said, I wouldn't take it too seriously. I mean honestly, you don't really believe that someone could fall in love with a fiction character...do you? Okay fine, excluding Dagger's really f'ed up [url=http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html][u]link[/u][/url] (Now that was just, whoa. Marriage date and everything.), I mean come on. Not to sound rude...ah forget being humble. That is just the saddest thing I've ever, and I mean [i]ever[/i] heard of.

Granted, I've heard my girl say somethings similar to that, but me and her joke around back and forth about funny stuff like that. We don't actually end up fantasizing about about the characters. Heh, there's a line between funny and obsessive. And though I would have handed your girlfriend the award for breaking the line and going even further, but I'm sorry to say that Mr.Peach over there takes the gold. lol

But hey, if in the end nothing else works, print out Sara's instructions and have the best of luck![/SIZE]
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Hmm I can relate... Okay kids, its story time...

I had a girlfriend once who absolutely was in love with Inuyasha, so what did I do for her? Buy her bunches and bunches of Inuyasha stuff and watched the anime with her. Even though we broke up, we're still really close and we still watch Inuyasha together.

It's sorta like Sara's advice, but the way I see it is...

If a girl likes a certain anime character CASH IN ON IT!!!!

Seriously, I get more girls due to anime than anything...
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Are you sure she is seriously obsessed with Bakura? Has she actually said ?I like Bakura more than you? to you? Or to another friend said she likes Bakura more than you? As my friend Lauren puts it ?you can love someone like Johnny Depp and still be faithful?. I think she?s most likely not serious. It?s not that odd to like an anime character. Just reminder her that Bakura is fictional. ?I wouldn?t really suggest pretending to be Bakura though?[/size][/font]

[font='Times New Roman'][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]?Oh and that website is? O.o[/size][/font][/font]
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[quote name='Methuselah][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] Girls know that anime boys [I]are not real[/I] .[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]

[color=darkviolet]Gah! What do you mean they're not real? :eek: Oh well, I guess I should stop lusting after Duo Maxwell from Gundam wing and find me a real man...wait I have one.

Seriously though, maybe your girlfriend is just pretending to like this anime guy because she wants to get rid of you, but instead of being up front with you about it she's making it seem as though she's in love with an anime guy. I think maybe she wants you to break up with her so she can be with a guy that she likes. Yeah, that's definately it. Problem solved, discussion over! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back over to my stand and charge $0.05 for Psychiatric help.[/color]
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[SIZE=2]I have the same kind of problem (almost). See my sister and two of my best friends who are female all love Yugi. Which is really messed up because I hate him. I can't help but make fun of his size. Which in the presence of three die hard Yugi fans is really dangerous to your health. I swear I go to the hospital so much I know all the cute nurse's names which in retrospect really is't that bad. See how much she really loves you, if she can put up with you making jokes about him, then I guess she really does love you. Hope this helps you out some at least a little bit.[/SIZE] :D
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Sometimes the best advice is the most simple, my friend:

[center] [/center]

Because, let's face it--neither women nor men ever fantasize about unobtainable fictional characters. Just ask the countless Legolas fangirls floating around. She has a lot of nerve. Instead of ogling over other real-life males, she's chosen a creation of fantasy. Her obsession is obviously a big threat to the security and trust of your relationship. This problem must be dealt with swiftly and severely.


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[size=1][spoiler]Shoot the *****[/spoiler].


No, really, I'm for real.

Haha. Anyway, I think that if she seriously likes Bakura more than you, then you must be a pretty 2D person...

Err, anyway, this sounds pretty lame to me. I think you should find someone else, if she is actually in love with an [b]anime character[/b].[/size]
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That?s pretty sad when someone gets jealous over a anime charter but if she really likes him more then you I wont lie I have had a unlucky love life but that?s just ridiculous but if that?s the case I would just let her go to be in her own little world because you cant get that much more sad when you choose a anime boyfriend/girlfriend over your real boyfriend/girlfriend
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It's just a phase. It will end in six months. Wait it out.

Until then, don't even [i]think[/i] of dyeing your hair white just to look like Bakura. But if you really, [i]really[/i] need her then PM Sara for a makeover. :D

(No offense but my goodness, I never knew somebody could have a taste that [i]bad[/i]... oh wait, I'm sorry; I forgot about Dagger's [URL=http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html]link[/URL].)

Love and Peace!
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Gah! What do you mean they're not real? :eek: Oh well, I guess I should stop lusting after Duo Maxwell from Gundam wing and find me a real man...wait I have one.

Seriously though, maybe your girlfriend is just pretending to like this anime guy because she wants to get rid of you, but instead of being up front with you about it she's making it seem as though she's in love with an anime guy. I think maybe she wants you to break up with her so she can be with a guy that she likes. Yeah, that's definately it. Problem solved, discussion over! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back over to my stand and charge $0.05 for Psychiatric help.[/color][/QUOTE]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen] LOL. This whole discussion makes me laugh. I'm sorry. But yeah, I agree with what ChibiHorseWoman says, couldn't say it any better. Either that or the girl is crazy with [B]FanGirl Obsession Disorder[/B] and has got to take a grip of reality. I admit I long for Doumyoji in Hana Yori Dango but to chose him over my boyfriend?

Uh...let me get back to you on that one ;)

P.S. [url]http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html[/url]
Thank you to whoever posted this website, now I will have nightmares about Peach for the rest of my life. I can just hear her cackling now. the horror.

[B] EDIT [/B] (reply to posts below) - ChibiHorsewoman, lol you just gave me the picture of my grandma pinching that guy on the butt, but then again, the peach obsessed guy could become obsessed with your mother-in-law XD

Lix is right, this is definately a lame excuse. Its kinda like the saying

"My dog barfed on the carpet so I can't come outside today"

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[quote name='Dagger IX1]Alternatively, just take a gander at [url=http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html][u]this[/u][/url'], and be glad her that fictional-character-fetish isn't nearly as bad. That guy's site is freaking scary.[/quote]

[color=darkred]Okaaaaaaaaay. Weirdos like that should just be... shot.

Anyways, my advice to you, whoever you may be, is to copy this "Bakura" in every possible way.[/color]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Are you kidding me? I'd rather have any anime guy rather than my boyfriend! *wink wink* No... I'm not that stupid.......

Ok, unless your girlfriend actually [I]said[/I] "I love Bakura more than you." to you face, there really is no point to this whole conversation.
Look, a lot of people fantisize about characters, even if it be from an anime, video game, movie, any sort of show, or just a celebrity in general. It's just another thing that happens. Everyone does it at least once in their life. If your girlfriend didn't love you, I'm sure she wouldn't be your girlfriend. Especially if it is over an anime character, because I find that extremely ridiculus.

And if she is just another Obsessed Fan Girl, just talk to her about it. Don't sweat the small stuff.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Lix][size=1][color=darkblue]Are you kidding me? I'd rather have any anime guy rather than my boyfriend! *wink wink* No... I'm not that stupid.......[/color'][/size][/quote]

I'd rather have an anime character as my boyfriend. No i take it back, a jrocker would do quite nicely. x] But at least jrockers are real, living people. >_>;

Anyway... your girlfriend might prefer bakura (although why she chose bakura of all anime characters i have no clue) for a few reasons, I'll try to list them out.

1. She isn't attracted to anyone *real* at the moment. Sure, she may like you or what not, but somehow she finds him more of a bishounen. I wouldn't consider bakura to be my ideal bishounen, but that's her opinion I guess. I don't know anything about you so I can't really say anything but... yeah.

2. She likes you but doesn't want to get into anything too fast. Part of the reason she may like anime character(s) is... well, by only daydreaming about someone, there is no risk of getting dumped, being forgotten, anything like that. You never have to worry about what your parents think (welll maybe) because... you'll never *really* go out with him, you only *think* about going out with him.

Actually that's only 2, so it's not really a list ^^' I had some more but then I got distracted by my issue of Shoxx and forgot them. Sorry
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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]
Alternatively, just take a gander at [url=http://www.cheep-productions.com/peachandandy/index.html][u]this[/u][/url], and be glad her that fictional-character-fetish isn't nearly as bad. That guy's site is freaking scary.


[color=darkviolet][i]You're [/i] right, that is scary. I wonder if I can introduce the guy to my mother-in-law[/color]
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