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Astrological Interpretations in WaterColor

Queen Asuka

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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well over a year ago, I started this series of drawings that were supposed to be my interpretations of the Astrological signs. I've drawn all of them except Saggitarius, and there are still quite a few unpainted. My favorite one, the first one I'll show here, is Pisces. Please tell me what you think. Keep in mind that I drew these a while ago, and so don't be too harsh.[/color][/size]

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The eyes are really good drawn which already makes the drawing itself really good ^_^

If there would be one thing i would change (if any at all) it would be the chin. Its an iny tiny bit mis-placed i think... could be me.

Oh well. Its great and i love it and i wanna hug it and... hmm... ill shuddap...[/size][/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Yeah, the chin does seem sideways to me, which bothers me, but there's really nothing that I can do about it now. ^_^;

Okay, here's another one. This is actually the first piece I did, Aquarius.

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woah! hold onto your horses ladies and gentlemen I think we have have a winner!!!

seriously these are really good.... been looking through the boards for a while now, not saying giving out a lot but taking a lot in (think of me as one of those 'special' farts: silent but deadly...) and these look like some of the best pics recently!

I love the different themes and colours, and the other soft little touches that I would have to scroll back up to see but, well I am just a bit to lazy....

Anyway, Aquarius is my personal favourite.... the reason? Overall, the picture remains the same excellent qualitly thourghout, and the sahding is not notch! Bonus points on all your pictures since you used watercolours too! Man, I hate things... I call them the Ruiners Of Art! WEll, my art anyway... lol, I can see that this hasn't happened for you!

I wonder though, would a pening in of the lines at the end enhance the picks? Just my little ol' suggestion, don't mind me...
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[size=1]Cool horns. ^_~ I've always liked messing around with watercolors, myself. They're fun to just swirl together and make shapes with. You have made them quite pretty with these paintings, though.

On this last one, my only (and very minor) complaint is that her left shoulder (the one on the right) is a little off. I had to really search for one, heh. They're all gorgeous, though. Can't wait to see Taurus! :p[/size]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Taurus is drawn, but she isn't actually colored yet, so I'm going to save her for later. But I do have Gemini, and they are too cute all on their own. ^_^


And Capricorn:

And finally, least favorite, Leo:


Those are all the ones I have colored, but I hope to finish the rest soon. Well, tell me what you think! ^_^[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]All of them are magnificent, even if they were made a while back.
I really don't have a problem with them, except on the twins, the right one is a little off. The others are great, and the colors you chose were nice too.

My favorite is Leo; the wings are nice, and yet she looks a little dark by her head. Wonderful job.[/size][/color]
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[size=1] :D Yay, I'm Capricorn! O_o. I guess I'm supposed to be evil...with goat horns. =_=.

Anyways, I think it's a wonerful idea. I especially like your Gemini interpretation, the girls remind me of Chobits. I've never really worked with watercolor, so I can't say much, but I like the colors. Your color schemes are really great, and it all matches very well. Awesome job, here.[/size]
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[size=1]Too nifty. I especially love Pisces, with her eyes. Capricorn rocks, too; I love her hair.

The irony is, I started working on the same sort of project last month. *grins* Never realized just how large a number twelve can be, heh.[/size]
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I would rate them all, as I usually do... but there are too many o.O

I'll just give a rough little sum up I suppose...

[Note: All Left/Right references are from our view]

Pisces: Not too bad. The hands are nice and flowing, and overall the drawing is quite good. One little problem I feel, is that the eye on the left's eyelashes seem to come across a bit too far compared to the others.

Aquarius: Sexy ~_^. I don't like how the hair comes over the left eye, nor how the left strands of hair hug tight to her dress. Would be better if it was floating out a bit more. It makes the dress look wrong. Also, it looks like she is wearing socks.. which doesn't really mesh, to my mind. I think those should be changed into boots of some fashion.

Aries: The left arm doesn't look quite right.. how it come of the shoulder, disappears at a different angle. I can't say I like the horns as they are. The one on the right could have been curled tighter, and we should be able to see the point of the left one. Aside from that, this one is quite good.

Gemini: Not too bad... however, their legs just don't seem to work for me. I can't... feel, that they're attatched to them. I like your interpretation that they are joined... you have them wearing one dress, bonded by a love bracelet. Very leading. A great interpretation, to my mind.

Capricorn: I love the gauze apron thing she is wearing.. that looks great. About my only gripe with this is how you coloured the skirts. It just clashes horribly with the rest of it. I feel you should have coloured it as you did the rest. The style just looks. Blah. lol. Sorry. I am rather surprised that Star goddesses wear bra's though. >_>


Leo: Very sexy, but you can tell why it is your least favourite. The feathers on the dress, the arm [looks stumpy.. Maybe a slightly bended elbow would have been good], the eye behind the hair... however, I do think her hair looks good. The gloss on it is very pretty.

Overall, good work on all of these pictures. They are all of very high quality. I know I was picky in my revisions, but I could not even approach the skill shown in these pictures. So, great work here.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Thanks for the comments, everyone. I wish I had scanned the drawings of the others, with Taurus, of course, being my absolute favorite. I wanted to do her in a pink theme (surprise, surprise), despite the fact that she is an earth sign. I tried to make them all look a bit different. ^_^

The reason I didn't like Leo was because of her hair. It didn't shape the way I wanted it to.

And Baron, Aquarius IS wearing boots. Silly. ^_^[/color][/size]
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I'm a Leo... you should redo that one until you like it and send it to me. Yes. Unlike the others, that one just doesn't have anything to it that makes me think of Leo or lions.

Anyway, these are are lovely. I quite like a few of them. Aries in particular. They all are obviously your work too. I think if I saw these anywhere I'd know you did them thanks to your style heh.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I am actually considering redoing Leo. For one thing, I think she should have golden hair, and not black. I like the red dress and all, but the hair is what disappoints me.

And I like my style. It is pretty unique to me and all of my work comes off in that same type of scheme. I wish I could vary just a bit, but it's all I know how to do. Oh well...at least my work is recognizable...[/color][/size]
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I really admire you for completing paintings in watercolor, because I have so much trouble with the medium. Perhaps it's because I usually use the wrong kind of paper. ^_^;;

Pisces: I'm a Pisces, and this definitely gets my seal of approval. ^_~ Her skin is such a soft, pretty shade of blue, and the little fins (ears?) on the side of her head look very delicate and realistic.

Aquarius: Her luxurious hair and dress immediately caught my attention, but the violet flower is also a nice touch. I commend you for making her pose seem natural, since I know it can be difficult to draw people who look relaxed, rather than stiff or uncomfortable.

Aries: Beautiful, beautiful colors. So far, Aries is my favorite. Although her horns must have been difficult to draw, you captured their curves with some nice, subtle shading. And her dress is just plain cool.

Gemini: This painting is very Chobits-esque, as mal mentioned. I especially like the twins' dramatic, shiny hair. My only complaint is that their brown tights don't really complement the vibrant colors in the rest of the picture.

Capricorn: Her sheer top is very pretty. ^_^ I feel that she has knowing sort of expression, with just a hint of mischief lurking beneath her calm facade. However, her mouth seems to be a teensy bit off.

Leo: This girl's gloves are [i]fantastic[/i], and her pose is almost perfect (the only part that doesn't seem right is her upper torso; her shoulders and hips look great). I'd flatten her hair a bit, though--it seems to have grown somewhat poofy around the crown of her head.

Great work! I like your style and look forward to seeing more. ^_^

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[COLOR=darkred]I have to say that I really like your drawing style.
It's pretty, but not of the sugary-icky kind.
No, your drawings have a sophisticated flair about them.
Yet they maintain some innocent feel.

I'll not point out whatever I like and what could've been tweaked, cause you seem aware of it already.

I hope you'll post the others as well - that way we can get the full picture and stand back to truly admire your talent ^_^

- Mimmi[/COLOR]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Wow, thanks for taking the time to remark on all of the pictures. I'm actually coming up with an idea for redoing Leo. Her hair is off and should be golden, not black, so we'll see. I guess I was having a brain lapse that day. ^_^;[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Great, just great Asuka! I love them, or at least what I could see. On some of the pictures it stopped loading after the heads.
But your picture makes me proud to be an Aries! :D I think it's one of my favorites. I didn't really find anything wrong with Leo exept the hair, and you have already explained that's the reason you didn't like it.
I just think they are both very pretty and cute at the same time, love 'em! ^^ It think they are really good, especially since you did them awhile ago. If I may ask, when [i]did[/i] you make them?
Anyway, great job![/color][/size]
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Wow, they're all great. I've never really dealt with watercolors well, so I salute you. The Leo's lower face is slightly skewed. Darnit, I'm a Leo with short black hair that's really poofy... that's kinda scary.
I really like all your other pics, and the style you use; especially the eyes
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Ah, thank you. I like getting compliments on my style. I feel it's very unique. ^_^

I actually did these sometime last year...way before leaving to go to college...probably late 2002 early 2003. I wish that I had dated them...Oh well. It was after I got the nifty watercolors and was bored out of my mind. I could have been sometime during last summer, actually. I really am not sure. O_o[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]...I wish that I had dated them...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

So do I. Would have lead to many interesting..."stories". :D

But really, the pictures are very nice. =)
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