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-Appocalypse- (play)


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*Kool who was still outside practicing her shooting, had felt that she had done good. She then headed over to the mess hall. She smelt food cooking and she was hungry. Notices the dog.*

Kool-um, who's dog? *points at the dog*

Bryan-he's mine.

Kool-where'd you get him? *starts to pet him.*
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Ken walked into the village, past the festivites, and found an empty plot of land. He riased his hand and a small pond formed before him. Ken looked both ways, and a bright lone shone out. The brightness came from Ken, who slowly went into the pond...

Ken looked up from the depths of the water and closed his eyes. He had been up straight since he learned he was an angel, and wanted to rest... He decended to the bottom of the pond and rested on the bottom of the pond. Ice formed over the top of the pond, followed by a sword appearing, that rotated slowly over the pond...

Ken fell into a sleep...[/color]
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*Kool sees Bryan leaving to go work on the wall.*

Kool-I should go help too. We need to get this wall done.

Amber-I'll send your dinner out to you if you don't come back in. And if the dog doesn't eat it. *glares at the dog, then smiles, and gives it another piece of food.*
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Kool-don't do that. You'll wind up slapping yourself every second. It will take at least 5 more days til the wall is finished! You need sleep! Bryan? Bryan?! Oh well. I guess I can do him a favor. It might be fun. :demon: *slaps him hard.*

Bryan-OW!!! thanx for waking me up.

Kool-whenever you want me to wake you up, let me know.:angel: (thinks-heheheheheh. :devil: )
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Bryan: *makes sure the slab doesn't fall while Kool hammers it* So..hm...what are your plans for Christmas...??

Kool: Christmas??

Bryan: Don't tell me....

Kool: What Christmas??

Bryan::eek: How can you not know the best holiday ever invented!! *sits down and explains what happened and explains what Christmas is like*
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*Bryan finishes telling her about Christmas.*

Kool-Oh!! *suddenly remembers* I remember Christmas!! A little bit. My mom told me about that before she left me.

Bryan-How long ago was that?

Kool-Um, the last time I remember celebrating it was when I was 3.

Bryan-man! That's a long time. Why did your mom leave you?

Kool-My dad said that she was killed. Then I lived with him til I was 10, but then he was killed too.

Bryan-Why didn't you celebrate Christmas when you were with him?

Kool-He didn't think that there was anything to celebrate after my Mom died. Oh well. Let's get back to work so we can finish this wall before the snow comes. *starts hammering.*
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[I]December 12:It has now been 2 months since the resurection of Siren. We have finished building the wall, and now have 2 more walls...We now have irrigated fields with farmers...A bustling market place...and a thriving city. Yet among the wishes of the founders the inner city is kept peacfull and serene. The first snow was just a week ago, and for many it was the first time seeing it....[/I]

Bryan: *walks out* *smells the air* Nothing like snow...

Boy 1: Wowie!! Whats the white stuff Mr....founder....

Bryan: *laughs* This is called snow. Its created when the water in the atmosphere freezes and instead of rain...its snow! Its very cold but fun to play with...see watch....*makes a snow ball and throws it at Amby* *winks at her*

Boy 1: Oh cool!

[I]December 23: Unfortunatly that is the best of our times...we are currently under siege...and there has been no word from Treme...Many fear him dead I know better. We have evacuated 2 layers...and have suffered heavy casualties. This army they have sent is stronger than ever. These humans...have made a pact with the devil. We are not dealing with dumb dead anymore. We are facing a deadly combination of Humans and the Dead. They seem to have necromancers..Who would have thought I would live to see the day when this would happen. [/I]

[I]December 25: Today is Christmas....Although we are making the best out of it there is not much to cheer about...We have lost almost 250 now. We have many brave soldiers. I myself am worried now about Treme...My scouts found remnats of some of his army about 20 miles out. I fear the worst for my dear friend. I am also worried for my dear Amber. Her Palidan army is suffering the worst of this I fear. There are not many of them any more...Most have been slaughtered in the back by these new foul creatures. It seems they are as big as trees yet as nimble as an elf..[/I]

[I]December 30: We have now gained a stratigic advantage. My army has secured one layer back. We now have stationed snipers along the walls...The citizens seem at ease. There seems to be an eerie silence tonight...However I do not think we can not hold out much longer without Treme's army. Almost all my swordsmen have gone now and our supplies are running very low. We are now suffering from famine and desease...killing many more soldiers. Our tally is now up too 400. Although we are making progression on the enemy..I fear a flank attack...Our men at flanks have gone restless and lazy. I visited them yesterday and only a few could hit their marks. I fear the worse if we are attacked from either flank..... [/I]

[I]Janurary 1: Its the first new year of the New Hope Era...and nothing is going up to snuff. We have been forced back to the inner city. We just managed to retreat in the bloodiest battle yet. 500 killed...Whats this? I just got word. My scouts have seen Treme..and reported that they are heading this way. Thank the lord![/I]

[I]January 3: No sign of Treme yet. I don't think we shall last more than a couple of weeks...my men have become faithless and disgrunted. I have heard that Kool's army has taking up flanks and are engaged in battle right now. May god bless them. My scouts reported an army of 1000 heading for our left flank. We have suffered many casualties, but it seems our last mission is a success we have knocked all their necromancers out so now we can fight...There has also been no word from Amber or any of her Army...God I hope she is alright...This war is tearing our city apart....We must win..we must.....*blood falls on paper*[/I]

[I]January 5: We just got done with a 2 day battle. I am right now in the hospital, and they say I am seriously wounded. I do not think so. Although I don't know much any more. I am jsut a kid...leading an army....I have appointed a young abitiouse man as leader till I return...I think he will do well...He has been my council for the whole war. I just hope he can take the pressure of battle...[/I]
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*Kool talks to Bryan*

Kool-Where is Treme? He should have been back by now.

Bryan-I know. And our supplies are getting scarcer every day. We will start to have just breakfast and dinner.

Kool-Well, the vegitables are doing well.

Bryan-How can they be doing well if it's 28 degrees outside? They're probably frozen by now.

Kool-We built a small fire in the garden. It keeps the plants warm while it melts the snow to water to feed the plants.

Bryan-at least that's some good news.

Kool-What about the sick?

Bryan-We're running out of room in the infirmary. We need to build one asap.

Kool-But we need to keep our positions on the wall. We need every soldier.

Bryan-We also need another person to treat the ill. How are those herbs doing?

Kool-They would've died long ago, but we planted some more in the garden. They're doing fine. We can use them to help with the diseases, though it will only help a little.

Bryan-At least there's hope. Now as for the new infirmary, about how long should it take to build another one?

Kool-If I work with 3 more people, it should be done by midnight.

Bryan-As long as it's done before tomorrow, we should be alright for the time being.

Kool-I'll get started on it right away. *leaves to start building*
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[I]The notes of Treme:
October 13th: Today I set out, with Siren and Amber, and the other paladins as an ambasador to the new found kingdom. I expect thier shall be little trouble from the undead, for the death knights have larned to give the paladins room, knowingn they can find easyer prey elsewhere. Akira and Kool have been dispatched to the borders with thier troops.

October 20th:We arrived at the first town today, and were met by a small group of armed soldiers. Upon haring our wish they agreed to guide us to the capital, for diplomacy. non of us like the looks of these men...and creatures linger around the edges of our camp fires at night, the soldiers pretend nothing is thier. I fear a trap, and now wish I had brought more then just the small number of paladins with me.

October 25th:Arrived at the capital today...and was informed I am a prisoner of war...my containment didn't last long as they forgotto unarm us...Through the good graces of the paladins we escaped unscratched...

October 26th:As I feared, it was a trap...I acted foolishly...I have been cut off from Star's hope...we are holed up in hiding in one of the towns...as we fled the capital the night before...creatures of the worst sort...Demons we had never encountered before...they worked with the humans...I only hope that I will find a way home before it falls...

Present, January 1st NH 02: Today the is the begining of the end of this accursed war...I have spent two monthes in hiding...learning about the people...and preparing them...today the seige on my beloved town ends...I have been fighting minor skirmishes...fleeing from town to town, Siren, the one I love... was wounded...that sent me into a battle flury..the likes of which I haven't felt since the apocalypse...that night I for the first...and last time...had more undead kills then an of the paladins...that has become a past time..and a source of hope...counting our kills during battles...that night I had 10 of the new undead...that is the record for one night...we lost a paladin...but in these lands..have found 10 more!...we have also been picking up straglers from the Hope's Guard, and Star's Knight....they have suffered many deafeats...that and my love...although we havn't had much time since the feast to show it...[/I]

Siren/Amber:Treme...it is time...

Treme:yes it is...is our army ready?


[I]Treme lsmiles at Siren, Amber walks in looking saddened[/I]

Treme:finnally going home...


Treme:Bryan is just a good a fighter as any of us...Akira will meet us on the way...in 5 days this ends...

Siren/Amber: Yes Sir

Treme:give the signal to move out...

January 3rd: Today we finnally reached the edge of our territory, I hear Kool and the Hope's Guard made it back into the city...Akira's forces met up with us today...they are healthy if lacking in hope...we move foward cautioslly...occaisonally running into a band of the enemy...thier main force however, is still focusing on our weakest spot...we can't get word through that we are comming...we number in the thousnads...and the revolts are working beutifully...Star's hope, though under siege...has just annexed a kingdom...I move merely to inform thier old king, that what is "mine", stays "mine"...and what is "his"...is now "mine" by the blessing of his own people...

January 5th: we have been delayed by an expidetion force...we had to kill them all lest they warned the main army we were comming....we attack tommorow...by the end of the week we should all be back in our homes enjoying a warm meal...at least the troops...The King started it...I shall end it...I yearn to be home...even the mundane task of leadership would be welcome... Our men's hope has risen since we have neared home...they completely wiped out the enemy in battle today...20 wounded, 0 dead...I wish that tommorow we could be as lucky[/I]

Treme:so tommorow it happens...


Treme:...as soon as rebuilding is over...we never got to really enjoy each other after the feast...

[I]Siren smiles at Treme, a scout runs in, Treme stands up and walks up to him[/I]



Scout:we had a chance to see our own defenses...if they attack again Star's Hope is doomed....


Scout:the enemy moves to attack

Treme:....Order all troops to be ready....we attack now...

[I]Treme's face become hard set and He walks out onto the grass...it had been nearly three monthes since he had felt the grass under his feet...most of it was raveged....but patches still survived...Treme patted his sword and gun...they had never failed him yet... Treme walked wth the paladins, the men had already been set up in formations...to the best efficency, 4000 boots all hit the ground in unison, The earth seemed to shake lighty, as the men began to march foward. To Treme they looked like a grand army...even if they were under trained...they had the spirt to fight and win, and so they won the previous fights, Treme was afraid this time though...it might not be enough[/I]

Siren:Sir, the enemy does not yet know we are here...


[I]Treme makes a signal, and weapons can be heard being prepared, as the army continues to move foward[/I]

Treme:it's been a while since a war has been fought like this...

Amber:what do you mean?

Treme:well moblized warfare...constant movement...that was modern warfare...this is more like a mideivil battle...

[I]Treme turns his full attention, as they come over the hill...and see the army of demons, begining to attack the city. Treme stares on hard faced, quickly takeing in all he can see, he makes a couple of signals, which are relayed to the other commanders. Akira's troops could be seen moving to the left flank, he had the most men, but also would be in some of the heaviest fighting, around 1750. Siren and Amber took a group to the right flank, the second largest, Treme and his group stayed in the center.[/I]


Flag Bearer:Sir?

Treme:it is time...signal the first round....

[I]The Flag Bearer nods, then raises his flag, as his signal is seen by the other Flag Bearer, they too raise thier flags.... and in unison the first line of troops shoot thier guns, Then they begin to poor foward to the city, those armed with meele weapons flowing foward while those with guns cover them[/I]
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OOC: Anti! :D Where have you been? You haven't been on the boards for a while.
Kool-(while killing demons and thinking)So. Soon this will all be over. After these few months, after preparing, training, and living, this will all be over. *continues fighting.*
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OOC:aye I havn't been, first I was at relitive...then I was "Otakued out"...getting over 1000 post in under a month...that can burn a person out ^_^...too bad I have writers block O.o;

[I]Treme siliently looms over the battlefield...As his pistol runs out of ammo he rushes foward to help in the meele fighting[/I]
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Bryan: *hears the sound of a battle* That is not just our army...*smiles* He's back!*jumps outta the bed and throws his armor on* *straps his sword on, pats it* *starts walking out*

Nurse: Sir...you are not ready...You are still not stable...

Bryan: I don't care...This may very well be the last battle...and I must see...Amber...And Treme again...I must! *storms out* *sees the battle field* *draws his sword* *smiles* *runs into the chaos and starts fighting*
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Bryan: *a bullet skims his shoulder* *looks stunned* This is not good...Our men are getting careless! *sees one of his own men get shot* This is not good at all..Hey wait...Kool keep your men on high alert! When you hear the horn make sure everyone ducks! *makes his way to Treme* Hey Treme...Your men are getting careless...But I got an idea....When I blow the horn we will have our men drop down and let the gunners go wild...

Treme: Sounds like a plan...go blow....

Bryan: *runs up to a hill* *blows the horn as loud as he can* *everyone drops down* Ok gunners let 'em rip!
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[color=crimson][i]In the lake that turned to stone, Ken awakens after a long sleep. He has been thinkings, and has dreamt many strange dreams. He feels the presence of evil, and in a flash the pool disappears, along with Ken's sword.

A earth quake erupts from where the pool had been, and it travels to the center of the demon army. The ground parts, and Ken flies upward, with his sword drawn.

Ken remains silent, and looks back at the Village....[/i]

Ken: A long sleep, and I am reborn! *turns back to the demons* I never liked Rude Awakenings...

[i]A halo flashes over his head, and his wings speard out. A large blast emits from his wings, flying across the country side for a good 150 miles till it explodes.[/i]

Ken: I must learn to control that beam... Hm...

[i]Ken's sword glints in the air as he descends into the silent and stopped Demon army. In a frenzy, and all at once, they start up their attack again. Some attacking Ken, others going for the village.

Ken disappears within the army, only the occasionly glare from his raised sword can be seen...

Screams of dieing demons echo in the minds of all...[/i][/color]
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