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Hair Colours!


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[size=1]asdlkasjdalk in the past month, I've spent over $160 on my hair because I've just struck an odd fascination with dyeing my hair. The first time around, I was too scared to do it myself/have a friend go at it, so I paid an absurd amount to have it done at the salon... rather terribly. Then I had my best friend bleach my hair over [she'd owe me a cookie if she screwed up], and I left it blonde/orange for a day. After that, I applied the blue myself, and now, because the blue's starting to wash off, it's aqua, green, and blue. ._.;

Er, of course, my natual hair colour's dark brown [being Asian is [i]so[/i] exciting _._;]. It used to look really cool in the sun [something having to do with going to the beach often back then], but I grew tired of it, tried blonde highlights - which is overdone at my school, did it dark brown again, and then there was that whole chaotic situation this month.

SO. Anyway.

What unnatural [temporary/semiperm/permanent] hair colours have you had, what's your natural hair colour, and what colour is it now? And finally, pictures would be fun as well. =D


Here's mine: [I couldn't take a picture of the salon muck-up because the odd aqua simply wouldn't show up and there'd be odd blotches of blonde left over.]


^ oMg z3e bLnd!1


^ Zee bloo harr.


^ Juu as blonde.


^ Er. Best I could do. >_> [...whoa, I do look sick. o_O;]

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[QUOTE=kabapu]i guess the wierdist color i've ever had my hair was silver (natural color = dark brown).

my parents dyed my hair while i slept, as an april fools prank.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]O_O... It wasn't permanent, was it? ....Though that would be fun. Then I could walk around prodding people with canes.

Gah, I wish my parents would do that. Then I would've had some sort of excuse to give my director who told me not to change my hair colour before. ._.[/size]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I have incredibly dark brown hair, and the most I can do with it is bleach it before applying any coolness. The most I did with my hair HAS been dying it jet black. You could only really tell in the sun, lol, at which point you'd see it come up as a really navy colour. It was cool, lol.

I want to die my hair proper blue, but eh. I'm poor and lazy. These things are stacked against me, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1]I want to go bright pink, but eh. Since my hair's naturally dark, it'll fry my hair to get it white-ish enough to get the shade of pink I want. Otherwise it'll just look red. Maybe next year. I have to re-do it blue this mid-April, though. For anyone about to colour their hair:[b]DON'T USE THE LOREAL BRAND[/b]. Hoi, it was terrible. For my blue, I used Splat, but that took ages for the water to run clear. My fingertips were blue for a good four days whilst washing it out even though I was wearing gloves. But eh, I'm on a budget after wasting so much earlier. Our bassist has really cool hair, though. =D

[He doesn't mind.]





Now it's pink. Looks really cool. Flamey and fwar. I don't remember what his natural colour was. o_O;

Blondes are so lucky. ._.[/size]
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Doing it that often is really not good for your hair. I'd kind of lay off a bit and do it a bit less in such a short time span. Especially those with darker hair that generally have to bleach for much to show up.

I dye every so often. It used to be more common, but once you're old enough to get hired for actual careers, it's hard to do. I can't walk into interviews with pink hair and hope to get anywhere, that age is over with already.

Last time I did pink. I've done silver, orange, green and aquamarine otherwise.

And yes, Loreal is TERRIBLE. It doesn't dye your hair the color it claims. The blue is usually some horrible mess and the orange results in a weird brown. Really crappy dye for unusual colors. I avoid Manic Panic too as I find it to be crappy and short lasting.

I personally like Punky Colors (some people are allergic or have other issues), but I usually stick to Special FX, which I've found to be the best.
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Well, I've never dyed/bleached my hair ever, and I don't plan too either.

You see, I have like a [I][B]mental[/B][/I] attachement to my hair. I was born with a headful of hair, and I've always had it. If someone were to cut my hair as an april fools joke in college or something, I'd [strike]probably[/strike] definetly cause them bodily harm. Urg.

Anyway, I have brown, curly hair. It gets straighter in the back, but not the nasty way you're thinking of. No! Get that horrible mental picture out of your head. It's the cool, wavy hair in the back, smoothly transitioning.

[B]Hair rocks![/B]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]What a fun thread.

My hair color is naturally dark blonde, and since I have VERY long hair, if I were to get my highlights done at a salon it would cost me over a hundred dollars. So instead, I buy a kit (usually Clairol, I think) and I pull it through the cap (by myself, which takes hours) and then bleach my own highlights. It's kind of fun to be able to say that you did it yourself.

This summer I took some tinfoil and put pink streaks in my hair. It was so very very very fun. Then, about three weeks ago, I re-highlighted my hair and decided to re-do pink streaks. So I used the rest of my pink dye (Special Effects-Cupcake Pink) on the front part of my hair. At first I really didn't like the way it turned out, but it has grown on me. People say it brings out the blue in my eyes.

So, here is a HORRIBLE pic of me (after romping around all day, so yeah) and it was right after I did my hair so it is VERY bright. It is much lighter pink now, and lots prettier:


And, in the same day that we did my hair, we did Ryan's hair blue (Special Effects-Blue Haired Freak). Since he has black hair, we had to bleach it first and that was SUCH a scary ordeal. And then we put on the blue and it was absolutely beautiful. His is more of a cyan color now and almost grown out, but here's what it looked like when we first did it:


So YAY for colored hair! ^_^[/color][/size]
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I always wanted to dye my hair black and then get multi colored streaks in it. Then show up to school the next day and scare the hell outta the nuns! Then after that they would send me to the school guidance consoler who will then declare me insane and send me on my way to the asylum...Then after a year or two I will break out and give them all my thanks. By driving pass the school holding up both middle fingers and yelling, "THANKS SUCKERS!!!!!!!!" and then drive off into the sunset.

:D Such a nice theard. Ciao!
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[QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1] Our bassist has really cool hair, though. =D

Now it's pink. Looks really cool. Flamey and fwar. I don't remember what his natural colour was. o_O;

Blondes are so lucky. ._.[/size][/QUOTE]

omigawd, I want to kidnap XD Too freaking cute~


Haha, I totally dont even remember what color my real hair is (black or dark brown O_o I think) So~ my hair has been white, blonde, various shades of brown, orange, red, pink, black and red, brown and red, blonde and brown, various shades of blue, purple, various shades of green, gold (it was so weird... I felt super saiyan O_O), and I think that's mostly it XD Red is my fave though~

Lucky me, I've only fried my hair once T_T I mostly just wait for the dye to fade and then dye over it rather than bleaching a hellish amount of times if I can.

Seconding that Loreal totally sucks.

I'm actually starting to prefer wigs to dying my hair. Wigs are so much fun~ and I don't have to worry about killing my hair that way XD;

photos, just because

omigawd, normal color XD my hair looks like this now -EDIT- I lied XD my hair is fuschia now. Same hair cut though

my blue-haired friend used a spray in. My red is manic panic

Sorry the photos are yuck XD I didn't have any other ones T_T
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[color=darkviolet]Well, I'm sitting here reading through this thread with my mom...who has dyed her hair and mine and once frosted her sister's....We don't like to mention that story.

I have medium length ash blond (last time I checked) hair. I had blond highlights put in the whole time I was pregnant with abby It was over !\$100 every time.

My hair is now (as of 22/2/04 @ 2:45 Pm EST) a dark purple red. I like to dye my hair red. But the problem with red is that it's an extremely pourus color and it tends to fade easily. The best advice I have for prolonging red is:

[b]Don't wash your hair as much[/b], yeah it sounds icky, but that's what one of the stykists told me

[b]when you wash your hair use a shampoo that's designed for colored hair.[/b] Even better, us that Pantene color effects (well, that's what I was told) because it helps to enhance the color.

[b]Don't use extremely hot water[/b] I read that in the US edition of Glamour

That's all I know. I really like my stylist/colorist. I'll miss her if I end up moving [/color]
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[SIZE=1]I want to dye my hair black, but my mum won't let me because she says that my skin is too pale, therefore I would end up looking ill.

But at the moment I have very bright red hair. I re-dyed it after my old red was starting to fade, so before I got it re-done it was a sort of orangey-browny-red colour.

I have naturally blond hair, it used to be quite light, I guess it's gotten darker now because of the lack of sun to bleach it naturally, but anyway.

When I had long hair I dyed the ends blue, that went quite well until it started to fade and ended up going green. I've also put blond(er) streaks into my hair, which were quite nice. I also tried this really cheap home kit, which was supposed to be metallic blue, it looked awesome on the tube but ended up going silver?it also washed out in the rain the next day. (But it smelt like candy floss =D)

But I'm going to grow this red out now as I re-grow my hair. I want to convince my mum to let me go dark purple, somehow I don't think she'll let me u_u;

I have pictures somewhere...can't really be bothered to find them, though.

By the way, GTK, your hair freaking rocks![/SIZE]
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[size=1]Well, I have high-lighted my hair: once. And it was only to enhance the natural gold that my hair poseses. Tht was three years back, and I haven't gotten it re-done. I have a natural tigfer-maple color in my hair(red-brown with tones of gold tossed in), and the gold comes from being in the sun so much. :) I have a picture of five minutes after I came home from the salon after getting my hair dyed. Unfortunatley, the lighting really sucked, so you can hardly see my hair at all. XD After a whole winter of not going outside, of course, my hair turns mahogany instead of tiger-maple - the gold disappears and my hair is a really dark brown-red.


Two years ago, in January. That's the best I could do to show you my natural hair color. I'm planning to get white-gold highlights and maroon lowlights before highschool starts.[/size]
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I absolutely love hair color. It is such a great way to express yourself. I have jet black hair. Really, really dark. It's the dark jet black that most people who want black hair drool over. I have red and copper highlights. I go to my stylist/colorist to have it done since it is so dark. If you look through the hair color swatches the two colors are the brightest orange/copper and the brightest red. When it is put in my hair it shows up as two different shades of dark burgandy. I love it!

The last time I was in for a little trim my stylist told me next time we are bleaching then coloring. I am all for it. This way, as many of you with dark hair know, my color will be even bolder. I am looking forward to that. :animesmil
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[QUOTE]I want to dye my hair black, but my mum won't let me because she says that my skin is too pale, therefore I would end up looking ill.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that does happen i very pale and when i had my hair black i looked like i was sick all the time and it really didn't look right.
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet][b]when you wash your hair use a shampoo that's designed for colored hair.[/b'] Even better, us that Pantene color effects (well, that's what I was told) because it helps to enhance the color.[/color][/quote]

A lot of companies that make weird hair dye colors actually have shampoos designed to keep those colors in. I had one from Manic Panic designed to make purple hair last longer, for example.
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[size=1]I've been dying my hair on and off since I was 13. Usually I do some variation of red or black, but a couple of weeks ago I decided to go ahead and do pink. I've wanted to for the longest time and really this is the only time in life you can get away with doing crazy crap to your hair. My natural hair color is very dark brown and since I had so many colors on there already, I had to strip it, bleach it and then dye it. The pink has worn out considerably, but it doesn't look bad. At the moment I'm vying between dying it a more natural color for a wedding I have to go to this weekend or just doing another coat of pink because I like it that much heh.[/size]
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I was made blonde by God for reasons that have been made obvious throughout my life :P I'd like to die my hair. I'd probably make it white because at my age that would set a new fashion. Maybe I'll do it senior year as a "Hey, I'm graduating, so I don't give a donkey's elbow what you think. Muhahahahha!" That's August so I don't have too long from now to do it :) Of course, I'd be in Cross Country then.

[b]Kid:[/b] Hey, did you see that white-haired runner?

[b]Nerd:[/b] (adjusts glasses) I didn't get a good look at him, but he's gotta be the hero from Castlevania.

[b]Random Bullies:[/b] Dude, shut up! (beats up nerd)

I dunno. I like to have random moments. Nevertheless, that's what it'd be like. And my cross country name is [b]Crazy White Boy[/b] (just a coincidence with Charles), so it'd only add to the craziness of it all.
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[font=Verdana][size=1][quote name='Juuthena']Blondes are so lucky. ._.[/quote][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]You lie! I'm a natural blonde -- a [i]really[/i] light to barely mid blonde. And whenever I dye my hair -- even just as a rinse -- people basically attack me for 'ruining such a gorgeous colour!' :rolleyes: One of my oldest friends told me when I dyed my hair that she wouldn't speak to me again until it was back to normal, lol. Generally, I just dye it red, because I love having copper-y hair, and with the pale complexion etc. it looks almost natural and really suits me, haha. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]^ Me with normal hair[/size][/font]
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[QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]What a fun thread.

So YAY for colored hair! ^_^[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

I've, personally, been trying to find a way I can slip myself some blue hair a little lighter than my brother's (^up^) and more aquatic before my parents can notice and then after they do still be alive to tell you guys it worked, heh.
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[QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Verdana][size=1][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]You lie! I'm a natural blonde -- a [i]really[/i] light to barely mid blonde. And whenever I dye my hair -- even just as a rinse -- people basically attack me for 'ruining such a gorgeous colour!' :rolleyes: One of my oldest friends told me when I dyed my hair that she wouldn't speak to me again until it was back to normal, lol. Generally, I just dye it red, because I love having copper-y hair, and with the pale complexion etc. it looks almost natural and really suits me, haha. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]^ Me with normal hair[/size][/font][/QUOTE]

[size=1]*tackles* I LOVE YOUR HAIR! *has weakness for light blonde haired girls* x.x;

I'm debating between whether to go pink or brunette next. I'm a bit sick of brown, but the more I stare at other brunettes around me, the more I want to go back. But then, I really want to do pink as well. Just that I'm worried it'll come out a tad too bright. Right now I'm looking at [b]Atomic Pink and Cupcake Pink by Special Effects[/b]. It's supposed to last really long, but that's why I'm concerned. According to a ton of customer reviews, once you do this pink, it'll be long before you can change it.


^ That is the colour it's supposed to turn out. I think I'll go for it, but I'll have to wait about two weeks.

And I think I'll actually do the entire head this time. Which means I'll need two bleach kits and two bottles of colour. But if there's any left over, I can give my friend highlights, soo... *excited*[/size]
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