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Are you naughty?


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[b]Sorry if the title was misleading- ha ha.[/b]

[b]Here's the question:[/b]

[b]Are you the kind of person that strictly adheres to the rules and to the expectations of society and authority figures -or are you the type of person that changes or altogether disregards the rules and expectations placed upon them?[/b]

[b]Are those rules and expectations always right or are they simply guidelines that are there for consideration when choosing your behavior (but not necessarily the right way to act)?[/b]

[b]I personally believe that many of the rules and expectations that are placed upon us as individuals are outdated, unethical, and sometimes just downright, ridiculously stupid.[/b]

[b]Because of that, I admit, I am a frequent law-breaker (without remorse for the breaking of those laws...) and as far as expectations go, I pick and choose which I will abide by... (such as the gender role expectations- those can just die already...)[/b]

[b]So I guess I'm naughty... or, perhaps... just too damned arrogant to follow the dictated rules...;) [/b]

[b]Are you a socially-acceptable, law-abiding citizen, or do you claim a little more personal freedom than that? And are [i]all[/i] laws justified or is it acceptable to break some of them on occasion?[/b]
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I pretty much adhere to rules. No rules that I have to follow are that strict. There are some I break, of course. But those are only the ones I won't get caught for. And I'll break the rules if someone convinces me its a good idea. Like this one time, at youth group, in back..... wait, I won't get into that story. :animeswea The rules I break are mostly like getting in the car with another teenager. My mom says I'm not allowed to, but I've done it a few times. Got caught once, and since it was with my boyfriend of the time, I was in huge trouble. Which is kinda ironic, but that's another thing I don't feel like getting into. And I skip twenty minutes of class now and then, but nothing big, really.

I'm a good girl! I swear.... Er, kinda.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Isn't sarcasm just themost beautiful thing in the world?

...back to the topic at hand. I would have to agree with most of those here. I'm pretty much the good little wholesome kid who doesn't step out of line. Doesn't mean I never had, nor that I never could, but, as of yet, society has done a good job of keeping me in place.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Some times I will Obey the rules, but other times I break them when I ever have a chance. The types of rules where you are respectfull to elders an young women I obey without question, But the types that say I Shouldn't talk back (Have a real problem with that one :cussing: ) or set things on fire (Can't be helped I'm a pyro :flaming: ) Basically I just choose what rules I will obey, man I sound like a dog.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][quote name='elfpirate']I personally believe that many of the rules and expectations that are placed upon us as individuals are outdated, unethical, and sometimes just downright, ridiculously stupid.[/quote]
Such as? No running with scissors, no speeding, no drug dealing, no assault, no theft, no slander, no drinking and driving...what are you talking about? You've given absolutely no indication of what level of the law you're talking about here. I'm sure everyone here has J-walked at one time or another, but I doubt too many people have stolen a handbag.[/size]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1] I have to admit I'm not really what you call a follow-all-the-rules type of girl. I bend rules that I think are lame, cause like you said some of them are just stupid. I can stand it when people don't speak out against something their against, its like do something. But I don't break every law. All in all, I just think you should just stick to what you believe is right. Some rules just need to be changed. [/SIZE][/FONT]
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Guess it's the same as most people would say:

I'll break rules when I'm not agreeing with them. There are so many rules that are just plain stupid, and nobody follows 'em. If you can be happy breaking those rules and not hurting anyone in the process, that isn't bad, neh?

I'm not the kinda person to follow orders, I'll do things my way.
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Besides a little drinking here and some vandalism there I'm pretty good at following the rules, and I'm pretty respectful for the most part. However, exceptions to the rules are when people are disrespecting me, my family, or my friends. I also break rules when I don't agree with them. Again, those are the only exceptions cause I won't break a rule or do something to be a jerk. Just can't do it.
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the wierd thing about rules is that different rules apply to different people!
to the rules that apply to me, i adhere strictly. if other poeple try to follow rules that seem to apply only to certain poeple (namely me), they get hauled before the school admistratum.

rules seem to be relative....
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[size=1]Two posts that really deserve a kick in the pants:

[quote name='SilpheedPilot']Besides a little drinking here and some vandalism there I'm pretty good at following the rules, and I'm pretty respectful for the most part. However, exceptions to the rules are when people are disrespecting me, my family, or my friends. I also break rules when I don't agree with them. Again, those are the only exceptions cause I won't break a rule or do something to be a jerk. Just can't do it.[/quote] So, you consider vandalism to remain with the boundaries of being respectful? Vandalising doesn't count as you being a jerk? Oh, and best of all, if you don't like a rule, you'll break it?

[quote=kapabu]the wierd thing about rules is that different rules apply to different people!
to the rules that apply to me, i adhere strictly. if other poeple try to follow rules that seem to apply only to certain poeple (namely me), they get hauled before the school admistratum.[/quote] Now, as somebody who just happened upon this post, you know what you sound like? An idiot. Basically you break rules, and tend to do it all the time, and...that make you cool?

Either that, or your just trying to make yourself sound like a big man.[/size]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]I obey rules, well most of them anyway, if I disagree then I'll tell that person or people that I disagree with that rule made or told I should obey, and then if I still continue to be told to do something because the rules tell me too then I usually 'rebel'.

At our school, you're not allowed to wear 'trainers' of any sort, which I see is pointless, I wear mine anyway. But that's me doing something, not becausse I'm told not to, because I, myself, don't agree with it.

Again with a school rule, the school spent [b]ALOT[/b] on a 3 Plasma screen TV's and speakers around our canteen, all they play is what the 'majoirty' want to be played. So we get threatened to be 'barred' from the hall if we don't stop putting 'Mute Me' sign's up on the speakers around our area.

If it's a Government law, then I'll tend to abide it, unless it's really something to complain about, but I'm not going to go out stealing or drinking.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I have problems with authority, lol. So if I don't like whoever is imposing rules I'm usually very lax in my application of them. However, if I like the person I'm likely to follow them... maybe.

Most 'rules' are common sense anyway though, so it's usually not too much trouble to abide by them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Such as? You've given absolutely no indication of what level of the law you're talking about here. [/size][/quote]

[b][color=darkred]Yeah, I know... I didn't want to color the conversation with specifics, because then everyone would begin arguing over the specific merits or pointlessness of certain laws, as I see a little bit of that going on already.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#8b0000]You want examples, though? Um... anti-skateboarding laws... and the law that claims that perpetually abused women are guilty of first-degree murder when they kill their abusers in self-defense (under the presumption that she must have planned to kill him the next time that he began beating her/raping her, etc... because there was an established pattern of abuse). [/color][/b]
[b][color=#8b0000]There... a few examples of laws I don't agree with- the first one being one that I frequently break with a clear conscience, and the second one that I've been fighting to change for the last decade.[/color][/b]
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b][color=darkred]Yeah, I know... I didn't want to color the conversation with specifics, because then everyone would begin arguing over the specific merits or pointlessness of certain laws, as I see a little bit of that going on already.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#8b0000]You want examples, though? Um... anti-skateboarding laws... and the law that claims that perpetually abused women are guilty of first-degree murder when they kill their abusers in self-defense (under the presumption that she must have planned to kill him the next time that he began beating her/raping her, etc... because there was an established pattern of abuse). [/color][/b]
[b][color=#8b0000]There... a few examples of laws I don't agree with- the first one being one that I frequently break with a clear conscience, and the second one that I've been fighting to change for the last decade.[/color][/b][/QUOTE]
While the second one is absurd, the first one has a very simple explanation behind it: Skateboarders have a tendency to run into people. A lot. The businesses in the area don't want their customers being trampled, so they pass the law.
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[quote name='Morpheus']While the second one is absurd, the first one has a very simple explanation behind it: Skateboarders have a tendency to run into people. A lot. The businesses in the area don't want their customers being trampled, so they pass the law.[/quote]
[b]I would agree with you on that one, if I'd ever seen a skateboarder run into a person... or if that was the case concerning the anti-skateboarding laws in this area... but it was the appearance of the skaters and the assumption that skaters are "rude and obnoxious little punks" that got the city council to pass the laws here. I was there when the law was brought to the council for consideration. I heard their reasoning, I petitioned, rallied, had all the local skaters attend the city council meetings and defend themselves and their sport (as well as suggest alternatives such as specifically zoned areas to skate). In the end, the prejudice of this narrow-minded community won over and we all got screwed. We aren't even supposed to skate the residential streets (no businesses there...) nor the abandoned concrete places where there are no people around for many blocks...[/b]

[b]So I disregard that law entirely... I've decided that it's ridiculous, and I'd rather pay the fine than to uphold their moronic law.[/b]
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[quote name='Idiot2.0][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy] or set things on fire (Can't be helped I'm a pyro :flaming: ) Basically I just choose what rules I will obey, man I sound like a dog.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]

[color=#B0251E]Nah, you just sound like a typical teenager to me. ~_^

But yeah, I think some answers here are really predictable. Most teens are probably going to talk about being rebels and whatnot, when fairly often, that "rebellion" is probably the most conformist thing someone can do. Let's rebel by obeying the rules! Hehe. ~_^

Ahem, but on a more serious note...I suppose it depends what rules we are talking about.

Are we talking about laws? Or school rules? Or the rules of a club? Or general "rules" of behavior, related to courtesy and so on?

For me it really depends. Some rules (for example, rules specific to various religions) are things that I don't follow because they don't apply to me. In that sense, those are like "club rules", that is to say, they are rules that you tend to follow voluntarily. I mean, you enter into a group and you agree to abide by their rules and laws.

In terms of government law, of course, like most people, I am a law abider. But I'm sure that there are always degrees of how much any of us are law abiders. For instance, while we may not all be murderers or something, I'm sure many of us have probably smoked somewhere we shouldn't have, or burnt a DVD/CD for someone, or whatever.

So yeah. I don't think any of those things are deliberate acts of rebellion, I think mostly it comes down to someone putting their own convenience over the law; particularly if they are only doing something minor. Not to say that it's necessarily good or right, but getting caught up with every little incident probably isn't terribly healthy either.[/color]
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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Two posts that really deserve a kick in the pants:

So, you consider vandalism to remain with the boundaries of being respectful? Vandalising doesn't count as you being a jerk? Oh, and best of all, if you don't like a rule, you'll break it?

Now, as somebody who just happened upon this post, you know what you sound like? An idiot. Basically you break rules, and tend to do it all the time, and...that make you cool?

Either that, or your just trying to make yourself sound like a big man.[/size][/QUOTE]
actually, i don't break rules. i was saying that different rules SEEM to apply to different people. i'm not saying that this is right, but is my oppinion on what i have seen.

and i'm not trying to portray myself as a big man. i don't even know what that means.
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I think rules are dandy. There's far too many stupid people out there to base everything on common sense. However, that also means that an average person doesn't always have to obey the rules outlined for the guy beside you on the airplane who's throwing a fit because the lap belts are too short to tie in an extra-safe bowie knot.

One of my pet peeves is definitely people talking about anarchy. It's a pretty damn stupid idea, and showing complete disregard for the rules doesn't make you look like anything more than a jackass, anyway.
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Haven't committed a crime that could put me in jail. Oh wait, there was this one time...[QUOTE=James][color=#B0251E]Ahem, but on a more serious note...I suppose it depends what rules we are talking about.

Are we talking about laws? Or school rules? Or the rules of a club? Or general "rules" of behavior, related to courtesy and so on?[/color][/QUOTE]
Trust The James to sort things out. I'll go with a) [i]laws[/i] for the rest of this post.

[quote name='elfpirate][b']So I disregard that law entirely... I've decided that it's ridiculous, and I'd rather pay the fine than to uphold their moronic law.[/b][/quote]Perhaps this particular ordinance [i]was[/i] a bit harsh. They weren't even willing to compromise (skate zones=good). Now we see that the problem lies on the lawmakers themselves. If they still think of you as a "rude and obnoxious little punk" then you should probably get people from other sectors (read: concerned, non-skateboarding citizens) to back you up. Drag your parents along too; I'm pretty sure they'll listen to rallying mothers.

I'm too lazy to do my paper, much less break the law. If I get caught, I have to hire a lawyer, pay the fine and explain to my parents. Absolutely tiring, not to mention troublesome.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Freude][color=#b33d79][size=1]Perhaps this particular ordinance [i]was[/i] a bit harsh. They weren't even willing to compromise (skate zones=good). Now we see that the problem lies on the lawmakers themselves. If they still think of you as a "rude and obnoxious little punk" then you should probably get people from other sectors (read: concerned, non-skateboarding citizens) to back you up. Drag your parents along too; I'm pretty sure they'll listen to rallying mothers.
[b]I [i]did[/i] get well-respected members of the community to join the cause. I gathered teachers and nurses and doctors and business-owners, etc, to speak on behalf of the skating minority. And they did so to the best of their abilities...but we still lost our battle.[/b]

[b]And, although my brother and I couldn't talk my mom into going to the city council meetings, our father went- and, as a genius and a Professor of English and Writing, he made a very compelling speech.[/b]

[b]But even that had no effect on the morons that govern this community.[/b]

[b]***I'd like to point out that I am in no way an advocate of anarchy, but I do (perhaps arrogantly) think that certain laws simply do not apply...***[/b]
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I'm sick of people who think they can just pick and choose to obey whatever they feel like. They aren't "suggestions", they're RULES. There's a difference.

Mostly this applies to driving. I drive through a school zone on the way to work, and except in the summer, the speed limit is ALWAYS 20. Always. Even at 2 in the morning. The light doesn't need to be flashing. What pisses me off is people pass me all the time like I'm going slow. I'm going the speed limit you ignorant fucks. But they don't care. They'll never be caught.

Anyway, it's not up to me to decide what rules I feel like obeying, because it isn't my choice. My opinions aren't important enough to decide these things. So I abide by them because they're there for a reason, even if it's a stupid reason.
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