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Rain of Fire


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Guest Anime_Forever
Haru: What are you trying to kill yourself Kovu?
Kyru: Shut up. Incase you didnt notice your attacks didnt kill him.
Haru: Lets team up. Ill use my Gust on your sword. Thatll give it the power it needs. GUST!!!!
Kyru came running up to the demon and slashed it in half, the gust sucking it inside the sword. The demon dissapeared and the sword turned red. The demon wasdefeated. But was that the end of this tower? [I] Is that it? Wait whats that power? WhAT THE?!?! UH AH AAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!![/I] Haru held his head.
Kyru: You okay?
Harus eyes turned black. Mina arrives just then and Kovu wakes up.
Kovu: whats going on?
Mina's eyes turned black too. Both of them faced the others.
Kyru: NO!! MOTHER!!!!
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Kyru stared at Mina and Haru's twisted grins. Kyru sheathed his sword and held up his fists. "Kyru, let me help." Said Kovu. "Allright, you take Haru, I'll take Mina." Kovu looked suprised by Kyru's sudden answer. He looked at her and then looked back at the two. "Don't worry, I've given up trying to argue with you." He said calmly. Before she could respond, Kyru rushed forward. He swerved to the side before mina could attack him. "Are you going to be taken over that easily? C'mon, mom!" Mina turned and attacked again, graizing Kyru's arm. "Are you going to lay down and accept d-, the king of skull's wishes?" Kyru ran in close and grabbed both of her wrists, pushing them out to the sides. "Damnit, wake up!" Mina headbutt him in response, breaking his nose. [i] I have to knock her out! But I can't hit my own mother! Damnit!
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Guest Skyechild91
Kovu dove as Haru attacked her. She stuck out her foot andd tripped him. She saw that Kyru was having trouble, so she slipped out another one of ehr knives, and hit MIna hard with the but. Mina blacked out. Kyru dropped her and said," Thanks." Kovu screamed. Kyru looked up when Kovu fell, and saw Haru. He wasd mad now. He rushed the boy and puched haru hard in the stomach.
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Guest Anime_Forever
Haru stood there, unphased. He eached up and grabbed Kyru by the face. He got an evil grin and pulled back hhis arm. An energy ball was in his hand. He threw it right into Kyru's stomach sending him flying into the wall. Haru walked up with his evil eyes. Kyru was on his hands and knees. Haru smirked then kicked him in the face.
Haru: I alwys wanted to do that.
Kyru: W-W-What r you talllking about?
Haru: I am Haru's dark side. And I WILL kill you.
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Guest Skyechild91
Kovu picked herself up, bleeding. "KYRU! Duck!" Kyru ducked, adn Kovu screamed," ULtimate Ice Bomb!" Haru was engufed in ice, the ice exploding. KOvu grimaced, and collapsed, having convulions from teh drain.
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Mina's eyes flickered open..."Uhh..my nose*puts hands on face and leans head back*..Kyru what the crap do you think you're doing?! Damn you!"
"What? You attacked me!"
"wha--Okay, what the hell happened?!"
"You mean you don't remember?" Kovu's disbelief shocked Mina.
"No...What did I do? and Haru..What happened here?"
OOC: this is my way of asking, what did we play off of, AF's post or mine? I am confused
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OOC: okay..Now I can fix this

...What did I do?".....
"What did you do?! You nearly killed Kyru!" Kovu was growing impatient.
Kyry just looks at Mina*What's wrong w/her*"Mot--I mean, Mina..What happened over on the other side?"Kyru questioned.
"....*squints trying to remember*I got attacked by a birdom, bird demon, when I was trying to go back to you guys and he bit me..and now I am here.."Mina continues, "..The only thing I can think of is that the posion of his saliva had an affect on me, it took control of me.."
"Well then what explains Haru..who is now frozen by Kovu's ice attack?" Kyru points at Haru and lifts an eyebrow.
"I am not sure...I am still dizzy, please, let me rest a bit.."Mina sinks over and falls of the edge of the canyon!
"MOTHER!!! NO!!!"
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Kyru runs to the edge and watches Mina plummet. He turns back to Kovu. "What happens here, is never repeated, got it?" Before she could respond, Kyru dives off the side, shooting like a missle towards Mina. He grabs her around the shoulder and digs his sword into the canyon wall. The two stop falling, the bottom nowhere in sight. "This, is your fault." He said to the unconcious Mina. "If you and the others hadn't come along, I would have died and life would continue as mundane and boring as ever." Mina didn't stir. Kyru looked up, the top barely visable. "Aw, damn. I know you can't hear me, but I think we're pretty well screwed."
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As Mina and Kyru dangle helplessly, Kovu gets on her knees and looks over the edge.
"uhhh..Kovu..what's..going on.."Haru's icecapping melted and he grasps his stomach.
"Haru..are you alright?"
"I'll be fine...Where's Kyru..and Mina..AND WHY DOES MY ENTIRE BODY HURT!!"
"You were possesed by some sort of evil power..Mina as well." Kovu explained their situation.
"They're down there?! How are we suppose to get them now?!"
"Screaming about it won't help! We have to figure out something.."
Meanwhile on the face of the canyon.."Damnit woman, why did you have to do this to me? You could've just said nothing and let me be..but.." he looks at his mother's peaceful face and thinks to himself, *What is this feeling? Why do I have two completely different emotions? I want to hate her, but then I don't want to..after all she is my mother.."What am I suppose to feel for you woman!!!!" Kyru's frustration shook Mina awake.
*Gasps in horror as she looks down*"Kyru!"
"Be still or you'll get us killed." Kyru says rather calmly.
"Why did you come after me? Don't you hate me?"
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"Don't read too far into this, woman." His face turned red and Mina gave a small laugh. "What?!"
"Your face."
"My what?"
"It's halfway between an apple and a cherry." He put his hand up over his face and looked at the canyon wall. "It's the heat."
"Your okay with a sword, Kyru, but you're a horrible liar."

Haru and Kovu looked down, but they couldn't see a thing. "KYRU! MINA!...nothing."
"You don't think they-"
"Don't say it."
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Guest Skyechild91
Kovu looked down into the ravine. She said," I have an idea. Cover me." she stod up and jumped. Haru watched as she plumeted. Kovu passed Mina dn KYru. She saw them, and her hand shot out. a water burst came from her hand, propelling her towards the pair. She winced, trying to hold herself up with the water blast. She called," Kyru! Grab onto me! Mina hold onto kyru!" Kyru reached out and Kovu grabbed his hand. His sword came out and they shot up out of the canyon. Kobu changed the direction of the blast, and they were on solid ground. Haru rusehd over to them Kovu shook uncontrollably from the drain, then she collapsed, unconcious.
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Guest Anime_Forever
Haru: You idiots okay? I coulda just flown down there
Kyru: SO we won? Now how do we leave?
Suddenly the towr started to rise.
Haru: What on Earth?
The tower suddenly flips out of the ground and the travelers were outside again. The tower then exploded.
Kyru: I guess this means time for round 2.
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Editing for Sailor Star..

..the tower starts to rise
Haru: "What on Earth?"...

"Quickly, Kyru! Grab Kovu and lets get the hell outa here!" Mina shouts as she starts running for the exit. Haru close behind"DON'T SAY THAT WORD!!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT?!"
*What's w/him and that word?* Kyru wondered. He bends down and scoops up Kovu in his arms and jumps just in time before a boulder could crush them. Suddenly, to all of their utter consfument, the tower flipped and they found themselves outside.
All of them just stood, Kovu in Kyru's arms, Haru w/a dumbfounded look, and Mina who was very cautious. "Well, I guess this means round 2." Haru tries to lighten the moment, but it doesn't work for Mina.
"We must get out of this town" Mina's eyes were following a sillohette that was quickly moving past the graveyard and out the gate.
"What was that?" Haru confused even more.
"Follow me.." with that, Kyru leaps into the air, Kovu's body limp and her hair hits Kyru in the face and he tries to hold her head. Mina leaps and follows, "Follow that shadow!"
"Hey! What's up w/that!? Wait for me! WINDS OF FLIGHT!!" and with that Haru joins them
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Kyru slings Kovu over her shoulder and runs next to Mina. "What is that thing?" Mina looks at him for a second, but then her head darts back to follow the sillohete. "There's really not time for that!" Kyru nodded and looked at the figure. He could see through the corner of his eye the excited villagers looking back at the ruined tower and pointing at them. Kyru could just imagine the future stories. [i] Tell me about the tower again! That one's my favorite!

Really? Okay. A while ago, the town was in a deep depression, and a large tower loomed over it. People were starving, sick, and the graveyard was bigger than the eye could see. But one day, out of the blue, the tower crumbled! Many of the villagers claim to have seen a group heading out of the tower, but that's just hogwash. [/i]

Kyru's thought came to a halt just as he relized the grin sitting upon his face. He shook it off, making sure Mina hadn't looked over, and then reconsentrated on the figure. [i] Focus, damnit! If this thing gets away, we'll have no leads on a next step. [/i]
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Kyru growled and hauled her to her feet by her wrist. "We need to hurry!" He started running, Kovu stumbling behind. She tried to stop. "Where are we going! Wait a minute!" Her feet skidded across the ground until she was hoisted off of them. In a moment she found herself over Kyru's shoulder. "Stupid woman! There's no time to explain! Either you run, or you stay behind!" She started flailing around. "Just put me down and tell me what's going on!" He dropped her flat and continued running. She scrambled up and sprinted to catch up.

The figure darted left and right, hoping to lose it's followers. Kyru unsheathed his sword and ran at full speed. Mina watched him leap forward and slash at the figure, only meeting with air. "Kyru!"
Before he could do anything, something hard struck him in the jaw and he was flung backwards into the others "what the he-"
"Don't say it." Haru said flatly. "Aw, to hell with you!" He said springing back up to chase the figure.
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Guest Skyechild91
Kovu saw the figure, and called out," My turn! Lighting Dagger!" A dagger of lightning hit the figure, slowing it down. She sprinted past Kyru to the figure. Kyru heard her saw, a little breathless," Ice Wave!" The figure froze over.
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Kovu's efforts were futile, the shadowy figure threw it's arm back and back handed her to send her soaring backwards into Haru's arms. Both of them fell back, "Sheeesh girl, yer heavier than you look!"
Kovu's face grew red w/anger adn Haru gets a new red mark across her face. Her hand twitches, "Are you calling me fat?!"
"No! I-I was just shocked...honestly," Haru cowered back.
"Kyru, we can't fight him here.." Mina nods her head to all the innocent children playing ring-around-the-rosie.."..wha-he's gone. Damnit!!!" Everyone drew their attention to Mina whose blue glow was even brighter and her eyes twinkling w/excitment that Kyru had never seen.
*Why does she have that look in her eye? I can't place it..I have never seen it before..* Kyru was confused, but he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as Mina charges off into the dark..
"C'mon! Let's go!"she yells over her shoulder..
"Wait!....Mother..."Kyru runs after her...
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Kyru runs after her. All teh while a sense of forboding hit his stomach. "What's going on?" Mina spares him a look and looks back ahead. "I told you, there's no time."
"There's plenty of time, we're talking right now. I can feel it, I don't know half of it, do I? There's way more than what meets the eye here." She looked at him, but then back ahead. "I'll explain later. Now really isn't the time."
"...right." Kyru soarly dropped back a little bit. He searched around for the figure, but he long since lost it. [i] Which way are we headed? I think it's south, but I can't be sure. I wonder what I am expected to do? Destroy all the towers and kill my dad? That sounds like an old fairy tale. Then again, to think about it, we sorta did just slay the dragon... [/i] He needed something to think about to keep his mind off how long they had been running, or how tired everyone was. [i] ...what would be the point of wishing for eternal power? To watch the populations come and pass, the world morph, what type of existance would that be? And how the hell am I supposed to beat someone who has eternal power? [/i]
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Mina sensed that something was bothering Kyru. She stops,"We shall rest a while."
"Thank God! We've been running for an hour!" Haru sits down.
"Shut up Haru! You were comfortable flying!" Kovu glared.
"Whoa, whoa whoa..it's not like that doesn't take up energy! Sheesh, if looks could kill."Haru cowards away from Kovu's ever cold stare.
"If only..." Kovu mumbles.
"Okay, children.."Kyru made fun of the two in a sarcastic yet humorous voice that shocked the three..even himself*I haven''t used that tone in years...*
"Now, Mo-Mina..what exactly are we planning to do?" Kyru walks up to Mina who is sitting on the edge of a well right outside of the town. The land was scorched and black. Not a soul, not even an animal.
"I have it in my plan to go after your father, with or without you..I want to rid you of your horrid past. That's what I was doing here, of course I wanted to find you, that was also my plan. But I had hoped that I would find him before you. I did not want to get you involved. I didn't want for you to hate me.I knew you would..But that was a risk I was wanting, not willing, to take....You mean everything to me kid, you are the reason why I am here...I am doing this for you..Not me..you...."Mina's face grew long and sorrowful, she looked away.
Kovu and Haru overheard Mina's explanation and looked at Kyru..Haru leans over Kovu,"What's that look on his face?"
"I don't know." Kovu shook her head and her gaze stood still on Kyru..
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Guest Skyechild91
Kovu gazed at Kyru. Her gaze was thoughtful. "Hmm..."[[I]I wonder...[/I]]she thought. Kyru loked up, starteled. He looked straight at Kovu. "Did you just say something?..." Kovu looked at him, their eyes locking. "WHat do you..." Kovu asked. Kyru shook his head. "I could have sworn you just said 'I wonder.'" Kovu said, baffled," I-i thought that. You heard it?" Kyru nodded. KOvu rested her head in her hand and thought deliberatley, [[I]Kyru can you hear me?[/I]] Kyru nodded, dumfounded."Apparently we opened a link that we had no clue about," kovu said, just as suprised.
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OOC: SailorStar, that's creepy, it's like you actually read my mind. I was going to post something like that later and post this reply, please don't be mad if I kinda copy from you:

Mina looks up at Kovu and Kyru and smiles..*They are learning* then Kyru turns and looks at her, as did Kovu.
"Oh, don't be so surprised. Besides Kyru, where did you think you got that trait from?" Mina raises her eybrow.
Haru looks at the three, "Umm, did I miss something?"
"Huh? Oh, nothing." Kovu jumps up and skips over to the bridge a few feet away.
"Just don't think to hard on it." Kyru says and walks over beside Kovu who is leaning on her hands on the railing.
"Amazing.."Kovu softly says.
"What's that?" Kyru looks at her.
"Well look, there's still water running under here...*she looks at Kyru and smiles*...And that we have telopathy."
"Heh, yeah. It's pretty cool. But why did it come on so..sudden? And how do you have it?"Kyru's hands grasping the rail and leans back, swaying left to right.
"Hmm......" Kovu looks toward the grey sky.
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[i] Just don't pry.
How would I help it if I did?
How does she expect me to know? When the hell did I
I can hear you.
I told you not to pry. [/i]

Kyru looked slightly annoyed and walked away from the bridge. "Mo- Mina, can I ask you something?"
"If my father is the king of skulls, than aren't I the prince of skulls?"
"*Shakes head* Technacly, but he would have to give you the title himself."
"You sound dissapointed."
"No I- *looks back at Kovu to make sure she wasn't hearing his thoughts* I was just curios." He searched his inside pocket, and fished out what looked like raw chicken meet. He took a bite out of the thigh. "That's really gross." Kyru gives Mina a dissaproving look. "I haven't exactly had much choice over the years. You get used to it, anyways."
"Right... So, why do you try not to call me mother. You stumble on it enough."
"Are you dissapointed?"
"No, in your own words, I was just curios."
"Honestly, because I would rather consider you another fighter on the field than a fossil."
They remained silent, the figure slipping Kyru's mind.
[i] Kovu?
You never said exactly how you got pulled into this mess. Why are you here? [/i]
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