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Otaku Idol 2: Who Wants To Be An Event Master? [Member Feedback & Interviews]


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[i][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Oh yeah, I remember [color=indigo]Desbreko[/color] saying that he couldn't understand the specifics of Mafia in this thread; hopefully, he has been watching and figuring out what's been going on. It's actually very simplistic, fun and mysterious.[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[color=#4b0082]Meh? I hadn't posted in this thread (or any of the others) before this. You must be thinking of someone else.[/color][/QUOTE][font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=gray]Sorry then, [color=darkred]Des[/color], my mistake. I could've sworn, though...[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=gray]Well, at least I know that you notice me on OB now, heh.[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1]The questions I received via PM this week were very interesting, and I would like to thank everyone who took the time to write them. Hopefully our Event Masters will answer them promptly and honestly...

I must say that there is one question I received that I withheld from this week's interview. Without giving too much away, I think that this question in particular is something we'd [i]all[/i] like to hear the answer to. Expect it next week in a very special interview!

[b]Interview Four: Questions From the Community

1. Who is your favorite member on OtakuBoards and why?

2. Which staff member, past or present, do you look to as your OB role model?

3. [To White specifically] Why did you kill Labyrinth?

4. Which staff member, present, do you feel is the weakest in their position? Why?

5. What do you do for fun when offline?

6. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment as an OtakuBoards staff member?

7. What do you feel is your greatest failing as an OtakuBoards staff member?

8. Do you have any pets?

9. Which trait do you think is the most important one for an Event Master to have? How do you epitomize that trait more than your competition does?

10. Do you still even want to be Event Master?[/b]

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[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma][B]1. Who is your favorite member on OtakuBoards and why?[/B] I don't really have a "favourite" member. I mean... for a while Retribution was my best OB friend but he kind of disappeared. I guess if I absolutely had to choose I would say Charles. He's got a great personality (witty, intelligent) and he's just so damn admirable! The things he's done for OB are intensely awesome and I really think that's cool.

[B]2. Which staff member, past or present, do you look to as your OB role model?[/B] I've got two. Charles and Generic NPC #3. Charles I've basically already stated and Generic NPC #3 is for a lot of the same reasons. Plus they're both gamers and.. well.. gamers rock. :/

[B]3. [To White specifically] Why did you kill Labyrinth?[/B] Yeesh, lol. This makes it sound like I meant to do it. I didn't, really. I did everything Sandy would have done and more. The only thing Sandy did was post once in a while to keep things moving. I did that. I also made a twist to encourage people to post. There's not a lot more I can do but it's not like I've given up. I mean crap, I want to win this!

[B]4. Which staff member, present, do you feel is the weakest in their position? Why?[/B] Well, this is a tough question. I think every single moderator does their job just fine and is online at least once a day to check up on their appointed forum. However I'm going to assume that such an answer isn't satisfying enough for whoever asked the question so I'll pick someone.

If I had to choose someone it would be r2vq. He hasn't been online since the 13th where everyone else was last on today. He did say that his computer is on the fritz and he might not be on for a while so it's not like he's just disappeared or anything, though. (Quick note: When r2vq is online daily like he normally is, he does a great job of moderating)

[B]5. What do you do for fun when offline?[/B] I go to the movies, work, play video games, go out with friends and party.

[B]6. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment as an OtakuBoards staff member?[/B] Well, I am quite proud of a few things. First was creating that rules thread. I think that the old rules needed some serious updating and I did that well. Second is the decoration I added to Play It. You may not have noticed but I added logos and such to all the stickies. The other two could have been done as a normal member but.. eh. Third would be getting my banner to win the Christmas contest and fourth would be getting this far in OI2. :)

[B]7. What do you feel is your greatest failing as an OtakuBoards staff member?[/B] Erm... I don't really think I've failed in any sense. I guess the biggest thing would be sometimes when someone posts a new game thread I forget to add it to the Play it directory. Heh.

[B]8. Do you have any pets?[/B] I do, actually. Tis a cat named Misty.

[B]9. Which trait do you think is the most important one for an Event Master to have? How do you epitomize that trait more than your competition does?[/B] I think the best trait to have is patience. You have to be really patient with people who don't cooperate. If someone is getting on your nerves you can't just freak out on them. You have to talk it over either in private or just say "Aah, forget about it" and leave it be.

Sandy is incredibly touchy. If someone says something about him he'll react ferociously and won't give up until someone else steps in. Sometimes I react badly as well, but after one or two posts I resolve the matter.

[B]10. Do you still even want to be Event Master?[/B] Hell yes.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[b]Interview Four: Questions From the Community

1. Who is your favorite member on OtakuBoards and why?

2. Which staff member, past or present, do you look to as your OB role model?

3. [To White specifically] Why did you kill Labyrinth?

4. Which staff member, present, do you feel is the weakest in their position? Why?

5. What do you do for fun when offline?

6. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment as an OtakuBoards staff member?

7. What do you feel is your greatest failing as an OtakuBoards staff member?

8. Do you have any pets?

9. Which trait do you think is the most important one for an Event Master to have? How do you epitomize that trait more than your competition does?

10. Do you still even want to be Event Master?[/b][/size][/QUOTE]

Yay, another batch of questions! XD

[B]1.[/B] I don't see how this relates to hosting events, since favoritism is one of the things I'm against, but I guess this is more of a personal question.

Well, my answer (after a long pondering) would have to be [B]Sara[/B]. She's been my favorite for the entire time I've visited OB. She's sarcastic and snarky, but in a kind, benevolent way. She rarely wants to insult anybody, but she makes every thread she posts in a bit lighter with her presence. ;D She and I are not on "best friend evah"-terms, but still, she's my fave. <3

[B]2.[/B] Gah, there are so many! X) Well, the obvious choice for a role-model would be [B]James[/B], if not for anything else then for his unbelievable patience with spammers and ignorance and rebelling members. He's only one year older than me in real-life, yet I see him as this father figure to OB. He rarely gets angry or frustrated, and when he does it's always for a damn good reason.

Other role-models in the staff for me have been the old Digimods: GinnyLyn, Shy, Sara and Digital Monster. They were the ones who taught me the secrets of OB, and for that i'm ever grateful! ;D

[B]3.[/B] I'd like to say a few things to this, but I have to skip it.

[B]4.[/B] Well, this is an unfair question. I can't say anybody's [I]weak[/I] per se - I don't even visit every section of these boards - but I know that some people are more active than others. I don't mind passiveness if the job gets done, but then again, I'm moderating a forum with three other mods (and occasionally Lady A), so the job there gets done whether we miss somebody or not.

If I turn this to which staff member I have the [I]least[/I] amount of respect towards, it's [B]Charles[/B], and only - I repeat, [I]only[/I] - because he uses those insulting pictures that few else have succeeded to use without getting warned/banned. Charlie does his job just as good as any other moderator, but his "witty" pictures - especially when aimed at new members who don't know his style - isn't something I look up to.

[B]5.[/B] For fun? I'd like to say hang out with my friends, but they're all so far away now that I've moved away from my home city that I rarely get to see any of them. I guess I could say I spend time with my boyfriend for fun, although there's so much more going on there.

I also play videogames and computer games, sometimes also write and draw and read. My secret pleasure is creating scripts for fictional Final Fantasy-games. How geeky is that! *blush*

[B]6.[/B] Well, I've only been a moderator for half years, so I can't say I have truly accomplished anything. Like White, I'll say that making this far in Otaku Idol 2 is an accomplishment. But as a moderator, I feel I've succeeded in showing patience and respect towards the new members in Adventure Square - nobody can accuse me for being "ferociously" defensive or explosive there (and [I]that[/I] concept of me is only held by those who don't know me very well).

[B]7.[/B] Like I said, I've only been part of the staff for about six months, so saying I've accomplished [I]or[/I] failed something in my job is a bit early. I guess I've failed in keeping that "aura of authority" up in other sections of OB than my own, since I've let certain agitators get under my skin. But on the other hand, I'm just a human like the rest of you, nobody can expect me to be anything above that.

[B]8.[/B] I'm a cat-person, but currently I don't have any pets. I [I]do[/I] however have a group of soft toys, each with it's own story and personality, that I consider to be my "children". ;D Here they are (just don't ask about the remote control):

[B]9.[/B] Heh, I had to check "epitomize" from a dictionary for this question. X) English language just keeps throwing new things to my sorry, Finnish-speaking face! ;P

In my opinion, and I think I've said this before in a past interview, the most important thing for an Event Master to have is lots of imaginative and fresh ideas and much determination to take them through, even if the initial idea has to be changed. I have shown my capability to do this with my Survivor-games (I hate to use them as an example constantly, but they're my one true accomplishment here). I know for a fact that White has great ideas as well, but I've yet to see anything taken through (although I do believe that if he had stayed as a host to Mafia, he would've pushed it to the end).

[B]10.[/B] Despite the harsh criticism I got, despite switching my own dear event to a strange one, despite getting frustrated on several occasions, I [I]still[/I] want to become an Event Master more than anything at this moment.

Thanks for all the questions! ;D
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[size=1]It's a bit odd to ask White why he let Labyrinth die. Mafia could've by now died at least at fast, but the players still like the concept of the game and it's the players that keep it going. Sandy doesn't have to do anything apart from telling who died in which round, really.

Mafia just proves to be a stronger event than Labyrinth, as the people who participate it keep it alive. That's what lacked with Labyrinth, and not with the Event Master. Actually, right now Mafia is being halted at the stage where the Event Master has to do one of their few things. What's up?

And can someone (preferably one of the players) explain to me how/why Labyrinth 'died'?[/size]
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I never thought I?d see the day where I would actually defend someone using pictures with humor that I find a bit questionable even if they are funny. But I do feel the need to say this as I think people take a look at the pictures and unique brand of humor Charles has instead of actually paying attention to how he posts.

When my daughter asked me if it was okay to become a moderator at this site I began to watch it on a regular basis out of curiosity and a parental concern over her online interests. I had no trouble seeing that there was no need to be concerned and after a while I eventually joined.

I guess it is my own experience in alienating one of my own children who has a similar type of humor and I allowed it to overshadow my judgment of someone who overall is a good kind kid. It reminds me of those in my religion who judge smokers without bothering to find out what type of person they are. Like a witch-hunt to find faults instead of truly seeing what they are like. This is easier for me since my non-religious brother smokes and he too has a rough sense of humor, but at the same time he also is a kind and caring person as well. Something many people never see since they only focus on what they perceive as a negative aspect.

And quite frankly, I?ve seen enough that anyone who really takes a look at how Charles posts and deals with members will see that they are anything but rude and offensive. In many ways Charles is every bit as polite and nice if not more in dealing with members both new and old as any other moderator who doesn?t use more interesting pictures.

I can understand why the question was asked as I?m sure the member in question wanted to see how they would deal with such a question, but at the same time on some level I think it?s irrelevant to try and drag up dirt on one of the staff members in public. I can think of far better examples of a member who is weaker in their position than the ones that were mentioned, but such an observation is better done through pm?s instead of out in public.

I am reminded of the complaint thread and how many of the members who were dragged through the mud even though they did an excellent job and those who were also brought to light but were actually in the process of stepping down, something a simple pm would have gotten a better response to than that blatant witch-hunt.

Just to be clear this is more of an objection to the actual question since both contestants are answering them as they were instructed to. I'm more interested in pointing out how such questions do nothing but sow distrust and issues between members instead of actually making any positive changes. :animesigh
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[quote name='Charles']I think the thing that makes our relationship so great is that I have little to no respect for you as well because you always seem to complain about my pictures when they're such a small part of my posting here.[/quote]

Oh no, don't misunderstand me! X/

I said the pictures are the [I]only[/I] reason why I think less of you, and I [I]know[/I] how small part of your posts they are. I didn't mean to imply I had [I]no[/I] respect towards you at all, quite on the contrary. If I don't like one thing about you, it certainly doesn't mean I don't like anything about you.

So please, don't take my words the wrong way... :/ It was a very unfair question, but I felt I needed to answer it anyway.

[quote name='Boo][size=1']Sandy doesn't have to do anything apart from telling who died in which round, really.[/size][/quote]

I [I]wish[/I] it were that easy. You just don't have a clue, Boo...

[quote name='Boo][size=1']Actually, right now Mafia is being halted at the stage where the Event Master has to do one of their few things. What's up?[/size][/quote]

Well, actually it's not me who's pulling the brakes, I'm just lacking a crucial PM from a player because that player is nowhere to be found. But things will move on by next week, I'll make sure of that...
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I don?t think the question to White about killing Labyrinth was really fair, from my prospective of a member who has simply watched the events it looks like the timing of the holidays and finals killed it more than anything else. And now that those two major events are out of the way, it seems that the players are posting again. Only one left to post and we?ll finally get to see who makes it out. ;)

I also agree with Aaryanna_Mom about the question in regards to staff members. It is good to see how they handle such questions, but seeing that it sparked a bit of disagreement between two competent staff members, I kind of agree that such things are better suited to pm?s and not out in the open like a witch hunt as she so colorfully put it.

I?ve only been a member for a short time, but I get the impression that the main staff like Desbreko, Dagger and James are all very approachable when it comes to concerns about staff or other aspects of this place. ;)

To be honest my assessment of both candidates is that each of them has qualities that the other lacks. And at the same time I?m thinking that on some level they would make great teammates in running events.

To put it bluntly, and keep in mind this is an observation and in no ways an indication of how they really work since I can?t see all the behind the scenes information going on. But it seems to me that Sandy has a very dedicated and organized approach but takes offense a little easily, where White is harder to offend, but comes across as being less organized.

Even if the other members were rude, responding to them just made Sandy look inflexible and where even though White is following through on Labyrinth, admitting that he found it boring to read gave the impression that he didn?t care.

I hope that makes sense, I know the decision isn?t up to the regular members, I just wanted to point out how as a member I could see ways how each contestant has qualities that the other doesn?t. So when it came down to it, if I was choosing, I would have a very hard time making that choice.
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[font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=gray]I understood what you were trying to say, Rachmaninoff, and I have soming to say that will follow up what you said. Though, i'm not - in any way - throwing this statement at Sandy and White in particular but rather the 'quality' that Rachmaninoff stated when it comes to Shy's choice for an Event Master - nobody would want an Event Master who was great at creating an RP but was prone to snap from 'constructive criticism' from some of our more blunt members.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=gray]At least I wouldn't anyway.[/color][/size][/font]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Aaryanna_Mom][B]When my daughter asked me if it was okay to become a moderator at this site[/B'] I began to watch it on a regular basis out of curiosity and a parental concern over her online interests.[/quote]
She actually [i]asked you for permission[/i]? Man, I'd sooner [I]slit my wrists[/I] and [B]bleed myself dry[/B] than let my Mum know about my online dealings. I have new respect for your relationship with your daughter, as well as a vague sense of incomprehension that, holy ****, she actually asked. On the list of things that are blown right now, my world is pretty high up there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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She actually [i]asked you for permission[/i]? Man, I'd sooner [I]slit my wrists[/I] and [B]bleed myself dry[/B] than let my Mum know about my online dealings. I have new respect for your relationship with your daughter, as well as a vague sense of incomprehension that, holy ****, she actually asked. On the list of things that are blown right now, my world is pretty high up there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]To tell you the truth, it kind of surprises me as well, my older children were never one to ask permission for anything. It is nice that she does, but some times that little imp just outright tells me she's doing something whether or not I like it. :animesigh Still I can't complain, she's a good kid. ;) And now I'll stop embarrassing her and be on my way.

And so I'm not totally off topic, I agree with Rachmaninoff on the question directed towards White about his event. I don't think he killed it either, just more of a bad timing issue like it had at the beginning when the first week fell on the Thanksgiving holiday. Now the remaining person just needs to post so the rest of us can see who finally makes it out. The only problem, I want both of the remaining characters to survive.
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[COLOR=Navy]Alright, as a member of Labyrinth I'm here to say that it wasn't White's fault that it "died". Which it hasn't. Just because people didn't post for...say a week or two. It was getting a little long for me, but I just posted so we're that much closer to the end, now we're just waiting for BKstyles.

I think the reason it "died" is yes because of the holiday season, and people have lives outside of OB which means most likely spending time with family, which I did personally. But also I think that it had become....somewhat repetitive? Because like an RP it requires you to constantly come up with something new and interesting for each new area we entered. And being a maze type thing with rules it kinda limited in ways.

But anyway, if anything it'd be the blame on the contestants, me included for it "dying" just because we didn't post. That could be because of timing, other commitments, or just a laziness to post.

Either way once BK posts we can exit, and see what White has in store...[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Tahoma]I'll have a post for Labyrinth up by tomorrow night the latest. Now that I finally have time to do something other than work/empty my wallet =(.

In reference to the questions, I like that there is a variety of questions that range from prominent ones pertaining to the impending Event Master role for one of these two individuals, to questions that simply tell us a little more about themselves so we can get to know them better in some sense, however small it is.

The one question specifically aimed at White concerning labyinth however is not only unfair but childish as well. What is being implied through this questions is far from the truth because as I've already said once in this thread, Labyrinth depends on it's members to keep it going and any instances of a slow down has been due to myself, Sakura, SunfallE, any of us just simply posting slowly. For whatever reason we may have, but it all comes back to taking care of real life first and foremost. Expecting all of us to simply sit infront of a monitor all day ready for our turn to post in Labyrinth and keep it going for pages upon pages was not something likely to happen. I think that would have even scared Sandy. None of this should be blamed on White in any way either.

There been a couple of debates already concerning the role of Sandy and White in Labyrinth, but whether it boils down to them being very active or hardly active, it only means so much if the members themselves do not participate up to par with the standards that keep the event going. From what I see however, there has been no such apathy toward Labyrinth from any of the members (alive or dead) that would put it's progress in danger of not finishing. The closest may have been Eclipse, but the fact that she quit and alerted either White or Sandy (whoever was the leader for labyrinth at the time of eclipse quitting) shows that she did the right thing. White handled removing Lita from the event and we are still going, albeit slower then usual. But again, with the holidays being hectic for almost everybody it was to be expected. None of us are at fault nor are any of us responsible for a fictitious scenario involving "Labyrinth being killed".

Labyrinth is neither dead or dying regardless of how it seems, I'm sure White feels the same. Once i make my post, we're pretty much at the homestretch.

On another note, I feel the "Which staff member do you think is weakest in their position" was a very good question to be asked. It should demonstrate professionalism amongst the staff members as it pertains to the observation of one another, which must ultimatley lead to constructive criticism and methods of filling in any gaps that may put the cohesive overseeing of the community into a weakened state. The fact that debates are happening because of it, in terms of calling respect between members into question in my eyes is showing a failure to grasp the real intent of what the question was meant to prompt. Also, no the question is not mine and it is not why I am bringing attention to it.

Also IMO since other's have brought it up, in no way shape or form do I think Charles of all mods is weakest in their position. But that's just my opinion.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][quote name='BKstyles][FONT=Tahoma']For whatever reason we may have, but it all comes back to taking care of real life first and foremost. Expecting all of us to simply sit infront of a monitor all day ready for our turn to post in Labyrinth and keep it going for pages upon pages was not something likely to happen. I think that would have even scared Sandy. None of this should be blamed on White in any way either. [/FONT][/quote]Exactly, with the holidays and other commitments in my life along with those of the other players, that?s not exactly something that White has control over. He can try to get us to post but in the end we make the choice to actually do so. The only thing I disagreed on was not being notified immediately about a member quitting, but again that was more of a personal decision and not an intent to mess up the game since White was hoping they would want to return. And when they did not he posted and fixed the problem caused by the withdrawal.

As for the question about another staff member...I?m of two minds about that. I do think it?s a valid question in addressing the concern as to how the future even master would handle such questions and at the same time the very nature of the question makes it extremely easy to misunderstand. It also holds the problem of everyone having different opinions of what they would consider a weak aspect in a staff member.

I?m going to use the bit of Sandy and Charles as an example of that difference in people's opinions. Sandy feels that the use of pictures is something he doesn?t quite respect and for myself I feel the exact opposite. I say this because Charles takes the attitude of being friendly and joking with everyone and not just older members, so even if a new member is thrown off at first, it?s obvious to me that he?s including everyone and not simply joking with members he knows.

In the same way that James will take the time to answer everyone, Charles helps to creates an atmosphere of feeling like you are welcome here at the boards whether you just joined or have been a member for years. So it?s rather ironic since I actually respect Charles more for using the pictures and joking with everyone where others respect him less for doing so. Both of them are staff members that in their own unique way do their best to make everyone feel welcome and I respect both of them for that.

I don?t object to the question, but I can see how others would feel it was not applicable to this contest. Oh and just for the record, I was not the one to ask that question either. In fact I didn?t send Shy a question at all.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Sandy]I [I]wish[/I'] it were that easy. You just don't have a clue, Boo...[/quote][size=1]Oh, but of course... I beg you to forgive me for that awful comment. As I completely forgot that you had to draw the stick puppets too. For someone with your superior drawing skills, it must've been hell going back to the core of drawing and surpressing all of your artistic ideas, so that you could draw a hung stickman without too much ornament. [/size]
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[quote name='Boo][size=1']Oh, but of course... I beg you to forgive me for that awful comment. As I completely forgot that you had to draw the stick puppets too. For someone with your superior drawing skills, it must've been hell going back to the core of drawing and surpressing all of your artistic ideas, so that you could draw a hung stickman without too much ornament. [/size][/quote]

Well, it took like [I]five[/I] minutes out of my precious lifetime, so yeah, it was really demanding! And, like, [I]hard[/I] for my brains!
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[quote name='Sandy]Well, it took like [I]five[/I] minutes out of my precious lifetime, so yeah, it was really demanding! And, like, [I]hard[/I'] for my brains![/quote]
[size=1]*pat pat* You'll make it. Just hang in there.[/size]
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It seems that some people take offense to Charles actually replying to new members instead of copypasting a prewritten warning at them. How curious.

[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']To tell you the truth, it kind of surprises me as well, my older children were never one to ask permission for anything. It is nice that she does, but some times that little imp just outright tells me she's doing something whether or not I like it. :animesigh Still I can't complain, she's a good kid. ;) And now I'll stop embarrassing her and be on my way.[/quote] Having a mod's mom posting on the boards is probably the most entertaining thing that's happened here in years. XD
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[QUOTE=Sandy]Oh no, don't misunderstand me! X/

I said the pictures are the [I]only[/I] reason why I think less of you, and I [I]know[/I] how small part of your posts they are. I didn't mean to imply I had [I]no[/I] respect towards you at all, quite on the contrary. If I don't like one thing about you, it certainly doesn't mean I don't like anything about you.

So please, don't take my words the wrong way... :/ It was a very unfair question, but I felt I needed to answer it anyway.[/QUOTE]

Take your words the wrong way? Not at all.

I'm not even offended at this point; I just think that your response to the question showed a complete lack of class. Back when I first started moderating on these boards the staff was tightnit and although we didn't always agree with one another, we would never publicly point out who we had the least amount of respect for; doing so would have been very taboo to say the least. It wasn't even an issue to begin with because we all respected one another highly for different reasons--even if we weren't necessarily friends. Quite frankly, I think everyone who seriously contributes to this site deserves an equal amount of respect whether or not I like what they say or do.

If I were asked that question I would have simply said that I thought everyone on the staff was doing their job suitably. Had I decided to point out something that I didn't like about someone, I would never say that I respected them the least out of everyone on the staff. Ethically, I wouldn't have been able to single anyone out like that--but that's just me obviously. Maybe things have changed on this site since I started though.

But, it's not your fault; not everyone is tactful or classy.
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But, it's not your fault; not everyone is classy.[/QUOTE]

Honestly though, I'm just tired of this crap being thrown in my direction constantly. White responded to the question before me, so I felt I needed to be on the same level with him and answer it as well. We were [I]required[/I] to, as well.

Our only difference in that interview is that I didn't kiss [I]your[/I] behind like White did, so if that makes me a worse person then so be it.
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[QUOTE=Sandy]Honestly though, I'm just tired of this crap being thrown in my direction constantly. White responded to the question before me, so I felt I needed to be on the same level with him and answer it as well. We were [I]required[/I] to, as well.

Our only difference in that interview is that I didn't kiss [I]your[/I] behind like White did, so if that makes me a worse person then so be it.[/QUOTE]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]White didn't say "I respect r2vq the least, and this is why [...] no offense!", he said "Umm... maybe r2vq because they haven't been on lately, but is GREAT when he is on". THAT'S the difference.[/font][/color][/size]
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[quote name='Sandy]Honestly though, I'm just tired of this crap being thrown in my direction constantly. White responded to the question before me, so I felt I needed to be on the same level with him and answer it as well. We were [I]required[/I'] to, as well.[/quote]

Crap being thrown your direction constantly? When I provided a critique of your event I remained completely objective and made my best effort to be constructive. Although White also singled out a fellow staff member (which I would not have done) he was careful to make his criticism as delicate and relevant as possible. White pointed out that he felt r2vq could be more active while reminding readers that r2's computer isn't working properly. He also said that when r2vq is active he does his job well.

There is a key difference between delicately critiquing someone and saying that you have the least amount of respect for them in comparison to their peers. Then again, your criticism of me only demonstrates your complete misunderstanding of me. I would say that your abrasive attitude towards others when you constantly fly off the handle is more offensive than any of my images--and more frequent to boot.

Maybe all this "crap" is being thrown your direction constantly because maybe, just maybe you bring it upon yourself. You claim to wonder why I'm allowed to post images without being corrected, so in all fairness I wonder why you're constantly allowed to flame others with your ****** attitude without being corrected.

[quote]Our only difference in that interview is that I didn't kiss [I]your[/I] behind like White did, so if that makes me a worse person then so be it.[/QUOTE]

The only difference is that White didn't sound like a complete dick, while you did. Even when White is asked to provide criticism of his peers, he knows how to do so without being hurtful. It doesn't matter WHO White respects; his accomplishment here is being tactful even when providing a critique of his peer.

Maybe you should work on your attitude towards others before undertaking a position where you create events for them.

It's true--I post images sometimes but I never do with the intention of seriously upsetting anyone. You, on the other hand treat people like crap while not being funny at all. Try to be introspective here, pal.

Anyway, here's a classic pic for old time's sake.

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[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#808080][size=2][quote name='Tekkaman] [font=Palatino Linotype][color=#808080][size=2]Though, i'm not - in any way - throwing this statement at Sandy and White in particular but rather the 'quality' that Rachmaninoff stated when it comes to Shy's choice for an Event Master - nobody would want an Event Master who was great at creating an RP but was prone to snap from 'constructive criticism'[/size] [/color'][/font][/quote][/size][/color][/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=#808080]I repeat my previous statement.[/color][/size][/font]
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