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Love Letters <3

Dragon Warrior

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[b]WARNING:[/b] Thread may contain cute, gushy, or possibly sickeningly sweet stories of love.

[size=1]I'm an actor, so I do a lot of homemade movies and plays. Most of the plays I'm in are put on by my college, usually in the drama class. Well, I'm in this semester's play and I have become utterly infatuated with an absolutely beautiful girl who is also in the cast. What's worse is in one of the scenes we're lovers. And I know she likes me back because of the way she acts. Of course, she has a boyfriend in the play with us, so that just complicates the heck out of everything, leaving me optionless.

Well, I've kept myself quiet all these months, but I couldn't contain it anymore. I had to let her know how I felt, but I could not tell her verbally because he was always around. And telling her backstage during the play performances we do certainly would not be a possibility. (You don't want drama in drama, trust me). Well, the only thing that came to mind was to write her a note. I can't tell her in person because of the circumstances, but I could tell her in private through writing.

So there I was, writing a mushy, romantic, and quite possibly corny love letter from 8:00pm Sunday night all the way until 4:30am Monday morning. Of course I was jittery so I wasn't satisfied, but I went to bed anyway, and got up two hours later to head to the play performance. I was nervous the whole time, as I'm sure she noticed. We performed the play and I still acted flirtacious towards her, but I was slightly distant, contemplating when the right time was to give it to her. The end of the play approached and I was about due to go on for the final scene, so I said, "&%$# it," and ran into the dressing room and took her hand and put the love letter in it. I said, "This is for you, and your eyes only." She smiled, and seconds later I was running out on stage performing the final scene, which she stood behind the curtain and watched the whole time.

Because I gave it to her so late in the performance, I was already gone before she possibly read it. So I have no idea what she's possibly thinking about. I have the suspicion she knew what it was when I gave it to her because of the way she smiled and responded, but who knows? I certainly hope her boyfriend didn't see it. Although I'd love to be with her, it wasn't an intention to break them up. I just had to tell her how I felt or I'd regret it. I'll know what her response is tomorrow when I return to the theatre to perform the play again...

As for you others, have you ever had a love letter experience? Have you gotten one or written one? Did you get up the moxy to actually give it? Because I'm a nervous wreck myself! Share, share share![/size]
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Aww, that's so sweet! While you may be a bit of a...well, c'mon, you did give a love letter to a girl with a boyfriend.:p Well, I wish you the best of luck! Poor girl, she's probably confused out of her wits...

Yeah, I got a love letter from a friend of mine when I was about 8 or so. It was more of a "Hi, I like you a lot. Do you like me too? Circle YES or NO. P.S. please circle yes." note. Yeah...not the most romantic thing in the world, but good enough for me.
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[quote name='chibi-master']

Yeah, I got a love letter from a friend of mine when I was about 8 or so. It was more of a "Hi, I like you a lot. Do you like me too? Circle YES or NO. P.S. please circle yes." note. Yeah...not the most romantic thing in the world, but good enough for me.[/QUOTE]
I can't help but wonder chibi, what did you circle?:catgirl:[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Dragon Warrior'][size=1]It would've been hilarious if he said, "P.S. Yes is the correct answer. You should circle that one. Just helpin' you out." [/size][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Yes. It is hilarious. If someone gave me one that said that, I would circle "no" just to mess with him. :animesmil

As for me, yes, about twice. See, I'm one of the people who's really picky. If I don't like the person, I would tell him no. There was actually this email with this guy saying "I like you". I didn't reply though........maybe I should.:animestun
Anyways, most people tell me they like me by either asking me out or being a complete a-hole to me and no one else.:animedepr[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Aw, Gav! :^D That is so sweet! And well, it might suck for the boyfriend, but if she would choose you, it should not really matter because she did not like him enough anyway. Tada! Besides, its only handy that she has a boyfriend, because if she does not choose for you, you can blame it on that she does not want to ruin anything or that she feels sorry for the boyfriend! Whoo!

As for love letters. Ehm, well not really. Neither way really. I once sent a mix[strike]tape[/strike]disc... I think pretty much one and a half year ago. Oh, I did sent an SMS once with [i]‘‘if I were just a bit less sober, I would be able to pull the courage together to say "I love you" right now :x’’[/i] or something alike, but it did not really work. ;_;

Now we are dazzlingly in love with each other and will have our 1½ years anniversary soonish. :3[/size]
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[SIZE="1"]My entire romantic career has been based upon the sucess of love letters. I can never seem to find the words in person but everything just seems to flow in a letter. I just feel so corny when saying those words out loud. People dig love letters, Dragon, so whether your letter was good or bad, it was still a bloody love letter, if she likes you it'll do the trick.

And don't feel bad about her having a boyfriend, if she really loved him she would say no; you're not forcing anything on her.

Good luck.[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I've had this sort of thing happen to me before, writing a letter (granted it was via e-mail) to a girl that I loved that had a boyfriend. Needless to say, it didn't turn out so good for me. However, I think it'd probably would work out more in your favor Gavin, as you are more of a charmer than myself.

Personally I dig the one on one talks, because even if I'm insanely nervous, I can still manage to stammer out the words I need to say. May not be the stuff I wanted to say to the woman in question, but it's still something and the feeling is there. I'm one of those guys who is a good friend for a while then feelings kinda grow. The exception would be my current girlfriend, but that's a different story that doesn't need to be told. This thread already has enough cooties in it.[/FONT]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]I guess I'm going to be the only one to go along these lines, but...[/font]

[quote]Although I'd love to be with her, it wasn't an intention to break them up.[/quote]

[font=franklin gothic medium]o_O;

So what's the point? Just to let her know how you feel? Why would you do that unless you want a relationship?

I think that sometimes feelings are better left unsaid, in an effort to avoid awkward situations (and, frankly, so as not to disrespect her boyfriend).

I mean sure, if she were single, I'd say go ahead. No harm really.

But she's in a relationship, so... I don't think a love letter is going to help anyone really.

I mean look at the options. Let's say she's not interested - well in that case, now you have to continue performing with her on stage and it will be [i]incredibly[/i] awkward for both of you (especially her).

Let's say she IS interested, but won't leave her boyfriend. That then puts totally unnecessary strain on her relationship with her boyfriend. It's not fair to him and it's also not fair to her. It puts her in the middle of something very difficult.

And then let's say she does break up with her boyfriend for you. Well, sure, that's the best outcome for you. And sure, if she's going to break up with the boyfriend then it can't have been a great relationship in the first place.

But still, unless you're extremely careful, you will risk being "the other man", which is not a good position to be in for so many reasons.

Love letters are wonderful things, but I have to admit, I personally don't agree with what you did here.

If you really felt you had to do it, I'd probably look at doing it when the play is over or something - I mean, when you won't have to work with each other every day. That way she can take it or leave it and it won't cause an ongoing issue.

Sorry, Gav. :([/font]
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I have to agree with James on this one, especially on the timing-aspect (not waiting until after the play), but I do give you points for being courageous, which will serve you well in life later on.

The only similar story I have is during the early years of high school, I suddenly started receiving mysteriously placed, anonymous letters from a "secret crush."

I didn't know many girls, being the geeky fellow I was, so had no suspects in mind and was also worried that perhaps some malicious guy was writing them as a prank.

The last day of school a final letter came with a huge reveal. It was from a girl from my Latin class who I had never talked to before and who wasn't my type at all. She asked if we could meet in a certain spot after school to start to get to know each other.

Anyway, I didn't meet her there and never saw her again after that. Moral: There are definitely WRONG ways to use love letters :-).
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[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]I guess I'm going to be the only one to go along these lines, but...[/font]

[font=franklin gothic medium]o_O;

So what's the point? Just to let her know how you feel? Why would you do that unless you want a relationship?

I think that sometimes feelings are better left unsaid, in an effort to avoid awkward situations (and, frankly, so as not to disrespect her boyfriend).

I mean sure, if she were single, I'd say go ahead. No harm really.

But she's in a relationship, so... I don't think a love letter is going to help anyone really.

I mean look at the options. Let's say she's not interested - well in that case, now you have to continue performing with her on stage and it will be [i]incredibly[/i] awkward for both of you (especially her).

Let's say she IS interested, but won't leave her boyfriend. That then puts totally unnecessary strain on her relationship with her boyfriend. It's not fair to him and it's also not fair to her. It puts her in the middle of something very difficult.

And then let's say she does break up with her boyfriend for you. Well, sure, that's the best outcome for you. And sure, if she's going to break up with the boyfriend then it can't have been a great relationship in the first place.

But still, unless you're extremely careful, you will risk being "the other man", which is not a good position to be in for so many reasons.

Love letters are wonderful things, but I have to admit, I personally don't agree with what you did here.

If you really felt you had to do it, I'd probably look at doing it when the play is over or something - I mean, when you won't have to work with each other every day. That way she can take it or leave it and it won't cause an ongoing issue.

Sorry, Gav. :([/font][/QUOTE]

[size=1]It's no problem, James. I'm happy someone actually took such a stand towards me because that was my initial opinion of the situation. The people aware of my infatuation with her told me that the letter idea would be good to do. I came up with it, but I told them I shouldn't because it'd be bad news for the boyfriend if something came of it. That and I didn't want to make the situation odd. But as many friends do, they drilled the idea into my head that if I didn't do this, I'd regret it.

So I did it.

And really, I'd feel bad if it did cause trouble in her relationship, or perhaps even a break up. But I wouldn't necessarily be sour about the idea she chose me. I know what I said sounded very contradicting, but that was me before and me after arguing--as in, me with the same opinion as you versus me after all my friends convinced me to go through with the letter.

Either way, she responded in an even longer letter, which I've had a hard time understanding and figuring out. She was extremely flattered by me giving her the letter and how I had the courage to tell her, not to mention I saw more in her than any other guys have (I'm guessing that includes her boyfriend?). She's not leaving her boyfriend, obviously (which is good, because who wants to date someone who will leave their boyfriend for you?), but she's really liked getting to know me, and feels comfortable with me out of everyone around.

And getting to know her helped me decide whether this would be alright to go through with. I knew she wouldn't blow up about it or make it awkward. She actually said she likes how we are together and wants to keep it the same. And she wants to hang out more and stuff. I'm not sure if I should take this as she wants us to remain friends and not let these feelings change things or if she wants to continue getting to know each other for possible future dating. And considering she has a boyfriend, it's possible she couldn't tell me she liked me back, so that's still up in the air. Either way, things aren't awkward between us, her and her boyfriend are fine, but I am slightly disappointed, which is to be expected. I will be with her as much as possible now, and hopefully someday if she's ever single, I can be the one she chooses.

However, if I'm not careful, I'll weasel myself into the friend zone. Awkward that my favorite movie of all time is [b]Just Friends[/b].[/size]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]Ah well, as long as things don't go awkward I guess nothing bad will happen from it. Although if she wanted to get to know you better in an effort to date you, she should make sure she ends her current relationship first! :catgirl:

In general though I think love letters are great things. Receiving one is very exciting and flattering...and sending one can nearly give you a heart attack (especially if you don't know the person well, haha). :D[/font]
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Though I think it's courageous to do it, I can't and won't agree with giving one to someone who is already in a relationship. I can't help but find that extremely selfish on your part DW. I've read this several times and all I can think is that I hope nothing bad comes from it. :( Sorry, but that is my take on it. Anyway...

Like James just said, in general I do think love letters can be a wonderful thing, but at the same time kind of scary if you don't really know the person or haven't realized they like you. And it's just as hard to give one to someone as well.
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[COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Dragon Warrior']As for you others, have you ever had a love letter experience? Have you gotten one or written one? Did you get up the moxy to actually give it? Because I'm a nervous wreck myself! Share, share share![/quote]I have absoutely no comment on the first part of your original post since James already said it (and my opinion is the same.) [B]._.[/B] So I'm going to answer the last bit.

No, I have not and I really don't want one. I don't plan on writing one either. I know people keep saying, you'll reach that phase where you ohh and ahh over someone else, but I haven't. So... though the concept seems cute, the idea of being a part of it, either on the receiving or giving end... I'd rather not. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[size=1]I think that our Gavynn is fine enough a judge of character to be able to see whether she could handle it. Besides, if someone cannot handle such a letter, how would they be able to handle the Dragon Warrior?
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