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Who here has a journal? (No not a blog of sorts.)


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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I'm just curious who here has a journal like a book, notebook, etc. Or did you ever have one and stop writing in it and what made you stop? What kind of things did you write in it? Things that just came to you? Stories that just popped into your head? Or a day's events?

Me, I tend to have a yo-yo way of writing. I get into a kick on writing in a journal and then I just kind of shrug it off and don't do it. But lately I've been having the urge to write down things so I don't forget or stew about it for a few days. It also just gives me something to do. Mainly I write about a day's events or how I'm feeling. It just let's me get things off my chest and it also makes me feel like I'm not taking anyone's time up by griping to them about something that they don't want to hear me rant and rave about.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

*Sorry in advance if this is a spammy thread.*
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have a ton of journals. Almost all of them come from a period of about 1 1/2 years that ended around a year ago.

The biggest one is the datalog. On my computer i was keeping a dates journal under the title of 'datalog' entries. At first, i was just using it to catalogue inportant events and record the groth of my DVD collection over time. By the 7th, thoug, I forgot about it for a long time. Later, though, I picked it up and began doing one every day or so, sometimes twice a day. Whats strange is, it feels like I had been doing them for a long time, and when you read them it gives that feeling, but it was only around 2 months.

Some time later i reinitiated it under a new alias. It said 'hello friend' instead of datalog and ran around the same amount of time. I've also got a composition notebook that I used as a journal, but the biggest one is what I called my picture journal.

basically, it's this huge spiral notebook labelled 'the bad book'. It's full of all sorts of random crap - rants, poems, but most of it is pictures. And most of those pictures are pornographic. Pretty much none of it is hetero porn either >_> going with whichever gender I was in the mood for.

This and other books frighten me greatly, so I hide them in my closet along with other strange things from that time period.[/COLOR]
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Guest Arina2318
Yeah I started a journal about a year ago. Honestly, it's a about a guy I liked and I needed a way to get my feelings off my chest and that's the way I did it. It was really nice. I still write in it this very day and I don't regret starting it lol. :animesmil
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[COLOR=Navy]I had a journal years ago, when I was about 7. I discontinued it because writing hurt my hand. God, I'm a whine-***.

But I want to start a new one because the voices are telling me to do so. But I never ake the ime to, I procrastinate a lot.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]I have a journal on my personal computer. I decided to start one a few months ago, because I realized what a crappy memory I have... and... I wanted to remember my life, I guess.

Ever since summer started, I haven't typed much, considering I hardly ever have a day off to turn on my computer. And even if I do, I don't feel like writing anything, and my main goal is to play a computer game, haha.

I only really have one or two persistent subjects in my journal, mainly about a rocky break-up, and some crap about me wanting to move to Canada. XD[/size]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Ive had probly 30 journals throughout my entire life.
I stopped writing in my journal 2 years ago.Partly because i was too lazy to write and because my friend said it was boring anyway.
I just got a new journal for my birthday but I still havet wrote in it.I guess im giving up on journals.Im going to use it as a guestbook at camp.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo]I've never had one, not even an online blog or rather the 'blog' I have done is sporadic and hardly qualifies as a blog in any sense. It's rather ironic since I've had pretty little notebooks for writing a journal given to me but each and everyone of them is blank. Still sitting on my shelves back at my parents house.

Probably about the only thing I do have that resembles a journal is one where I've gone through periods where I write down the dreams I've had and then analyze them. But that's also related to work and dealing with patients who suffer from nightmares. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even bother and most of the time I don't. Well unless the dream is pretty strange. The rest I don't even bother with. And since I don't have strange dreams very often I have less than fifty typed up. [/COLOR]
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the only things I ever want to write down are things that I'd never EVER want anyone else to read. EVER. So I don't keep one. I did sporadically for a while, since I needed something to rant about my bi*** of a dorm mom in... it pretty much consists of cussing out various people, mostly her... very literary.... but i think I wanted her to find it and read it so I could be more pissed at her for going through my stuff... I had a blog for awhile too.. basically served the same purpose.. i really should delete that thing...
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I've kept a journal since I was 9. When I was 9, it was pretty much a recording of the day's events. As I matured, the journal matured. Now, I write about events that happen and my feelings. My journal is very private to me, as I write absolutely everything in it! Like Domon, I use it to rant because I don't always want to be dumping on other people! My journal did get me in trouble once. My boyfriend grabbed it as a joke, and it opened to a page that recorded me talking to a guy that he told me not to talk to. That was a huge mess, but we worked it out. My journal has been sacred ever since! However, now, he and I are so close that he knows everything I now write down. I really enjoy writing my feelings, because sometimes stuff will come out that won't come out when I talk about it with other people. I also love going back and reading my old journals. It's especially nice to have all the records from the days when I first noticed and asked out my boyfriend!
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I have journals. Boxes full of them actually. I love to write. It helps me get ?things out? so to say when I can?t tell people things because I can?t trust them. There?s also been a few when I?ve kept journals channeling RP characters of min, like record their day?s events just to get a better understanding of them. It helps a lot because I can RP them better that way.

I haven?t had a journal in a couple of years. I?ve been going thru the teen angst stage (as in I?ve been hating myself etc.) and I?ve kept it bottled up. Just because I was paranoid someone would find the notebook. And I didn?t want that to happen. Main reason being is because I was suicidal this past year or so and didn?t want my mother knowing.

After reading this thread, I think I?m going to start a new one. I?ll start one and then not look back at what I?ve written until graduation. =D
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[FONT=Arial]I've tried to have journals. Mostly when I was in elementary school. I pretty much just wrote on the first page of each one everytime I got one and forgot that I was supposed to continue writing the next day.

Nowadays, with the internet and whatnot, I have several journals I can actually maintain. I don't really call them blogs because I never really do bloggy things, like rant about something or critique something or whatever. I just write about my day and stuff.

I've had a myOtaku which I kept for about two years or so, there are four Livejournals floating around spanning from my eight grade year to now (one of which I still write in), my band's myspace blog, and now I have a blogspot thing. So yeah, internet journals are definitely easier than real journals.[/FONT]
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[color=#b0000b]I kept a paper journal for several years?from the time I was eleven to the time I was about fifteen. Around then, I switched to online journals and went through several of those.

Recently I've started keeping a paper journal again, with thoughts and doodles about my life. I might scan and post a couple pages here; they're pretty fun.[/color]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I love my journals. I have about a thousand, maybe. I kept one when I was little every once in a while with entries such as "I have a cold today and can not go to Amy Beverland Elementary School". They were very specific for a 6-year old.
Then I got older and forgot about them until Junior High when I found an old one and started writing a little bit more. Then I shrugged it off again until sophomore year when I got a new one for my birthday. I wrote in it almost every day, and it lasted for 364 days. Then the next day I got a new one for my birthday, so now I write in that one!
I also have one on my [internetless] computer in my room. I wrote religiously through the end of 8th grade through freshman year and then started writing sparingly, like fats and sugars.
In my personal journals, I write about EVERYTHING but mostly guys. It's quite sad, actually. I get embarrassed reading them because "I can't believe I liked *****!!!!" and whatnot. But there's also stuff about everything else... school & work & church, etc.
Then, of course, comes the Xanga. I've had one since 3 years ago, and I've only had 2 that I've really written in. The first one got all annoying when I broke up with my boyfriend, so I basically deleted it. :( The one I have now has been seriously va-gue for about a year... as in, [I]I[/I] don't even understand it anymore. But I still write in it every day! :D

Yay journals![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[color=dimgray] I tried this year, but I wrote one entry and drew the rest. +_+ So I guess I had a drawing journal of sorts. They're very fun to keep up with if you enjoy drawing, and it's nice to have all of your sketches in one bundle as opposed to a bunch of computer paper around your desk. [/color]
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Does my writer's notebook count? I have to carry it everywhere so I can write down phrases, images or ideas that come to me in random places (usually on trains but sometimes in a crowd on Regent Street in the rush hour - try finding somewhere to stop and get your pen out while being swept along at 100mph by impatient holiday shoppers).
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Wow! I didn't know a lot of people still had journals of some sort ^_^;; I used to have a journal in junior high, but it was for assigned writing crap. You really couldn't express yourself and I guess that's why I gave up on writing in a journal for so long. I did have a MyO and a Xanga, but I really gave up on that. I was thinking of getting a MySpace just because my friends have accounts too but I really like to keep my personal feelings in something that a billion other people aren't going to read. That's what makes me a little uncomfortable about online journals ^_^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Well I have about 3, I would say... Most of them, has the exact same stuff in them but each of them have a exclusive information and journal entries. Meaning that when all three of them are read together, the key to the universe is revealed. (I wish)

Anyway I have my:

[U]Secret Journal[/U]: I hide this one from my parents and none of my friends have ever read it. It deals with deeper emotions as well as love interests. (And it contains a few of my pictures that I drew) It's rather large and bulky since it's been fashioned out of a notebook, sketchpad, and a binding thingy that I cut up, all crudely taped together (I got the idea from some Disney show about a 2 years ago, but I forgot the name)

[U]Travel Journal aka: Lie Journal[/U] When I'm at school or on the road to family reunions or at camp or whatever I'm doing and I know I'm going to be away from the house, (and more importantly, the secret journal) I carry my travel journal. I write in this journal in the style of Thoreau meaning that while I'm out or traveling, if I see something in nature I think is beautiful, I write about it. It ends up being very existential to the untrained eye. However, everything that I write in it is basically a code comparing that object to something or someone at home. I also like to sketch little pictures here and there about the things I'm writing. (I find it easier to sketch trees and flowers than people) I do this because, I know that I can't hide my journal when I'm not at home; I wouldn't know all the good hiding places. And I know that people can never mind their own business so I give them something boring to read, if they're really that interested! :rolleyes:

[U]Computer Journal:[/U] No, it's not my myspace blog or anything. It's a folder on my computer that contains stories, pictures that I think are meaninful, poetry, and occasionally an actual journal-esque entry. Plus, I've got my computer graphics saved in there so I can look at my progress while I'm learning the programs. Since it's basically public, (meaning that my mom or brother could easily find it) I don't write anything in there that I would mind other people seeing. I've also got it all backed up on a flash drive just in case my computer crashes.
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