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Inuyasha Fandom

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I want to know...... I need something to keep me going.

What makes you strive to keep on liveing and not give up? What is it that keeps you going? Why don't you give up?
I'm going through a really ough time...... and only a of you know why. I want to know..... I might just give up on everything and let myself be killed by a person I'm putting away behing bars. He's getting out of jail on bond, and I think he's coming after me. I don't know what to do. I'm a bad person, I've seriously hurt people before. I think that it might be time to escape my memories................

Please tell me why you guys go on living. I'm really tired of life. I don't believe in my own ways of living, or what kept me from killing myself. I just don't know what to do anymore.
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A short list of reasons to continue living.

Family. Friends. Their love for you. Their sanity. The future. Possibilities. Love. Life. Freedom. Experience.

Only a selfish person would contemplate and then carry out suicide. Someone who was so selfish that they cared not for their family or friends. If you can find no reasons to live for yourself, live for them. Please.

I go on living, because, as you should know, there are always people worse off. Remember that.
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you shouldnt commit suicide.If you're worried about someone, call the police or something.There is probably a way to turn your life around.I go on living because im scared of death.I also agree with baron, someone cares about you.you probably dont really want to give life up
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[font=arial]You should never just give up life. Defend your ideals, and stick up for yourself. What do you desire? Fulfill it.(as long as it's not illegal)

Don't back down in the face of certain death. Request police protection for a while.

If he does break in, as Baron Samedi said, it would be selfish to let him kill you, just so you could go out with a bang.

Fight back. Don't go with the flow.[/font]
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[i]To be or not to be – that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep –
No more – and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to – 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep –
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than to fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their current turn awry
And lose the name of action.[/i]
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Don't give up on life. In the past days, I have been having really rough times too. Life is really hard, and I had a fit the other day about my science class. It's really hard and complicated, but I get through it. Spend your life wisely and enjoy it.
Look on the bright side, your a human with common sense and call the police about this guy. Don't let him rule you or anything.

And you have things some kids don't have. You have family, friends, and things that keep you entertained. Also food and water. While there are homeless kids out there with no family, (maybe some friends) and wish they had a family. Hardly have food and water, and wish they had the life a regular person had. So don't think to kill yourself or anything. Be proud of what you have.
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Currently the only thing keeping me going is the thought that Half-Life 2, [b]WILL[/b] be released EVENTUALLY

[COLOR=indigo]Posts like this are unacceptable and off topic. I don't reccomend you continue posting like this... ~Drix[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha Fandom [/i]

What makes you strive to keep on liveing and not give up? [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm not a sissy and I can stand the pressure. But mainly this:

[quote]the thought that Half-Life 2, WILL be released EVENTUALLY [/quote]
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[size=1]I think what keeps me going is that I have no motivation. I have no motivation to live, but at the same time I have no motivation to die. So I am just doing what I know best. I am living more or less carefree and uninhibited. I do not know how to die. Thusly, I believe I shall live forever. Everyone knows you when you are alive, but when you die there is nothing left to know of you. You may be dead, but, oh, remember that one time ... ?

[b]Never Die.[/b][/size]
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I too will quote what someone else has written: (but it's a lot shorter than wrist cutter's :p)

To be no more; sad cure; for who would lose,
Though full of pain, this intellectual being,
Those thoughts that wander through Eternity,
To perish rather ... ?
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[color=deeppink][font=times new roman][b][i]Inuyasha Fandom,

Please don't be selfish. Please don't think that there isn't anything out there for you. You have your family to look after, (your sister), and you have us here in the Otaku. Don't think just because you can't see us doesn't mean we're not here for you.

Everybody has their problems, not just you. There are people who have bigger and more serious problems, yet they continue living. Why? Because they know that there is always someone/something that they want to live for.

*Suicide is a selfish and cowardly act. It's one of the biggest sins the man/woman could commit.**

"No one has the right to take the life of another,"~Rem.

That includes yourself. You have no idea how things will ever come out and if you take your life, you will never know. And allowing someone to take YOUR life is ridiculous. It's your life, why would you allow someone to take it away. Especially when you have a sense of control. You can prevent this man from taking your life.

Live for your family, live for your friends, even if your life isn't going the way you planned. Life's tough, get a helmet and fasten your seat belt, because life is NOT a lesson you are going to learn in a few years. It takes a life time to figure out what life is really about, that is one of the most precious gifts we could ever receive.

Future, you have a wife and kids. You live to see them grow and have their children and see them grow. I don't think I could ever give up that chance.

You have reasons to live, you are just too wrapped up in yourself to realize what you have. And you won't have the opportunity to come to you revolution if you kill yourself.

Do you really want to give all of the above up? Then that to me is the worst thing you could do. Yes it's tough, it's scary, but that is life and everyone has to deal with problems.

**"If there's a will, there's a way.."~Goku**

And there's always a way..

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Actually in some belief systems, taking your own life is the only unforgivable sin, being that taking and giving life is for god alone, and taking your own life is, well, "giving the finger to god." :D

Plus, it is selfish, but more importantly, there is something for each of us live for ... the hopes that tomorrow will be a better day.

Life and Love are all the reasons I need to keep living.

However, that might not be enough to show you where I come from.

Just to give you a bit of my life...

No woman :(

Father... out of work 8+ months.

9,000 dollars of un insured car damage to 2 different vehicles. (completly immobilizing myself and family.)

Both myself and bother had to come up with money for college.

Working full time jobs. (bro and I) Yet we had no cars... :(

but wait... there is light at the end of this tunnel. Thats right...

As my family gives in, and we begin the process of moving to a small house, give up on school, and start to truely hate life, suddenly, my father gets a job (after applying for 600+ positions) only 20 miles away from home, I manage to get into a local community college, lil bro does the same at a local university, and all of this just as the debt and cost of living literally overwhelms my family.

To sum this up... broke, broken hearted, and down on ourselves, my family and I wanted to give up, yet just as my family and I finally gave up, we had a total reversal of furtune.

I'm sorry if this story bothers you or makes you think of stressful subjects, but I just want to hopefully show you that life swings with highs and lows... when ever you really hit the extreme of one side, things will start to swing back to the other side.

However, Nothing positive can ever come to a person when all they think is negative.

You may expect the worst BUT always HOPE for the BEST.
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[color=green]Everyone keeps talking about suicide, but if I understand the original post, you are afraid of being murdered. This is rather distressing, really. I do not know you, but I am slightly frightened for you...

Things that keep me going?? There isn't much, really...except, what else do I have to do? If I get bored this easily during life, what does eternity hold for me? You may be a, "bad person" you may have hurt people...guess what, me too. I bet we swap trade some stories.... I bet a lot of people here have done things that have hurt someone, although I realize not to the extent that you are alluding to. My point is that this man is an immediate threat to your person, go away, now! Visit some relative on the opposite coast, drive off into the sunset. Are you really that apathetic about yourself and the people around you or the ones that care about you to not try and avoid this? That, my friend is blatant laziness. Not to mention, if he were to succede in this endeavor, you would be silenced, and perhaps he would go free and therefore he could hurt more people in the process. You are obviously not just protecting yourself in the long run. If court procedings are already started and you are obviously, by the post, important to the case, the police and the prosecuting attorney will try and give you protection, approach them about it.

Have I given you any food for thought? I hope so, because this is a really long post, and I don't want it to have no point...[/color]
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I dont know why im getting warned for my post, what I said was VERY serious, I live for video games, and if you cant accept that, its your own problem
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[color=crimson]I would like to start off this post by giving the middle finger to, not only God, but all the misinformed people who have the biased opinon that suicide is cowardly or selfish. If any of the people that said something to that effect have been at the crossroads between life and suicide, yet still believe it is a cowardly/selfish thing to do- then you, my friend, should probably have carried through with it.

I could go into a long rant about the things that plague your mind when you are at that point, and that the idea of a suicidal person being selfish is laughable- seriously laughable.

Anyway, the aforementioned ideas should be to your best interest. It sounds like you are not suicidal, but would rather prefer to get someone else to take you out- that is, actually, your personal choice.

Message boards are not a good place for life advice.

But, if you really need some really good advice, consider getting advice from loved ones- someone you trust completely. This is if you can, of course- I clearly cannot grasp or know about the full situation at hand from your post, so that might not be possible in your situation.

And remember that everyone 'hurts' people. Purposely or not, it is a part of the learning process- the process that never ends.

Finally, on the issue of what keeps people going, you should probably realize that the prospect of just living fuels alot of people- it doesn't take much to provide you the emotional means to continue living, all it takes is the willpower/mindset/attitude to do so.

That last paragraph is personal opinon. I know that sometimes it is not that easy, but I think you should take some other path aside from the one that leads to early death, heh.[/color]
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[color=#707875]It's a fact that most suicidal people do not seem suicidal at all -- rather than discussing their feelings with others, they tend to become insular and isolated. Most truly suicidal people are able to adequately hide their tendencies from others.

Having said that, I will tell you that I've definitely had some very big negative things occur in my life. I won't sit here and tell you that I drugged myself up or that I slit my own throat...I'm not going to dramatize to you. I'm just going to tell you that I know what it's like. And that's all.

I mean, we've had threads here at OtakuBoards where people have talked about suicide as though it was a trip to Disneyland. You know, as though it was something cool or "tough". Some have serious suicide issues, some use talk of suicide to portrey themselves as a tough, hardened soul. This is why I am not sitting here going into any details of my own life -- because I don't want to provide some kind of "show" in any way. Anyone can say any rubbish over the Internet...and I'm not going to feed into that teenage-angst-related crap.

Having said that, I can only tell you my experiences based on two perspectives. My own as an individual...and my own as the nephew of a man who [i]did[/i] commit suicide.

Through my own experiences, I discovered that suicide is definitely a selfish act. This can be argued with until sky falls...but, the blunt truth is that if you commit suicide, you are going to hurt those around you to a very large extent. I believe that out of all the people who really talk about suicide, very few are [i]truly suicidal[/i]. Those who are truly contemplating suicide are possibly tempted to pity themselves further -- but I don't believe this is the answer. I believe that, if you are suicidal, you need to think about doing the opposite -- taking responsibility for your feelings and the consequences of your own actions.

What I mean is...it's very easy to think of yourself. But when you consider others around you (those whom you love) and the effects you can have on them, you start to realize that your life isn't just your own -- it is interconnected with the lives of others.

Obviously, the best advice you can get is simply that you should talk to your family about your thoughts. Better yet, seek some sort of professional attention. A lot of people don't do that, but it's something worth considering.

As for me, there are a lot of things that keep me going. My family and friends are the primary reason for me to be alive and to enjoy life. But I also enjoy school, work and my hobbies...I enjoy the possibilities that life holds. I could never close the book so early in my life...not now, anyway.

But that's just me. I am not going to pretend to speak for all injured people or anything like that...and I'm not going to wow you with a smoke and mirrors display, either.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]I would like to start off this post by giving the middle finger to, not only God, but all the misinformed people who have the biased opinon that suicide is cowardly or selfish. If any of the people that said something to that effect have been at the crossroads between life and suicide, yet still believe it is a cowardly/selfish thing to do- then you, my friend, should probably have carried through with it.

I could go into a long rant about the things that plague your mind when you are at that point, and that the idea of a suicidal person being selfish is laughable- seriously laughable.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
Why do you people keep on parading like around like suicide is cool? "Oh it takes courage and character to kill yourself." Let's face it, it doesn't and you're only helping them do it by giving the the poor souls that can't handle their situation a way out and still feel like they won't be hated. My cousin killed himself and nobody at all thought of him as being strong willed or anything. They all thought he was selfish because he was selfish. I don't see how you can't label someone selfish when they know they're taking themselves away from their loved ones.
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I have no real direction in which to go. I've lost my way, deep in a maze of emotion that I really don't want. I just want to fade away, fade to where the pain of living stops hurting, and the guilt of the past goes away. I'm lost in my way, deep in despair. I know that people care for me, i just don't feel it all the time. But, I have no reasonm to keep going. I just don't belive in life any more.
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[color=green]Inuyasha_Fandom... I think you should seek professional advice. Your two posts are slightly inconsistant. The first post your seemed frightened by someone else and were just ready to give up trying to avoid him, now it seems slightly like you're ready to send yourself off...


I agree that suicide is ultimately a selfish act. I don't think that DeathKnight was glorifying suicide. But do not think that a person on the edge is not riddled with guilt with what they may inflict on those who care? Do you really think that it is not a frightening event for them? To say that a person who actually follows through with it does not have some sort of courage...It may not be the same kind of courage as you, the courage to face the world and ability to deal with what it throws you.

Isn't it just as selfish of the people around them to make them continue an existence they despise simply for the fact that the crowd may want them around? Maybe they should show that desire while the person is still alive, and he wouldn't want to die[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Molleta [/i]

I agree that suicide is ultimately a selfish act. I don't think that DeathKnight was glorifying suicide. But do not think that a person on the edge is not riddled with guilt with what they may inflict on those who care? Do you really think that it is not a frightening event for them? To say that a person who actually follows through with it does not have some sort of courage...It may not be the same kind of courage as you, the courage to face the world and ability to deal with what it throws you. [/color][/b][/quote]
It takes courage to stand up to someone who might kill you, it takes courage to fight the good fight, it doesn't take courage to runaway from your problems. He's not really glorifying it, but he's basically defending their decision, and I think that's wrong.

Isn't it just as selfish of the people around them to make them continue an existence they despise simply for the fact that the crowd may want them around? Maybe they should show that desire while the person is still alive, and he wouldn't want to die[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Who cares if they despise it. Let's think here, how many people are really in a certain place where their only option is suicide? Maybe .02% of the people that kill themselves. Some teenager who's overridden with "MY LIFE SUCKS" feeling shouldn't be allowed to just kill themself because they're angsty.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Molleta [/i]

I agree that suicide is ultimately a selfish act. I don't think that DeathKnight was glorifying suicide. But do not think that a person on the edge is not riddled with guilt with what they may inflict on those who care? Do you really think that it is not a frightening event for them? To say that a person who actually follows through with it does not have some sort of courage...It may not be the same kind of courage as you, the courage to face the world and ability to deal with what it throws you. [/color][/b][/quote]

[color=#707875]I don't think anyone is saying that suicide is not frightening. It is.

But, suicide shouldn't be discussed as though it's some Disneyland rollercoaster ride, you know? It's not a light issue and it's not an issue related to one's image. I'm not saying that specifically in relation to DeathKnight, I'm just saying it more as a general issue (related to all the suicide threads we've had here in the past.)[/color][quote][b][color=green]

Isn't it just as selfish of the people around them to make them continue an existence they despise simply for the fact that the crowd may want them around? Maybe they should show that desire while the person is still alive, and he wouldn't want to die[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#707875]No...but nobody is suggesting that.

I think the basic point is that suicide isn't cool. It doesn't mean that you're tough and it should never be used to prop up some kind of funky exterior image to the rest of the world.

Suicide is a serious issue and it's generally not something that "truly suicidal people" go around talking about at every opportunity. So, with a lot of these threads...I get the feeling that a lot of people (particularly the kids we've had who have started the threads in the first place, in the past) aren't old/mature enough to understand the gravity of these things.[/color]
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I'm not being suicaidal, not really. I'm just confused about what to do in life. The main poat, how I started this topic, is about asking what keeps you going. I see no pointr in going on. Life itself has become meaningless most of the time. I don't see anything worth trying for........ I have lost my way, and I don't belive in anything anymore.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha Fandom [/i]
[B]I'm not being suicaidal, not really. I'm just confused about what to do in life. The main poat, how I started this topic, is about asking what keeps you going. I see no pointr in going on. Life itself has become meaningless most of the time. I don't see anything worth trying for........ I have lost my way, and I don't belive in anything anymore. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#707875]I think we all feel that way sometimes. It happens. The key is just to try and get through it; to think about the [i]positives[/i] that do exist in your life.

Surely you can find something worthwhile. It sounds to me like maybe you just need to occupy your mind with something. To me, it sounds like your problem is boredom more than depression as such. But as I said, we all have confused times in our lives...I'm sure you'll get through it. Try not to worry too much about it. ^_^[/color]
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[color=deeppink][font=times new roman][b][i]You don't see anything worth trying for? What about your family? YOUR SISTER!?*hint* Your friends? Your future family? Love? All of these are worth trying for. Atleast try, if you don't even try then you are a selfish person.

That's my opinion, that's how I see things. I am sorry if it knocks you on the ground, I am sorry. But I see it as you don't care about anyone but yourself. There is always something better. It's always brighter on the otherside of the storm. Just try and put your all into it. Things will get better.[/color][/font][/b][/i]
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[font=arial]I see that I should have answered your question before, instead of giving a pep rally, so here's my answer.

One thing that keeps my going is wondering what people would do if I died. Another thing is, I don't want to be remembered as depressed and lost. I want to leave a mark where I was, not of who I wanted to be, but who I truely, deeply, in my innermosst self, was.

I do not want to leave this world without my message being heard. I fully intend to show the world who I am once I'm an adult.(I don't mean terrorism)

Another thing that keeps me going is the unanswered questions in my life. I do not want to die without knowing these things.

Go against the flow, and create your own current. Otherwise, you will be washed out to sea. That's my motto.[/font]
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