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High School Memories


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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]After just posting in the thread about Sixth grade memories, I decided to make this thread.

Our high school years are supposed to be the best years of our lives, and for me they were that and so much more.

[*]What year did you graduate from High School?
[*]What "clique" did you belong to?
[*]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?
[*]What state/province/country did you graduate from?
[*]Do you remember your high school enemy?

I think you get the jist of what you need to answer in this thread, heh. You don't HAVE to answer the questions above, but its just some stuff you would probably like to incorporate in your response.

Well, I was in the class of `99. I was so proud of myself for graduating, after all those years of waiting and wanting to be on my own I had finally gotten my wish. My Senior year was the best year of my life to this day! I had so much fun with my friends, it was really something to remember. During this time Arizona was starting to get more populous, so we started to get some more people which equals more fun.

I don't know what clique I belonged to I wasn't really popular, but I was known around the school. So, I was 'neutral' so to speak.

Arizona I guess I can call my home (I don't live there anymore though). I didn't really like it, but I didn't hate it either. It was just boring most of the time, untill people started actually living there. I just went back recently, to visit my family and the place is really booming. The city I lived in (Gilbert) is now the fastest growing community next to Chandler and Mesa, and I think the community has really come a long way.

I met most of my friends when we were in kindegarden. Yeah, there was like 3 schools so we has a 90% chance of being in the same school throughout our shool lived hehe. We were often referred to as "the Mormon girls". I guess that could kind of go up there with the clique question..

I didn't have any enemies, or none that I knew of. I don't think anyone hated me. I'm such a nice person it would have been impossible! :p

So enough of my blabbing! I want to hear more about you, so lets have a little discussion on our high school years. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I detested high school and dropped out a year before I would've graduated. I still keep in touch with the more sane/trustworthy (both are redeeming qualities) friends, though, and ignore some others for reasoning we won't go into here. My highschool experience was terrible though, despite them, and I'm not in a hurry to repeat it, ever.[/font][/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]I'm in the same group as DS, dropped out before I actually finished high school, though mine was due to injury, I'm returning this year to hopefully finish out my two years and move on with my life.

[B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B]

Eh that would be '08 hopefully.

[B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B]

Suppose a normal enough group, videogame nerds crossed with weight lifters for some of us, more athletic sports for others. Generally as I said a fairly normal group, well that and the fact we were all in all honours classes and most of us held IQs above 130.

[B]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B]

Yes and unfortunately no, after dropping out I lose contact with most of my friends due to self-isolation. The majority are in college now, and of them I only hang out with one on a semi-regular basis.

[B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B]

Hopefully, Ireland.

[B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]

Never had any enemies, at least not any that I can recall. Had a few rivalries sure enough, but nothing that ever deteriorated enough into a point where I'd call them an enemy.[/SIZE]
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[*][b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b]
2006. Two months ago.
[*][b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b]
I pretty much belonged to the clique of cool people that weren't actually a clique. I used to belong to the groups that spends their time talking about video games. But I didn't like the hours of talking about World of Warcraft (which I don't even play), CounterStrike or even worse: Tibia.

So, I ended up in the group of cool people/musicians/artists.
[*][b][strike]Do you still remember[/strike] your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b]
... <.<; Yeah, with the cool group.
[*][b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b]
Utrecht :whoops: ... The Netherlands.
[*][b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b]
Depends on who I would see as my school enemy. I used to have lot's of enemies at school, but the last year the only people I couldn't really stand were a select group of brainless girls. They kept asking questions and time of every teacher they had, and never seemed to get anything. They didn't like me for some reason (I hung out a lot with someone who they didn't like, that must've been it :^D ), so I kind of automatically didn't like them back.
At the end everyone of my year, except that group, was rather cool towards me.
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[size=1][b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b]

I graduated in 04. Wow. Two years ago. I feel kinda old now.

[b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b]

I'm not sure what clique I was in because I floated around a lot through a few groups of friends. There was the 'artists/musicians' group, and then the 'cool' group which, ironically, were the smartest people in our grade, and then the geneal misfit group.

[b]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b]

Some people from my highschool go to my university, although I don't see them very often. I keep in touch with a few, but because I go to univeristy an hour away, not work like most of my friends, I don't see them much.

[b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b]

Queensland, Australia.

[b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b]

I tried not to make enemies in high school, but there were a few people that got on my nerves, and apparently a few people that didn't like me. There was one girl in particular that had it out for me. She spread rumours that I broke her wrist at soccer training, which I clearly didn't because I was all the way up the other end of the field when it happened. She was one of those rough/tumble girls that beat up a lot of people.[/size]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Best years of my life? Hell no. I detested it, and the people who seemed to enjoy making my life a misery.

[B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B]
2006, though it's not graduation. I just left. Get my exam results on the 24th of this month.

[B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B]
Well, we referred to ourselves as the rejects, which I guess we were. My closest friends and myself were classed as the nerds in the year, seeing as we were the ones with the top grades, in the top classes, but others of my friends were better at sports, or music. We were pretty much a mismatch group of people. I prefer that.

[B]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B]
Not all of them, but my closest ones yes. I'm going to college with three of them.

[B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B]
Liverpool, United Kingdom.

[B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]
I didn't have one, really. I was tormented mostly by people I'd never seen before because I was 'ugly' and 'had red hair'. Everyone in my year group who actually knew me as a person liked me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][B]What year did you graduate from high school?[/B]

[COLOR=DarkRed]in 2009.[/COLOR]

[B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B]

[COLOR=DarkRed]I had like 13 friends during the begining of the year, in the middle that number expanded[to at least 20], and at the end of freshman year, I was alone for the most part, it was because, I didnt feel like talking to anyone at the time, due to the fact that I'm moving, amongst other personal problems[I.E.becoming an uncle, anixety, depression, etc][/COLOR]

[B]Do you remember your friends, do you keep in touch?[/B]

[COLOR=DarkRed]yes I do remember my friends, but I refuse to keep in touch, due to personal reasons.[/COLOR]

[B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B]

[COLOR=DarkRed]it's supposed to be Legacy High in Las Vegas, or *insert name of american high school on an air base in Japan here* in Japan, if I do move to Japan with my mum[/COLOR]

[B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]

[COLOR=DarkRed]I didnt have one, but there were alot of people who hated me for who I am.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]What year did you graduate from High School?[/COLOR]


[COLOR=DarkRed]What "clique" did you belong to?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy]Did I belong to one? I dunno. I was shy and I didn't really fit in any one particularly. Freshmen year I was in with the Drama and stage crew crowd, the year after I was in with the punks and drama. For junior year I waswith the anime geeks and Japan enthusiests. Senior year I just spent my entire time with my best friend, Regan and his guy friends. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?

The only people I keep in touch with are Regan and the rest of the guys. Mainly Regan, Andy, Josh, and Brian.

[COLOR=DarkRed]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy]I graduated from boring Spokane, Washington[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy]Hard not to remember. I had quite a few. One I work with[/COLOR].

[COLOR=Navy]I hated high school to tell you the truth. Senior year I absolutely did nothing that a typical senior does. I went over the Regan's to play Halo 2 and stuff during the nights of the big dances. Which are tons more fun then dressing up and dancing to hip hop with no date anyways. Cheaper too. So, in short, Senior year was best. A lot of video game playing[/COLOR]
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[size=1][b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b]
I will in 2007 (yes!).

[b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b]
I started out part of the soccer team's "clique," but I finally settled into the nerd group after a month or so. My school doesn't really have defined cliques or groups, though, so I hung out with those who got good grades and took advanced classes, as I was with them all day.

[b]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b]
I imagine I'll only keep in touch with the [i]really[/i] good friends. So far that number's relatively low.

[b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b]
I will graduate in Forestville, Maryland.

[b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b]
I don't really have enemies. People I dislike a great deal, yes, but after a month or so the feelings subside.[/size]
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[COLOR=Purple]What year did you graduate from High School?
Well well I am an old schooler. I graduated on May 27, 1993.

What "clique" did you belong to?
Well I was a wallflower. So I guess the "mute" clique. I mainly had only one friend and she spent our high school years spreading rumors behind my back. :animeswea

Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?
Yeah I remember all the cruelness from my so called "friends " who just wanted to copy my homework and no I don't talk to them. I am not good enough for them.

What state/province/country did you graduate from?
I graduated from a Mississippi school. No offense to anyone from MS but that seemed like the poorest state ever. I couldn't even take my books home because all classes had to share them..

Do you remember your high school enemy?
Like I said- my true enemy was actually my best friend and yes she won't let me forget her.

Sorry if i sound bitter but high school was the pits.[/COLOR]
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[*]What year did you graduate from High School?

I have not yet graduated but plan to in 2008. Yay Juniors!

[*]What "clique" did you belong to?

[I]Band. Nerd.[/I] Hands down. I'm kind of friends with the outcasts... not emo or anything but just the weird kids. We all love each other a lot, and though we are not in the "popular" group, we are fine with that... but it's not like we wear our jeans up to our boobs and above our ankles or anything... we're not nerdy. Just weird. =]

[*]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?

I suppose I'm not applicable yet.

[*]What state/province/country did you graduate from?

The Midwest.

[*]Do you remember your high school enemy?

I honestly don't really have one. However, the closest I do have to an enemy is the staff of our School Newspaper. It's incredibly liberal, unbalanced, & factually incorrect. I'm about to write in a complaint about it. :nope:
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[color=darkred][B]What year did you graduate from high school?[/B]

In 2002.

[B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B]

I was a saint during my years of high school (or secondary school), so as you'd imagine, I hung around with the clever kids who were into study sessions and Pokemon Trading Cards.

[B]Do you remember your friends, do you keep in touch?[/B]

Not really. I made an attempt to contact one of my best friends from secondary school last year, only to find out that he's now living abroad in Afghanistan.

[B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B]

Birmingham, England.

[B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]

Never had one. I was loved by all.[/color] :angel:
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What year did you graduate from High School?
2007. Not quite yet.

What "clique" did you belong to?
I didn't. Never had 'friends' aside from my neighbor and little brother.

Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?
We're still.. Neighbors.

What state/province/country did you graduate from?
Jackson County. Worst school in the history of schools. That's why I homeschool.

Do you remember your high school enemy?
All of them are enemies. Except a few people from classes. And it doesn't help that I've just lost the one person I used to talk to at work. Now he hates me like everyone else =D

High school sucks. Especially for a fifteen year old 'nerdy' homeschooled kid in hicksville with a crappy job, no friends, and a buttload of people that hate my guts and want me dead.


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[color=#b0000b][SIZE=1][B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B]


[B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B]

I refered to them as the drama crew. I didn't meet all of them through drama (I met several in that "friend of a friend" sort of way), but most of my friends were in the drama program at one point or another.

During my junior and senior years, I also hung out with a group of college students from a local campus.

[B]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B]

Yeah, we hang out, though it's getting harder every year now that everyone goes to different schools. Several of my friends are graduating from college this spring, and who knows what'll happen then.

[B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B]


[B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]

Ha ha, yeah. I don't know if she even realised how much I dislike her. We had a lot of classes together (pretty much by default; it was a small school), and she just struck me as a really mean person. Everyone seemed to think she was really smart/nice/sweet/likable, but she was constantly cutting people down, gossiping, and playing cruel jokes on people.

There just seems to be a huge comprehension gap for me when someone can talk about "giving" and "helping others" and "volunteering" during homeroom, and viciously cut down another girl in the locker room during next period P.E.

[b]Word to the Wise[/b]: If you want to know what a girl is really like, listen to her talk in the locker room. Sheesh.[/SIZE][/color]
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[b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b]
I feel old compared to many of you! I graduated in 1994.

[b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b]
I was just in a generic upper-middle class group. Most of my friends were band geeks like me. We all did well in school (honor students) and got along well with all the different groups.

[b]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b]
I remember my friends! I keep in touch with most of them. Many of them are married with children now so responsibilities seem to get in the way of keeping in better contact with them. A few of my friends have passed on due to accidents and whatnot. That is the worst way to lose touch with friends.

[b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b]
I gradutated from a small high school in Washington state.

[b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b]
I didn't have one. Either that or I never noticed them... :animeswea
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What year did you graduate from High School?
Lucky me I just graduated like three months ago. Almost didn't make it though. I worked until ten minutes before the deadline...

What "clique" did you belong to?
The rebel, outcast, partier, nerd, socialite, punk, scene kid thing. I had friends in a lot of groups. Surprisingly.

Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?
Some of them, my ex best friend is an evil evil girl who got involved into drugs I don't like and I cut off connections. My gamer buddy that I met at a party because we were talking about video games goes to high school still. Does that count.

What state/province/country did you graduate from?
In a small town in Colorado. It's stupid, and everyone is a drug addict because they believe there's any thing better to do. Hurrah...

Do you remember your high school enemy?
Way too many to count. Girls and I do not get along. Grrr... At least at this school.

I'm surprised no one else graduated this year.
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[b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b]


[b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b]

From when I started high school all the way until graduation, I had tons of classes with a large group of people who took all Honors/AP courses. I'd say probably 90% of my friends in high school were from that group.

I also joined the tennis team my Sophomore year and became part of a bizarre, cult-like group that played tennis as often as humanly possible. I'm pretty sure that obsessive group had been around far longer than I'm aware of, though I'm not certain how big it got; however, my friend Vincent was responsible for "converting" a crapload of people (mostly freshmen) into tennis fanatics.

[b]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b]

Most of my friends have moved all over the place, which makes it quite difficult to keep in touch with them to say the least lol. MySpace has been pretty helpful in that regard, haha. I go to college with a few people I knew, though we aren't [i]that[/i] close, and I occasionally run into some people who still live in town.

[b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b]


[b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b]

Eh, enemies were more of a middle school thing for me. There were some people who really annoyed the crap out of me (including this one girl who I couldn't stand at all, though to her credit she at least didn't [i]actively[/i] bug me), but none whom I loathed so dearly that my only purpose for living would be to witness his or her downfall. I kept a low profile throughout high school, so nobody really noticed me enough to declare me an enemy. :p
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B]


[B]What clique did you belong to?[/B]

None, I wasn?t heavily into sports, books or any of the usual fads.
Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B]

The first High School I attended I had no friends. The second one I did and yes we still keep in touch. Many of us hang out together and some of us are even attending the same university.
What state did you graduate from?[/B]

Utah, USA
Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B]

I didn?t have one. My enemy so to speak was a ditzy stalker girl who objects to me being friends with someone she knows. She attended a different high school as her home was just on the other side of the district line. So though we were technically neighbors we were not classmates.[/COLOR]
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[B][COLOR=Purple]Highschool was mixed for me, the best and worst years of my life but all in all I loved it. I miss it and I wish I could go back and do it all over agian...

I graduated this past school year, 2006.
I was in my own clique that me and my friends knida made up together, it had alittle of everyone in it. My fiance and his two friends(dubbed the three stooges) were the jocks or ball players in the group. Me and my buddies(the sibs) were the band geeks and then we had all the misfits and what not as well. We were pretty diverese and it ROCKED. The mix of cliques made for some really odd days. :p
Do I still keep in touch with them? As much as I can since I moved but ultimitly yes I do, or try to as much as possible. Internet its a wonderful thing for that. :D
Where I graduated from is a tricky question I went to a small town highschool in North Carolina till the end of my junior year when family problems with an abusive step father made me move to where I am now in West Virginia. I graduated from Lincon High in WV, but in my heart when I went down to see all my friends graduate I graduated then with them. So its kinda tricky for me. I graduated a Cougar but in my heart I'll always be a Wildcat. :cool:
Did I have an enemy...yes. I had about 3 to be honest and I remember them well and apparently they remember me just as well. :p they were my enemies for the fact that the tried to steal my Boyfriend, who is now my fiance, from me and well, failed in the end. I also have alot of people that didnt like me for the fact of how I act. I'm 18, a mom but I still like to act like I'm 12 from time to time. But thats how I am. If you dont relax and play like a kid you grow up to soon, and if you grow up to soon you die to soon. Not logical I know but I like it so I go by it and its always done me justice.
As for my highschool memories I have tons and I'll hold them in my heart all my life. All the mornings of walking into that school and asking my self what kind of trouble me and my frineds could make that day with out getting expeled I think was the best fun I had ever had. For all of you who havent graduated yet. Enjoy it cause wonce its over. your bored. lol. until you go to college then it starts all over again :p[/COLOR][/B]
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