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Rain of Fire


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OOC: Great time for dream talk, I just paused nightmare on elm st. *crys*

Kyru blinked. "Haru, did you have a dream?"

"Yeah, I was in the corridor that led to my old village. Why?" Kyru paled. "We were caught."

"Those must have been our fondest desires. The liquid must be it's way of ensnaring people." Mina looked at him. "No, you have to be wrong. My fantasy isn't a real bright room with a carring Kyru."

"Did you get a look at the place?"
"Well, no... my eyes were adjusting."

"So you could have been anywhere. You could have been standing over Kaguro's body, or you may have been next to him..."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I ment as kids, before this hell erupted. Aren't those your happiest memories?"


"The only question, is why did we wake up?"
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"I don't know. You're the one who's supposed to be the expert on this. Perhaps, we woke because we couldn't accept them. We should probably focus on where we currently are and what we plan to do." Mina walked ahead.[color=royal blue][i]Why did we wake? I do wish for Kyru to accept me and care about me...[/color][/i]

Kyru heard her but did not respond. He just looked ahead.

OOC: I am sorry, I really don't know what to say.
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OOC: Sorry, I guess I did leave you kinda short handed...

Kyru looked back at Haru and Mina. "C'mon, this way. Er, actually... the only way." Mina lit a blue flame in her hand and lit the hall. Brown dingey walls and skeletons decorated the path as the group cautiosly proceeded. The hall twisted and turned like a big maze. The end led to a large white room. The silvery liquid formed a wall in front of them. "Wow, does it really think we're going to swim in that stuff again?" Haru asked skeptically. Kyru walked forward. "C'mon, we need to get going."

"Are you serious? Kyru, we kinda learned not to do that."

"If you have any other ideas, let 'em loose." Kyru walked up to the barrier and dipped his finger in. It felt oozy and sticky. "Kyru, wait. If we go in there, we probably won't wake up."

"No, we'll probably wake up when it's too late, when we are so attached to the image that not seeing it will drive us mad. Anything else?"
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"Well what are we waiting for?" Mina enthusiastically waltzed right into the liquid.

"Hey! Wait up!" Kyru called after Mina,"Damn woman.."

[color=royal blue][i] "Mina! Mina, my love, wait for me!" Young Kaguro called after her.

They were riding horses through her home village, dodging people, jumping over animals and carts. It was a warm spring day, and naturally the two were causing trouble. They, well Mina, had let out a barn full of stallions. Their master was known for abusing them so Mina decided she had had enough.

"C'mon you slow poke!! Kaguro, I would have thought you were faster than that!!"Mina giggled.

"Hey!!! My stallions!!" the owner had come out of a store and dropped all of his possesions. He tried to keep up but Kaguro flew past him, the gust knocking him on his rear end.

"Sorry, Mr. Walin!! Oh s~~t!!" Kaguro barely dodged a woman with her child.

They finally entered an open meadow. Full of lush vegitation and various colors of flowers. The two galloped full speed, then stopped by the clear pond. Mina layed down adn stretched her arms, twirling her fingers in the blades of grass. Kaguro layed down next to her, he ran his finger along her colar bone and up her neck.

"Mina, can I ask you something?" He leaned into her.

"Of course, my king," Mina placed a hand on his face and played with his golden locks.

"You know that I love you more than life itself."

"Yes, as do I."

"Please allow me the honor to pledge my life to you. Please, Mina my angel, be my queen."He took her left hand and placed a small golden ring with a tiny diamond embedded in it.

Mina's eyes brimmed and tears streamed down her face. "Of course Kaguro, of course,"they embraced...[/color][/i]
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Young Kyru walked through his orphanage, admiring the art on the walls. He smiled as a little girl came running up to him. "Kyru!"
"Seravel. Whats up?"
"I've been looking for you. Kyru, I've been adopted!" Kyru smiled and hoisted her into the air. "That's great! Who are the lucky parents?"
"They're really nice looking! Mr. and Mrs. Fallen! They have a nice house in a valley by the waterfall!" At that point a couple came walking down the hall. They smiled at Seravel and then looked at Kyru.
"This is my big brother I was telling you about! He'll be coming too, right?"
"Well..." The lady looked at the man, who smiled back at her. "I guess we could-" Kyru cast a stern look and shook his head, making sure that Seravel didn't see. "...I'm sorry dear, but we just can't." The man said. Seravel looked down. She slowly faced Kyru. "Kyru, you can't come." Kyru laughed and smiled. "Hey! Don't look like that on my account! I love it here at the orphinage." Seravel still looked depressed. "But, you're my big brother."

"No, you know that's impossible."

"Not blood wise, but..."

"Listen, all that matters is that you're happy."

[color=darkred] [i] This is a dream. [/color]

[COLOR=teal]Than it is a good dream...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]It isn't real. But... I can't stop it... [/COLOR] [/i]
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[color=indigo][i]I-I am dreaming...Am I? I don't know, it seems so real..I don't want to wake..But what will happen to Kyru and Haru?....[/color]

[color=royal blue]"Mina, love. I will devote my soul to you..*the sky darkens*"Kaguro's sweet face turned to a sinister madman.

"Kaguro! Kaguro, what is the meaning of this?!" Mina was taken back as he started to cackle.

The thunder roled adn the lightning flashed in Kaguro's eyes. He grabbed Mina's neck and starts to strangle her.

"Ka...gu...ro..What-what are..you..doing.."Mina's breathe was growing short.[/color]

[color=royal blue] What is the meaning of this.....[/color][/i]

Mina woke up on the floor, her eyes blinked and desperately tried to focus. She looked through the liquid to see atleast 3 Kyru's and 2 Haru's..."Uhh..."she fell unconcious.
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OOC: Sorry I'm posting so much, and so repetitively...

Kyru tried to get away from the illusions. He could almost hear Mina's panic, until it died into nothingness.
[i] I have to get out [/i] His head felt like it was going to burst as he saw a small blurry portion of reality. A black drop of inky liquid was beginning to surround Mina. The vision blurred and he came back to the illusion.

[i] [COLOR=darkred]I... have to get out of here![/COLOR]

[COLOR=teal]Why? Isn't this better? As long as you stay here, you will never face a hardship again.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Thats.... not true. Everyone will die in here if I don't do something.....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]Be calm, you won't need to worry. I can sooth the chaos in your head...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]Shut up!! I'm breaking out of here!!![/COLOR] [/i]

Kyru pushed with all of his energy to escape. Kovu fluttered around in his mind.
[i] [COLOR=darkred]If I Die Here, She Will Never Be Revived! The world will stay in darkness, I can't let that happen!![/COLOR] [/i]

A purple volt of lightning surged through his head.

[i][COLOR=teal]You also have no choice but to let that happen...[/COLOR] [/i]

Something snapped inside Kyru. He came to his knees, as something inside him surged to get out. His eyes started to glow red, as his incisors started to grow into fangs. Kyru growled out, his voice changing deeper and colder. His hair flashed white, as he stood up with great ease. He slowly made his way across the room in a lesiourly path towards Mina and Haru.

[COLOR=teal]What are you doing? Stop...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]"I'm tired of your crap. I'll give you five minutes to give me everything you got, to try and stop me."[/COLOR]
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Mina looked up and saw Kyru taking a fighting stance. [color=royal blue][i]Kyru, Kyru if you can hear me, be careful. It's only an illusion, a terrible trick of the mind to remind you of what you cannot get back!!![/color]

[color=red]Shut up!! I am going to get Kovu back!!![/color]

[color=royal blue]Kyru, just don't let the new found power take control of you. Please, don't become your father...[/color]

[color=red]Don't worry mom, I will NOT become my father.[/color][/i]

Mina smiled in relief, but her smile quickly faded. She heard a low growl and a steamy stench blew down her back. Turning around slowly, she came face to face with a snarling demon. His venimous drool poured out of his growling mouth. "You humans will not leave alive."

Mina smiled and gripped her sythe, the flames grew more intense and bright. Her adrenaline kicked into high gear and her eyes twinkled in anticipation. The hidious monster threw his claws at Mina, she leapt into the air "Blue Flame of Agony!!" She brought her sythe down fast and hard on the demon's head. Unsurprisingly, the beast stumbled back but was not defeated.

Before it had a chance to regain its composure Mina charged full force"Deathsythe Flames!!!" all went dark and all that was seen was the flame slashing the beast multiple times. Mina landed behind the beast, her sythe still glowing. The room started to return to its normal state, the beast fell into several pieces and then burst into blue flames.

Mina stood up, winced in pain, and fell to one knee. She held herself up with the sythe. During the attack the demon was able to slice her thigh open, blood was spilling out of the wound.

"MOTHER!!" Kyru's furry grew stronger and his body was surrounded by a white aura, his eyes glew brighter. "Hahaha, with that deep of a wound, she won't last too long without your help," the voice teased.

"That's it! Let's dance!!"
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"But first, I'm tired of swimming." He grinned and held up his hands. "Death dimension!" In a flash of black and a thundering crack, the liquid vanished. Kyru laughed. "Sweet air. Now you die." Kyru charged forward and swung at the demon. It sprung back and produced a blade of it's own. Kyru flipped up into the air and came down with crushing force. The demon leaped back and cackled. "I can read your mind! Your moves are like an open book!" It threw it's head back and laughed. "I am the telikenetic of the Farthin, you will die here."
"Farthin? You talk too much." Kyru stepped back for a second.
[i] Mina, get to higher grounds and stay there. I can't protect you from this. [/i]
Mina was confused, but decided to obey. She limped up the steps at the end of the room and sat down. "Rain of terror!!" The rain started to fall as normal, but then the drops grew bigger and hardened. The demon squeeled in pain as the hail-like balls dropped and exploded onto him. The floor started to puddle with black liquid. "Here demon! Try swimming in this!!"
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The demon's screams turned into manical laughter. "oh, oh, you had me for a second..hahaha..How delightful pain is," the demon's skin began to regain its normal form adn the demon breathed in.

"What?! That attack should have finished you off, you wretched scum!!"Kyru grew furious and his white aura flickered black.

"Well it may be true, but it didn't. Awww,"the demon teased, only fueling the fire.

[color=red][i]Damnit, now what am I supposed to do...[/color][/i] Kyru thought to himself.

Mina heard her son's desperation. [color=royal blue][i] The tower is of illusions and grendure...So none of this is absolutely stable...So if this tower isn't real, then..Kyru!! It's not real!! The demon is not real! Don't believe in it!! Don't believe it, or the tower's mind tricks will consume you! Killing you!![/color][/i]
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[i] That cut doesn't seem to fake.

[color=blue] You have to trust me on this! Don't belive in it! [/color]

Your call... [/i]

Kyru sheathed his sword and closed his eyes. "This isn't real this isn't real..." The demon launced into the air and brought his blade down, sending a gash across Kyru's chest. "KYRU!" Mina started to get up, but Kyru signalled her to stay.

[i] The black water... it'll kill you...

[color=blue]I can't just stay put![/color]

It really didn't sound like you have a choice... Th[color=red]is[/color] [color=darkred]is real enough... for ME!![/color] [/i]

Kyru's hair copletely changed white as he shot off the ground and into the air.
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Haru watched in confusion. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Haru!! Help my mother!!!" Kyru yelled.

"Right, Flight!!" Haru took to the air and flew over to Mina. Haru kneeled beside Mina whose leg still bled. He took off his bandana and tied it around her thigh. The bleeding stopped."If this is all fake, then why do you have a wound?"

"I am not believing in myself, I am trying to believe in Kyru. If we believe enough, he should defeat the demon." Mina struggled to stand. She grimaced adn stood up, with Haru's assistance.

They watched Kyru carefully.
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Kyru came down and slashed straight through the demon. He grinned and stood up at full hight. "Kyru what are you doing?! It's an illusion!"
"I'm gonna beat this guy up so bad none of his tricks are gonna save him!"

"You stuborn idiot!" Haru yelled at him. "Listen to Mina!"

"Shut your hole!!" The two halves of the demon weakly stumbled, but then created another half, making two full demons. "Close, but I read your mind! I can control it too!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Kyru jumped up, but instead of attacking flipped onto the other side. He landed with a splash and shot his sword into the back of the demon's head. "Sword of the Leech!" He yelled. He slowly yanked out his sword and let the energy flow into him. With the demon's cackling, he dropped to one knee and started to vomit a black liquid. "Tell me, what happens when dark mixes with light? Pure poison!!" Kyru growled, his eyesight swimming in front of him. "I-I'll kill you slowly."
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"Flames of Uncertainty!!" White flames danced across the demons and they turned their attention to Mina who was limping across the black water. The flame was absorbed adn the demons laughed madly.

But their laughter was stopped short, they grabbed their head and started screaming uncertainties"Will I win? Can I kill this boy? No I can't!!! But I can, no I cant!! Ahhhhh!! I don't know if I can do this!!!!" the demon's heads burst into flames and they disappeared with the flame.

Mina glared at Kyru, "Huh? How did you do that? And how are you able to walk on the black water? It's poison to those who don't control it.."he was stunned, then furious,"And why did you do that!!?"

"I am tired of your thick skull! We need to continue, don't you want to bring Kovu back? Or would you rather focus on yourself and try to show off fighting?" Mina was pissed, the blue flame that surrounded her sythe grew brighter. She turned and walked down the corridor.
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Kyru blinked. He heard a weak small laughter behind him, and looked to see the demon was still alive. "D-don't worry, I'm dead this time..." Kyru walked over, his hair turning brown and his eyes turning back to normal. "You could have killed me there, why did you hesitate?"
"K-killing you would have made the boss angry." He laughed again. "I'm such a h-h-hypocryte. I didn't join the boss for his ideals, I never cared for his philosaphy, I just wanted an excuse, to kill as many people as I could..."
"You monster." Haru looked at it in disgust. "Let 'em talk, it doesn't have much time left."
"I've dove into c-countless minds, they were all filled with the same twisted obsession, of passing on their genes... but not you... like me, we live for the moment... we forget our past and don't look for our future... the present is our only concern..." It coughed again. Mina started back. "Aren't you coming?!"
"Shut up. Just give me a minute."
"The first mind I dove into was my fathers... all I could see was hatred for me... I thought he was going to kill me... and when I came to, the village had been engulfed in flames..."
"You destroyed your village just because of your father?!" Mina burst out, causing the demon to cackle. "Yes... but thats not that bad... compared to you... Kyru... I have seen the face of true evil... once in your father... again in you... and then spilling into you... Mina... any of you can match me... no, Mina... no you're worse... compared to you... I'm not so bad..." Mina couldn't say anything, just looked in shock. [i][color=blue] Pure evil, inside of me?! [/i][/color]

"Your heart Mina... it is filled with lesser good... ther's a large place in your heart... not for Kyru... but for Kaguro... everything else is just crammed into a corner... You Kyru... I dove into you as well... your heart... is poisioned by damnable mist... But in it... was one that is not with you know..."

"Stop. I don't want to hear it."

"Haru... you are filled with chaos and misery... there is nothing in your heart... you are your only guide to happiness and good... and you follow it closely..." The demon turned back to Kyru. "I've been killing for so long... but now I see... I was only waiting to be killed... I have a last request... please... kill me quickly..."

Kyru nodded and rose his sword. In a churning swipe, the demon was dead. "Hey Kyru"
"About what he said..."
"What's the problem now?!"
"Oh, nothing..."
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They continued to walk down the halls. And Kyru couldn't stand it anymore, "Mina, why did the demon say that to you? Why are you the worst?"

Mina looked ahead, almost as if she didn't hear him. "Mina, I am talking to you!"

"Yeah, I heard you. I don't know, it is really worrying me. I really don't think this is the time and place for this discussion,"Mina quickened her steps. Kyru looked at her face, full of hate and furry. It was a look that Kyru couldn't place.

[color=green][i] What an expression. I have never seen Mina's face as frightening, sure her face is usually filled with sorrow, but not of hatred.[/color][/i]

Mina heard his thoughts but continued on.
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"Okay, this leads me back to my first question. Mina, how can you be sure that you can kill Kaguro? Didn't he say a large place in your heart?"

"Damn it Kyru! I don't know! I'd think you of all people would recognise a time to shut up!" Kyru was going to protest, but decided against it. "Your call..." He mumbled under his breath.

[i][color=teal]This can't be good. Why is this tower still standing? If we defeated the illusion... color][/i] Kyru thought, making sure Mina couldn't hear. The corridor led to a spiraling staircase. Kyru started up, but Mina passed him and led the way. Haru trailed behind, pondering countless things. [color=teal][i] Why would he choose that to say as his last words? His village was engulfed in flames... he couldn't have! I would have known! DA- urgg... damn his poison... [/color][/i] Kyru spit, keeping his thoughts hidden. The staircase led to another white room, but this one was filled with black liquid. "Well?" Mina looked at him expectedly. "Well what?"
"Use your attack and get this goop out of our way!"
"I can do that about as good as I can swallow it! It's dark energy and I'm dark energy! I'd fuel it if anything!" Mina looked ahead and walked purposefully into the liquid. [i][color=teal]Our worst fears... here goes nothing. [/color] [/i] Kyru followed in, as Haru trailed behind him...
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Guest Skyechild91
OCC: Im free! No more grounded! Yay!
They walked through the muck. Kyru saw something flash to his right, and looked. Nothing. He looked back ahead, and gasped. It was Kovu. She leaned on a pillar beyond the muck, sharpeneing on of her blades. She heard the three approaching. She looked up, eyes full of memories. She said," Kyru, Haru, and Mina. Wanna see some of my memories?" She flipped out of sight, and Kyru, Haru, and Mina followed quikly, only to stop dead in suprise. Before them was a scene of a younger Kovu- maybe she was 11- in gym. She did a few round offs, but the last one she landed on her butt. They saw some other kids, luaghing. Kovu got up and ran off, crying. The scene shifted, and Kovu, nnow 12, walked alone down the street. They heard luahging, and Kovu turned. There stood three bullies. "Look, its the wimp." The boys beat up on her. Kyru tried to go forward, but was stuck. The scene shifted. Kovu was now 13, and walked alone on the street. THe boys came up again. This time, when thy tuanted her, she turned to them, eyes ablaze. She flipped the first boy, and brought her knee up into the groin of another. The other one fled, and Kovu continued her walk, head down. The scene faded, and Kovu reappeareed. Her eyes were icy. " This is what I lived through, and then all you had to do was criticize me. Kyru," she held out her hand, and a sword materiized in it. " Prepare to die for what you did to me." She lunged at him. Kyur dodged. The muck was gone, suddenly. Kyru called to Kovu," Kovu! What are you-" Kovus blade slid through his shoulder. Kyru thought, his mind and heart in turmoil, [I]How am I supposed to beat her? I cant hurt her. Oh, Kovu, why?[/I]
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Mina and Haru watched in utter surprise. "Mina, what is the meaning of this?" Haru whispered.

"It's Kyru's fear. His fear of losing Kovu forever. It seems that he fears this more than his father,"Mina started.

"He fears Kovu more? I don't understand,"Haru looks at her.

"Yes. He does not fear Kaguro for he knows he can beat him. He cannot beat Kovu, because he will never see her again. If he beats her spirit here, then we will not be able to revive her. Kovu's spirit will wander here forever."

"What? Well, if we..when we defeat the tower, wouldn't her spirit be set free?"

"No, Kaguro is controlling her spirit against Kyru. He knows that's the only thing that scares Kyru. This is especially harder for Kyru because her spirit, deep inside, had really strong feelings of anger towards Kyru. She is now, thanks to Kaguro, able to settle the score. If she defeats Kyru, her spirit can rest in peace. But if Kyru defeats her, Kaguro still controls her."Mina watched Kovu attack Kyru.[color=royal blue][i]Kyru, I have no advice for you. And you do not have my sympathy...not this time..[/color][/i]She made sure that Kyru did not hear her.
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Guest Skyechild91
OCC- Not bad, but your a little off. Kovu is an illusion, duh. Kaguro is using Kovu's image to beat Kyru, becuase he knows that Kyru will not kill her. If he does, then Kovu can still be brought back, but will have this as a memory. Rember, this is the tower of illusions. And Kovus spirit is watching this, but she cant do anything. She's watching from the illusions eyes. Kovu is actually being forced to watch this, through the demon that has her form...
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Kyru couldn't do anything but stare in disbelief. "Kovu... why?"

"It's your fault! You're the reason I died!" Kyru jumped back, holding his wound. "No! You killed yourself!" His excuse fell flat, even to him. Everyone knew why she did it, expecially Kyru. Kovu laughed. Kyru looked down. [color=teal][i] I can't do this... what would Kijiro do?...he would kill her, no doubt. He would say that she is my weakness, but... [/color] [/i] Kyru was interupted by Kovu's lunge. Kyru manedged to throw himself out of the way and regain his posture. He sheathed his sword, an excimation point to his final decision, and everything that led up to it. [i] [color=teal] Kijiro, under almost anything I would follow you like a religion, but I will not kill her... [/color] [/i] Kovu cackled and charged. Kyru grabbed the flat side if her blade and pushed it upwards. He rammed his elbow into her face and sent her reeling back. "It looks like we fight until you're KO'ed, little missy."
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Guest Skyechild91
The real Kovu sprawled on the ground at Kaguro's feet. She screamed as the demon in her form lashed out agian at Kyru. She sobbed, silver tears flowing down her now pale cheeks. She struggled to sit up, and looked toward the man-Kaguro- as he took pleasure in her agony. "Why, why?! Why do you torture him? He doesnt deserve this! He cant kill me, or atleast who he thinks is me. I cant watch him hurt like this, please! Please, stop it!" Kaguro grinned evily and grinned down at the helpless figure that lay sat before him. "Why should I, little maid? He did do wrong to you, so of course he deserves this." The man laughed maniacally. Kovu collapsed with a sob, and starined to reach Kyru. [I]KYRU! Its not me-[/I] She was cut off as Kaguro sent a blast of energy at her and she flew agaisnt the far wall.
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[color=royal blue]"Huh? That was Kovu..But where?" Mina looked around frantically.

"Kovu? Where?"Haru was now looking around,"Did you see her?"

"No, I heard her voice....And Kaguro's,"Mina shuttered with disgust.

"What!? Kaguro?" Kyru's eyes flared in anger.

"Kyru, don't worry about what I said. Worry about yourself!" Mina yelled.

[i]Where are they? Are they in this tower?[/i] Mina thought in confusion. She closed her eyes[i]Kovu..Kovu, can you hear me? Kovu I need to know where you are...Please answer me..[/i][/color]
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Kyru dodged each attack, but accidentally allowed himself to be backed into a corner. Kovu slowly approached, grinning from ear to ear. "Checkmate." She started to run forward. Kyru was at a loss.
[i] I can't avoid her attack! What can I do?
[color=darkred] I belive it's my turn to take over. [/color] [/i]

yru suddenly felt a white hot surge through his body. Kyru couldn't stop his hand as it inched towards his blade.

[i] What? No!! [/i]
In a white flash his blade was unsheathed and ready by his side. Kovu stopped running and slowly walked forward. "Can you do that? To me?" Kyru fought to stop it, but he rose his blade high over his head. "No! Kovu get away!!" Kovu came into a foot away from him and kneeled. "Can you?" Kyru panicked and started flailing around madly. It all stopped for a second, as the blade came crushing down on it's target. There was a flash and a cling of blades as Kyru's blade veered to the side. Kyru winced, because a black dagger was stuck in his shoulder, pinning him to the wall. Kyru struggled to free himself, but he was pinned goood. "Who?"
[i] [color=indigo] Kyru, you must control the demon inside you, or it may take control. I leave you to solve this riddle. [/color]
Who are you?... hello? [/i]
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[color=royal blue]Mina and Haru stood terror as they say him suffer. Mina was worried the most.[/color][color=purple] [i]Kaguro!! Damn you for using Kovu![/color]

[color=crimson]Hahaha, hello Mina. It's been so long, my love. Glad for you to join us. Kovu sends her greetings..[/color]


[color=crimson]Now is that anyway to treat your husband whom you have not seen in centuries?[/color]

[color=purple]How dare you mock my pain! My husband died along time ago, with my heart...[/color][/i]

[color=royal blue]Kyru gasped in pain as he tried to pull the dagger from his shoulder. He heard Mina and Kaguro. He struggled as he tried harder, but his efforts were futle. Kovu's eyes filled with evil and she stood up. The demon raised Kovu's arm and lifted her sword into the air. She let out a sinister cackle and swung at Kyru.

"NOOOOO!!!! Kyru!!!" Haru lifted into the air and tackled Kovu. They fell to the ground and Haru placed his hand on the Kovu look alike and shouted a spell in which Kyru and Mina had not seen him use before.

"Wind Storms!!" The wind began to swirl around the room,"Mina, Kyru!!! Hold your breath!!!" They held their breaths and all of the air from the room was being vaccumed out, causing the demon to choke adn sufficate. The wind stopped and the room returned to normal.

"Haru!! What the hells do you think you are doing!'' Kyru was still pinned to the wall. He started to turn red with anger. "You've killed Kovu!!"

"She isn't Kovu, Kyru! It was a demon puppeted by Kaguro! Kovu is dead,"Haru prosted in fury, then he hung his head, hiding his tears.

Kyru's head was hung as well. His dark hair fell over his face. "Kyru!! Kyru!!" Mina ran over to him. She lifted his body and tried to pull out the dagger. Kyru was unconcious.

"Kyru wake up!! I need you to stay awake!!" Mina tried to slap his face, but nothing. [/color][color=crimson][i]Haha, let him hang there Mina. Can't you see that he's resting?[/color]

[color=purple]Shut the hell up Kaguro!! I will not do such a thing, he's my son, and yours![/color]

[color=crimson]That is precisly why he needs to die[/i][/color]

[color=royal blue]"I will not!!!" A blue light filled the room and Mina let out a desperate scream. Haru shielded his eyes, "MINA!!"

All went silent and dark. The room returned to normal and Haru looked around, waiting for his eyes to adjust. He saw Mina laying on the floor with Kyru in her arms.

"Mina! Kyru!!"Haru ran over and knelt down....

~Behind him~

The demon that looked like Kovu started to move...[/color]
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