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[SIZE=1]This thread is for games you find particularly amazing, but never really get noticed or don't get the recognition they deserve. Sometimes people only buy games they see on TV, or hear about from a friend, but there is some truly amazing games that are rarely ever talked about or recognized among the popular gaming community. My addition to this was the Suikoden Series which I mentioned in another thread. I'd like for everyone else to mention games that they've played that are really good, but really havn't been noticed. Even recommend for others if you like, nothing wrong with a plug here or there you know lol.[/SIZE]
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I still flag for [url=http://www.longestjourney.com][COLOR=RoyalBlue]The Longest Journey[/COLOR][/url], the most amazing adventure game I've ever played (though I haven't played that many, but still it surpassed many of my earlier favorites)!!

The thing was, I bought it from a bargain-shelf for measly 10 ? or so, having never even heard of it. I don't know how popular it is inside it's genre, because I follow mainly news about RPGs, but now it is getting a sequel,[url=http://www.dreamfall.com][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Dreamfall[/COLOR][/url], which apparently raised some sort of a buzz at this years E3 with it's unique gameplay (a mixture of adventure, roleplay and action).

That's one game that I'd wish people would recognize more, cause it's just one darn good game. ;)
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The original Digimon World! (don't waste your time with DW 2 or 3 though... those games sucked hard) That game is still one of my favorites. Think Tamagachi, except your tamagachi is actually a digimon that you train to fight other digimon. The digimon have "lost heart" and wondered away from the digimon city. Its up to you to bring them back. The cool thing is that as you bring each digimon back, they add something to the city. The first ones that do a certain job will usually add in a new building too. Like Greymon, who will probably the first one able to run the arena, will add in the arena building to the lower right side of the city. Also, some of the digimon will do special stuff to the city, like Elektmon will add lighting after dark.
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Holy crap, I was about to start this thread...

I know several games that deserve more recognition, but there are two action-platformers that really deserve more credit. Metal Arms Glitch in the System, and I-Ninja.

Metal Arms Glitch in the System- This is a very great action-platformer, very reminiscent of Ratchet and Clank. It has you finding awesome weapons and blasting the crap out of tons of enemies. Sounds boring, eh? Well, it requires a lot of strategy. Even though there is an easy, medium, hard, and nuts of steel mode, even easy mode was insanely hard. One of the most interesting things is hacking into you're bigger enemies and recruiting them with grenades. This is easily one of my favorite games.

I-Ninja- A very fun game that can be called nothing else but a platformer. The game is based on three things, jumping, killing, and doing fun mini-games. There is no real way to describe this game other than fun and easy.
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Prince. Of. Persia.

Actually, the situation surrounding "The Sands of Time" has always seemed bizarre to me: it didn't sell well at all, yet everybody who plays video games seems to have played it and loved it. Maybe I'm just lucky enough to not end up communicating with lesser folks. (Any one who couldn't love Prince of Persia would have to be extraordinarily lesser.)
It's a brilliant game, with a fun, story-book-like feel to it. The characters are appealing, if a tad predictable--The Prince, himself, is absolutely lovable.
Even though the graphics have grown out-dated and whatnot, it's still extremely fun and rewarding to play. The only real complaints I had while playing it was that it was too short and the fighting was laid on too liberally. (I am just a big fan of puzzles, but I think a lot of people agree with me on this point.)

Another is Voodoo Vince. As much as I "do not prefer" the Xbox, I found this game ridiculously cool. (It's also whimsical and cute.) The entire voodoo bit where you chuck yourself into peril takes a bit of getting used to (What kind of gamer jumps into a blender without thinking, after all?), but is original and refreshing.
The graphics could be better, but hey: Xbox.
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One game i never saw on t.v. and never was informed to me by friends, was KILLZONE. Oh such an amazing shooter. I love that game. Personally, i am a playstation fan, so the thing is, i never played halo till my siblings got a xbox, and then, i still dont trust it, ITS NOT SONY MATERIAL. But, KILLZONE, thats what i am talking about. No stupid made up aliens, no wierd things that take forever to die. Just stupid humans creating a civil war in the future, that strectches appart many planets. And they goggles, oh, cool. I could snipe anyone in that game, gotta love it.

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[quote name='Bloodseeker']The original Digimon World! (don't waste your time with DW 2 or 3 though... those games sucked hard) That game is still one of my favorites. Think Tamagachi, except your tamagachi is actually a digimon that you train to fight other digimon. The digimon have "lost heart" and wondered away from the digimon city. Its up to you to bring them back. The cool thing is that as you bring each digimon back, they add something to the city. The first ones that do a certain job will usually add in a new building too. Like Greymon, who will probably the first one able to run the arena, will add in the arena building to the lower right side of the city. Also, some of the digimon will do special stuff to the city, like Elektmon will add lighting after dark.[/quote]
Digimon world was probably the best game I ever played for the original playstation. It really felt fun, and with internet help few and far between, the game had a mysterious aura surrounding it.

[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']Metal Arms Glitch in the System- This is a very great action-platformer, very reminiscent of Ratchet and Clank. It has you finding awesome weapons and blasting the crap out of tons of enemies. Sounds boring, eh? Well, it requires a lot of strategy. Even though there is an easy, medium, hard, and nuts of steel mode, even easy mode was insanely hard. One of the most interesting things is hacking into you're bigger enemies and recruiting them with grenades. This is easily one of my favorite games.[/quote]
I never enjoyed that game since it was so hard. Some companies will never get the formula right:
Easy: Kiss on the ***.
Normal: Smack on the face.
Hard: Kick in the balls.

I-Ninja- A very fun game that can be called nothing else but a platformer. The game is based on three things, jumping, killing, and doing fun mini-games. There is no real way to describe this game other than fun and easy.[/QUOTE]
I payed $50 for this game and it immediately dropped to $15. And yet I don't feel like I've wasted a cent. Just the combat is enough to replay levels that should be getting repetitive. Why won't they get repetitive?

Now, for my entry:

Lost Kingdoms(GC): This game was fun on so many levels. Imagine being a helpless little princess and summoning 3 large dragons to attack your enemy, and while not controlling the dragons, feeling like a total bad*** as you cower in fear in the corner. Yeah, it's fun like that.

Metropolismania(PS2): While in no means the best game ever, this game had me hooked. It's like playing Sim City with one hand tied behind your back. You feel like you earned every single citizen of your town. I'm playing it right now, and everything is rushing back.
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[b]Katamari Damacy[/b] - While not really under the radar as many have heard of it, if you are curious about it give it a rent. I understand that not every game is for everyone but this game should appeal to almost all non-casual gamers. I for one refuse to sell/trade this one in. For a game that uses just the analog sticks is remarkable addictive. The game consists of you rolling around your "katamari" and gradually making it bigger by picking up objects around the house. You eventually get so big that your picking up animals, then people, then houses, then cities, then entire states. Did I mention its really fun?

[b]Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b] - The game plays just like the anime, with the rest of the cast investigating clues and hacking into enemy records to assist you during your raids. You also can hack into enemies to get the locations of other enemies and to hack into other enemies from a distance. The hacking allows you to control that enemy for a short time. For example I hacked into a sniper, used him to snipe an ambuse party on a roof and then made him jump to his death, where I picked up his sniper rifle.

[b]Rivercity Ransom[/b] - A classic NES game that anyone who enjoyed Double Dragon or TMNT should try. Your friend Alex's girlfriend has been taken hostage by a dude named "Slick", and he threatens you to give in to his demands. You can't take this game seriously as they forget to mention just what his demands were. Oh well, so you take to the street and take on numerous gangs including, but not excluding, the Generic Dudes, the Couch Potatoes, the Frat Guys. As you can tell its hard not to laugh, [spoiler]especially at the end when "Slick" is defeated and says "My evil powers are fading!".[/spoiler] Heres and excert from Seanbaby's review of Rivercity Ransom: [spoiler]In the end everything worked out. Cyndi got to go shopping, Ryan got laid, Alex got to beat up a city full of people, and the evil bosses learned to read. Kids, if there's one thing you take away from River City Ransom, may it be that violence is the answer to your problems. If you beat a gang member hard enough, he will become an honor student. And if you beat an honor student hard enough, he will give you his lunch money. And the final moral is: it's all about good grades and trips to the mall.[/spoiler] The rest can be found here: [url="http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/rcr.htm"]http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/rcr.htm[/url]
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[size=1][url]http://www.mega64.com[/url] You need to go there if you like River City Ransom, lol.

I'm going to list off some of my old favorties that I grew up on, as well as a few newer ones...

MagMax (NES): This was probably the first shooter I played, Contra was the second. Anyways, this game was cool because it had attachible parts that turned your ship into a robot with cool lasers and stuff. Also it had two styles, when you start the game, you're in a pseudo 3-D world above ground, then at any point you can dive underground and get different powers and fight different enemies in a place that's more 2-D. I thought it was really cool.

Journey to Sillius (NES): This game was great, you play as this guy whose dad gets kidnapped (or killed, I don't remember) by aliens and you swear revenge. You fight through different areas of a city fighting robotic aliens until you go up into space to destroy their leader. If you find this game in a store somewhere, get it, this was my favorite game for about five years.

Generations Lost (Genesis): This game had you playing as a futuristic guy in a world that looked futuristic... but primitive at the same time. You have this laser thingon you arm that lets you use it as a rope to climb up to higher ledges, or to shoot bad guys with. It also had a pretty cool way of keeping track of your life.

Sub-Terrainia (Genesis): This game was an aquatic shooting game where you picked up people from underwater bases, etc. The game had really cool enemies and bosses, it was really inventive.

Alundra (PS): A cool Zelda-like RPG where you go into peoples' dreams to cure what's ailing them and it all turns into something more demonic and evil as you progress.

That's about all that I can think of off the bat.[/size]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]I'm surprised that no one's put Dark Cloud or Shadow Hearts on this list. Both of them are really underrated RPGs that came out fairly early in the PS2's life cycle. Dark Cloud was a really fun, really inventive game, mainly due to the Georama system, an the plot and characters were just so...esoteric that you couldn't help but have a good time with it. The first few hours of it are absolutely enchanting, as you struggle through the first dungeon, waiting to get the shop in town rebuilt (you'll know what I mean when you play...), and after that, the game slowly burns down to a fairly satisfying conclusion. Sure, some of the enemies are cheap and there are a few bizzare glitches, but I really enjoyed it. Now, it did get a sequel, but I can't say anything about it, seeing as I haven't played it. Okay, so it was supposed to be the Zelda Killer, or so I've heard, but I really can't find many similarities.

Now, on an entirely different (and much more dark and bloody) level, there is Shadow Hearts, which could be one of the most original RPGs (in terms of story) that I've ever played. The judgement ring system, the plot, the characters, it was all done so well that its a shame that the sequel wasn't worth the packaging it came in. In the first few hours, you land yourself in a town filled with flesh-eating shapeshifters, has anyone seen that in another RPG? Shadow Hearts...what else can I say? It's kind of a shame that each console now has its own niche in terms of common genres, and I say that because a lot of the good RPGs are on PS2 (except KOTOR.) and I'm not a big fan of the PS2, but hey, what can you do? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Yea, so many games! Hm...my 1st would have to be...[B]Baten Kaitos[/B]!! It was really one of the best RPG's i've ever played. Well, my [I]1st[/I] RPG actually...so i've grown to love it. Even if some ppl say the card-play was a little confusing, once u get used to it, it all runs smooth.

[B]Katamari Damacy[/B]. Yes, definetly. I would suggest to get it, [I]now[/I]!! Lol, plus the soundtrack is awsome ^^.

Others...hmm, yes theres more but...i can't think of them right now, lol. :animeswea
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The judgement ring system, the plot, the characters, it was all done so well that its a shame that the sequel wasn't worth the packaging it came in. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but would you mind to explain that a bit? :therock:

Well, I haven't played the first Shadow Hearts (mainly because it was never released in this part of the world), but I bought Shadow Hearts: Covenant as soon as it was released here, and because of *some* people saying it was one crappy game and *some others* saying it's one of the best they've ever played, I was pretty nervous when I put in into my PS2.

But luckily I was extremely positively surprised that the game really [I]was[/I] one of the best games I've ever played, even up to par with some FF-titles (which I'm a huge fan of).

I know we each have our own preferences, but here's my point: if you adored the first part, how could you not at least liked the sequel? The judgement ring, the indulging plot, the unique characters - they are all there!! Plus the dark humour... Gawd, I missed that in so many other games, and SH:C finally offered it to me! :D

So please, for the sake of us fans, next time you bash a game, have at least some explanation why it just crumbled your world apart, okay? :p
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I think Hard Edge (on the playstation), was an excellent game. I recenlty bought it again, but have yet to take the time to play it. It is a basic action game really, but is thoroughly enjoyable.
Two games that are deffinately worth a look at are Shenmue and Shenmue 2! These are possibly the best games ever invented!!! They are not overly that uncommon I suppose, however, they are great! The idea of a young adult running around trying to catch the murderor of his dead father may seem a little boring. However, the plot is captivating, the characters are compelling, and the gameplay is marvelous. Imagine a mixture of the sims, final fantasy and enter the dragon: all in modern day Tokyo!
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Wild ARms 3: Great storyline with some great roleplaying fun. Similar battle system to the FF games thoughthe characters didn't stand still in one place while attacking. This game was sweet because instead of buying new weaponry or armor just customised the original weapons and AC just rose with the characters lvl. Also battles could be conducted over the wasteland type areas in a tank type transport and in the air using a 'dragon'.

Disgaea: Ok so this game is hughly popular and probably shouldn't be put here but I'm talking about the way it was treated in Australia by the Publishing company EA games. This game was released with enough copies to last out the month and once they were gone that was it. No more. Phantom Brave and La Pucelle Tactics lasted longer but also were met by similar treatment by different companies. Only difference is I didn't get a copy of Disgaea as it had been discontinued by the time I heard about it.
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  • 4 years later...
Disgaea series: i have spent over 300 hours on disgaea 1 and 3, but no one I know has played it, I mean really.
Prinny: Can I really be the hero, a semi-sequel to the disgaea series
and a lot of the less recent games like Kirby, Nightmare in dreamland (gameboy), Final Fantasy III, Lagend of Zelda Minish Cap and Four Swords, hardly hear about those at all, though it may be because of the fact the gameboy is hardly usedat all recently.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[color=darkred][size=1]I'm the only person to ever mention this game, but [b]The Granstream Saga[/b]. It's a PS1 RPG by the now defunct development team Shade, who also did Soul Blazer, and it's absolutely amazing. It's a fairly simple dungeon crawler, and it shows it's age, but it's memorable and still a really great game, although incredibly hard to find.

I also saw MonkichiRmon mentioned [b]Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean[/b]. I can't second that enough. It's absolutely gorgeous, and one more reason the GameCube didn't get nearly enough love (and a fairly cheap get if you shop online, hint hint).

I'm also going to throw in 2005's [b]The Punisher[/b], which many people wrote off as a Max Payne ripoff, but I found to be a really fun game that served as a decent sequel to the '04 Punisher flick.[/color][/size]
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